PGMidi changing pitch sendBytes example - ios

I'm trying the second day to send a midi signal. I'm using following code:
int pitchValue = 8191 //or -8192;
int msb = ?;
int lsb = ?;
UInt8 midiData[] = { 0xe0, msb, lsb};
[midi sendBytes:midiData size:sizeof(midiData)];
I don't understand how to calculate msb and lsb. I tried pitchValue << 8. But it's working incorrect, When I'm looking to events using midi tool I see min -8192 and +8064 max. I want to get -8192 and +8191.
Sorry if question is simple.

Pitch bend data is offset to avoid any sign bit concerns. The maximum negative deviation is sent as a value of zero, not -8192, so you have to compensate for that, something like this Python code:
def EncodePitchBend(value):
''' return a 2-tuple containing (msb, lsb) '''
if (value < -8192) or (value > 8191):
raise ValueError
value += 8192
return (((value >> 7) & 0x7F), (value & 0x7f))

Since MIDI data bytes are limited to 7 bits, you need to split pitchValue into two 7-bit values:
int msb = (pitchValue + 8192) >> 7 & 0x7F;
int lsb = (pitchValue + 8192) & 0x7F;
Edit: as #bgporter pointed out, pitch wheel values are offset by 8192 so that "zero" (i.e. the center position) is at 8192 (0x2000) so I edited my answer to offset pitchValue by 8192.


Creating Bitmask for keyboard modifiers + ASCII Code

I would like to encode three keyboard modifiers (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT) + the ASCII code of the pressed key into a single value. This falls naturally into the category of bitmasks.
One way I could do this is that the sender encodes each key as the following:
CTRL: 1000
ALT: 10000
SHIFT: 100000
KeyCode: 1-255
For example, if I were to click all modifiers + the last key in the ascii table, I would get:
100000 + 10000 + 1000 + 255 = 111255. The receiver side it would then be possible to do substraction and check if the number goes below 0 as such:
has_shift = X - 100000 < 0
has_alt = X - 10000 < 0
has_ctrl = X - 1000 < 0
if has_shift
X -= 100000
if has_alt
X -= 10000
if has_ctrl
X -= 1000
keyCode = X (the remainder)
Surely enough, I find this horrible and would assume that this could be done in a far better using bit-shift or something in that ballpark. How could this possibly be done better?
Instead add 256, 512, and 1024 respectively for ctrl, alt, shift. Then use the and operator in whatever language you're using (missing from question tags) to extract the modifiers and code. In C and many languages, that operator is &. So X & 1024 is not zero if shift was pressed. X & 255 is the character code.

How do you convert 8-bit bytes to 6-bit characters?

I have a specific requirement to convert a stream of bytes into a character encoding that happens to be 6-bits per character.
Here's an example:
Input: 0x50 0x11 0xa0
Character Table:
010100 T
000001 A
000110 F
100000 SPACE
Output: "TAF "
Logically I can understand how this works:
Taking 0x50 0x11 0xa0 and showing as binary:
01010000 00010001 10100000
Which is "TAF ".
What's the best way to do this programmatically (pseudo code or c++). Thank you!
Well, every 3 bytes, you end up with four characters. So for one thing, you need to work out what to do if the input isn't a multiple of three bytes. (Does it have padding of some kind, like base64?)
Then I'd probably take each 3 bytes in turn. In C#, which is close enough to pseudo-code for C :)
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 3)
// Top 6 bits of byte i
int value1 = array[i] >> 2;
// Bottom 2 bits of byte i, top 4 bits of byte i+1
int value2 = ((array[i] & 0x3) << 4) | (array[i + 1] >> 4);
// Bottom 4 bits of byte i+1, top 2 bits of byte i+2
int value3 = ((array[i + 1] & 0xf) << 2) | (array[i + 2] >> 6);
// Bottom 6 bits of byte i+2
int value4 = array[i + 2] & 0x3f;
// Now use value1...value4, e.g. putting them into a char array.
// You'll need to decode from the 6-bit number (0-63) to the character.
Just in case if someone is interested - another variant that extracts 6-bit numbers from the stream as soon as they appear there. That is, results can be obtained even if less then 3 bytes are currently read. Would be useful for unpadded streams.
The code saves the state of the accumulator a in variable n which stores the number of bits left in accumulator from the previous read.
int n = 0;
unsigned char a = 0;
unsigned char b = 0;
while (read_byte(&byte)) {
// save (6-n) most significant bits of input byte to proper position
// in accumulator
a |= (b >> (n + 2)) & (077 >> n);
a = 0;
// save remaining least significant bits of input byte to proper
// position in accumulator
a |= (b << (4 - n)) & ((077 << (4 - n)) & 077);
if (n == 4) {
a = 0;
n = (n + 2) % 6;

How do I create an FCS for PPP packets?

I am trying to create a software simulation on an Ubuntu GNU/Linux machine which will work like PPPoE. I would like this simulator to take outgoing packets, strip off the ethernet header, insert the PPP flags (7E, FF, 03, 00, and 21) and place the IP layer information in the PPP packet. I am having trouble with the FCS that goes after the data. From what I can tell, the cell modem I am using has a 2 byte FCS using the CRC16-CCITT method. I have found several pieces of software that will calculate this checksum, but none of them produce what is coming out the serial line (I have a serial line "sniffer" that shows me everything the modem is being sent).
I have been looking into the source of pppd and the linux kernel itself, and I can see that both of them have a method of adding an FCS to the data. It seems quite difficult to implement, as I have no experience in kernel hacking. Can someone come up with a simple way (preferably in Python) of calculating an FCS that matches the one that the kernel produces?
P.S. If anyone wants, I can add a sample of the data output I am getting to the serial modem.
Used simple python library crcmod.
import crcmod #pip3 install crcmod
fcsData = "A0 19 03 61 DC"
fcsData=''.join(fcsData.split(' '))
crc16 = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x11021, rev=True,initCrc=0x0000, xorOut=0xFFFF)
I recently did something like this while testing code to kill a ppp connection ..
This worked for me:
# RFC 1662 Appendix C
def mkfcstab():
P = 0x8408
def valiter():
for b in range(256):
v = b
i = 8
while i:
v = (v >> 1) ^ P if v & 1 else v >> 1
i -= 1
yield v & 0xFFFF
return tuple(valiter())
fcstab = mkfcstab()
PPPINITFCS16 = 0xffff # Initial FCS value
PPPGOODFCS16 = 0xf0b8 # Good final FCS value
def pppfcs16(fcs, bytelist):
for b in bytelist:
fcs = (fcs >> 8) ^ fcstab[(fcs ^ b) & 0xff]
return fcs
To get the value:
fcs = pppfcs16(PPPINITFCS16, (ord(c) for c in frame)) ^ 0xFFFF
and swap the bytes (I used chr((fcs & 0xFF00) >> 8), chr(fcs & 0x00FF))
Got this from PPP-Blinky:
// - Correctly calculates
// the 16-bit FCS (crc) on our frames (Choose CRC16_CCITT_FALSE)
int crc;
void crcReset()
crc=0xffff; // crc restart
void crcDo(int x) // cumulative crc
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
crc=((crc&1)^(x&1))?(crc>>1)^0x8408:crc>>1; // crc calculator
int crcBuf(char * buf, int size) // crc on an entire block of memory
for(int i=0; i<size; i++)crcDo(*buf++);
return crc;

Reading a Shapefile with ColdFusion

I am trying to read a binary file and parse the bytes I have the white paper spec on Shapefiles to know how to parse the file, however I cannot seem to find the correct functions in ColdFusion to handle reading bytes and deciding what to do with them.
<cffile action="READBINARY"
variable="infile" >
PDF file with spec:
For example I have the spec:
Position Field Value Type Order
Byte 0 File Code 9994 Integer Big
Byte 4 Unused 0 Integer Big
Byte 8 Unused 0 Integer Big
Byte 12 Unused 0 Integer Big
Byte 16 Unused 0 Integer Big
Byte 20 Unused 0 Integer Big
Byte 24 File Length File Length Integer Big
Byte 28 Version 1000 Integer Little
Byte 32 Shape Type Shape Type Integer Little
Byte 36 Bounding Box Xmin Double Little
Byte 44 Bounding Box Ymin Double Little
Byte 52 Bounding Box Xmax Double Little
Byte 60 Bounding Box Ymax Double Little
Byte 68* Bounding Box Zmin Double Little
Byte 76* Bounding Box Zmax Double Little
Byte 84* Bounding Box Mmin Double Little
Byte 92* Bounding Box Mmax Double Little
If this was just a flat text file i would use mid function to read my positions.
Can this be done in ColdFusion and Which functions can achieve my goal?
I found this function inside of found at which is an Actionscript3 file, but it represents the kind of task i need to do.
private function readHeader(e: ProgressEvent): void {
// check header:
if (! ( readByte()==0x46
&& readByte()==0x41
&& readByte()==0x52
dispatchEvent(new IOErrorEvent
( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR
, false,false
, "File is not FAR formatted")
// version:
vMajor = readByte();
vMinor = readByte();
if (vMajor>VMAJOR) {
dispatchEvent(new IOErrorEvent
( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR
, false,false
, "Unsupported archive version (v."+vMajor+"."+vMinor+")")
// table size:
tableSize = readUnsignedInt();
// done processing header:
gotHeader= true;
And here is the final solution
<cfset shapeFile = createObject("java","com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile").init('/www/_Dev/tl_2009_25_place.shp')>
<cfdump var="#shapeFile.getFileLength()#">
<cffile action="READBINARY" file="mypath/www/_Dev/tl_2009_25_place.shp" variable="infile" >
<cfset shapeFile = createObject("java","com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile").init(infile)>
<cfdump var="#shapeFile#">
Maybe something like this?

Scaling a number between two values

If I am given a floating point number but do not know beforehand what range the number will be in, is it possible to scale that number in some meaningful way to be in another range? I am thinking of checking to see if the number is in the range 0<=x<=1 and if not scale it to that range and then scale it to my final range. This previous post provides some good information, but it assumes the range of the original number is known beforehand.
You can't scale a number in a range if you don't know the range.
Maybe what you're looking for is the modulo operator. Modulo is basically the remainder of division, the operator in most languages is is %.
0 % 5 == 0
1 % 5 == 1
2 % 5 == 2
3 % 5 == 3
4 % 5 == 4
5 % 5 == 0
6 % 5 == 1
7 % 5 == 2
Sure it is not possible. You can define range and ignore all extrinsic values. Or, you can collect statistics to find range in run time (i.e. via histogram analysis).
Is it really about image processing? There are lots of related problems in image segmentation field.
You want to scale a single random floating point number to be between 0 and 1, but you don't know the range of the number?
What should 99.001 be scaled to? If the range of the random number was [99, 100], then our scaled-number should be pretty close to 0. If the range of the random number was [0, 100], then our scaled-number should be pretty close to 1.
In the real world, you always have some sort of information about the range (either the range itself, or how wide it is). Without further info, the answer is "No, it can't be done."
I think the best you can do is something like this:
int scale(x) {
if (x < -1) return 1 / x - 2;
if (x > 1) return 2 - 1 / x;
return x;
This function is monotonic, and has a range of -2 to 2, but it's not strictly a scaling.
I am assuming that you have the result of some 2-dimensional measurements and want to display them in color or grayscale. For that, I would first want to find the maximum and minimum and then scale between these two values.
static double[][] scale(double[][] in, double outMin, double outMax) {
double inMin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double inMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (double[] inRow : in) {
for (double d : inRow) {
if (d < inMin)
inMin = d;
if (d > inMax)
inMax = d;
double inRange = inMax - inMin;
double outRange = outMax - outMin;
double[][] out = new double[in.length][in[0].length];
for (double[] inRow : in) {
double[] outRow = new double[inRow.length];
for (int j = 0; j < inRow.length; j++) {
double normalized = (inRow[j] - inMin) / inRange; // 0 .. 1
outRow[j] = outMin + normalized * outRange;
return out;
This code is untested and just shows the general idea. It further assumes that all your input data is in a "reasonable" range, away from infinity and NaN.
