How to perform the Build in TFS2010? What is the Logic should we adopt and How to get a files from TFS 2010? - tfs

Currently we are using StarTeam to perform the build as well as versioning. we planned to migrate startteam to TFS2010. We have some script for perform the build. i wanted to change this script according to my requirement. i gone through the TFS but i had lot more confusion.
in StarTeam, we will get a files from "Ready to Build" label and perform the build. In TFS, how we are going to get a files from TFS? What concept should i use to get a files and perform the build? i have gone through the lot of commands like get, check-in, checkout etc..
If we use "tf get" command, we can get all the files from TFS but i have a clarification on that. shall i get all the files from TFS for every build? i hope, this is unnecessary headache.. correct me if i am wrong..
how we perform the build in TFS? i have read some types of build such as manual, gatedcheckin, Continuous Integration and schedule.
Is there any relationship between branch and build activities?
In TFS, What is the meaning of Workspace?

As said, many questions in one. Hope this helps along the way:
A workspace is a mapping between the server and a local storage,
similar to checkout in Subversion, view in ClearCase, etc.
"TF get" normally only fetches those files that have changed since
last update. You can force it to fetch everything - and sometimes
have to - but its not normally done.
Team Build is the recommended system to build with when using TFS. It can take some time to get into (Windows Workflow-based), but is quite powerful. There are default process definitions that set up the most common actions for you.
By default, you can't control whether to build by setting a certain label, but you can define that only this label should be used when builds are triggered. Labels in TFS work a little differently compared to other VCS, though, so maybe there's an 'opportunity' to re-think your build process along the way. If you're set on using a label as before, you'll need to build a Custom build activity.


How does TFS choose which check-ins to associate with a build?

Our builds generally have a mish mash of work items and commits associated with them and I cannot tell how TFS determines what to add. We are using TFS 2015 update 3 and TFVC.
When a build runs, it gets code from a location somewhere in the branching and folder of TFVC. Typically, something like "root\dev\src\component name" in this way we avoid getting all of the code in our repository and we have CI set up to run so that any changes in this folder will result in a CI build running.
We also run daily builds which run more tests and create a release package that is used by TFS Release Management. I would expect that any changes to code inside of the folder defined in setting up the repository for this build to be included in the associated change-sets of a build. I also expect that any changes checked-in outside of these branches would not be associated. But this is not the case. We see commits from across the entire project.
Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?
I am not sure if this should go in the question or the answer but I have found some additional information, thanks to the hints provided in the answers below.
It appears that the source settings will take the common root between mapped folders of the repository settings, so if I have 2 folders $/Relo/Dev/B1/src/Claims.Services and $/Relo/Dev/B1/src/PSScripts it will take the common root $/Relo/Dev/B1/src as the source settings and include any changes from that folder down within the build. Can anyone confirm this? Of course thats not what I want to have happen. In the History tab of the build definition if I looked at the diff I can see a field "defaultBranch" in the json which seems to be the value that controls this, is there any way to update this field directly?
TFS determines what changesets should be mapped to a build based on the Source Repository Mappings (Build vNext) in the build definition and the last successful build.
So, you will see a list of the changesets with files committed in the lowest common base of any of the mapped folders including all their descendents, since the latest successful build. Whenever you get a successful build (I hope that it happens more often than failing ones ;-)) the list will shorten and only show the last check-in.
Example mappings below will result in any changeset made to anything below $/Relo/Dev/B1/src (because it is the lowest common base):
Similar it will pick up all the related work items to the above changesets.
This is what should happen. If you see something else, I would have a closer look at the Repository Mappings or Source Settings of the build definition.
#Noel - I guess you are using vNext build and not XAML builds. Or are you using a mix of XAML and vNext?
In general a scheduled TFS build will associate all changes which were not associated in the last successful run of the same build.
I suggest you check once again if the source folder locations are the same for CI build and Daily build?

TFS 2010 Exclude file type from gated check-in

Is it possible programmatically to on a Gated -Check in build in TFS 2010 to not trigger a Gated Build when checking in a specific file type, i.e. ".config"? How can I accomplish that?
Not that I know of, you can only configure the workspace mappings which controls when the build triggers. so you can include or cloak folders, but not file types.
Presumably you don't want to run the Gated Build because a config file won't affect the build. But still running the build anyways shouldn't really hurt anything, you just waste a little bit of resources on your build server.
If it's really a concern, you can customize the build template, to look at what files are in the linked changeset (using a custom activity and the TFS API probably), and if it's just config files abort the build (with a successful result).
I would go down the route of seeing what messages TFS processes when performing a gated checkin. It might be possible to some how write a TFS server side plugin to hook the event, inspect the changeset and stop the build while allowing the shelf set to commit.
You are swimming pretty far out of Microsofts swim lane on this one so I'm not sure how much work and what the side effects would be on this one.
FWIW, I would want the build to run even on a config file change because I always want to be able to deploy the latest build and see the state of my project.

Build Pipelines in TFS

In 2009, there was a SO question on the same topic.
I'm wondering if later versions of Team Foundation Server are better at longer build pipelines. Refer features of Jenkins, TeamCity, ThoughtWorks' Go (my employer).
The visualizations of the build pipelines are important to me, as well as the notification about individual stages passing or failing. That and the eminent clone-ability of say a 'trunk' pipeline into one for a release branch as that branch leaps into being.
Secondly, a personal holy-grail is the CI server storing its config in the SCM that's holding the buildable thing itself, and even picking up on the creation of branches silently to provision new pipelines; Can TFS be configured to store the CI definitions/scripts in its SCM side rather than its accompanying SqlServer?
TFS build consists of three components:
The build definition - stored on the SQL server data tier.
The build workflow - a XAML file stored in the source control.
The supporting MSBuild scripts - usually contains user defined actions, also stored in the source control.
As the build progresses, you can see visualization of the build steps and you also get a different log for the main build and the MSBuild output.
The build definition in TFS is merely a collection of build settings, similar to CC.Net's config file and TeamCity's build configuration tab which both stored on the file system as well. Assuming there's a backup plan on the database you don't really need to store the build defintions on the source control, but if you must it's possible by exporting the tbl_BuildDefinition table.
The TFS Power Tools adds cloning functionality for build definitions.
There's no OOTB support for provisioning build definitions from a new branch though it's fairly feasible using the TFS-API.
Bit late to the party, but just don't bother with TFS if you want advanced build pipeline automation. It simply doesn't cut it.
I have used Jenkins and TFS both extensively. Tfs is just. pure. crap. Here's why.
No down/up stream build.
No piepline/orchestraion build. (like jenkins)
Obscure ways of adding build steps and falls back to using MsBuild.
Slow and still polls the source control.
Ties you to MsTest.
And please don't point me to "Oh look you can do everything if you write a custom activity". I'm not wasting time doing development for a closed source, sub-par platform. If I am going to contribute something, it's to a FREE. OPEN SOURCE platform.

The easiest way to test TFS2010 build template

I'm currently working on creating a build template for TFS2010 builds. However, I notice that I'm currently 'spamming' the source control with every change I make to the template (and lots more for all the fixes for those changes).
I wonder what the easiest way is to test the build templates I'm creating?
Is there a way to change the template file and custom activity dlls that doesn't involve checking them in?
I currently have a build controller and agent running on my developer machine, which I'm using to test the template (test = start a build and hope for less errors than last time).
Why is 'spamming' a problem? Anyway, I have a separate Team Project for doing this kind of work, that way I can check in to my hearts content without affecting the developers who need to have a stable build. once I've done my testing I check the template in to the team project(s) used by the developers.
I want to test my builds against the teams latest code-base without having to branch it over to a trial project.
Instead, I do the following:
Create a separate build definition called 'Infrastructure'
clone a production definition
Set the trigger on the Infrastructure build definition to manual.
Set the Infrastructure definitions permissions to allow only [Project]\Build group members to have full control of it.
keeps the notification of broken builds away from the bulk of the team).
Create a separate build process template, called 'Infrastructure.xaml'.
Point the Infrastructure build definition at the Infrastructure process template.
Now when I want to iterate on a new build feature for the team:
Check out the build process template I want to update, and lock it.
Copy the build process template I want to update overtop of the Infrastructure.xaml.
Add my build feature to the Infrastructure.xaml file, and check that in.
Use the Infrastructure build definition to test my changes.
Iterate over 3-4 until I get it right.
Complete the feature and have my changes verified by another Infrastructure team member.
Copy Infrastructure.xaml over the build process template I locked in (1) and check it in.
This still results in 'spam' in the TFS source control, but it keeps the build definition iteration out of the eyes of the team. My build process templates are located out of the main source tree (under the Build Process Templates folder, or in the branches themselves under a 'Core/Build' folder where no-one else on the team is typically paying any attention) so that the team is largely unaffected by it.
#d3r3kk: Why not just branch the template and merge changes back when ready instead of creating copies? That way you can preserve source history in a cleaner way as well.
Ideally, there should be a way to have a build process template that is in progress by having it on your local file system and pointing the build definition to it temporarily. Not sure if something like this exists in later versions of VS/TFS. I haven't seen it available via the UI anyway.

TFS Build Architecture

I am preparing to move my team's source control from VSS over to TFS 2008.
This is for an website, and I am currently using a combination of nant scripts and Cruise Control to do all of the builds and deployments.
I've been trying to wrap my head around the best way to architect TFS build to do the same thing I'm doing with NANT and Cruise Control, but I can't determine the best approach.
Here are my requirements:
When code reaches a certain point, I manually apply a label to it.
This labeled code needs to be built and deployed to any of our 25 different Dev, QA, or production environments.
Any of these 25 environments can be on any current or past labeled version of the application.
I need to be able to deploy any labeled version of the application to any of the environments.
I'm currently accomplishing the above using NANT to perform the build, and using Cruise Control to just pass in command line options for which environment(s) to build and deploy. I have a Nant config file with a list of all of my environments, and an associated label each environment should currently be using. This file gets manually updated whenever a new label is created.
I know the approach I'm using for NANT probably won't be the same as with Team Build, but has anyone done something similar with Team Build and could share how you accomplished it?
Labeling in TFS is much more robust than in VSS. When you create a label, you can create based on a changeset, date, workspace version, heck even a different label. (BTW, I was grabbing a link and came across this post that you might find relevant.)
By default, a Team Build will build from the latest version of code in source, but you can override the "CoreGet" target in a build to build a specific version. Aaron Hallberg (a.k.a. TFS's John Skeet) shows an example here.
see 4.
I haven't personally had this difficult of a requirement, but I've done something similar. When you queue the build, you can pass in any number of parameters in a couple important ways, 1) through the response file and 2) at queue time (simple example here). In either case, two parameters could be which environment and which label/version number. At my current project, I have continuous integration turned on, so when code in a workspace is checked in, the current code is automatically labeled, pull the specifics for my drop location from the response file, then deploy to the respective location.
Given the fact that you have ~25 environments and n number of versions/labels, you could build a simple GUI that reads the current labels through the TFS API and lets you pick which version to build to a particular environment.
To answer the question, the way I addressed this was to use a combination of a custom build task, cruise control, and msbuild.
The custom build task allowed me to get the latest version from a specific branch and label.
Cruise control allowed me to pass in specific information for a specific build to MSbuild, using a config file, but initiate the build from a UI.
msbuild was used like normal, however it was called from cruise control, and the custom build task did most of the work.
