How display selected Key of a serialized Hash? - ruby-on-rails

I have a serialized hash of a checkbox, and i would like to display just the selected keys.
class Policy < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
serialize :shipping, JSON
<%= p.fields_for :shipping, #policy.shipping do |s|%>
<li><%= s.check_box :fedex %><%= s.label :fedex %></li>
<li><%= s.check_box :dhl %><%= s.label :dhl %></li>
<li><%= s.check_box :usps_10 %><%= s.label :usps %></li>
<% end %>
View Show
<% if !#policy.shipping.nil? %>
<% #policy.shipping.keys.each do |key|%>
<li><%= key %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Your #policy.shipping should be a plain old Hash so select should sort you out:
<% if #policy.shipping.present? %>
<% { |k, v| v == 1 }.keys.each do |key| %>
<li><%= key %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I'm not sure off the top of my head if you'll get 1 or '1' in your values though so you might need to v == '1' inside the select block.
You can skip the .present? (or !...nil?) check by taking advantage of the fact that nil.to_a is [] as well:
<% { |k, v| v == 1 }.map(&:first).each do |key| %>
<li><%= key %></li>
<% end %>
Or even:
<% { |k, v| v == 1 }.each do |a| %>
<li><%= a.first %></li>
<% end %>
And you probably want to fix your original view to be properly nested or you might run into strange things in the future:
<%= p.fields_for :shipping, #policy.shipping do |s|%>
<li><%= s.check_box :fedex %><%= s.label :fedex %></li>
<li><%= s.check_box :dhl %><%= s.label :dhl %></li>
<li><%= s.check_box :usps_10 %><%= s.label :usps %></li>
<% end %>


relation using orm rails two tables

I need to print relations Emissions With trades.
-Trade 1
Emission 1
Emission 2
Actuallly my code print.
-Trade 1
Emission 1
-Trade 1
Emission 2
This code:
<% #emissions.group_by(&:trade).each do |trade, emission| %>
<% emission.each do |e| %>
<% if (e.users.present?) %>
<li><%= %></li>
<li><%= %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The list should appear if the user relationship is associated with the emission.
For instance:
<% If (e.users.present?)%>
<% =>
This is only displayed if the emission ratio with the user exists.
The company name should appear if this relationship exists.
Try the following
<% If (emission.users.present?)%>
<% =>
<% =>
But this does nothing but repeat twice for each issue the company name.
Your indentation is all over the place and you have lots of html tags which have an <% end %> in the middle, and stuff like that, so it's a bit confusing, but i think that you're trying to do something like this:
<% #emissions.group_by(&:trade).each do |trade, grouped_emissions| %>
<li><%= %>
<% grouped_emissions.each do |emission| %>
<% if (emission.users.present?) %>
<li><%= %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

How to remove the end of the "s" in partial "_error_messages"

How to remove the end of the "s" in partial "_error_messages".
<% if event.errors.any? %>
<div id="errorExplanation">
<h2> В форме обнаружено <%= pluralize(event.errors.count, "ошибки") %>:</h2>
<% event.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
You need to do...
pluralize(event.errors.count, "ошибка", "ошибки")
It will use the singular term if one, and the plural term otherwise.

Accessing list of projects from accounts

Below is the code which gives me list of accounts.
<% #accounts.each do |account| %>
<li><%= link_to %></li>
<% end %>
How to access the list of projects of my specific account.
Try this:
<% #accounts.each do |account| %>
<li><%= link_to %></li>
<li><%= link_to account.projects %></li> #this will give you a collection of projects associated with that account
<% end %>
If you want a link_to for each individual project then you'll have to use another loop like this:
<% #accounts.each do |account| %>
<li><%= link_to %></li>
<% account.projects.each do |project| %>
<li><%= link_to project %></li> #this will give you individual project associated with that account
<% end %>
<% end %>
Incase you don't have any projects for an account you can do:
<% #accounts.each do |account| %>
<li><%= link_to %></li>
<% if account.projects %>
<% account.projects.each do |project| %>
<li><%= link_to project %></li> #this will give you individual project associated with that account
<% end %>
<% else %> # add this else block to execute your code when there are on projects
<p> No projects associated with your account</p>
<% end %>
<% end %>

How to iterate through my array within a hash

Firstly, I am hoping my understanding is correct and I do in fact have a an array within my hash.
I've gotten so far but cant seem to iterate through each hash and its array. What I would like to do is have each tournament grouped by date (year only) and have all its tournaments listed underneath.
So far my logic is
#tournaments = Tournament.all
#tournament_year = #tournaments.group_by {|y| y.tourn_date.year}
<ul class="resp-tabs-list">
<% #tournament_year.each do |y, t| %>
<li><%= y %></li>
<% end %>
{2014=>[#<Tournament id: 3, name: "WTS ", tourn_date: "2014-04-26", tourn_location: "Cardiff", created_at: "2014-04-26 14:57:21", updated_at: "2014-04-26 14:57:21">, #<Tournament id: 4, name: "CTS Nottingham", tourn_date: "2014-05-26", tourn_location: "Nottingham", created_at: "2014-04-26 14:57:39", updated_at: "2014-04-26 14:57:48">]}
My desired output would be below
<li>Tournament Name 1</li>
<li>Tournament Name 2</li>
<li>Tournament Name 1</li>
<li>Tournament Name 2</li>
Change your view as below:
<ul class="resp-tabs-list">
<% #tournament_year.each do |y, t| %>
<h3><%= y %></h3>
<% t.each_with_index do |tournament, i| %>
<li><%= %> <%= i %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I would suggest
<% #tournament_year.each do |y, t| %>
<h3> <%= y %></h3>
<ul class="resp-tabs-list">
<% t.each do |tournament| %>
<li><%= "#{tournament.to_s}" %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
def to_s
"#{name} #{id}"
Ive just come up with this solution as an example, seems to work, can anyone see any reason why this would be incorrect?
<ul class="resp-tabs-list">
<%= #tournament_year.each do |y, t| %>
<li><%= y %></li>
<%= #tournament_year[y].each do |x| %>
<li><%= %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Iterate through model columns

I'm not sure the best way to iterate through all the columns within my Day model to benefit a simplified formatting scheme.
<% #day.each do |u| %>
<li id="date"><%= clean_date( %></li>
<li><b>Morning</b>: <%= u.morning %></li>
<% unless u.morning_notes.blank? %><li><b>Morning Notes</b>: <%= u.morning_notes %><% end %></li>
<li><b>Afternoon</b>: <%= u.afternoon %></li>
<% unless u.afternoon_notes.blank? %><li><b>Afternoon Notes</b>: <%= u.afternoon_notes %><% end %></li>
<li><b>Evening</b>: <%= u.evening %></li>
<% unless u.evening_notes.blank? %><li><b>Evening Notes</b>: <%= u.evening_notes %><% end %></li>
<li><b>Night</b>: <%= u.night %></li>
<% unless u.night_notes.blank? %><li><b>Night Notes</b>: <%= u.night_notes %><% end %></li>
<% end %>
Ideally, it'd be something like:
<% #day.each do |u| %>
<li id="date"><%= clean_date( %></li>
<li><b>TimeOfDay</b>: <%= u.TimeOfDay %></li>
<% unless u.TimeOfDay_notes.blank? %>
<li><b>TimeOfDay Notes</b>: <%= u.TimeOfDay_notes %>
<% end %></li>
<% end %>
Where TimeOfDay iterates through Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night.
Maybe something like this:
<% #day.each do |u| %>
<li id="date"><%= clean_date( %></li>
<% ["morning", "afternoon", "evening", "night"].each do |t| %>
<li><b><%= t.capitalize %></b>: <%= u.send(t) %></li>
<% notes = u.send("#{t}_notes") %>
<% unless notes.blank? %>
<li><b><%= t.capitalize %> Notes</b>: <%= notes %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
