rails 3 mongoid and countries gem - ruby-on-rails

I'd like to use the countries gem I found here instead creating a separate model.
It works fine to inherit from but I'd also like to be able to have other classes belong_to it.
Is this possible? IE something like below. Is there some method I could use to provide a key to child classes?
class Country < ISO3166::Country
#include Mongoid::Document
has_many :cities
has_many :reviews, as: :reviewable
At the moment I get NoMethodError: undefined method `has_many' for Country:Class
Or some way to include/inherit the attributes from the gem after the object is initialized?
class Country# < ISO3166::Country
include Mongoid::Document
#field :name, :type => String
field :country_id, :type => String
has_many :cities
has_many :reviews, as: :reviewable
def after_initialize

To me the best behavior is not using has_many in your case but create method you want with Mongoid query inside.


Rails 5 "no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer" for double nested has_many attributes

I keep getting the error no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer when trying to create/update a Form model via a form. I've narrowed it down to something to do with actions_attributes in the form_params. trigger_attributes works fine if actions_attributes is removed. I suspect it has something to do with the enum field, double nested attributes, and/or the has_many relationship, but not sure.
Any ideas on what could be causing this error?
Running Rails 5.0.x and Ruby 2.3.x, with the relevant models and controller below.
class Form < ApplicationRecord
has_one :rule
accepts_nested_attributes_for :rule
class Rule < ApplicationRecord
has_one :trigger
has_many :actions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :trigger
accepts_nested_attributes_for :actions
class Trigger < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :rule
enum name: [:example]
class Actions < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :rule
enum name: [:example]
class FormsController < ApplicationController
def form_params
rule_attributes: [
trigger_attributes: [:name],
actions_attributes: [:name]
I got this to work by changing actions_attributes: to actions: under def form_params, as well as making the relevant change to the form, changing fields_for :actions_attributes to fields_for :actions.
I'm often confused when to use _attributes and when not to. If anyone has information about when to use which, I would appreciate it if you could provide a link to the information in the comments. Thanks.

Using ActiveRelation with :joins on polymorphic has_one to implicitly create relation

We can use ActiveRelation like this:
MyModel.where(:field => "test").create => #<Message ... field:"test">
But it doesnt work for joins with polymorphic has_one associations:
class RelatedModel < AR::Base
# has :some_field
belongs_to :subject, :polymorphic => true
class MyModel < AR::Base
# need some dirty magic here
# to build default related_model with params from active_relation
has_one :related_model, :as => :subject, :dependent => :destroy
describe MyModel do
it "should auto-create has_one association with joins" do
test = MyModel.joins(:related_model).where("related_models.subject_type" => "MyModel", "related_models.some_field" => "chachacha").create
test.related_model.should_not be_nil
test.related_model.some_field.should == "chachacha"
test.related_model.subject_type.should == "MyModel"
test.related_model.subject_id.should == test.id
# fails =)
Is it possible to extract active_relation params, pass them to MyModel for use in before_create and build RelatedModel with them?
Diving into ActiveRecord sources i found that
ActiveRecord::Relation covers 'create' with 'scoping' method.
ActiveRecord::Persistance 'create' calls 'initialize' from ActiveRecord::Core.
ActiveRecord::Core 'initialize' calls 'populate_with_current_scope_attributes'
This method declared in ActiveRecord::Scoping uses 'scope_attributes' declared in ActiveRecord::Scoping::Named.
scope_attributes creating relation 'all' and calls 'scope_for_create' on it.
'ActiveRecord::Relation's 'scope_for_create' uses only 'where_values_hash' from current_scope that does not contain rules like 'related_models.subject_type' (this values are contained in where_clauses). So we need to have simple key-value wheres to be used with 'create' on ActiveRecord::Relation. But ActiveRecord not clever enough to know that 'some_field' in where clause should be used with join table.
I found it can be implemented only by accessing where options with self.class.current_scope.where_clauses in 'before_create' on MyModel, parsing them and setting up attributes.
class MyModel < AR::Base
before_create :create_default_node
def create_default_node
clause = self.class.current_scope.where_clauses.detect{|clause| clause =~ /\`related_models\`.\`some_field\`/}
value = clause.scan(/\=.+\`([[:word:]]+)\`/).flatten.first
self.create_node(:some_field => value)
But it is so dirty, then i decided to find simpler solution and inverted dependency as described in Railscast Pro #394, moved RelatedModel functionality to MyModel with STI. Actually i needed such complicated relation creation because RelatedModel had some functionality common for all models (acts as tree). I decided to delegate 'ancestors' and 'children' to RelatedModel. Inverting dependency solved this problem.
class MyModel < AR::Base
belongs_to :subject, :polymorphic => true
class MyModel2 < MyModel
class RelatedModel < AR::Base
# has :some_field
has_one :my_model, :as => :subject, :dependent => :destroy
MyModel.create{|m| m.subject = RelatedModel.create(:some_field => "chachacha")}
MyModel.ancestors # no need to proxy relations

Retrieving model attribute from table+column name

Let's say you have the following models:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :author
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
Let's say User has an attribute name, is there any way in Ruby/Rails to access it using the table name and column, similar to what you enter in a select or where query?
Something like:
# or
Edit: What I'm trying to achieve is accessing a model object's attribute using a string. For simple cases I can just use object.send attribute_name but this does not work when accessing "nested" attributes such as Comment.author.name.
Basically I want to retrieve model attributes using the sql-like syntax used by ActiveRecord in the where() and select() methods, so for example:
c = Comment.first
c.select("users.name") # should return the same as c.author.name
Edit 2: Even more precisely, I want to solve the following problem:
# Extract the given columns from the object
columns = ["comments.id", "users.name"]
I don't really understand what you are trying to achieve. I see that you are using polymorphic associations, do you need to access comment.user.name while having has_many :comments, :as => :author in your User model?
For you polymorphic association, you should have
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, :polymorphic => true
And if you want to access comment.user.name, you can also have
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :author
has_many :comments
Please be more specific about your goal.
I think you're looking for a way to access the user from a comment.
Let #comment be the first comment:
#comment = Comment.first
To access the author, you just have to type #comment.user and If you need the name of that user you would do #comment.user.name. It's just OOP.
If you need the id of that comment, you would do #comment.id
Because user and id are just methods, you can call them like that:
Or, you can build your query anyway you like:
Comment.includes(:users).where("#{User::columns[1]} = ?", #some_name)
But it seems like you're not doing thinks really Rails Way. I guess you have your reasons.

embeds_many and embeds_one from same model with Mongoid

I have two models, Blog and Theme. A Blog embeds_many :themes and Theme embedded_in :blog. I also have Blog embeds_one :theme (for the activated theme). This does not work. When creating a theme with blog.themes.create it's not stored. If I change the collections so they're not embedded everything works.
# This does NOT work!
class Blog
embeds_many :themes
embeds_one :theme
class Theme
embedded_in :blog
# This DOES work!
class Blog
has_many :themes
has_one :theme
class Theme
belongs_to :blog
Anyone know why this is?
Also there is a problem with assigning one of themes to (selected) theme.
blog.themes = [theme_1, theme_2]
blog.theme = blog.themes.first
blog.theme # returns nil
With this approach you'll embed the same document twice: once in the themes collection and then in the selected theme.
I'd recommend removing the second relationship and use a string attribute to store the current theme name. You can do something like:
class Blog
include Mongoid::Document
field :current_theme_name, type: String
embeds_many :themes
def current_theme
themes.find_by(name: current_theme_name)
class Theme
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
embedded_in :blog
Note that mongoid embeded documents are initialized at the same time that the main document and doesn't require extra queries.
OK, so I had the same problem and think I have just stumbled across the solution (I was checking out the code for the Metadata on relations).
Try this:
class Blog
embeds_many :themes, :as => :themes_collection, :class_name => "Theme"
embeds_one :theme, :as => :theme_item, :class_name => "Theme"
class Theme
embedded_in :themes_collection, :polymorphic => true
embedded_in :theme_item, :polymorphic => true
What I have discerned guessed is that:
the first param (e.g. :themes) actually becomes the method name.
:as forges the actual relationship, hence the need for them to match in both classes.
:class_name seems pretty obvious, the class used to actually serialise the data.
Hope this helps - I am obviously not an expert on the inner workings on mongoid, but this should be enough to get you running. My tests are now green and the data is serialising as expected.
Remove embeds_one :theme and instead put its getter and setter methods in Blog class:
def theme
themes.where(active: true).first
def theme=(thm)
theme.set(active: false)
thm.set(active: true)
There is no need to call blog.save! after blog.theme = blog.themes.first because set performs an atomic operation.
Also, don't forget to add field :active, type: Boolean, default: false in your Theme model.
Hope this works with you.

Rails: Overriding ActiveRecord association method

Is there a way to override one of the methods provided by an ActiveRecord association?
Say for example I have the following typical polymorphic has_many :through association:
class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :taggings, :as => :taggable
has_many :tags, :through => :taggings, :order => :name
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :taggings, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :stories, :through => :taggings, :source => :taggable, :source_type => "Story"
As you probably know this adds a whole slew of associated methods to the Story model like tags, tags<<, tags=, tags.empty?, etc.
How do I go about overriding one of these methods? Specifically the tags<< method. It's pretty easy to override a normal class methods but I can't seem to find any information on how to override association methods. Doing something like
def tags<< *new_tags
#do stuff
produces a syntax error when it's called so it's obviously not that simple.
You can use block with has_many to extend your association with methods. See comment "Use a block to extend your associations" here.
Overriding existing methods also works, don't know whether it is a good idea however.
has_many :tags, :through => :taggings, :order => :name do
def << (value)
"overriden" #your code here
super value
If you want to access the model itself in Rails 3.2 you should use proxy_association.owner
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :books do
def << (book)
def add_book (book)
# do your thing here.
See documentation
I think you wanted def tags.<<(*new_tags) for the signature, which should work, or the following which is equivalent and a bit cleaner if you need to override multiple methods.
class << tags
def <<(*new_tags)
# rawr!
You would have to define the tags method to return an object which has a << method.
You could do it like this, but I really wouldn't recommend it. You'd be much better off just adding a method to your model that does what you want than trying to replace something ActiveRecord uses.
This essentially runs the default tags method adds a << method to the resulting object and returns that object. This may be a bit resource intensive because it creates a new method every time you run it
def tags_with_append
collection = tags_without_append
def collection.<< (*arguments)
# defines the method 'tags' by aliasing 'tags_with_append'
alias_method_chain :tags, :append
The method I use is to extend the association. You can see the way I handle 'quantity' attributes here: https://gist.github.com/1399762
It basically allows you to just do
has_many : tags, :through => : taggings, extend => QuantityAssociation
Without knowing exactly what your hoping to achieve by overriding the methods its difficult to know if you could do the same.
This may not be helpful in your case but could be useful for others looking into this.
Association Callbacks:
Example from the docs:
class Project
has_and_belongs_to_many :developers, :after_add => :evaluate_velocity
def evaluate_velocity(developer)
Also see Association Extensions:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :people do
def find_or_create_by_name(name)
first_name, last_name = name.split(" ", 2)
find_or_create_by_first_name_and_last_name(first_name, last_name)
person = Account.first.people.find_or_create_by_name("David Heinemeier Hansson")
person.first_name # => "David"
person.last_name # => "Heinemeier Hansson"
Rails guides documents about overriding the added methods directly.
OP's issue with overriding << probably is the only exception to this, for which follow the top answer. But it wouldn't work for has_one's = assignment method or getter methods.
