Responsive Compile-and-Run Vim Mapping - mapping

I have the following mapping in my .vimrc.
:nmap <F5> :<C-U>make %:r && ./%:r<CR>
I press F5 in VIM, and it compiles, exits VIM, and runs my code. When the program terminates, it asks me to "press ENTER or enter a command to continue." It then takes me to a blank screen with the text (1 of 5): and the same "press ENTER or enter a command to continue" prompt. I press enter and it finally returns me back to VIM. This behavior is consistent across the board. Is there a way to remove any or both of those occurrences? Perhaps have the mapping press ENTER twice after the program terminates? If so, how?
EDIT: So I realized appending two more <CR>'s doesn't quite solve the problem. As soon as the program terminates, it IMMEDIATELY goes back to VIM and I don't have time to review the output. Can I make the mapping wait for ME to press the first enter, and automatically press the 2nd ENTER afterwards?

Would this work:
nmap <F5> :<C-U>silent make %:r<CR>:redraw!<CR>:!./%:r<CR>
A longer solution but this one also allows you to see errors (reference):
:function! MakeAndRun()
: silent make %:r
: redraw!
: if len(getqflist()) == 1
: !./%:r
: else
: for i in getqflist()
: if i['valid']
: cwin
: winc p
: return
: endif
: endfor
: endif
:nmap <F5> :call MakeAndRun()<cr>

Yes and yes (you answered your own question):
:nmap <F5> :<C-U>make %:r && ./%:r<CR><CR>

For me this works fine:
" Compile
noremap <F4> :<C-U>silent make<CR>:redraw!<CR>
" Automatically open, but do not go to (if there are errors) the quickfix /
" location list window, or close it when is has become empty.
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow
It compiles, and immediately jumps to vim, showing the quickfix window. No intermediate enters.


Is there a way to press - "dash" on logitech GHub Lua?

As the title says i am trying to press the "dash" button on my keyboard, however i'm not sure what to use since every name that i have tried comes back with an error or a different key gets pressed; here is what i tried:
"-": Error
"dash": Error
"minus": "'" gets pressed
"mdash": Error
"ndash": Error
And unfortunately i haven't been able to find any documentation regarding the names, only for the methods:
There are 3 equivalent ways to simulate pressing minus key:
PressAndReleaseKey("minus") -- symbolic name
PressAndReleaseKey(0x00C) -- scancode
PressAndReleaseHidKey(0x2D) -- HID code

How to use AppleScript or Lua to do an ALT + TAB after results on the

I use the, and after hitting the ENTER key, I would like it to automatically do an ALT + TAB to go to the previous App I was using: Excel or Firefox or Chrome, ... you name it.
I have the same question for just .lua, but if it can't be done with .lua I'd like to do it with AppleScript or with the Automator.
What's the hot key for TAB in .lua? hammerspoon?
As user3439894 says, CMD + TAB works fine.
But in my end, the TAB is not released, therefore, I keeps on showing all the open apps. So, I tried to put a RETURN as of the documentation. I also tried ENTER , but non of them work.
hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"cmd"}, "tab")
-- hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"enter"})
Assuming your are using this in conjunction of one of the answers I gave you back in mid November regarding Calculator, then the modified Lua code below works for me to switch to the previous application when pressing the enter key while in Calculator.
Example Lua code:
-- Create a hotkey used to trap the enter key and disable it.
-- It will then be enabled/disabled as Calculator is focused/unfocused
-- When enabled and the enter key is pressed it presses = then command C.
applicationCalculatorEnterHotkey = hs.hotkey.bind({}, "return", function()
-- Press the '=' key to finish the calculation.
hs.eventtap.keyStroke({}, "=")
-- Copy the result to the clipboard.
hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"cmd"}, "C")
-- Bring up the App Switcher.
hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"cmd"}, "tab")
-- Act on the selected App in the App Switcher.
-- This works in testing with Calculator, however
-- may not work in other applications.
hs.eventtap.keyStroke({}, "=")
I've added two hs.eventtap.keyStroke to the original code with comments.
Executing hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"cmd"}, "tab") in the Console Hammerspoon does automatically switch to the previous application without showing the App Switcher, however when used in the applicationCalculatorEnterHotkey function it shows the App Switcher as if ⌘-Tab has been pressed and the ⌘ key not released. This may be a bug, not sure as not enough testing/research into the issue was done as the obvious solution would be to follow up with programmatically pressing the enter key, however that can not be done from within the applicationCalculatorEnterHotkey function because it is already trapping the enter key in Calculator.
In this particular use case, however this is where hs.eventtap.keyStroke({}, "=") is used to act as if the enter key had been pressed again and is unique to Calculator.

Linux expect newline

I have a custom package I want to install automatically in my docker using expect.
The first thing the package asks me to do is press Enter to continue, then it prints another 2 empty lines then it waits for an input.
My expect script :
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./install
expect "\n"
send -- "\n"
But as you can see in the image, it just runs the installer and exits.
I tried removing the expect "\n" so only send -- "\n" will execute but now even the install message doesn't appear (tried with set timeout 1000 before send and it also didn't work)
Any ideas?
P.S : This is a link to the package if anyone wants to have a go at it:
(the installer is inside DP-UareU-RTE-2.2.3-1.20140429_1533.tar.gz)
expect "\n" match a linefeed exactly, I think this is not what your program is sending.
To wait for a Shell prompt you can use expect "%" or expect "*" to match anything.
If you need to make sure you're dealing with the right prompt you may be able to use something like expect "*Linux Installation*".
Also don't send \n but \r for the enter key :
spawn ./install
expect "*Linux Installation*"
send "\r"
expect eof
Note that the default flag is -gl for glob pattern matching but you can also use the -re flag for regular expression matching.

Standard print button is inoperative in custom Report

My customer has reported a problem that standard ''print'' button in Z-report which a developer wrote before is not working.
How can I enable the button?
MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
CASE sy-ucomm.
Then button needs a usercommand assigned, which is then processed in pai. usually with a general form called get_ucomm (many developers call it similar). You also can issue /h in transaction field and then press the print-button. /h will trigger the debugger and You can inspect the report step by step.
That's all I can say without seeing the code. Hope this will help.
Which user command do you define in your GUI status?
If you have a standard list (what I expect when you write about a z-report), then you should define the command PRI to print the list:
If you define a screen (using the screen painter) or an ALV-Grid... then this solution will not help you.
If you don't know, what a GUI status is: Scan your source code for the command
Then double click on 'XXXX' and you should be directed to the status definition. There may by multiple status (and status with generic names).
I've seen your code and for the &RNT option there's no code to execute, so if the user wants to print the button will do nothing.
MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
CASE sy-ucomm.
" There's no code
I've used the 'STANDARD' GUI Status from the function group 'KKBL' and '&RNT' is the code of the print button and that's why I think that is the print button you are refering in your program.
Can you post the GUI Status you are using please?

Applescript: Wait until "Print" dialog closes in Acrobat X

A total noob in Applescript, please bear with me…
We have a process where we use System Events to control the Print dialog in Acrobat X. This works fine; we can "click" the Print button.
Now, we have to wait until the document is printed. While the document prints, a dialog opens, with title "Print", a progress bar and a Cancel button. We can only continue when this window closes.
So far, I have not been successful with that wait; the Applescript continues and that messes up the process.
What I have currently is (note this is part of a bigger script, and variables are defined and appear to be valid.
We have Acrobat active, and the Print dialog is open:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Acrobat"
-- now we set all the options in the Print dialog,
-- which is in the window Print
click button "OK" of window "Print
end tell
end tell
delay 5
-- this gives Acrobat time to get printing and to open that print dialog window
repeat while exists window "Print"
delay 1
end repeat
close active doc saving no
I also tried to put that code in a Timeout, but no chance.
Now, I am stuck, but I am sure it is a stupid beginner's error.
Another note: I was not able to get the name of this "Print" window using UIElementInspector.
Thanks a lot in advance for any advice.
Is your code enclosed in some tell application block that you haven't reported here?
It should work if you move the repeat loop into the tell process block:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Acrobat"
-- now we set all the options in the Print dialog,
-- which is in the window Print
click button "OK" of window "Print"
delay 5
-- this gives Acrobat time to get printing and to open that print dialog window
repeat while exists window "Print"
delay 1
end repeat
end tell
end tell
close active doc saving no
