Analytics and legality issues - ios

If you ever used Analytics in your apps, have you included information disclosing that you're collecting Information from them? Or do you omit this? It will be my first time using Analytics and I just wanted to hear your opinions on this.

Be transparent about it. Tell the user that you are collecting data, explain what you are collecting and give them the possibility to opt-out.
Currently there is a lot of talk about address books and photos being uploaded without user consent. You want to ensure that your users understand what you are collecting and that you respect them and their personal data.
You might want to look at Localytics. Their library is open source therefore you can see what data collected and you can enable logging to see what would be uploaded. Using their services would save you from setting up your own server.
The tagEvent: would be useful to gather where the users spend their time, there is probably no need to go for a paid plan.

It is almost always safe (legally) to use anonymous information. If you are collecting information and linking it to an email or an account, then you really should tell the people what you are doing.
No matter what, it would be best/required in some places to have a notice somewhere in the app that you are collecting data.


API to push data to HealthKit

My ultimate goal: I want to automatically log my weight to healthkit on my phone every time I step on the scale.
Secondary goal: I don't want to spend much money, but I do want to learn. I'm a computer engineer and enjoy building hardware, but I don't just want to buy an off-the-shelf smart scale and install their app. Part of this comes down to data security: I don't like my information (especially health information) being in somebody else's hands.
Tertiary goal: I don't want to need an apple developer account (e.g., to roll my own on-phone app or something) but if I have to compromise here I will.
I want this to be as painless a process as possible - I've seen solutions that involve setting up a shortcut to ask for your current weight, etc, and I don't love that: less user interaction is better.
I'm usually wearing my apple watch when I weight myself, but might forget my phone (it's often right after a workout before I shower), if that helps.
I've seen a lot of questions on here talking about querying data, and I don't care about that: I'll use the phone to look at historical data, but I want to enter it automatically/painlessly so I have some data to look at.
For instance: I could set up an NFC sticker to open a shortcut, and maybe the process of scanning the sticker holds my phone in a specific place to read a QR code output by the scale? I honestly don't know if scanning a QR is possible in a shortcut, but this is just an example. The downside here is that I would need my phone on me.
The most promising solution from what I can tell is to build my scale to send the weight to google fit's API, and then install the google fit app on my phone to sync automatically. The downside is exposing my info to another service (google fit) rather than just keeping it in HealthKit, which I'd prefer.
Is there an auto-magic URL format that could trigger an iOS behavior to enter the data?
Is there an API through iCloud to just submit the data and not query it?
Is there a bluetooth option to talk to my watch and sync data there?
I see a lot of questions for querying/reading HealthKit data, but very little on submitting/saving it - so I'm not sure what's possible.
Suggestions appreciated!

A/B testing(show new feature only for 50% of users)

I'am creating a new feature for my iOS app. After I publish the app I wants to show the new feature only for 50% of the users, so I can do some testing which version makes more orders. I have no idea how to do it without using some third parties like Optimizely.
Also is it possible to do this using Google Tag Manager(GTM).
So can someone please help me to figure this out.
Thank you very much for your time.:)
It’s hard to do it on your own, though not impossible of course: Optimizelys of the world are just programs. You’ll need to solve these problems:
Targeting: Some algorithm that will assign user session to either control or (one of) treatment(s). This has to be random, of course, or you may as well stop there.
Routing: Send sessios to the targeted experience.
Logging: You’ll need to intelligently log events from sessions as they traverse their targeted experience. These may be many, so be careful not to add latency to your app path. Your statistical analysis will be based on these.
Experience stability: how do you ensure (if you do) that a returning user sees the same experience he’s already seen.
Note as well, that Optimizely will only help you if all your changes are on the device and not on the server. If you need to instrument server changes as well, you’ll have to look into Sitespect or Variant.
I finally figured out how to do the A/B testing with 'Google Tag Manager'(GTM).
In GTM you can create a variable called 'Google Analytics Content Experiment'. With this variable you can select how many percentage of users going to see each Variation(your experiments). You can create up to 10 variations for single experiment.
GTM is so cool and powerful. GTM contains so many features that could save lot of time and I totally recommend it for anyone who is going to do A/B testing.

Firebase & Swift: How to use another database for storing larger files?

I am currently trying to build a chat application in swift whilst using Firebase for real-time messaging. My only issue is I want users to send images, I want them to have profiles with images but I know Firebase has limited storage (or at least storage per pay tier is low for the number of connections you get)
So I would like to know how to connect up another database and make calls when needed between the two. So when and image is sent in a message, rather than Firebase storing the image, it stores a URL to the image in the other database.
I am under the impression something like AWS S3 is my best bet. any help is appreciated!
This question has been asked before and there are a number of solutions. It's kind of an 'opinion' type question but here are a few options.
View and store images in Firebase
Firebase has a 10Mb capacity, which is adequate for many images. However, if you need larger, they can be easily encoded as base64 and split into chunks.
If you want to go external:
s3 or Filepicker (Filestack) as well as Google provide some options.
Not sure of the overall requirements but obviously you can dig into CloudKit / CoreData and even Dropbox offers an API.
I have zero experience with Box but it may be an option as well.
Each option has it's own API.
In general, you would store a link in a firebase node to the image/object in question. However, the mechanics of that vary wildly as interfacing with CloudKit/CoreData will be different than say Filepicker.
With CoreData you will have to roll your own reference scheme whereas Filepicker you can have an almost direct reference to the file.
Many of these services provide a free or low cost tryouts and you can whip some code up in a manner of a few minutes to test out the functionality to see if it may meet your requirement.
If you need help encoding/decoding, see the answer to this question
Swift2 retrieving images from Firebase
Once you get rolling, if you have issues post some code in another question.

Mobile iOS usage tracking

I'm currently looking for a way to track basic user data for mobile iOS application:
how many times the app was launched
what was the average/by session time spent in total while using app
what was the average/by session time spent on particular screen
Additionally, I'd like the solution to:
display a heatmaps or click/tap/maps (clickstreams), to show how users tried to interact with the interface
generate visit graphs (user started from this screen, then went to this screen, etc.)
The most important requirement is that this is for internal application testing (nothing malicious), and we want to categorize data by user logged in (so that we can gather data per user, not some general average).
Can anyone recommend a suitable tool? Price or paid, doesn't matter. Is Google Analytics up for the job, or do we need something else?
Youve got several options to track the user behavior in the app. You can use frameworks like :
Flurry (
Mixpanel (
Localytics (
Google analytics
Im pretty sure there are more. Flurry is free (for now but you have some special paid features) and it´s broadly used. It´s the framework I use the most for my apps in these moments but it will depend of the client and the information you want to track. You can track events, events with information, see the stats of use, how the user has used the application, find dead holes in your app and broadly speaking, have a general idea about how your application has been used. The other frameworks are not free and you have to pay for the services but you can always use a trial version to see if this is what you want or not. Ive used localytics and its nice.
Ive tried all of them, and there are pros and cons, but to get a general idea about your application, everyone serves. Regarding heatmaps, Im not sure about that, I mean if some of the frameworks offer a solution like that, but you can always build your reports with the provided information (I know it´s not a straightforward thing or a 5 minutes thing).
Take a look, compare and decide which one can fit the best for you.
Well these days app analysis is very important and are of great help. There are large number of analytics tools available. Some of them are free some of them are paid.
below are some of them
Google Analytics
These are few which are used most. For most list visit this link
Hope this will help you. happy coding :)

Best way to go about creating in-house analytics for my Rails 3 app?

I have a Rails 3 app that I'm looking to create in-house analytics for. The items I need to track are impressions (and unique impressions), clicks that come from those impressions, and conversions that come from those clicks. And these are all user-specific so each user can see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions they've received.
What is the best way to go about this? Should I create a separate rails app and call it with pixels? Or should I include all the analytics code in the same app?
Also, are there any analytics platforms already out there that I can customize to meet my needs?
Before you start re-inventing the wheel, Google Analytics provide a developer API (via OAuth, among other choices) that may provide you with the ability to do what you need (provide each user with a view of their own data).
Building your own, while it may seem like an initially basic thing to do, could have serious performance implications further down the line, and Google provide a very detailed view of the the data.
If you really want to write your own, I would strongly urge you not to hit the database for each request you want to track. Keep the data in Redis, or one of the alternatives and periodically persist it to the database via a background task.
If, however, you don't want to put your data into the clutches of our Google Overlord :) then you might indeed consider rolling your own. I have twice before - and I'm doing it again right now: better this time, of course!
If your traffic is not very high and you're running on any decent server platform then adding a tracking system is not going to tax your Rails app noticeably (I know that depends on what 'decent server platform' means but this stuff is pretty cheap these days). Writing to a database is typically very fast - you'd have to have shedloads of clicks to not want to do this straightaway. You can probably bypass most if not all of your before_filters and so on to get a lightning response. One app that runs 2.3.9 uses Metal to do this, for example.
In my new tracking system I have an STI table that goes with models derived from an Activity model; in here you can record both impressions and clicks. Impressions are recorded as the page is built and clicks are recorded using AJAX.
I'm not going to bother with fancy graphs and so on - I'm happy with raw numbers - but these could be added, of course.
At the moment my system is just in the usual app/ folder but I'll probably move it to an engine so I can re-use it more easily.
Hope that helps!
BTW I use Google Analytics as well for a range of sites and it's OK - I just like to do this bit myself.
Depending on how you are going to associate Google Analytics data with a specific user then you might need to double-check the privacy implications. Google doesn't allow their data to be associated with any identifying information about the users being tracked.
If there is a problem then you could try out Piwik as it's open source and you can do what you like with it. It's written in PHP, not Ruby so that might be an issue. As #d11wtq mentions, tracking systems can have performance issues if not built in the right way so you'd be better off starting from something that's already proven to work if possible.
