ant build.xml in SCons - ant

I am making use of a library project which uses ant to build. My project however is using SCons because I need a far more complex build setup. Now I would like to use ant via SCons but NOT impose the problematic CLASSPATH issues and installation that ant requires.
So I am currently thinking of writing a build.xml parser, which turns the ant into SCons tasks.
Does anyone know whether this has been done before?

As far as I can tell there is no such parser in existence, which I partly believe is because there is great difference in how SCons and ant work. Especially when it comes to dependency resolution. It should be possible, but the translated file output will be very little SCons like, quite unreadable and probably quite difficult to maintain. Which pretty much defeats the whole reason to use SCons in the first place.
Since the library already uses ant, it would probably be a good idea to just incorporate the running of ant into SCons. If SCons can use ant, then you won't have to maintain the library build script (unless it is you that maintain the ant also)

Have you seen this: We're also looking at converting an ANT based android build into our over-arching SCONS build and this looks like a good starting point.


how to build eclipse rcp application from .product with ant on jenkins

I'd like to build an Eclipse RCP application.
I have a Product configuration file and a target platform with lots of third party plugins. The export from the Eclipse IDE works flawlessly. But that is hardly professional. So I'd like to get it to work on Jenkins, too. The build server gets the files from SVN, doesn't have Eclipse and should do it all headlessly anyway.
I do not want to use Maven/Tycho or Buckminster. I'd like to do it a simple as possible. Since I know a bit about ant already, I would like to do it all with ant. I have an ant script with which I can build all my plugins. All I need right now, is to assemble them all into the product with a launcher (.exe) and such. Like the export wizard does. But without the Eclipse IDE.
I've been googling my fingers off, but somehow it appears as if I'm the only one who wants do build an Eclipse RCP product with ant. I only find tutorials that are from 2005 or that go so much in depth, a newbie (like me) doesn't get past the first paragraph.
Please help!
If you really want ant, check PDE build.
However, I really recommend using Tycho instead. It makes building an Eclipse RCP a lot easier.
I've been down this road you are on. Trust me... you will end up with something incredibly more complicated with Ant than you would if you just use Tycho/Maven. You said you want it simple as possible, and IMHO, Tycho is it.
There are examples here...
I also suggest to check out tycho from git and look around the tycho-demo location. They have great examples there too.
Plus, Jenkins is super easy when dealing with Maven builds.
The current version of Tycho is 0.13.0. It's pretty early in it's life, and under active development, so it's getting better every day.

What is schmant?

Do anybody know or heared from schmant?
The picture mention schmant as an ant variant without xml.
Took about 3 seconds to Google.
Schmant provides an environment for running build scripts and a set of
tools (tasks) that the scripts can use. Schmant can, and will probably
mostly, be used for building Java applications. The immediate goal for
Schmant is to be comparable to Apache Ant in features, but nicer and
easier to work with.

Good alternative for ant for use on jenkins build server

Hy there. I have a number of software projects (also iOS and OSX) which I build with Apache ant`.
Although I quite like Ant it is often too verbose and some things which should be easy are quite tricky or I have to use shell scripts along with ant.
Is there a good alternative for which is extensible, easy to use and should work well on my jenkins build server.
Thanks for your input.
Have a look at Gradle - it's quite different from Ant and may take a little while to get your head around, but I think it's going to be the new standard for build systems. One nice thing is that it has full Ant support under the hood, so you can easily get your existing Ant builds running and then port them to Gradle.
Gareth's answer of Gradle is a good one. But do take a look at what you are doing that is hard with Ant. In my experience, a fair portion of the time its "non-build" stuff. Perhaps leave Ant for the pure build stuff, and use an alternate tool for and deploy or test stuff that's snuck in there.
Although gradle looks very promising I decided to use Rake instead.
I should say that this is a biased decision since I am already using ruby for other parts in my build setup. I found a good Article by Martin Fowler
Another point is that by doing OSX development the platform-independence-aspect of Ant (or Gradle) does not have such a big weight for me.
BTW Besi's Rake answer:
JRuby's Rake+Ant integration seems like a really powerful combo:
One big advantange there, it fully supports integration with Ant, allowing step-by-step migration.. which IMHO is only viable strategy for large, existing projects.
Gradle seems similar and while it looks good; I think learning Rake could be a better investment as it's more universal outside of Java.
(The other thing I'm seriously considering is BuildR, but Jenkins doens't explicitly support it yet, so have to use scripted build steps, which seems less preferable. TODO: a BuildR plugin).

How can I build PDF LaTeX documents with ANT (or some other build system if you prefer)?

The team I work for manages a large collection of technical documentation which is written in LaTeX.
Currently all the documentation we have is manually built by the editors and then checked into a version control system. Sometimes people forget to compile their documents so we have a situation where the PDF and .tex files are often out of step. Unfortunately when this happens our users find themselves reading old versions of our document.
I've managed to hack a simple script to build PDFs using Make - it's rather clumsy.
I was wondering if there was a better way to do it? Most people in our department use Eclipse + Pydev for a Python project which means we are all very familiar with this IDE. I know that Ant plays nicely with Eclipse, so might we be able to use this tool for our doc building?
So what's the best way of doing this? I hope I will not have to learn everything there is to know about a new build-system in order to automate the building of some quite simple docs.
There is an external Ant task for LaTeX PDF generation, though the site is in German.
To use it, download the jar to a location on your machine, then define a taskdef as follows:
<taskdef name="latex" classname="de.dokutransdata.antlatex.LaTeX"
Then to use it, define a target like this:
<target name="doLaTeX">
Where ltx2.file is the file to process.
This is a link to the howto page listing the parameters. If you need any more options, my German is just about passable enough to explain, maybe.
There is also a maven plugin for LaTeX, but I can't find any documentation.
Haven't tried it, but I remember seeing a blog post about it.
If you know python, this blog post might be interesting
EDIT: Also, I would assume that you're using some kind of version control system, and I can't say for sure, but I use git to manage all my latex docs, and it might be possible to use some kind of post-commit hook to execute a script to rebuild the document. This would depend on how your repository is structured... just thinking out loud, so to speak.
I went into great detail on a large number of build systems for latex in this question, but its slightly different in your case. I think you want rubber or latexmk. The latex-makefile seems a good idea, but only supports building via postscript, which might not be your build process.
In general, its a good idea to keep generated files outside of version control for just this reason. A good exception is when specialist build tools are not widely available, and your situation sounds similar. You might do better with a commit-hook to build automatically upon commit.
I guess I should also point out that committing something without first building it and checking it is a deadly sin, so a better solution might be to stamp that out.
Maven is a better alternative as build system compared to Ant. So I would recommend a maven-plugin to generate PDF from LaTeX sources. Have a look at mathan-latex-maven-plugin

Java builder with proper dependency handling

After a recent juggling with our ant scripts I've started to wonder if something better is possible.
I need a builder that will know to recompile all required .java files for me.
For ex. for this structure
public class A { ]
public class B extends A {}
public class C {
B b;
For: Compile('C') Will know to compile A, B, C.
For: B changed, Compile('C') will know to recompile just B.
I know of several alternatives, Ivy which seems like an extension of ant which is our current java builder. Scons which we are currently using for building C++ code, scons is excellent in doing the above described behavior for C code. Then there are reports of Maven being almost but not quite there.
What would you suggest? What tools are you using Free Software / Commercial for you build system?
Thank you,
Ant, with 'depend' task and with 'closure' option turned on
'make', from IDEA ide
None of ivy, scons or maven will help you with your problem as stated.
What do you mean by "for Compile('C')"? I don't think this is what you have in your ant file.
For this case, Ant should be working as desired: you have described its default behaviour. In the same javac element, Ant will only recompile changed classes. See the Ant manual entry for the javac task, especially the 'includeDestClasses' attribute.
You should probably post an example ant file that you are finding inadequate.
maven, both for my personal and my commercial products
In your question you describe inter-class dependencies. Most build systems, in particular Maven, are aimed more at inter-project dependencies. I believe most systems just recompile all the classes in a project and most of the benefits of these build systems is in building as few projects as possible.
Both Maven and Ivy will allow you to easily specify both external and internal dependencies of your project, including which version of the project you depend on. They will both also automatically download external libraries (such as apache commons) to your local machine as part of the build process if they are not already locally cached, saving a lot of work manually downloading and organizing third party jar files.
Ivy is an extension of ant, like you mention. I recommend Maven. It is a convention oriented build system that I've used successfully and feel is quite mature. Maven requires far less up front effort to start using and is quite extensible.
