Problems getting a development certificate for iOS 5 [duplicate] - ios

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iOS Developer Program - can't get a certificate
So I am trying to develop an iDevice application, and I can't seem to get a development certificate. I am running XCode 4.3.1 and Mac OS X 10.7.3 and iOS 5.1.
First, I've tried going to the iOS Provisioning Portal and using the "Development Provisioning Assistant." When I go through that (using both Chrome and Safari), when I upload the CSR (generated by going to Keychain Access => Certificate Assistant => Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority and then enter my Apple ID email, name), it hangs with "We were unable to generate your Provisioning Profile. Please try again or visit the Provisioning section of the Provisioning Portal."
So, then I figured I'd try going to the iOS Provisioning Portal > Certificates > Development. I download the WWDR intermediate certificate and double click on it, which I think "installs" it. At least, it appears in my Keychain as "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" Then I hit "Request Certificate" (and note that it directs me with "Important: Xcode is the preferred method for requesting and automatically installing this certificate. Before proceeding, read Tools Workflow Guide for iOS." -- this will be important later). I follow the directions, creating a CSR, which I then upload on that page. When I hit "Submit" I'm brought back to my Current Development Certificates, which excitingly, now reads "Pending Issuance." Lots of places on the rest of the internet say to just refresh the page and supposedly I should be done. Except when I refresh, it just says I don't have any valid development certificates and presents me with the first view, from which I can request a certificate.
So, what about that link to the iOS Application Development Workflows? When you check that out and start to read through it, it says that "If you are a team administrator or the team agent, provision your device for generic development. Xcode installs your development certificate in your keychain (if it’s not there already), and installs the team provisioning profile on your device." I don't have a team--I'm an individual--but when I go to XCode to provision the device, I go to the Organizer > LIBRARY > Provisioning Profiles > Refresh. Then, it asks me to sign in with my Apple ID, tells me "No iOS Development Certificate Found" and offers to "Submit Request" on my behalf! Hurray? Then I see it says "Submitting CSR . . . Waiting for CSR Approval" and it hangs there for awhile. . .then it says, "Certificate Requested :: A certificate request has been submitted on your behalf, but has not yet been approved. An Agent or Admin must approve this request before you can download your certificate." That's super cool, right?
Except there's nowhere I can go to approve that request, and if I go to my Certificate History I see a long, long history of Errors. Except they're not informative at all, because it just says Error.
So at this point, I've spent ~8h trying to fix this. I've tried provisioning an iPad, iPhone, resetting my keychain, setting up XCode on a separate account, and of course updating and upgrading all the software.
Let me know if I've left anything out.


Xcode 7 error: "Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for ..."

I tried to upload my App to iTunes Connect resp. AppStore and got the following error:
Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets
Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues.
Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for ...
Xcode can request one for you.
Before I set up a new development machine, exported the developer accounts via Xcode 7 from the old to the new machine.
What can I do to fix this?
From Apple -
Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the community and
apologies for the issues you’ve been having. This issue stems from
having a copy of the expired WWDR Intermediate certificate in both
your System and Login keychains. To resolve the issue, you should
first download and install the new WWDR intermediate certificate (by
double-clicking on the file). Next, in the Keychain Access
application, select the System keychain. Make sure to select “Show
Expired Certificates” in the View menu and then delete the expired
version of the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate
Authority Intermediate certificate (expired on February 14, 2016).
Your certificates should now appear as valid in Keychain Access and be
available to Xcode for submissions to the App Store.
As noted in a comment below, the expired certificate also needs to be removed from the login section, as well:
To all that cannot get it working despite the instructions... There
are two expired WWDR certs. One is in login keychain, and the other
one is in the System. You have to delete both of them in order to make
things working
I also faced the same issue today. The following steps fixed my issue.
Double-click to install to Keychain.
Then in Keychain, Select View -> "Show Expired Certificates" in Keychain app.
It will list all the expired certifcates.
Delete "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority certificates" from "login" tab
And also delete it from "System" tab.
Now you are ready go.
I kept running into the issue and saw that all my certs were invalidated -- oh no!
It turns out I never deleted the expired cert. It was not showing up for me, until I selected from Keychain Access application:
View->Show Expired Certificates
System->All Items
will finally display that gnarly expired cert. Delete that and retry from XCode will pick up the new valid certs.
Just make sure you search "All Items" in the Keychain Access app. The invalidated certs are a result of pointing to the expired certificate that has not been deleted yet.
The below process will solve the problem,
1: Open KeyChain access, and Delete "Apple world wide Developer relations certification authority" (Which expires on 14th Feb 2016) from both "Login" and "System" sections. If you can't find it, use “Show Expired Certificates” in the 'View' menu.
2: Now download and double click the certificate to add it to Keychain access > certificates (which expires on 8th Feb 2023).
Now the valid status of the certificates should turn green like below.
Once check the status.
Apple has made following changes so download new certificate
renewed certificate and place it as below screen shots .In the keychain as below screen shots click on system and then certificate. Delete the expired certificate . Then drag and drop the AppleWWDRCA.cer that you downloaded from above link
Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate Expiration
To help protect customers and developers, we require that all third
party apps, passes for Apple Wallet, Safari Extensions, Safari Push
Notifications, and App Store purchase receipts are signed by a trusted
certificate authority. The Apple Worldwide Developer Relations
Certificate Authority issues the certificates you use to sign your
software for Apple devices, allowing our systems to confirm that your
software is delivered to users as intended and has not been modified.
The Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Intermediate
Certificate expires soon and we've issued a renewed certificate that
must be included when signing all new Apple Wallet Passes, push
packages for Safari Push Notifications, and Safari Extensions starting
February 14, 2016.
While most developers and users will not be affected by the
certificate change, we recommend that all developers download and
install the renewed certificate on their development systems and
servers as a best practice. All apps will remain available on the App
Store for iOS, Mac, and Apple TV.
Since different methods can be used for validating receipts and
delivering remote notifications, we recommend that you test your
services to ensure no implementation-specific issues exist. Your apps
may experience receipt verification failure if the receipt checking
code makes incorrect assumptions about the certificate. Make sure that
your code adheres to the Receipt Validation Programming Guide and
resolve all receipt validation issues before February 14, 2016.
After searching for a while I found out that it is not sufficient to export the developer accounts from Xcode and import these on the new machine, again via Xcode.
Additionally I needed to copy the Certficate named "Apple World Wide Developer Relations Certificate Authority" from the keychain of the former development machine to the keychain of the new one.
This solved the problem for me.
I imported the new Apple WWDR Certificate that expires in 2023, but I was still getting problems and my developer certificates were showing the invalid issuer error.
In keychain access, go to View -> Show Expired Certificates, then in your login keychain highlight the expired WWDR Certificate and delete it.
I also had the same expired certificate in my System keychain, so I deleted it from there too.(Important)
After deleting the expired cert from the login and System keychains, I was able to build for Distribution again.
I removed old AppleWWDRCA, downloaded and installed AppleWWDRCA, but problem remained. I also, checked my distribution and development certificates from Keychain Access, and see below error;
"This certificate has an invalid issuer."
I revoked both development and distribution certificates on member center.
Re-created CSR file and add development and distribution certificates from zero, downloaded them, and installed.
This fixed certificate problem.
Since old certificates revoked, existing provisioning profiles become invalid. To fix this;
On member center, opened provisioning profiles.
Opened profile detail by clicking "Edit", checked certificate from the list, and clicked "Generate" button.
Downloaded and installed both development and distribution profiles.
I hope this helps.
My answer was different and came along with the message:
resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed
The solution was to do with generated graphics:
Code Sign Error in macOS Sierra Xcode 8 : resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed
Don't forget to also install the iOS cert for your Apple Developer Account.
Make Sure that in Project Navigator > Signing > Team , A team name must need be selected.

Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate - Xcode error msg with signing app

When I try to use the 'Export > Save for Ad Hoc Deployment' option in Xcode I am presented with a dropdown menu where it says the following :
To Save for Ad Hoc Deployment, select a Development Team to use for provisioning:
I only have a single option so once I click 'Choose' I get the following error message:
Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues: Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate
When logging into my iOS Developer account I can see I currently have 3 iOS Distribution Certificates (5 in total) and all currently valid (e.g they expire in the future).
The Mac I am using is new, plus all the mobile iOS apps were developed by external developers/teams therefore I'm not sure which certificates I can safely remove.
As the certificates would have been made on other machines I don't have access to it isn't possible for me to simply export the existing developer profiles on these other Mac's and have them installed on my Mac. I'm also unsure if i can revoke current certificates? What is the worst that can happen when revoking current certificates?
As with most error messages in Xcode regarding certificates, it is not very helpful. I would do the following:
delete all the current certificates on your developer account
create new ones on your new machine MANUALLY (not through Xcode, so use the Keychain), this will make sure that the keys that sign your certificates are in your current keychain
update your provisioning profiles with the new certificates
sync the new profiles within Xcode (Preferences -> Accounts)
update your app settings
To this day I still manually do all my certificates and provisioning and while certainly not problem free, I don't seem to have nearly the nightmares that many people do. The only part of the process that I do let Xcode handle is to sync up the profiles.

Xcode 6.1 iOS Distribution is always revoked or missing

I'm trying to submit an app but I'm stuck. I can't get a the iOS Distribution signing identity to show up as valid under my account in Xcode 6.
It always shows up as revoked, never valid. I've made sure to connect it to my provisioning account on the dev site.
I also went to the developer site, revoked it there, recreated it, then went back to xcode to try to submit my app but I get this message:
When I check my account in preferences after getting this message, the iOS distribution doesn't even show up:
And when I try to add one it says:
I've tried:
Deleting the iOS Distribution cert and regenerating it on xcode (generates as revoked)
Deleting it and creating it on
Linked my provisioning profile to the correct app id
Using Xcode 5 to submit my build instead
I don't know what to import or where to find a developer profile from. I've checked the dev documentation and it says the Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate error happens when switching mac computers, but this is all on the same machine. I am using a VMWare to run this on an virtual image of iOS Mavericks, could that be culprit?
Make sure the time settings on your Mac are correct.
When you use a virtual machine and pause it, it pauses the time on the Mac as well. Your time settings are probably pushed back because of it, making your certificates invalid valid until a time later in the future.
For more info, see: Distribution certificate error:"This certificate is not yet valid."

The app couldn't be installed because developer certificate is no longer valid

I have invited one TestFlight user from iTunes to test my app. The app is currently under review status. When that user tried to install the app, at the time of launching in iTunes, it throws the following error :
Could not install XXXX.
The app couldn't be installed because the developer's certificate is no longer valid. To resolve the issue, contact the developer.
Anyone can provide brief explanation what could be the reason for this and how it can be resolved.
I encountered this error because the build was signed using a provisioning profile whose certificate had been revoked.
When i checked in the developer center, the provisioning profile was marked as "Invalid".
I just clicked "Edit", selected the new developer certificate and regenerated the provisioning profile. When the new build was uploaded on testflight signed with the new provisioning profile, the error went away.
However, i do think Apple should be checking if the provisioning profile is still valid rather than developers finding it out after build is already approved by TestFlight and testers complain about this error.
It simply means that the developer account from which this app is uploaded is expired OR the development/distribution certificates of the app are expired or revoked. It can be resolved by activating the certificates of the app on apple's developer portal.
We have uploaded a version to apple-test flight and apple approved app for external testers. Now we're trying to download and is not working, got same message.
But if we run app from dev phone push notification works so P12 still valid. And distributed with old test flight process works.
We're trying to upload another version and see if works.
I try and try again until I read a comment on the apple forum:
This XC profile will be acceptable for upload, but is incompatible with Testflight
When you have to check provisioning profile, be sure any "XC" provisioning profile is selected (you can change it by clicking on the right arrow)
more details on the "goldstee" answer :
The error CLearly states what is wrong, your Certificate needs to be renewed, as your certificate may have expired or revoked, Try to create the Certificate again along with the provisioning profiles, and it will work fine
I had a slightly different issue which was a bit more puzzling as everything was 'valid'. I encountered the issue when I needed a production push certificate (which I already set 2-3 months before and tested!).
This is what I've done to resolve the issue:
Check xocde - both Code Signing and Provisioning Profile:
I had the correct settings (they matched what I was expecting and what I used for a previous build).
Check my apple developer account - it stated that my 'prod' profile was 'Active'
Check xcode -> prefrences -> provisioning profiles - I found the profile I could see in apple developer. It had the same expiry date too!
Wet back to my Apple Developer account, clicked on the profile, downloaded it and double clicked on it.
That fixed the problem for me.
If you encounter any issues, I suggest you check Parse guide (yes, I know they are shutting down but their doc is very good!). It covers more than just profiles but you can choose the step you are having an issue with.
In my case, I found everything is fine, both provisioning profile and certificates were valid.
What I did wrong is, I upload the build to TestFligth using Transporter app, which usually needs an .ipa for same but choose adHoc type instead of AppStore while exporting the binary in the organiser.
Which somehow allow the build to upload to TestFlight but didn't authorised to install on the user's device.
So make sure you're choosing the right option while exporting the build.

"No iOS Distribution certificate was found"

XCode has started generating this message when I try to refresh the profiles:
"No iOS Distribution Certificate Found. No iOS Distribution certificate was found. However, there is already a certificate request pending. An Agent or Admin must approve this request before you can download your certificate".
However there are no certificates pending approval displayed on the provisioning portal. What's more, I myself am an agent so even if there were a certificate pending approval I would be able to approve it.
What's the best way of getting Xcode / the portal out of this state?
At the moment I can't even compile because of this. Shouldn't I at least be able to develop even if there is no distribution profile?
Did you happen to recently change your keychain password and maybe blow away the keychain that the CSR was signed with? It will show up as the same keychain name but will be signed differently. I only ask since I accidentally did the same not too long ago.
If you don't see your keychain with a private key associated with it like the bottom two certs below you've got a keychain issue on your development box. The top cert is someone else from my team who I obviously don't have their private key.
