ruby hash to rails - ruby-on-rails

I have a hash of items which I'm getting via Freebase. I want to include it as I would a model inside a rails form_for.
ie (i'm using formtastic) , this works on a model...
<%= f.input :source, :as => :select, :collection => #subject.types, :member_label => :name, :member_value => :id, :input_html => { :class => 'combobox' } %>
But not on my hash.
My question is how can I use an external source with the rails form_for helpers and whether this is a route I should take. I'm sure I could take another route using the form_tag and then cycle through the simple ruby hash, but thought maybe using the rails methods would be more elegant and maintainable? I'm also not storing the freebase data, just the ID.
Simplified Array/Hash:
[{:name=>"US President", :value=>"/m/02mjmr"}, {:name=>"Election campaign", :value=>"/m/047qllg"}, {:name=>"Event", :value=>"/m/057l6lw"}]
or the complete hash of freebase search results:
[{"mid"=>"/m/02mjmr", "name"=>"Barack Obama", "notable"=>{"name"=>"US President", "id"=>"/government/us_president"}, "lang"=>"en", "score"=>156.429855}, {"mid"=>"/m/047qllg", "name"=>"Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008, General Election", "notable"=>{"name"=>"Election campaign", "id"=>"/government/election_campaign"}, "lang"=>"en", "score"=>58.741718}, {"mid"=>"/m/057l6lw", "name"=>"Barack Obama 2009 presidential inauguration", "notable"=>{"name"=>"Event", "id"=>"/event/event"}, "lang"=>"en", "score"=>57.407536}]

You should be able to easily do this as so:
<%= f.collection_select :freebase_id, options_from_collection_for_select(#freebase_hash, :value, :name, #object.freebase_id)
The #object.freebase_id is passed to options_from_collection_for_select so that it can specify which (if any) are selected when the view is loaded. This is important for edit actions, or for new actions when redisplaying the form after validation errors.


ActiveAdmin: display parameter of object selected in form

I am not very familiar with ActiveAdmin or rails in general, so sorry if I use some incorrect phrasing.
I have a model for an Athlete, which has an attribute "notes". This is described in the permit_params of the athlete.rb.
On an additional page, I have the following:
f.input :athlete, :collection => Athlete.all.sort_by(&:last_name), :required => true
I would like to find a way to, if the :notes is not empty, display it.
If I could display it as a "row" on the form, that would be great.

Rails - Tagging with has_many through and select2

I'm implementing select2 tagging with a has_many through relationship. My implementation has 2 different scenarios.
The select menu allows multiple (tagging) but does not allow on the fly input into the select menu.
Same as above but uses ajax to allow the user to enter new select values on the fly.
Scenario 1 works well for tagging. Scenario 2 seems to work (can perform tagging) but does not save the values. My problem seems to come down to my my input elements for the scenarios.
Scenario 1 uses:
<%= f.association :repairers, label_method: :rep_name, value_method: :id, include_blank: true, label: 'Repairer'%>
and when the form is submitted gives params similar to:
"repairer_ids"=>["", "1132", "1131"]
Scenario 2 uses:
<%= f.hidden_field :repair_type_id, :class => "required on-the-fly-select select"%>
and uses a lot of js code to implement on the fly input for the select menu. When the form is submitted the data will look like:
So with scenario 2 the ids are not submitted as an array. I have tried changing the select to:
<%= hidden_field_tag("repair_item[repair_type_ids][]", "", :id => "repair_item_repair_type_ids", :class => "required on-the-fly-select select") %>
but then the relevant param is submitted incorrectly and doesn't save:
Is it possible to get the params from Scenario 2 to submit in the format that Rails made the params in Scenario 1?
Try String#split
repair_type_id = "5688,5690"
=> ["5688", "5690"]
It's Better to use this split method in controller while saving the data on particular attribute for this instead of on hidden_tag.
If you want to convert string in plural then use pluralize same as for singularize
2.0.0-p481 :010 > 'cat'.pluralize
=> "cats"
2.0.0-p481 :011 > 'dogs'.singularize
=> "dog"

Rails - binding versus not binding a rails collection select

So I was experiencing an error when I was attaching a collection_select to my form_for object like so:
<%= f.collection_select(:city_id, #cities, :id, :name, {:prompt => "Select a City"}, {:id => 'cities_select', multiple: true}) %>
and getting the error:
undefined local variable 'city_id'
But when I don't bind the select like so:
<%= collection_select(nil, :city_id, #cities, :id, :name, {:prompt => "Select a City"}, {:id => 'cities_select', multiple: true}) %>
It works fine.
I just want to understand the theory behind why one works and the other doesn't?
I think what's tripping you up, primarily, is the concepts you have of what's going on here.
Nothing is “binding” anything to anything by calling a method on a form helper object. There are form helper methods, like collection_select, that can be used to build HTML elements. There are form builders that have methods, like collection_select that build HTML form elements for a form tied to an object.
The issue you're having here is that the FormOptionsHelper#collection_select method and the FormBuilder#collection_select method are not the same method and do not accept the same arguments:
FormOptionsHelper#collection_select vs FormBuilder#collection_select
Pay particular attention to the arguments provided. It's also worth noticing that FormBuilder essentially delegates this work to the template (i.e. FormOptionsHelper) and adjusts the arguments as needed.

Manipulating tags with acts_as_taggable_on and ActiveAdmin

I have a Post model which I'm accessing through ActiveAdmin. It's also taggable using the acts_as_taggable_on gem. So the admin can add, edit or delete tags from a specific Post.
The normal way to add the tagging functionality for the resource in your admin panel is by doing this in admin/posts.rb:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details", :multipart => true do
f.input :tag_list
# and the other irrelevant fields goes here
However, I want to have the tags selected from a multiple select form field and not being entered manually in a text field (like it is with the code above). So I've tried doing this:
f.input :tag_list, :as => :select,
:multiple => :true,
:collection => ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
but it doesn't work as expected. This actually creates new tags with some integer values for names and assigns them to that Post. Someone told me that extra code is needed for this to work.
Any clues on how this is done? Here's my model just in case:
Thanks in advance.
Instead of
:collection => ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
:collection => ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.pluck(:name)
Setting the collection to Tag.all is going to tag your posts with the tag's ID, since that's how tags are identified by default (that's where the integer values for names are coming from). map(&:name) tells the form builder to use the tag's name instead.

Rails, collection_select - remembering values with :selected after form submitted

(Using Rails 2.3.5 on an internal work server with no choice of versions, and I'm pretty new)
I'm building a search form where I need to provide a list of directories to a user so they can select which one(s) to search against. I'm trying to figure out how to get the selected values of a collection_select to remain after the form is submitted.
Say the user selected 3 directories from the collection_select, the id's of those directories would look like this in the params:
directory: !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess
- "2"
- "4"
- "6"
I know that you can manually specify multiple selected items:
<%= collection_select :directory, :id, #directories, :id, :name,
{:selected => [2,4,6]}, {:size => 5, :multiple => true} %>
I've also played around a bit and was able to us "to_i" against a single value in the params hash:
<%= collection_select :directory, :id, #directories, :id, :name,
{:selected => params[:directory][:id][0].to_i}, {:size => 5, :multiple => true} %>
What I can't figure out is how to use all of the values of the :directory params at the same time so what the user selected remains after the form is submitted. Thanks for any help.
I'm not precisely sure what you're asking, but if you're trying to get the array of strings in params[:directory][:id] as an array of integers, all you need is
