ASP.Net MVC4 Web Api with Help Page of WCF possible? -

I am starting to develop with Web Api MVC 4 and created the whole stack. My services are working but I wonder if it is possible to see a Help Page similar to what exists on WCF.
Does anyone know?

Checkout the ASP.NET Web API Help Page which is available as a NuGet package:

Not currently but this is in the MVC 4 roadmap:
Web API Help page generation: We want to make it easy to generate rich, web-based documentation
for your web APIs, including the resource URIs, the allowed HTTP methods, expected parameters, and
sample message payloads.


What is the use of WebAPI checkbox in ASP.NET MVC?

I am trying to create an ASP.NET MVC web application,I'm trying to understand what is the use of the check mark "WebAPI" ,I don't seem to find any different selecting or unselecting this while creating the project,can anyone throw some light?
ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework. Web API: Guidance.
You can take knowledge from this video. Thanks

Angular JS with MVC

I want to know if Angular JS can be used with ASP.NET MVC architecture in any way? I have tried searching on Google, but can't figure out if Angular JS is usable in .cshtml page of ASP.NET MVC and is it the good idea to use it?
you can definitely use AngularJs with Asp.Net MVC as it is a client side framework which entirely runs in the browser. It doesn't depend on any of the Asp.Net features as such. There are lot of samples available online. Here is a channel 9 video which guides you through
From the official pages: Hands On Lab: Build a Single Page Application (SPA) with ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js
The fact that is uses WebAPI shouldn't really matter here, as that's a detail matter of implementation. AngularJS works fine on top of either.
First hit on google...
If you looking to achieve CRUD in your application I recommend this post as a guide to follow. Even though this uses WEB API, its still a good way of getting to grips with angularjs.
Hope this helps.
CRUD with SPA, ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js

Using Single Page Application in Umbraco CMS

I know we can use ASP.NET MVC or Web Form in Umbraco CMS but is it Possible to use Single Page Application(SPA) in Umbraco CMS?
If yes, How can I do it?
You can refer to this post which contains the use of Umbraco as datasource for SPA.
One approach I've used in the past could be to expose the underlying Umbraco data as a web service by creating a Web Api controller, as described in the documentation.
You may then build an SPA application that consumes this RESTful web service. Have a look at this tutorial for an example.

Analyzing the Web API Traffic

I have custom Web API been hosted and exposed. I want to know how to get details like who accessed my Web API, time of accessing,etc. In short I just want to know my Web API usage history.
Can it be possible? If so, can you please help me in this context for where to look and so?
You can use System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler to accomplish logging. As a start, have a look at the following blogs:
Log message Request and Response in ASP.NET WebAPI.
ASP.NET Web Api–Request/Response/Usage Logging
and this for an alternative using an ActionFilter
Implementing Audit Trails using ASP.NET MVC ActionFilters

Windows Live ID in ASP.NET MVC

does anyone know is there a way to implement Windows Live ID authentication into your ASP.NET MVC site. There is some info about OpenID implementations and it uses some libraries.
So is there a way to implement Live ID or it is not yet supported.
Thank you
The same way you would with Memberships:
Actually this is a valid business case, and I've gotten it to work with mvc. I used the sdk sample code a posted by Filip and created a controller that handled auth response. The only issue I had was during the windows live app verification process. I couldn't get the verification process to work with the mvc site up. I had to do the verification before I upload site. See: link text
Newer information at
It's pretty independent of mvc or webforms I think.
Windows Live Messenger Connect Developer Guide
