Ad Hoc distribution for beta testing xcode 4.3 - ios

After following the great tutorials from on how to submit your app to the app store from square one I started planning my beta test program.
I'm not going to get into details of everything that wen well but of what I'm dealing with right now.
I've read many many posts on how to create provisioning profiles for ad hoc distribution of my app to beta testers. I've focused on those helping user get the app over the air (OTA) after a forum recommendation.
I also know now that TESTFLIGHT is out there but I can't use it this time.
Everything works well except the part where the application actually gets installed on my device. I keep getting the error "Unable to Download Application" after a few seconds of pressing "Install".
There are several possibilities and combinations of certificates, profiles, signatures, and here is where I think I'm doing something wrong. I'd like to show you what I have and what I've done and maybe your experienced eyes can spot my missing step or misconfiguration.
On the iOS Provisional Portal:
1) Ad Hoc distribution profile with a couple of devices:
2) After I download and install my certificates (I've create a couple of each for testing purposes):
3) On my xCode's project configuration:
4) When I generate the archive:
5) I upload everything to my server and then try to get the .ipa to install on my iPhone (which is one of the two devices included on the profile)
And finally I get this:
What could be wrong?

The only difference I can see is in the CodeSigning, ensure both lines under Adhoc point to your certificate.
Second thing to verify: You did not mention the plist that is created during the "Save for Enterprice". Did you upload that to your server, too? And does your link point to this plist? Check out this answer for the plist stuff: How to send the build to already provisioned remote person's iPhone

I've had this exact problem even where, like you (as far as I can tell), everything is done right.
What I discovered is that if you've EVER had the url to the plist file or the app file incorrect then your iPhone will always fail to install. There's some kind of cacheing going on where the phone fails to download the updated plist file if it's previously downloaded an incorrect one.
The fix I've used is to try a different phone (that hasn't cached a previous version), or to make a new version at a different URL. Sounds crazy, but it worked for me!

We have also faced with this problem couple of times and possible reasons might be;
Due to the screen shots, did you upload your files to exact location "" location? When you give this URL during enterprise export.
Second possible reason we have seen is mismatched App Id's.

In case you haven't solved your problem, I think you can't use a wild card in your ad hoc profile. It should have the full signature.
You also have to upload both the icons, but I'm assuming you did that since your screenshot shows a custom icon.
It's worth the effort to get this working, my customers love it.


Flash CC publish direct to iPad and get Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed

I'm in Flash CC... I've created a certificate and provisioning profile for app development, but when I try to publish to the device via the AIR 3.8 for iOS, it processes for about 1min30, and then throws up this error. I'm not sure how to fix it or what could be causing it. I've chosen an app id com.mycompany.myappname for the provisioning profile... does my flash file need to incorporate that structure anywhere?
Any help appreciated.
You need to do a few things (some of which you may have already done, just outlining them all):
Create a development certificate, convert it to a .p12 as instructed by Adobe
Create an app in the portal.
Add your device's UDID to the portal. You must use iTunes or Xcode to get this. As of iOS 7, the API used to grab the UDID on the device is removed so any app that claims to do it is returning a false UDID (false UDIDs will start with a bunch of "F"'s, I believe)
Create your provisioning profile. Make sure it is a development profile and that it includes your device's UDID and the appropriate App
I am unsure if you still have to do this, but you used to have to enable developer mode on device. This may have been done away with in iOS 7, however, as I cannot find the setting on my iPad
When compiling, your app must use the exact id that the App you created in step 2 did
Extra Tips:
Avoid doing WiFi debugging. It works, but not well. Stick to USB debug
If you have a previous version of the app on your device, try deleting it (long press the icon, hit the X)
Make sure your version number is valid (should be x.y.z, where x, y, and z are all a number between 0 and 999)
Some of that is obvious, but make sure you follow it all.
i had the same issue and the points given above didn't solved it... after banging my head for two days i deleted the Entitlement tag from the project xml file..and that solved it digging deeper i found that the issue was i had a key in it beta-reports-active and that only works for Store Submission

Error distributing iOS app ITMS-9000

I have made a game using game maker and successfully got it exported to xcode 5 on my mac. I have also successfully played the game on my iphone, so the game does work quite well.
I do have the provisional profile, the certificates needed (developer and distribution). I only have my certificate once in my keychain.
I also created my app on the developer website where it is now ready for upload.
Whenever I try to upload I can select my app and it starts uploading, only after a short time I get the error:
ERROR ITMS-9000 The bundle "com.grown-apps.whopays" at bundle path payload/ is not signed using an apple submission certificate at softwareassets/softwareasset (MZITMSPsoftwareassetpackage)
But I have signed everything in xcode 5. I selected the distribution profile to sign with.
It doesn't matter how I try to upload, using application loader or xcode 5, I get the same error.
I have now tried for a WHOLE WEEK searching the internet, and I just now got to the end where I simply cannot stand this anymore. I have followed every video or text guide I could possibly find. I have found many people with the same issues both here and everywhere else, none of the solutions people came up with and worked for many just didn't work for me.
I am now sitting here at 3 in the morning almost bald from ripping off my hair in desperation in hoping that someone somewhere has ANY idea what I can try next, this really is my last cry for help. I have used more than 100 hours just researching on this problem and it has turned up nothing for me.
Please help me so I don't have to take the final step and throw my expensive mac out the window!
I had this exact same problem and just resolved it today. In order for me to get anything from Windows to the Mac via Game Maker Studio, I had set the certificates "Trust" setting in the Keychain Access to "Always Trust" for both the provision and the distribution.
HOWEVER, for the app store submission, I had to change the "Trust" setting back to "Use System Default" for both the certificates. Also the keys attached to the Certificates are always put on "Allow all applications to access this item" in the "Access Control" tab of the respective key, regardless of the Certificate "Trust" parameter. I hope this helps people in the same bind.

iOS App Failed to Install

I've been browsing the internet for a solution to this issue and have found plenty of threads about the same problem, but there was either no solution found or the ones proposed didn't work.
I followed along with the tutorial linked in the iOS text file in the Air project template for FlashDeveop. Since I do not currently have an iOS device, I've been sending the IPA to a coworker to have him test it. When he attempts to load the application onto the iTouch, he gets an "app failed to install" with no further information on why it failed. Does anyone know what could cause this?
Here's what I've already done/checked:
made sure the app ID in the apple portal matched the ID in the application.xml
sent my co-worker the provision profiled used to create the IPA
tried the test targets (fast test, fast debug, etc) as well as an "ad-hoc" build
recreating the certificates
Its also worth noting that the app runs fine on my Android device, so I'm fairly certain that I've missed something in the certification process for iOS.
Yeah sounds like a provisioning problem. Make sure the UDID of all devices you are targeting are in each listed provisioning profile (Note: You will need to add any additional UDID's added to the developer portal again to any provisioning profile).
Although I strongly recommend using Testflight for your circumstance, makes sending an .ipa extremely easy.

Having trouble deploying ad hoc testing version of iOS app

I'm new to iOS development and I'm having a bit of an issue deploying something for my client to test. I am using XCode v4.3.2. I was given an xcode project, and asked to make some minor coding changes, mainly to get my feet wet. I made the changes, compiled the app, ran it in the emulator, it worked fine. I tethered my iPhone to the macbook and followed apple's instructions to set up my phone as the dev phone, ran it from the phone, no problems.
Now the part I need help with. The company has a development license with Apple. They sent me an invite through Apple, which I accepted, which generated an Apple dev license for me. The project I took over had a bunch of code signing keys associated with it, that were all expired, so I switched over the keys to the one that was generated for me. I archived the project, and then saved it for adhoc/enterprise, which generated a .ipa file. They tried to load the ipa onto an iPod Touch (which the project has previously worked on) and it generated an error saying that it didnt have entitlements.
I checked Stackoverflow and found an article that stated how to add entitlements, so I followed them, and now in Code Signing Entitlements (in the Build Settings) it says : [ProjectName].entitlements (where the [ProjectName] is the actual project name :) ). I reaarchived and sent to her, and she tried to load the new .ipa. Now on the sync, she gets "not installed on ipod because an unknown error occurred (0xE8003FFE)".
This is driving me nuts... what am I doing wrong? I have the device ID for her iPod, just in case, do I have to set up some specific "thing" for her as an adhoc tester? I figured it would just work.... Please help!
I would suggest you have a look at
It is an easier way to distribute builds to your clients and testers.
I use it regularly and it saves a lot of headache...
We use with great success. We've been using this for quite some time and our clients love the simplicity of OTA beta distributions.
Another company worth investigating is If you want a solution that blends iOS with Android and other platforms it works well. Testflight has been migrated into iTunes Connect.

Validation/Submission error: Application failed codesign verification

I have a number of apps that are almost identical (with the exception of a few constants, images, and a sqllite database file). I've never had any issues submitting them before, however today one of the updates gave the following error when validating/submitting (note: I have updated this app in the past with no issues):
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate.
I've spent all day trying everything to get this to work. I even diff'd the entire project folder against another app (which submitted successfully, today), and all build/signing settings are exactly the same (except bundle identifier, version number, etc.). I've even (as a last resort!) revoked the certificate and re-generated everything, including provisioning profiles.
I've been through all of the steps listed here:
However, if I "Share" the app from the Organizer and save to disk, running codesign -dvvv says it's not signed at all (however, this happens with the ones that worked!). Not sure how else to run this, as the file generated (and shown in Organizer) is not a .app file.
I'm at a total loss how to figure out what's wrong with this, or why it's any different to the others. I don't seem to be able to get any more information out of the Organizer. The app was built exactly the same way as the others, and the project files etc. are identical (except for expected differences like images/names).
Ok, fixed this... I wish I'd tried this sooner, as it would've saved me many hours today!
It seems that the App Store provisioning file for this app was somehow corrupt - not on my Mac, but on Apples servers.. I downloaded it many times today, with no luck. I just discovered that selecting the Ad-Hoc profile during Validation worked, which led me to believe it was specific to the App Store one. So I deleted the App Store provisioning file from the iOS dev dashboard, then recreated it, downloaded it, and it worked!
Before I deleted it, I edited it, and everything was set correctly, and the expiration date was 6 months from now, so I can only assume something was broken Apple's side (even though I'm sure this same file worked in the past!) :-(
I also have the same problem.
All my provisioning Profiles, Certificates, Bundle Identifier every thing was perfect.
Except My Apps Executable file Name in Info.Plist and Product Name in Target Build Settings was slightly different.
And just because of that codesign_wrapper was not able locate Provisioning.
I spend nearly one day to figure this out.
So Please do one check
App Product Name is have to be same with your Executable file in Info.Plist.
I have a very similar problem, but in my case my distribution profiles keep disappearing from my system. So when an application specific distribution profile disappear Xcode picks up another one (wildcard, iPhone developer, etc.) which is not correct. Everything looks fine except I get this error.
My solution was that I downloaded all of my code signing profiles from Apple. I saved them in a directory and whenever one "disappears" I just have to double click the correct profile to add it to Xcode and update "release" entry in Code Signing Identity in plist.
