App Store Submission: No Identities [duplicate] - ios

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
No identities were available - administrator request
OK I was going to post an image but SO won't let me. It's an error box with a yellow triangle exclamation mark and the text "No Identities were Available, An administrator must request identities before they can be downloaded, [Button] Download Identities... [Button] Import Develop Profile..."
Has anyone got any idea what is going on with this error? Appears on clicking "validate" in the organiser after building for Archiving in the "Release" configuration. The Developer Profile is installed (I have re-downloaded and re-installed it heaps of times to try and get past this...). The app exists in iTunes Connect and I have created an App ID for it in Dev Center, and provisioning profiles, etc. It builds and runs fine....
I can't make head or tail of the help articles on the Developer Portal as they seem to be for some old version of Xcode and I have only ever really used version 4. Any ideas what is going on here?
Oh, "Download Identities" does nothing either, it just shows a spinner for a while and redisplays the error.

I just had this same issue. For me the solution was that I had made provisioning profiles in Member Center, but they were for Development rather than Distribution. As soon as I made a Distribution profile (on a separate tab in the Provisioning Portal), I was good to go.
I hope that helps!

Answer: App IDs are case sensitive, and must match between the App ID in the Developer Portal and the App ID in Xcode. Exactly.

You are missing the Distribution mobileprovision file. Get your admin (or login as admin) to create and download one for your app from iOS Provisioning Portal - Provisioning - Distribution.
Here's "About App Distribution" instructions by Apple. Not duplicated here, since Apple keeps updating their system and a link to Apple's docs is more likely to remain uptodate.


error: Embedded binary is not signed with the same certificate as the parent app. Xcode [duplicate]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 1 year ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 1 year ago and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
We pushed iOS app to Firebase distribution and sent invitations to every tester. Our testers followed all steps and get ready to test the app. Unfortunately, the testers get the message “ The developer needs to update their app so that it can run on your device. You'll get an email once the app is ready to test.“ once they tried to download the app to their iOS. We can be sure that we built the app as a production version.
Can you guys give me ideas for the issue?
I finally got to resolve the problem.
The whole problem has to do with Provisioning Profiles.
When you have to export for Firebase App Distribution is clearly stated in their docs that an ad-hoc export should be used, but the whole procedure and options are sparsely explained..
So here are the necessary steps:
In your developer account generate a new Distribution certificate.
Generate a new profile for distribution.
For the new profile select the right AppId, the Distribution certificate, choose ad-hoc, and select the Device UUIDs you want(the tester's)
In Xcode keep Automatic signing checked, and use your Developer profile.
Make sure to update your profile:Xcode/Preferences `Download Manual Profiles' button.
Make sure that in both Target/Building Settings/Signing and Project/Building Settings/Signing shows you iOS Developer profile under both Debugand Release not the Keychainone, but the Automatic one, else select it yourself.
Archive the project. Product/Archive.
Export the .ipa:
If Xcode doesn't get you to the organiser window open it Windows/Organizer
Select the proper App(from the left ìOS Apss`column) and archived file ( the latest is at the top of the list.
Choose Distribute App button.
Select a distribution method (Ad Hoc in this case)and click Nextbutton. Keep in mind that Each method require its own Certificate and Provisioning Profile..
Choose options ( I left it as is..) and click Nextbutton.
Re-signing the App is where things go wrong, keep Automatic ( here is where Xcode connects to your Developer account and sign the app with the Distributioncertificate and profile.
Once all the compiling has finished just click Export button.
Choose where to store the files on your computer and click Export.
Hope this step-by-step guide will be helpful to the whole process is described very unclearly explained by the docs and puzzling all the info is quite frustrating..
Thanks guys. My issue is I built my app with export_method was app-store, the right method should have been ad-hoc. I changed my export_method to ad-hoc and it works as I expect.
If someone changed the export_method and still get the error. Please check Vincenzo's answer
That message from your tester means that the tester's udid isn't in the provisioning profile of the uploaded app. When a tester registers their device with App Distribution in the tester onboarding flow, App Distribution collects the udid and sends it to you. Thus you would need to add the udid to the provisioning profile, rebuild the app and send it out again.
As I'm using the service for the first time, I initially thought I didn't understand how it actually works, or it was too stupid to be true, but then it actually behaved as expected.
My first experience worked like this:
I exported my app with my current provisioning file (Developer, not Enterprise) and uploaded it to firebase distribution (1st time).
I sent to my testers a link to download and install an app that they can't use because their device UUID is not registered in my provisioning file.
I got a mail with their device UUID of my first tester and add it to my provisioning file.
I exported again the app and upload it again (2nd time).
It created a new distribution so I sent him a second link to download and install the second version that now should work.
My second tester accepted and I received a second mail..added, exported and uploaded (third time).
This time on console it show a big blue rectangle with the message that the version was updated with new devices and testers will be notified by mail. ( this is how I actually expected it to work ).
What can have happened on my 2nd upload? Would an Enterprise certificate avoid all this device UUID registering part?
I got this error by disabling arm64 via EXCLUDED_ARCHS for Any iOS SDK, including iOS devices (see the problem?). The archive worked fine as well as the upload, but after the user downloads the app, I get this message.
If you have a Podfile that sets EXCLUDED_ARCHS, you need to make both the app and the pods consistent (include arm64 for sims only).

Testers could not download app from Firebase App Distribution [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 1 year ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 1 year ago and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
We pushed iOS app to Firebase distribution and sent invitations to every tester. Our testers followed all steps and get ready to test the app. Unfortunately, the testers get the message “ The developer needs to update their app so that it can run on your device. You'll get an email once the app is ready to test.“ once they tried to download the app to their iOS. We can be sure that we built the app as a production version.
Can you guys give me ideas for the issue?
I finally got to resolve the problem.
The whole problem has to do with Provisioning Profiles.
When you have to export for Firebase App Distribution is clearly stated in their docs that an ad-hoc export should be used, but the whole procedure and options are sparsely explained..
So here are the necessary steps:
In your developer account generate a new Distribution certificate.
Generate a new profile for distribution.
For the new profile select the right AppId, the Distribution certificate, choose ad-hoc, and select the Device UUIDs you want(the tester's)
In Xcode keep Automatic signing checked, and use your Developer profile.
Make sure to update your profile:Xcode/Preferences `Download Manual Profiles' button.
Make sure that in both Target/Building Settings/Signing and Project/Building Settings/Signing shows you iOS Developer profile under both Debugand Release not the Keychainone, but the Automatic one, else select it yourself.
Archive the project. Product/Archive.
Export the .ipa:
If Xcode doesn't get you to the organiser window open it Windows/Organizer
Select the proper App(from the left ìOS Apss`column) and archived file ( the latest is at the top of the list.
Choose Distribute App button.
Select a distribution method (Ad Hoc in this case)and click Nextbutton. Keep in mind that Each method require its own Certificate and Provisioning Profile..
Choose options ( I left it as is..) and click Nextbutton.
Re-signing the App is where things go wrong, keep Automatic ( here is where Xcode connects to your Developer account and sign the app with the Distributioncertificate and profile.
Once all the compiling has finished just click Export button.
Choose where to store the files on your computer and click Export.
Hope this step-by-step guide will be helpful to the whole process is described very unclearly explained by the docs and puzzling all the info is quite frustrating..
Thanks guys. My issue is I built my app with export_method was app-store, the right method should have been ad-hoc. I changed my export_method to ad-hoc and it works as I expect.
If someone changed the export_method and still get the error. Please check Vincenzo's answer
That message from your tester means that the tester's udid isn't in the provisioning profile of the uploaded app. When a tester registers their device with App Distribution in the tester onboarding flow, App Distribution collects the udid and sends it to you. Thus you would need to add the udid to the provisioning profile, rebuild the app and send it out again.
As I'm using the service for the first time, I initially thought I didn't understand how it actually works, or it was too stupid to be true, but then it actually behaved as expected.
My first experience worked like this:
I exported my app with my current provisioning file (Developer, not Enterprise) and uploaded it to firebase distribution (1st time).
I sent to my testers a link to download and install an app that they can't use because their device UUID is not registered in my provisioning file.
I got a mail with their device UUID of my first tester and add it to my provisioning file.
I exported again the app and upload it again (2nd time).
It created a new distribution so I sent him a second link to download and install the second version that now should work.
My second tester accepted and I received a second mail..added, exported and uploaded (third time).
This time on console it show a big blue rectangle with the message that the version was updated with new devices and testers will be notified by mail. ( this is how I actually expected it to work ).
What can have happened on my 2nd upload? Would an Enterprise certificate avoid all this device UUID registering part?
I got this error by disabling arm64 via EXCLUDED_ARCHS for Any iOS SDK, including iOS devices (see the problem?). The archive worked fine as well as the upload, but after the user downloads the app, I get this message.
If you have a Podfile that sets EXCLUDED_ARCHS, you need to make both the app and the pods consistent (include arm64 for sims only).

iOS & XCode5 App publishing fails - Error ITMS-9000: "The binary you tried to upload was invalid"

I was already looking through some other threads here with the ITMS-Error 9000, but they didn't help me to get my App passing the submission to the App Store.
I have NO errors or warnings inside XCode.
The App is perfectly working on iOS Devices & Simulators.
EDIT: What I have already tried:
Changed Deployment Target from iOS 7.1 to 7.0
Checked the Bundle ID in iTunesConnect and inside Xcode
Checked for any errors and warnings --- removed / fixed them
Do you have any additional ideas what it could be? Without any errors or further information it is hard to find out what the reason is.
If I try "just" to "Validate" instead of "Distribute" in the organizer after Archiviing it i get the following Error
Its an Issue with Apple's Server I tried validating the app it said "Unable to process app at this time due to general error" a quick search about it on SO said its got nothing to do with our code or project but some process running at Apples server
Assuming that your binary icons does not meet as per apple's human interface guidelines.
It most probably seems to be the issue with the profile you are signing your app with. You got to make sure that your are signing the app rightly with proper distribution profile. Also check out for the bundle identifier and make sure that it is same as the one you have given in itunes connect.
Check this link!
You should be creating the binary with the simulator or some device connected.
Try it:
Unconnect iOS device from your Mac,
Dont select any simulator, just leave it as it is, iOS device option
Archive it
Publish it
Make sure you're using a provisioning profile for the App Store (not for Ad Hoc distribution)
Then select this profile when building your app.
I would guess this all has something to do with Apple making system changes to prepare for iOS 8 and in doing so somethings got broken.
The issues look to have just been resolved by Apple. I just successfully submitted an app that was previous showing the same problem you had. If you look at your Provisioning Profiles, you should notice that Apple has removed your app's previous Distribution Profiles.
To get your submission working again, all you have to do is recreate your App Store and Ad Hoc provisioning profile, but make sure to use a new name and you should be good to go. You were not alone on this one. A bunch of people experienced the same problem and there were a lot of posts about it on the official Apple Dev forums.
Please check the Distribution Profile that you are signing your app with at iTunes Connects. make sure that it is still valid. I had same issue couple days back and after a struggle , i found out that somehow my provisioning profile was not valid anymore. Creating a new profile and submitting app with it solved my issue.
Apple have deleted corrupted provisionning, you just have to regenerate it and make submission works again !
Connect to your iOS Developer
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Provisioning Profiles / Distribution
Here you can see some certificates missing. You have to re-create (Distribution / AdHoc). Note, you have to change certificates name !
In Xcode, refresh your certificates, set the right one in Build Settings, and submit...
I called today the Apple Developer Support and i get one very very simple answear to this issue.
You have to create all your certificates, provisioning profiles etc with Apples SAFARI browser.
It is not working "always" proper with Mozilla Firefox or other Browsers. So if you get such an error, try to recreate it with Safari! It worked like a charm!

iOS - cannot validate my app "No identities are available for signing" [duplicate]

I have an error "No identities are available for signing" when try to validate my app in Xcode 5. I tried all: Recreate certificates and provisioning profiles, all methods which have been described on this site and another resources; I'm confused, because when I try to distribute my app as Ad-hoc, it successfully create and install on test device an IPA file. But when I try validate my app or submit to AppStore, all the time I have an error. Maybe someone can help me with this issue.
All you need to do is:
go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles in the Developer Center
create a new provisioning profile in "Provisioning Profiles" / "Distribution"
download the profile and open it
restart Xcode
Please make sure you are using distribution provisioning profiles, rather than Development.
And the code sign setting in Xcode is compatible with the distribution provisioning profiles.
The validation process does not work with Ad-hoc profiles. Need to create a Distribution provisioning profile. It is not specified in the instructions for beta testing. I agonized all day until realized.
Use the Application Loader (Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader).
Also - this answer/question may also be helpful for you:
Restarting Xcode solved the problem for me! Restart and/or clean solves 99% of all issues...
#CainaSouza 's comment above worked for me. I didn't even have to create any new provisioning profiles.
I just had to go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > (Apple ID) > View Details and hit the refresh button. After a minute or two it was done and had loaded my provisioning profiles. I didn't even have to select it in my project options, it had already selected my most recently generated one.
Clean your Product Build Folder (with Alt button)
Restart Xcode
It solved my same issue
I had a similar issue. Found out that the bundle identifier did not match the app id that was on itunes connect - it was capitalized differently. Fixed the issue by making the identifiers match.
Yes the appID and bundle identifier must match. Remember it is CASE-SENSITIVE. That was the problem for me.
I updated to Maverick and Xcode 5 and had the same issue even though I had everything ok in Profiles. I created a new Distribution profile (identical to the old one), added it by refreshing profiles and the issue was solved without rebuilding.
Apple Decided to "Magically Dissapear" my distribution provisioning profile from their site after upgrading to a newer Xcode, giving me this problem too.
Solution is obvious only once I had discovered this fact!
-Create new Distribution Provisioning Profile
-Download & install it / Refresh Xcode preferences under account details
I fixed this issue by delete the old development/distribute profiles and create new one with new names.
I had a mismatch between the Bundle Identifier within Xcode and the App ID on Developer.Apple.Com (Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles). This StackOverflow post was a great help to me. For a little extra info check out this blog post. The official documentation for the touch command can be found here. I had quit Xcode before doing the below. Upon completion of the details below and reopening Xcode my issue was resolved.
Use a text editor to update the bundle identifier to match the App ID, the Info.plist file is located:
ProjectName > ProjectName > ProjectName > ProjectName-Info.plist
Your looking for the following lines:
Update the value to match you App ID, eg:
Use the terminal to issue the touch command, ensure your within the above listed directory:
touch ProjectName-Info.plist
If you are using Xcode 5.1 or above (which you would be now), this helped me: Code signing broken on Xcode 5.1 + iOS 7.1
The key is to delete the old provisioning profile on your mac and create a new one (with a different name?) from Apple web site and download it. Looks like Xcode 5.1 corrupts the existing provisioning profile and it does not help even if you re-download it again.
My solution was to go into the dev center, find the distribution provisioning profile, and it had expired. So i tapped edit on it, and renewed it, downloaded it, installed it, chose the profile in the build settings, and it worked.
HTH someone.
Of all the development issues I've faced over my 20+ years as a software developer, none have wasted so much time as the code-signing/provisioning profile rubbish in Xcode.
This week, I have wasted 8+ hours trying to build an Ad-hoc release of our iPhone app. In the past, it just worked, I could Archive, stick a download button on our in-house webpage, and users could just install our app from this page.
But, this week, I was facing the same "No identities are available" issue, described here.
EVENTUALLY, here's what solved the issue for me:
When I logged into the hopeless Apple Developers website, it showed that our company had 2 "iOS Distribution" certificates. They were valid, their expiry dates are months away, and in the Keychain Access application, the certificates were installed and valid... no problems here.
But what fixed my issue was to delete these two certificates, recreate a new one, then recreate my "In house" Provisioning Profile (as the original one was now showing as being invalid, as it used the old "iOS Distribution" certificate).
I also went into the "Keychain Access" application on my MacBook, and deleted all "iOS Distribution" keychains.
Then, I downloaded the new certificates & provisioning profiles, now, finally, Xcode would report that there was an identity which I could code-sign with.
To the Xcode development team:
Please. Get this fixed.
If a developer like myself, is up against a wall, unable to get a valid Provisioning Profile, which will result in a downloadable app, which will fail each time on "The app couldn't be downloaded at this time" message.. DON'T allow the Archive function to be used.
Instead, TELL the user what the problem is. HELP them resolve it, rather than going through the motions, and happily allowing them to create Archives which will never be useable.
And if an Ad-Hoc install is invalid, please put something in the Log to explain what's gone wrong, and make this accessible from Xcode. Currently your "The app can't be downloaded at this time" message is both useless and misleading.
One last thing (if this helps):
Our company accidentally let its Developer Enterprise Program license expire last month. We did then renew, everything was seemingly okay again, but perhaps, behind the scenes, this messed up our "iOS Distribution" certificate ? And perhaps, not. From the Apple website's point of view, everything was fine.
My issue was that I had none.myApp in my Bundle Identifier whereas in the AppID, I had com.myApp.
This drove me crazy for hours.
I ran into this issue today and it seems to be related to the face that the profile started with a number. I deleted the profile and recreated it exactly the same way (after a lot of other troubleshooting steps found on SO) EXCEPT this time I started with a word instead of a number. Coincidence? Not sure but worth trying.
Had this yesterday and could not figure it out, no matter what I did! To solve the problem, I went to both the Project and the Target in Xcode, and under code signing, chose
Code signing identity: Don't code sign
Provisioning profile: None
Build, and then Product > Archive, and now Organizer chose the correct code signing identities and profiles to allow it to get to the Validation step. Woohoo!
It happen to me after update Xcode.
I fixed doing the follow
change the sign in to "no sign"
restart Xcode
set it to the correct sign
re-archive the build
I hope it helps
Apple Documentation
"If Xcode doesn’t find signing identities, a dialog stating “No identities are available for signing” appears. Verify that you have a distribution certificate and an ad hoc provisioning profile before continuing.
If your ad hoc provisioning profile doesn’t appear in the Provisioning Profile pop-up menu when you create the iOS App Store Package, refresh the profiles in Xcode, as described in “Refreshing Provisioning Profiles in Xcode.”"
In my case, the adhoc provisioning that I wanted to set was not selectable in Code Signing in Build Settings. Though, I created and downloaded the adhoc provisioning from developer store. The answers mentioned here didn't work for me. Fix Issue button in General tab fixed the issue by downloading the required adhoc provisioning file by itself.
Creating a new certificate, Profile in Apple development center did not work for me! I tried editing a profile/certificates and download again and double click to install in KeyChain, but still did not work. I restarted XCode (Version 7 and Mac on El Capitan), restarted Mac but still did not work!
What worked for me is:
XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts - Then I deleted the Apple ID.
Shutdown my Mac, and restarted it.
Started my XCode, added the Apple ID, went to view details in Apple ID's and downloaded the Provisional Profile again and only then it started working!
Restarting solved my problem. I have a new mac and tried downloading the profiles, which should've transferred anyways. restarting solved it.

No iOS Development certificates found

I got a strange error in my Xcode organizer when I want to update my Provisioning profiles.
Xcode says this:
"No iOS Development certificate was found. However, there is already a certificate request pending. An Agent or Admin must approve this request before you can download your certificate."
I never experienced this before so if someone got an explanation and maybe a solution, it could be nice :).
I check on the provisioning page in the developer zone on the Apple website but I don't find something that could be broken :/
The trick that did it for me was to log into and manually create a dev certificate and then manually create a provisioning profile. I have only one team with only one member (me) so there was no way for me to approve a certificate. When I tried to do it automatically through the Xcode organizer, the error just persisted.
Same error message here. Seems to have multiple sources.
Mine was that I have a developer account and joining two teams.
In one team i had no Certificates at all. In the past this did not cause any problems. In Xcode Organizer I could choose which team I try to fetch the Provisioning Profiles. And if chose the team for which I had Development Certificate the Provisioning Profiles got downloaded with no error.
I think, with the new improved Member Center starting from april 2013 the Organizer fetches automatically all team accounts - without asking for a specific team. As one team had no certificate at all, the process of fetching for all teams stop with this error message.
Solution (for this problem) is to add a Development Certificate for ALL teams.
Having just gone through this myself, I highly recommend you contact Apple Developer Program Support and have them walk you through the process of resetting your certificates and profiles. It is not a difficult thing to do manually, but there are lots of ways to muck it up (I speak from experience) AND the more people that call the more likely they are to continue improving the process.
That said, the short(-ish) answer is to delete all of your developer and installer certificates from Keychain, then delete all certificates and provisioning profiles from the portal, then create them all again from scratch, and then refresh Xcode to bring them all in.
Oh, and be sure to back it all up when you're done!
I got the same issue, and solved it by clicking my team under "Teams" in organiser. I only have one team there atm, and didn't expect that to have any impact, but it forced a reload of the profiles or so, and now it works. Hth.
My situation was that I got this message when trying to refresh my old certificates (developer + distribution) from Xcode, when they had expired due to the yearly renewal of the developer program.
For what it's worth, I managed to fix the problem by this procedure (roughly):
Delete my old "iOS Team Provisioning Profile" from my device
Open my keychain and delete the old private keys associated with with the expired certificates.
Remove the expired certificates from the list in Xcode's organizer (on the portal, they were deleted already).
Generate new certificates manually on the portal, following the instructions in detail (including downloading the new certificates and double-click to install).
After trying a new refresh in Xcode's organizer, I still got the same error message, but when checking on the device, a new provisioning profile had now been automatically created and installed, so I could forget about the error message.
You have developer access in apple developer profile. Please ask admin to approve your certificate request.When admin/agent will approve then automatically that error will be removed.
As the message says you need to log into site and approve the certificate request.
If you are not the agent for your account, then you will need to get the agent to approve the request.
Oddly all it took for me was:
First do an export (just to be safe!)
Xcode 5:
In Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
Click the cog icon at the bottom left -> Export Accounts...
Enter a filename and password and save
Ideally, then back it up somewhere that's not your Mac (Dropbox for example) - it is encrypted so that's okay.
Then for the actual fix:
Xcode 5:
In Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
Select the Apple ID in the left column
Click the "-" (minus) icon at the bottom left and conf
Click the "+" (plus) icon at the bottom left -> Apple ID... and login
Everything was then just fine...
In Xcode: Menu Xcode --> Preferences --> Accounts --> View Details
Then press the refresh button in the lower left corner.
I got a slightly different message recently Nov-2021 using xcode 13.x . The message was "ios_develop.cer file not found" when I was trying to "Build" the project, even though the file was there although it was expired. I was not surprised, I hadn't built this solution for years. I do renew my Apple developer subscription every year. My son took a very old school solution to fix this that I wanted to mention in case it helps anyone. Apple tools like "Manage Certificates" wouldn't let me delete the old certificate so we deleted the certificate in File Manager and generated some new ones, but we couldn't get xcode past the "file not found" message, even with certificates created in xcode "Manage Certificates". Then my son copied the new Developer cert to the location it was looking for and renamed it to exactly the name it was looking for. Xcode then started to fuss about permissions on the new cert which we fixed in Get Info, Properties "Allow Access to All" both the public and private cert. I really thought there was zero chance this would work but go figure, all the sudden the old xcode project fully Built and we were able to place the iPhone executable on iPhones that were in the provisioning list. Refreshing that such an old style approach (placing a file where it was looked for) worked so well. Now that Apple sees that this works they will probably check to see the cert was provided only through their tools, but it should work for a while.
I have the same problem. There is indeed nothing to approve, the status of my certificates is issued, if there would be a need for provenance there would be a button to do so. To be able to continue working I just deleted the "Xcode managed" profile, created a new one, downloaded it (not using Xcode) and throw it into Organizer.
I met the same problem with an Apple ID account (admin) with two Team. Once I remove my account from one of the team, that message never bother me anymore. But in this case, if I want to refresh all provision profiles using two distinct account. Hope this will help.
Just download the provision files manually solved the problem for me.
I was able to solve this issue for myself by discovering I had a couple of CSR's that I hadn't completed. Both files had the extension .certSigningRequest and had been produced through the Member Center (not Xcode). But I had not completed the upload and certificate generation, which is what Xcode was complaining about when it said "However, there is already a certificate request pending.". Once I completed those steps the problem went away.
