How can I make a jQuery Mobile dialog that is not full screen? - jquery-mobile

I'd like to pop up a dialog that is not full screen, i.e., it "floats" above the page which opened it. Here is what I am trying:
<div data-role="page" id='Page1'>
<div data-role='button' id="Button1">Open Dialog</div>
<div data-role="dialog" id='Dialog'
style='width:200px; height:100px; top:100px; left:100px;'>
<div data-role='button' id="Button2">Close</div>
Button1.onclick = function() {
Button2.onclick = function() {
Even though I set the bounds on Dialog's div, it is still full screen.

Here's what I came up with (after some great hints from Jasper):
<div data-role="page" id='Page1'>
<div data-role='button' id="Button1" >Open Dialog</div>
<div data-role="dialog" id='Dialog'>
<div data-role='header'id='Dialog_header'><h1>Dialog</h1></div>
<div data-role='button' id="Button2">Close</div>
Dialog_header.onclick= function(e){
Button1.onclick = function(e) {
var $dialog=$("#Dialog");
if (!$dialog.hasClass('ui-dialog'))
Button2.onclick = function() {
Button2 is a bonus: it shows how to close the dialog from code.
You can fiddle with it here:

You can force a width on the dialog like this:
.ui-mobile .ui-dialog {
background : none !important;
width : 75% !important;
Notice I also removed the background so the dialog can appear on top of the other page. The only problem that remains is that when you navigate to the dialog, the other page is hidden so the dialog appears on top of a white background.
Here is a demo:
This is a starting point for you, I think the best way to create your own popup is to manually show/hide the dialog so jQuery Mobile doesn't hide the old page.
You can certainly use a dialog as a popup with a small amount of custom coding:
$(document).delegate('#dialog-link', 'click', function () {
var $dialog = $('#dialog');
if (!$dialog.hasClass('ui-dialog')) {
return false;
Where dialog-link is the ID of the link that opens the dialog as a popup.
Here is a slight update to the CSS to center the modal horizontally:
.ui-mobile .ui-dialog {
background : none !important;
width : 75% !important;
left : 50% !important;
margin-left : -37.5% !important;
And here is a demo:

here is a plugin that u can use..this plugin is also customizable with ur own html.
simpleDialogue plugin for jquery mobile


Modal box "hidden" behind greyed out area

Im following along with
The example in the link above makes use of twitter bootstrap whereas i make use of zurb foundation.
Basically im trying to get a custom dialog box to insert images from my pagedown editior (sort of like how stackoverflow does it).
Im abale to pull up the modal box (foundation reveal) but it seems to be "behind" something and i cant seem to interact with it. Any ideas?
My code:
js file:
PH.ui.markdown = {
initialize: function () {
var markdownTextArea = $('textarea[data-markdown=true]');
if (markdownTextArea.length == 1) {
.wrap("<div class='wmd-panel' />")
.before("<div id='wmd-button-bar'></div>")
.after("<div id='wmd-preview' class='wmd-preview'></div>");
var converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter();
var editor = new Markdown.Editor(converter);
editor.hooks.set("insertImageDialog", function (callback) {
//setTimeout(function () {
$('#myModal').foundation('reveal', 'open');
// }, 5000);
return true; // tell the editor that we'll take care of getting the image url
<div id="myModal" class="reveal-modal">
<h2>Upload Image</h2>
<%= f.file_field :image %>
<button class="btn" id="insert_image_post">Insert Image</button>
<!-- <a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a> -->
I figured it out.
The wmd-prompt-background had a z-index of 1000:
<div class="wmd-prompt-background" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; z-index: 1000; opacity: 0.5; height: 1085px; left: 0px; width: 100%;"></div>
So i just added:
<style type="text/css">
#myModal {
z-index: 1500;
to my page and it worked.
One way to do it is to position the div of your modal directly under the <body>. This way you make sure that the modal is not part of elements with special z-index

jQuery UI Tabs content via ajax position() works only in the first tab

I am new to jQuery/jQuery UI. I am trying to create multiple tabs in a page(sample.html) which loads dynamic content(temp.html) via ajax. Desired effect is content in temp.html should change according to tab selected. I am using position to place some widgets in positions relative to each other.
The problem I am facing is when i click the first tab, everything is working fine. When i click on the second tab positioning does not work. I have added my code below.
$(function() {
ajaxOptions : {
error : function(xhr, status, index, anchor) {
$(anchor.hash).html("Couldn't load this tab.");
cache : false
<div id="content" class="content">
<div id="tabs">
<li>Tab 1</li>
<li>Tab 2</li>
#widget1 {
width: 150px;
height: 70px;
top: 20px;
left: 50px
#widget2 {
width: 150px;
height: 70px;
function resetPositions() {
my : "left top",
at : "right bottom",
of : "#widget1",
offset : "0 50"
$(function() {
collapsible : true,
fillSpace : false,
icons : {
header : "ui-icon-circle-arrow-e",
headerSelected : "ui-icon-circle-arrow-s"
<div id="widget1" class="customAccordion">
<h3>Widget 1</h3>
<div>Widget 1</div>
<div id="widget2" class="customAccordion">
<h3>Widget 2</h3>
<div>Widget 2</div>
Please do let me know if i am making any mistakes.
Possibly a tricky part of jQuery UI, you need to make sure you initialize your accordion(s) BEFORE your tabs
Try first to remove your accordion, see if it helps.
Then try to initialize your tabs at the very end.
Then you need to verify loading your html page with AJAX will run its included Javascript... If not, you need to paste that initialization code into the select event of your tabs.
select: function(event,ui)
// initAccordions();

on hover show edit icon on right

I have some series on un-order lists, wrapped with Link I want show edit icon on mouseover of Link... how to do that using jquery?
<div class="user_welcome_dropDown_wrapper">
<ul style="padding-left:0; margin-left:0;">
<li>Dummy Link</li>
<li>Dummy Link</li>
check this out;
}, function(){
For this purpose, you should be using mouseenter and mouseleave to append and prepend the link to whereever you want it.
Try the following:
$('a').mouseenter(function () {
// show icon here
$('a').mouseleave(function () {
// hide or remove icon here
If you only want to show the icon for anchor tags with a href attribute of # the 'a[href="#"]' selector can be used instead.
This would basically work the following way:
You have:
<li>Link<span class="additional">extra info</span></a></li>
With the span hidden via CSS:
display: none;
and finally the jQuery:
See for more info
jQuery is great for all sorts of things, but might be overkill here. This can easily be pulled off using plain old HTML+CSS.
li {
width: 66px;
li:hover {
background-position:right center;

Refresh jquery ui dialog position

I'm using a jquery dialog.
The content of this dialog is dynamic so the height change when the dialog is open.
$("#a_div").dialog({ width: 400 });
The dialog initially appears center in the page. but when the height change is no more center.
How can i refresh the dialog's position without close and reopen it?
You need to re-set the position by doing:
position: { 'my': 'center', 'at': 'center' }
The position is set once when creating the dialog, but can be altered afterwards (or just re-set at the same value, forcing jQuery to recalculate).
See this demo:
If you want to use the exact position settings as used by jquery ui for the initial positioning, you can grab the options from the jquery ui code and use them again any time you want to reposition your dialog.
function refreshDialogPosition(id) {
$("#" + id).position({
my: "center",
at: "center",
of: window,
collision: "fit",
// Ensure the titlebar is always visible
using: function (pos) {
var topOffset = $(this).css(pos).offset().top;
if (topOffset < 0) {
$(this).css("top", - topOffset);
This will also make sure your title bar is always visible. Otherwise your title bar will be outside your screen when using dialogs with large content. (content height > window height)
Have a nice day.
You can try to resize the dialog using its classes by JQuery directly (documentation here)
The basic structure of JQueryUI Dialog is this:
<div class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable ui-resizable">
<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix">
<span id="ui-dialog-title-dialog" class="ui-dialog-title">Dialog title</span>
<a class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all" href="#"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick">close</span></a>
<div style="height: 200px; min-height: 109px; width: auto;" class="ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" id="dialog">
<p>Dialog content goes here.</p>
So, maybe you should play with classes's width and height to set the best.
Another solution is to set dialog's width directly before open (when your data is successfully loaded):
$("#a_div").dialog({ width: 400 });
$('#a_div .ui-dialog').css('width','400px');
// Or...
I hope it helps you.
Marked as Correct didn't work for me. It persists position once it opened.
Following code will reset dialog position, every time you open/re-open it.
open: function(event, ui) {
// Reset Dialog Position
$(this).dialog('widget').position({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window });

JQuery UI Tabs: Apply opacity toggle to only specific inner element?

I am using Jquery UI tabs, and have it set to toggle the opacity with each slide change. I'm wondering if there's a way to apply the opacity toggle to only a single element within each tab, instead of the entire tab. My understanding of jQuery is pretty basic, so bear with me.
So, If I have something like this:
<div id="tabs">
<ul id="tabs-nav><li></li></ul>
<div id="tab-1">
<img />
<p />
<div id="tab-2">
<img />
<p />
How could I set it so that only the <img> has an effect applied, and the rest just switches normally?
Here are the basics of the call I have for UI tabs:
var $tabs = $('#slides').tabs({fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } });
//stuff to create previous/next links
$('.next-tab, .prev-tab').click(function() {
$tabs.tabs('select', $(this).attr("rel"));
return false;
UPDATE: So this is what I ended up with based on karim79's suggestions, and it seems to work. I added this after the original code I showed above (and removed {fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } } from my original code):
$( "#slides" ).bind( "tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
I'm going to explain my logic, because like I said, my understanding is basic, so I'd love to know if my rationale is off!
I removed karim79's coniditional statement, because I want this to apply to ALL of the tabs. Am I correct in understanding that an if(ui.index == 2) would only apply to the third tab?
Then, I changed the .css("opacity", 0.6) to .fadeOut().fadeIn() because the .css opacity was only succeeding in making all of the slides semi-transparent, but not fading anything in or out.
Would this be an acceptable way of doing this or is it somehow hackish?
This should do it:
$( ".selector" ).bind( "tabsselect", function(event, ui) {
if(ui.index == 2) { // or whatever index you're interested in
$(ui.panel).find("img").css("opacity", 0.6);
