I would like to only allow certain validations within production vs other environments for an app.
For example, I have tried to add:
if Rails.env.production?
validates :email, :uniqueness => true
validates :phone, :uniqueness => true
However this will not work. How can one add validations only to specific environment modes?
Try this -
validates :email, :uniqueness => true, :if => lambda{ Rails.env.production?}
validates :phone, :uniqueness => true, :if => lambda{ Rails.env.production?}
Totally agree with the comments, but if you really want to do this, try the :if option
validates_uniqueness_of :email, :if => Rails.env.production?
I have User model, it has some validations and they work on create. But when i call any user from database as #user=User.find(1) #user.valid? it returns false. Could you help me?
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, :surname, :username, :phone, :role, :gender, :presence => true
validates :password_confirmation, :email_confirmation, :presence => true
validates :username, :email, :uniqueness => true
validates :verified, :bulletin, :inclusion => { :in => [true, false] }
validates :password,:email, :confirmation => true
I guess you need to add on: :create param for each validations that only need to be run on create.
For example when you're doing #user.valid? I gess you don't want to check if password_confirmation is present.
So in this case it should be:
validates :password_confirmation, :email_confirmation, :presence => true, :on => :create
Hope it helps :)
There is a special validation for this use case, that the user should provide a confirmation, but the confirmation is not stored in the database
validates :email, confirmation: true, :uniqueness => true
validates :password, confirmation: true, ....
This substitutes the validation for :password_confirmation and :email_confirmation, so you need also to remove them.
See the fine rails guides http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations.html#confirmation
Does validates :uniqueness get called every time an object is saved even if a field has not changed? Isn't this a performance issue?
validates :name, :schedule_id, :uniqueness => true
It seems to be the case that it does. So isn't it almost always necessary to make sure a change has taken place before running the validation? As every field being checked for uniqueness requires a database hit.
This would be better:
validates :name, :schedule_id, :uniqueness => true, :if => "name_changed? || schedule_id_changed?"
And this much better, if a bit more verbose:
validates :name, :uniqueness => true, :if => :name_changed?
validates :schedule_id, :uniqueness => true, :if => schedule_id_changed?
Gist here: https://gist.github.com/4017019
try this
validates :name, :uniqueness => true, :if => lambda {self.name_changed? }
Here's what I expected to be a perfectly straightforward question, but I can't find a definitive answer in the Guides or elsewhere.
I have two attributes on an ActiveRecord. I want exactly one to be present and the other to be nil or a blank string.
How do I do the equivalent of :presence => false? I want to make sure the value is nil.
validates :first_attribute, :presence => true, :if => "second_attribute.blank?"
validates :second_attribute, :presence => true, :if => "first_attribute.blank?"
# The two lines below fail because 'false' is an invalid option
validates :first_attribute, :presence => false, :if => "!second_attribute.blank?"
validates :second_attribute, :presence => false, :if => "!first_attribute.blank?"
Or perhaps there's a more elegant way to do this...
I'm running Rails 3.0.9
For allowing an object to be valid if and only if a specific attribute is nil, you can use "inclusion" rather than creating your own method.
validates :name, inclusion: { in: [nil] }
This is for Rails 3. The Rails 4 solution is much more elegant:
validates :name, absence: true
class NoPresenceValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
record.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || 'must be blank') unless record.send(attribute).blank?
validates :first_attribute, :presence => true, :if => "second_attribute.blank?"
validates :second_attribute, :presence => true, :if => "first_attribute.blank?"
validates :first_attribute, :no_presence => true, :if => "!second_attribute.blank?"
validates :second_attribute, :no_presence => true, :if => "!first_attribute.blank?"
use custom validation.
validate :validate_method
# validate if which one required other should be blank
def validate_method
errors.add(:field, :blank) if condition
It looks like :length => { :is => 0 } works for what I need.
validates :first_attribute, :length => {:is => 0 }, :unless => "second_attribute.blank?"
validates :first_attribute, :presence => {:if => second_attribute.blank?}
validates :second_attribute, :presence => {:if => (first_attribute.blank? && second_attribute.blank? )}
Hope that help .
I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.9 and I am trying to validate a nested model in a specific context just for the email attribute uniqueness.
In my controller I have:
#user.valid? :uniqueness_context
In my nested model I have:
validates :email,
:format => {
:with => EMAIL_REGEX
:uniqueness => {
:on => :uniqueness_context # Here it doesn't work
:presence => true
What is wrong? How can I make the above validation code to work?
Notice: if in the model I use the following:
validates :email,
:format => {
:with => EMAIL_REGEX
:uniqueness => true,
:presence => true
all works as expected.
In order to solve the issue I have tried also to use the following in the model:
validates :email,
:format => {
:with => EMAIL_REGEX
:presence => true
validates_uniqueness_of :email, :on => :uniqueness_context
but it still doesn't work.
I ran into the same problem. Seems that Rails currently does not support custom validation contexts. :if will do the job for you.
Sorry, I spaced it for a minute because I didn't realize you could create a custom context.
Looking at the source, it doesn't appear that the UniquenessValidator supports the :on context option.
I validate fields in model using:
validates :first_name, :presence => true, :if => :should_validate?
validates :last_name, :presence => true, :if => :should_validate?
There are many fields in model that needs to be validated and it doesn't look good if I specify :if => method for each one.
Is it possible to embed this validates methods in block instead of giving :if => method for each one?
You could write your own custom validator of course, but if you're only validating presence, this might do the trick:
validates :first_name, :last_name, :presence => true, :if => :should_validate?
I don't think there is something out of the box for this. If you want, you can use a custom validator.
What are the conditions that you need this validated? If you don't need it validated couldn't you just leave that line out? Otherwise you could just validate on certain actions so you don't need to evaluate for should_validate?, for example:
validates :first_name, :last_name, :presence => true, :only => [:create, :update]