UISplitView : Need to hide left view for initial two screens - ipad

I have gone through various threads and tutorials but not able to find any solutions, so need to post the question. So the questions is :
For initial three screens need to display only the detail view without any popover button at navigation bar in landscape. Now in third screen on button click i need to load the splitview with both left and right view.
I am aware of the methods which hides the left view panel in landscape mode. The only part i am worried id to load the splitview from 3rd screen .So need some suggestion to proceed further.

Try Matt Gemmel's custom split view controller.


xcode and iPhone simulations show weird top grey bar behind views after navigation, how to remove them?

I am trying to update an old Storyboard and viewControllers. in Interface Builder, my viewControllers has the following grey bar that I do not know how and why they are appearing, they were not there previously:
These are also visible when I try to simulate my apps in the iPhone simulator as follow:
When I start my app, the views are stretched with a tiny view of this space as follow:
However, when I start navigating to other viewControllers the space is visible as shown in the previous screenshot.
Any idea of how to stretch my views all the way to cover these areas?
I am currently using swift. The navigation is being done using Storyboard Segue.
Thank you.
This is just the storyboard showing the way the screen will be presented, that grey bar represents the view that will be behind that view controller. This kind of presentation is called modal (page sheet or form sheet) the two have different effects on iPad
Code Fix
To fix this, change the modalPresentationStyle to overCurrentContext on the view controller you're going to present. So in code do viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
Storyboard Fix
in storyboard select the segue (the line linking the two screens) and then on the far right menu select the item 3rd in from the right, you should see a section called presentation, change it to Current Context.

Youtube-like video control bar in the bottom

In the youtube app there's a possibility to collapse video into a small preview window with a playback and controls while you navigating in the different parts of the app. By tapping on the window you can always switch to full screen mode again.
I wonder: what't the best approach to implement similar functionality? For now I see few options but I'm not very well aware of the implications of these options.
Note: I have an iPhone tabbar based app.
Create a popover modal view controller, that is presented on top of current navigation stack in a current tab
Create a view and stick it to the bottom of the screen.
Create a view in bounds of a tabbar controller
Create a modal view controller embedded in tabbar controller.
Just from the list I suspect that using a specialized UIView (2) would be the worst possible way to do this. But I don't know about the rest. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

iPad UI navigation - split view with horizontally scrolling views

I'm looking for suggestions to implement a specific UI navigation pattern on iPad. It's not radically different from standard behaviour, but I'm unsure of the best approach to use.
Picture a standard split view, with a master view on the left, detail on the right. I want an action in the detail view (e.g. button press) to navigate to an additional detail screen by scrolling from right to left. The result is that the original detail view is on the left (with its width unchanged), and the new detail view on the right. A back button in the nav bar reverses the process. When the master view is visible, the back button is replaced by a menu button in the nav bar (show/hide slide out menu).
I've seen a few similar implementations in existing apps. One that's easy to reference is Shopify's
online demo. Adding an item to the cart and pressing the total button triggers the navigation behaviour.
Any pointers on the best way to implement this would be much appreciated.
Creating a custom container view was a good solution.

Tabbar not showing in ios application

i am making one iOS tabbar application in that i have put 4 different tabs and whenever i click on 1 st tab and load another view after clicking of the first tab. After that when i press back button then tabbar is not displaying .So that i want hint that how can i show that
back the tabbar when we move from one tab from another and yes how i can use consistent the tabbar in whole application can you just guys help me on this i am new to iOS development.
here i am put the screen shot ...
here first screen is this one..
when i tap the video button that are first in the view then another window open
which are as under and see the tabbar is not there...
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Looking at your screen snapshots, do I correctly assume you're attempting to transition to the "Videos" scene by touching the big "Videos" button in the center of the "Home" scene (rather than touching the tab bar button at the bottom of the screen, which I assume works fine)? If that's the case, you need to have your button tell the view controller's tab bar controller that you want to change the index of the tab bar, and it takes care of it for you. You cannot do the transition using a segue (or at least not without a custom segue, which is even more complicated than the procedure I outline below). If you're changing the view some other way (e.g. using a standard segue or using presentViewController, pushViewController programmatically, etc.), your tab bar can disappear on you.
You later said:
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Yes, that's true. You cannot use a segue from one of your big buttons to one of the tabs in your tab bar. (Or technically, if you wanted to use a segue, it would be a custom segue which would do something very much like my below code, though perhaps a tad more complicated.) So, rather than using a segue for your big button, you need to write an IBAction (connected to the big Videos button on the Home scene), that tells the tab bar to change its selection:
- (IBAction)clickedVideosButton:(id)sender
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];
A couple of comments:
My answer was predicated on the assumption that your tab bar works as expected when you tap on the buttons of the tab bar, itself. If you tap the buttons at the bottom of the screen, do you transition to your other views correctly and preserve the tab bar? If so, my answer above should solve your issues in getting the big buttons to work. If not, though, then the problem rests elsewhere and you need to show us your code that might account for that (either you're something non-standard in the UITabBarControllerDelegate methods, or your viewDidLoad of the view is doing something nonstandard).
If I understand your user interface design right, you have the tab bar at the bottom as well as the big buttons in the middle, which presumably do the same thing. That is, no offense, a curious user interface design (duplicative buttons, requiring extra tap on a button, etc.). You might want to choose to either use either big buttons (in which you can retire the tab bar, eliminate the IBAction code I've provided above, and just use a nice simple navigation controller and push segues, for example), or just use the tab bar (and lose the home screen, lose the big buttons, etc.).
You also made reference to "press back button", and I don't see any "back" button on any of your screen snapshots. Do I infer that you have a navigation controller and you're doing a pushViewController or push segue somewhere? If you're doing something with back buttons, you might need to clarify your question further.

"Slide" segue between UITabBar views

My iOS 5 app uses storyboarding with a UITabBarController. There are three "tabs" each displaying a view controller which has been linked using a relationship back to the UITabBarController. At the moment each view controller appears when you tap the relevant tab, as expected. However, for a more gracious transition I would like to slide the view controllers on and off screen.
By way of example, if I am currently on Tab 0 and then select Tab 1 the view controller on screen (for Tab 0) should slide off to the left-hand side of the screen, and the new view controller (for Tab 1) should slide on from the right-hand side of the screen.
I have been able to achieve this behaviour using a custom UIView as the tab bar but would like to know whether this is possible with a custom segue in storyboarding, as that would certainly save a lot of coding (and also would keep things a fair bit neater in the project)?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I am trying to do the same thing.
Unfortunately I think the relationship segue does not allow any customization as it just connect tab bar and the tab bar items together, and not a transition.
My guess is we have to do the transition ourselves when the view appeared.
