Visualize star schema by using an application - data-warehouse

If you work with data warehouse and you see couple of fact and dimension table in the SQL server and you want to review everything in a holistic view that would be in the picture below.
Is there any application that can extract tables from the database and display them in a user-friendly approach that would appear in the same picture below?
// Fullmetalboy

There is many of them, choose a right tool for you.


how to display pictures from a database using delphi 2010

I want to display pictures stored in an MS Access database in a currently running program, where the person running the program will be able to see all of the pictures at the same time (maybe scroll up and down) and choose one of their choice.
I don't know the code
Please help, I'm still a high school student.
Unless all of the pictures are BMPs, Delphi won't help you much here. Although it has a TDBImage component, it only supports BMPs in your version(s) of Delphi, and it can only show one picture at a time anyway.
To do what you are asking, you will have to load the pictures manually. Do your query, such as with TADOQuery, and then loop through the results, using TDataSet.CreateBlobStream() and TGraphic.LoadFromStream() to load each picture. You would have to look at a picture's raw data header to decide which TGraphic class to use (TBitmap, TJPEGImage, TGifImage, etc), load it from the database blob, and then display it as needed, such as in a TImage, an owner-drawn TListView, etc. Repeat for each picture.
There are tons of examples and tutorials about this, if you look around. This is off-topic for StackOverflow.

Firebase - App developing - calculate the delta without generating a high data traffic

We are developing a social app with Firebase (swift / iOS).
We face the problem that we have two data trees and have to calculate the delta without generating a high data traffic.
We have a structure cars and a structure user.
The structure cars contain 100 different vehicle models.
The user structure contains all vehicle models that have already been driven by the user.
We now want to implement a high-performance solution in order to determine all the vehicles that have not yet been driven by a user without downloading the whole tree structure.
The number of users and the number of vehicles are growing steadily.
Does anyone have a solution approach or idea in which direction we need to think?
love, alex
I think they key to effectively using firebase is data duplication. So if you want to display a list of cars the user has and hasn't driven, create a separate table containing only the information displayed in that list, like the path to an image, the make & model, using unique IDs as the keys to entries in that table. You wouldn't need to know things like top speed and price until they tap into details, right? (I'm making some assumptions here though.)
Then, simply get the list of unique IDs for the cars the user already has driven, and manipulate your offline model accordingly.
Right now I'm using an external server to manage data duplication, that propagates a write operation to other places in the database when necessary. I'm on my phone right now but I think Ray Wenderlich has an article about this.

Adding many custom markers and many custom info windows in Google Maps SDK

I am really just looking for the best way to accomplish this. I've seen the code how to do these individually, but is there a away to do it for say, 100 points? Or do i need to set the custom image and custom info for every point I create?
Also, is there a backend, say SQLite, that i could incorporate the help accomplish more efficiently?
The app I'm building could have 1000's of points, and I REALLY wouldn't want to code everyone of those...but i would!
Consider using Google Fusion Tables - they support 100,000 points per layer and 5 layers, for 500,000 points altogether. You access them via an SQL-type language that runs on Google's servers - exactly where your data will be when you upload it and that makes them very fast.
The infowindows are programmable too.
You load your CSV into a Fusion Table (like an Excel spreadsheet) in your Google drive and get a key to that table and you then use the key in your Javascript.
I created the following website with Fusion Tables and I don't have a clue about Javascript! See Skyscan website here. I won't mind if you click View Page Source :-) By the way, if you click on Modern Collections on that page, you are actually turning on/off 25,000 markers and it is almost instantaneous. There is also Marker Clustering available which lets you de-clutter maps with massive numbers of markers and automagically replace them with a single "fatter" marker.
There is a good tutorial here.

Need to Create a Tool with Location Search and Toggling of Separate Fusion Table Overlays

I have three separate Fusion Tables, each one of which contains shape files for various political districts (Congress, State Assembly & State Senate). What I am looking to do is create a tool, very similar to that of Derek Eder's demo ( that would allow a user to find there address, and then could select ONE of the overlays (using radio buttons instead of the checkboxes on Derek's example) in order to see what district they are within.
From the various questions asked previously as well as the other examples I have looked at online, I was hadnt necessarily seen something that would have led me to believe that a code example was grabbing multiple table data, but rather just parsing specific data from within one large table.
I guess I am just looking for guidance on where to start. Can the tool I described be put together fairly easily with three separate tables or would the tables need to be combined? Also, I would need to keep a location marker of the address search showing and the same coordinates, zoom level preserved while switching between the various layers. In my mind I can imagine that latter point wouldnt be difficult with a single table, but i had some concerns about keeping that view in place when toggling between separate ones.
Any and all help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated!
I have pieces:
Marker from geocoded address used to spatially search a table
Example 1 Example 2
Zoom to polygon resulting from querying a FusionTable (uses two tables) Example
Unless there is something strange about your requirement that I missed in your post, it should be easily doable.

creating an highlight image map

I am working on a project in which i have a database created using mysql and php. I want to advance it by connecting an image to it. every object in my database is going to be linked to a certain part of the image that will be highlighted.
I am not really sure how to do this.
As of right now, i have a search feature on my database that gives me the result.
I am willing to try any programming language that would make this easier.
My database has about maybe 1000 entries. They are all numbers that correspond to a certain location on my image.
My image is basically a map.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do, but if you want to plot a graph you can use the HTML 5 canvas as some JavaScript. Or better yet, use tool that already exists like Google Charts. Maybe a scatter plot is what you're looking for?
