OAuth2 and role-based access control - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails app acting as an OAuth 2.0 provider (using the oauth2-provider gem). It stores all the information related to users (accounts, personal information, and roles). There are 2 client apps that both authenticate through this app. The client apps can use the client_credentials grant type to find users by email and do other things that don't require an authorization code. Users can also log in to the client apps using the password grant type.
Now the issue we're facing is that the users' roles are defined globally on the resource host. So if a user is given an admin role on the resource host, that user is admin on both clients. My question is: what should we do to have more fine-grained access control? I.e. a user can be an editor for app1 but not for app2.
I guess the easy way to do this would be to change the role names like so: app1-admin, app2-admin, app1-editor, app2-editor, etc. The bigger question is: are we implementing this whole system correctly; that is, should we be storing so much info on the resource host, or should we denormalize the data onto the client apps?
A denormalized architecture would look like this: all user data on the resource host, localized user data on each client host. So user#example.com would have his personal info on the resource host and have his editor role stored on client app1. If he never uses it, app2 could be completely oblivious of his existence.
The drawback to the denormalized model is that there would be a lot of duplication of data (account ids, roles) and code (User and Role models on each client, separate management interfaces, etc.).
Are there any drawbacks to keeping the data separate? The client apps are both highly trusted--we made them both--but we are likely to add additional client apps, which are not under our control, in the future.

The most proper way to use oAuth and other similar external Authorization methods as I see it, is for strictly Authentication purposes. All the business/authorization logic should be handled on your server part at all times, and you should always keep a central record of the user, linking to the external info per external type of auth service.
Having a multilevel/multipart set of access, is also a must, if you want your setup to be scalable and future-proof. This is a standard design that is separate from any authorization logic and always in direct relation to business rules.
Stackoverflow does something like this, asking you to create an actual account on the site after you login using an external method.
Update: If the sites are really similar you can subset this design to an object per application that keeps the application specific access rules. This object has to also inherit from a global object that has global rules (thus you can for example impose a ban application-wide or enterprise-wide).
I would go for objects that contain acess settings, and roles that can be related to instances of both application level settings and global settings only for automating/compacting the assignment of access.
Actually you can use this design even if they are not too similar. This will help you avoid redundant settings and meaningless (business-wise) roles. You can identify a role purely by the job title/purpose, and then impose your restrictions by linking to an appropriate acess settings setup.


Keycloak, sharing resources between clients

We're developing an application with microservice-based architecture where users can be members of organizations, and within each organization, they may have resource-based access restrictions. An example can be a recruiter who's a member of several organizations on the platform; in organization A they may see the list of all job postings and interviewers while in organization B they can only see job-posting that they are directly allowed to see.
Structure wise this becomes something like this:
All this seems easy to do with Keycloak, we create confidential clients(one for each microservice) and enable resource management on them. However, there are quite some cases when different microservices (i.e., Keycloak clients) need to validate user's access scopes to the same resource. An example would be a setup where we have 2 microservices one for posting & managing job announcements the other for managing applications and interviews, so job-manager and application-manager. Now, when a new application is submitted, or an interviewer tries to access an application application-manager has to make sure that the user has access to the job posting(resource) configured in the job-manager Keycloak client. Which, I think, is not something Keycloak supports.
Scale wise, we're speaking about X00k users, 4-5 times that organization users connections, and tens of millions of resources. So to minimize the number of objects we're creating in Keycloak, we've decided to make use of attributes on resources in which we store JSON structures.
So, how one microservice, can verify a user's access to a resource manager by another microservice?
Try to enable fine-grained authorization:
This allows for resource based authorization. The resource does not have to necessarily be each resource you have, but an abstraction like an org_manager etc...
Alternatively you can take the json you already have and ask an OPA agent with a policy you defined.

Using Auth Tokens to grant access to a specific item

I have an application which provides authenticated users with views into data about various objects in a database. There's another application in our ecosystem that provides different views into some of the same objects, using its own permission model. We trust that other application's permission model, and would like to allow them to issue access tokens to users who haven't been authenticated through our application's usual method, so those users can only view specific objects that the other application has verified they have access to.
Rather than coming up with our own spec for the communication between these two applications, I was wondering if there's already a standard approach available via something like OpenID Connect. OIDC seems to handle most of the gnarly details we'd have to consider in a case like this, but the one aspect where it doesn't seem to fit is that its access tokens seem to be general-purpose, rather than calling out a specific object that the user has access to. It says "Here's a user who can access your application", but not "Here's a user who can access Item 123".
Is there a standard for using an access token to grant access to a specific item, preferably using OAuth 2 and/or OpenID Connect? Am I correct in assuming that using an item's ID as a scope on the access token would be an inappropriate use of OAuth scopes?
I've always found the best design for most real world apps to be like this:
OAuth 2.0 based tech identifies the user
You then lookup user details at an application level to enforce authorization
OAuth 2.0 scopes etc cannot handle things like this:
You don't have access to account 123
You don't have access to region US
So I tend to look them up from the user id in the token after login. This tends also to be much easier to extend, if for example the items and user rights in the external app grows over time.
For more concrete info see my write up on API Claims Caching.
Also here is an example of the coded algorithm in a Rest API, resulting in a claims object that can be injected into logic classes.
In your case the custom claims provider would be the external app, and you could query claims from it, for data that does not really fit well into OAuth tokens.
Just my thoughts - not sure if it will fully work for you - but I've found this to be quite an adaptable solution, which often puts responsibilities in the right places.

Restrict client access in a single realm with keycloak

I have a single realm with 3 single-page applications and a shared backend. I want to restrict the access to one of the SPAs so that users without a specific role can't log in.
But once you create a user in the realm, he can log in to every SPA client. I can restrict the endpoints of the backend but I don't want to programmatically reject the user in the specific SPA but automatically on the login page.
I tried to use client roles which don't seem to have an effect in this case. The only solution I have found so far is to create separate realms which I think is conceptually the correct way but unfortunately brings up some practical issues, e.g. the administrators of one realm must be able to manage (CRUD) users of another realm which seems fairly unintuitive.
users without a specific role can't log in - it isn't good requirement. How system will known if user has a specific role without log in (authentication)? Keycloak provides Open ID Connect SSO protocol, which is designated for authentication. After successful OIDC authentication is token generated, which may contains also user role. So only then authorization can be applied. So let's change requirement to: users without a specific role can't access SPA, which better fits into OIDC concept.
The mature OIDC SPA libraries offer authorization guard (name can differs, it is some kind of post login function), where authorization can be implemented. Authorization requires to have a specific role in the token usually, otherwise user is redirected to the custom route, e.g./unauthorized. That's the page, where you can say a reason for denying access. Common use case is also customization of the app based on the user roles. For example users with admin role will see more items in the menu than standard users - that's also kind of authorization. Random example of SPA library with authorization guard (I'm not saying that's a best implementation) - https://github.com/damienbod/angular-auth-oidc-client/issues/441
Keep in mind that SPA is not "secure" - user may tamper code/data in the browser, so in theory user may skip any authorization in the browser. He may get access to SPA, so it's is important to have proper authorization also on the backend (API) side. Attacker may have an access to SPA, but it will be useless if API denies his requests.
BTW: You can find hackish advices on the internet how to add authorization to the Keycloak client with custom scripting (e.g. custom scripted mapper, which will test role presence). That is terrible architecture approach - it is solving authorization in the authentication process. It won't be clear why user can't log in - if it is because credentials are wrong or because something requires some role in the authentication process.
You should indeed not create multiple realms, since that is besides the point of SSO systems. Two approaches are possible in your - presumably - OAuth 2.0 based setup:
restrict access at the so-called Resource Server i.e your backend
use a per-SPA "scope" for each SPA that is sent in the authentication request
The first is architecturally sound but perhaps less preferred in some use cases as you seem to indicate. The second approach is something that OAuth 2.0 scopes were designed for. However, due to the nature of SPAs it is considered less secure since easier to spoof.
I was able to restrict users access to application using following approach:
I've created to clients in my default realm (master) i called my clients test_client1 and test_client2 both of them are OIDC clients with confidential access by secret
I've created a role for each of them, i.e. i have role test_client1_login_role for test_client1 and test_client2_login_role for test_client2.
I've created a two users - user1 and user2 and assign them to client 1 and client2 role. But to restrict access to client1 i have to delete default roles:
That did the trick, when i am logging with user2 i see test_client2 and not test_client1 as available application:
But i did n't delete roles from user1 and therefore i could see both clients when i am log in with user1:
Therefore you should use different clients for your applications, assign to each of a client specific role and remove from users default roles and add one releted to specific application.

Where should I start in choosing and implementing a ASP.net MVC 3 user/role system?

There is so much information and terms here I find it hard to start think about users. What options would I have for creating a user-based ASP.net MVC 3 web app? I've read of membership, providers, authorization, authentication, session, cookies, roles and profiles, but I can't seem to get a grasp on the big picture of how user-things are handled.
What are the pros/cons of using a built-in microsoft solution here? What is it even called?
Can I use my own database only (I want to work database first)?
In my mind I think like so: I have users and roles in a database. Users have roles. I want to deny access to some actions depending on if the user is logged in and has a specific role. Am I over-simplifying the issue? Where should I start?
At the moment I'm thinking of doing a 100% home brew system like when I was developing using PHP but since there's so much info I feel like that would not be a good approach here.
You want users and roles, i.e. you want to authenticate users and authorize them with privileges using roles. I would highly recommend not rolling your own, as you would in PHP. Instead, I recommend using the .NET "Provider" services -- specifically, the MembershipProvider (for authentication) and the RoleProvider (for authorization).
You can still use the Providers with your own db, they are not exclusive to or exclusive with code first. However, I would recommend NOT storing application-specific user information in the Provider's user or member tables. Instead, you can have your own code-first User, and link it to the membership system through the user's username.
The reason I recommend this is because it reduces the amount of work you have to do. You need not worry about encrypting or hashing passwords -- the provider does it for you. You have full API to control your users and roles through the System.Web.Security namespace.
As for Profiles, this is a separate Provider service that you do not need to use. It allows you to store information about users whether or not they have registered for a user account in your system. Technically you can have "anonymous users", but anyone who has created a password-based login is instead referred to as a "member".
Regarding cookies, authentication of a user in .NET is done through the FormsAuthentication class. After you have authenticated a user using System.Web.Security.Membership, you can call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie to write their authentication cookie. This fully integrates both the User and their Roles into the Controller.User property, which implements the IPrincipal interface. You can use this object to get the user's name, and find out which roles they are in.
Reply to comments
I answered a very similar question here. Basically, it's up to you whether or not to have the membership in a completely separate db than your application, but I consider it good practice, because I have done this quite a bit and I have no complaints. Especially if you are using code first, since you can lose your entire db if you use the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges or DropCreateDatabaseAlways initializers.
There is also a new membership provider. I think the NuGet package is called "ASP.NET Universal Providers", and they are in the System.Web.Providers namespace instead of the old System.Web.Security namespace. I haven't had a chance to work with them yet, but from what I gather, they are more compatible with code first. For one thing, the tables aren't named like aspnet_Foo, and there are no views or stored procedures created in the db. The table names are just normal dbo.Users, dbo.Roles, etc.
As for linking the provider users with your app (content) User entities, see the answer I linked to above. The easiest way to do this is to just have a field in your content db for UserName, and link that to the provider db's UserName. No foreign keys necessary, since you integrate them at the app-level, not the db level.
I think you should first start with built-in solutions, they're easy to extend if someday you'll need something more (even if to write a good providers for authentication isn't really trivial. Start reading this article, it's a good start point).
I don't think to write everything here is a good idea, it's a big topic and I should simplify everything too much so I'll post some links I found useful.
Just to start, with text from MSDN:
Authorization determines whether an identity should be granted access to a specific resource.
Authentication is the process of obtaining identification credentials such as name and password from a user and validating those credentials against some authority.
Imagine users and roles as Windows users and groups. For example a web-site for forums may have a user named AUser with following roles: User, Editor, Moderator. In that web-site they may grant a set of allowed actions: User may enter new posts, Editor may change posts of other people and Moderator may close or delete posts or topics. In this way single web pages don't need to know users but just roles (the DeletePost method of PostController may be decorated with [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator, Moderator")]).
Start reading this very introductory article, it provides additional useful links.

Implementing multi-database, multi-provider authentication system

We have started building an asp.net mvc application. Application will consist with one main database with users, projects, common tables etc... and many databases (all with the same structure) with a data relevant to a particular project. Use can have some global roles (stored in a main database) and some project specific roles (stored in a project database) and each user can be linked to many projects.
My goal is to build an authentication system that will support classical username/password authentication and also an OpenID authentication (we are using DotNetOpenAuth for this purpose) and authorization system that will support the roles system which I described above.
But I run into several question:
1.) I think that we should support both (username/password and Ppenid) authentication options for a single user, so that username/password users won't need to create additional account when they decide that they will use an OpenId and I think that we should support several OpenId's for a single user like SO does (if some provider is down).
2.) I think that the best database for this would be:
table Users (UserId (PK), LastActivityDate)
table UsernameLogins (UserId (PK,FK), Username, Password, IsApproved, IsLockedOut, LastLoginDate, LastLockedOutDate, etc...)
table OpenIdLogins(OpenIdUrl (PK), UserId(FK),LastLoginDate)
table Profiles(UserId(PK,FK), DisplayName(Unique), Email (Unique), FirstName, LastName, Address, Country, etc...)
table Roles(RoleName (PK), RoleType(1=GlobalRole,2=ProjectRole).
table UserRoles(UserId(FK,PK), RoleName(PK)).
3.) Should I create my own providers (MembershipProvider, ProfileProvider, RoleProvider)? Its seems that MembershipProvider is not so appropriate for an OpenId authentication (and of course I can only support just basic methods (GetUser,ValidateUser))? Should I implement MembershipProvider just for username/password logins? I think that ProfileProvider and RoleProvider wouldn't be that hard to implement? Should I just use FormsAuthentication and use my own "services"?
We are also using NHibernate and Spring for DI.
Any advice will be appreciated.
1.) I think that we should support both (username/password and Ppenid)
authentication options for a single
user, so that username/password users
won't need to create additional
account when they decide that they
will use an OpenId and I think that we
should support several OpenId's for a
single user like SO does (if some
provider is down).
That seems reasonable. I like how you're designing in for users to have multiple OpenIDs. StackOverflow limits users to just two, but users often have more than that and may want to bind them all. I think username/password is a fine option if your target audience demands it OpenID. StackOverflow is a great example of how simple login can be when its pure OpenID. It can make login less busy to not offer username/password. But again, providing both as options seems most customer-focused since it gives them choice. A future version of DNOA will offer an integrated version of the InfoCard Selector into its OpenID login system so that you can even accept InfoCards directly, but have it look and feel just like an OpenID so your system won't require any changes.
2.) I think that the best database for this would be: <snipped/>
That looks like a reasonable schema. As you've discovered, separating the credentials tables gives you the greatest flexibility.
3.) Should I create my own providers (MembershipProvider, ProfileProvider, RoleProvider)?
MembershipProvider certainly doesn't fit OpenID very well. If you were only supporting OpenID login I'd say throw it out and don't bother implementing your own. The RoleProvider works perfectly with OpenID so that's a keeper. I've heard from others that ProfileProvider needs a MembershipProvider in order to function. I don't know if that's true. But ProfileProvider requires that you use the ASP.NET Membership SQL database schema, which I think is poor if you can write your own db schema which you've done. And if you're writing your own db, storing additional data about your users should be trivial so you shouldn't need the profile provider.
If you go with both username+password and OpenID, then having a MembershipProvider that you implement yourself would likely be possible, but in my experience most MembershipProviders that include any OpenID code are kludgey and even have security holes. So I'd still avoid the MembershipProvider if OpenID has any place in your system.
I wonder...is support for multiple OpenIDs that important. It seems like this is more the role of the OpenID provider. For example, I use ClaimID and I get what essentially amounts to "identify forwarding" (in the sense of email forwarding) so that I can rebind it to different identities. Now I don't rebind providers frequently but a provider could do this (i.e. when you get redirected to their login page they could ask you which identity you'd ultimately like to present). So the question is...is this really the applications job to implement?
