NLog internal log not working with ASP.Net MVC -

I have a problem with NLog for logging its internal logs with this configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<target name="debug"
fileName="${basedir}/App_Data/Site.log" />
<logger name="*"
writeTo="debug" />
The target "debug" is working well, but the internalLogFile is only working if I set it for exemple to "D:/NLog.log".
Any idea why this happening?

You can't use layout renderers ${...} in the internalLogFile property. They are for a target's layout only:
<target layout="${...}" />
Try to use relative path like "..\App_Data\NLog.log"
Update NLog 4.6 enables some simple layouts.

The internalLogFile attribute needs to be set to an absolute path and the executing assembly needs to have permission to write to that absolute path.
The following worked for me.
Create a folder somewhere - e.g. the route of your c: drive, e.g. c:\logs
Edit the permissions of this folder and give full control to everyone
Set your nlog config: internalLogFile="C:\logs\nlog.txt"
Remember to clean up after yourself and not leave a directory with those sorts of permissions on

NLog ver. 4.6 add support for environment-variables like %appdata% or %HOME%, and using these basic layouts in internalLogFile=:
NLog ver. 4.7 also adds this:
See also:

from this link I think the path is absolute


Shipping logs to with NLog fails

I'm just trying to ship some error logs from my ASP.NET MVC 5 app to
I'm using NLog to ship my logs.
I've installed NLog and NLog.Web packages
I have the following nlog.config file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<add assembly="Logzio.DotNet.NLog"/>
<targets async="true">
<target name="file" type="File"
layout="<long layout patten>"/>
<target name="logzio"
debug="false" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="logzio" />
Then, each of my C# controller have this line :
private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
and then I try to ship my logs using something like :
logger.Fatal("Something bad happens");
However, when I writeTo="file" in the nlog.config file, I can find a log file on my local disk with "Something bad happens", so everything is fine.
However, nothing appear on my LogzIo web interface when I writeTo="logzio", no logs are shipped there.
What did I miss ?
Answering my own question after I found how to solve this.
Actually, my whole project use HTTPS.
In internal Nlog logs, I had this error
Error : System.Net.WebException : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
I've just added this line of code at the very beginning of ApplicationStart in Global.asax.cs
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol |= SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
After testing the whole project during some days, it seems it doesn't affect the other parts of the project.
However, just be careful as it is a global setting
I had the same issue, and it turned out that in my published app the logzio dlls were missing. I added them and it resolved the issue.
Check if you're missing these files in your bin folder:

How use property expansion in a Launch4j config file

I use Launch4j and will use a property ${dist} in its configuration.
It works when the task and it argument directly are in the build.xml file:
<project ...>
<property name="dist" location="/temp/dist" />
<config headerType="gui" outfile="${dist}/myprogram.exe"
dontWrapJar="false" jarPath="${dist}/myprogram.jar">
Launch4j can however use its own xml-configuration file, with <launch4jConfig> as root element:
in ant.xml:
<launch4j configFile="my_launch4j_config.xml" />
in my_launch4j_config.xml:
In this case, ${dist} is not expanded, nor %dist% or everything I tried... Does a solution exist to use properties in an launch4j config file?
The code of launch4j did not accept such replacements of parameters, but I could change this behaviour (modifications to net.sf.launch4j.config.ConfigPersister). I check it in the Sourceforge project when I have enough time for it.

References to Separate Projects When Configuring Unity?

I read a really cool blog about using Autofac to completely decouple an application. But try as I might (and being horribly new to all this), I just couldn't get Autofac to gel.
I turned to Unity from the MS Patterns & Practices Enterprise Library and that went a whole lot better. To make things unnecessarily hard for myself, I separated out all my stuff into projects as:
UnityDi (Console app)
UnityDi.Contracts (Interfaces)
UntiyDi.Domain (Classes)
UnityDi.Repositories (Data Access)
UnityDi.Services (Access to repository through a service layer)
I used XML configuration to pony up Unity:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="unity" type="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.UnityConfigurationSection, Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration" />
<unity xmlns="">
<assembly name="UnityDi.Contracts" />
<assembly name="UnityDi.Domain" />
<assembly name="UnityDi.Services" />
<assembly name="UnityDi.Repositories" />
<namespace name="UnityDi.Contracts" />
<namespace name="UnityDi.Domain" />
<namespace name="UnityDi.Services" />
<namespace name="UnityDi.Repositories" />
<register type="IUser" mapTo="User"></register>
<register type="IUserService" mapTo="UserService"></register>
<register type="IUserRepository" mapTo="UserRepository"></register>
And got that into a running app, no worries:
private static readonly IUnityContainer Container = new UnityContainer();
BUT in order to do so, I need a reference to all the above projects from my console app.
Is there a way to make the app only ever have a reference to UnityDi.Contracts (the interfaces)? Then the app is well and truly decoupled (admittedly with a sledgehammer).
I hope that is enough of an explanation, I'm totally new to this and I'm being extreme like this to facilitate better learning.
I suspect the reason it looks like you need project references is that without them, VS won't copy the assemblies into your apps bin folder when you hit F5. How would it, it has no way of knowing you need them!
The project references are the quickest solution to the problem. The other thing you could do is add a post-build step to copy the appropriate DLLs to end up in the right directory so you can run the app.

NLog throws configuration exception on all aspnet layout renderers

I have been working to set up NLog v2 on my ASP.NET MVC 3 application and it has worked very well so far. (I'm using the package from the offical nuGet repository) However, when I try to change the log layout to include any of the aspnet-* layout renderers, I get a configuration error. I've reduced the problem to the following minimum use case:
In the configSections block:
<section name="nlog" type="NLog.Config.ConfigSectionHandler, NLog"/>
The Nlog block:
<nlog xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" throwExceptions="true">
<variable name="logDirectory" value="C:\Logs" />
<target name="logFile" xsi:type="File" fileName="${logDirectory}\app.log"
layout="${aspnet-user-identity}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logfile" />
If I change layout use any combination of renderers that are not part of the aspnet* family, this works well (I haven't tested every one, but I've looked at quite a few). The error I get is here:
Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for nlog: Exception occurred when loading configuration from C:\..[snip]..\web.config
Source Error:
Line 16: </configSections>
Line 17:
Line 18: <nlog xmlns=""
Line 19: xmlns:xsi="" throwExceptions="true">
Line 20:
I have really no idea what's going on. I'm not sure what about that renderer causes the configuration to become invalid. I've been banging around at it most of the day and have gotten nowhere, so I'm hoping someone here can help.
Thank you!
Make sure you have referenced the NLog.Extended assembly which is where those layouts are defined and which must have been added by the NuGet package as well to the references:
<nlog xmlns=""
<add assembly="NLog.Extended" />
<variable name="logDirectory" value="C:\Logs" />
<target name="logFile"
layout="${aspnet-user-identity} ${message}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="logfile" />
As of NLog 4.0 the ASP.NET renderes are now in Nlog.Web
Alternative solution if Darin's doesn't work
You must have NLog.Extended referenced as Darin mentions
As of NLog 2.0 you do not need to add reference in the configuration XML.
My problem was that I had no hard references to NLog.Extended in my web layer (where my web.config is) so the compiler wasn't copying the file where it needed to be.
This can be easily fixed by adding a hard reference to NLog.Extended that is a no-op wherever you are configuring your logging:
//forces the compiler to include NLog.Extensions in all downstream output directories
private static AspNetApplicationValueLayoutRenderer blank = new AspNetApplicationValueLayoutRenderer();
In my case I was using extension of le_nlog and for a reason, it was not installed in the app !
so I installed *le_nlog* by doing so :
PM> Install-Package le_nlog

WebSphere 6.1 Change Class loader order

I want to change the class loader delegation order on a web module deployed to WAS6.1 from it's default of parent first to parent last. The reason is I would like to use JSF 1.2 etc and WAS6.1 doesn't normally support it.
In the integrated solutions console for the locally deployed instance, under Enterprise Applications > MyAppEAR > Manage Modules > MyApp.war the Class loader order drop down is greyed out.
Why is it greyed out?
How can I ungrey it out?
Would it be better to put a directive in the deployment descriptor?
If the answer to (3) is anything other than No, please can you specify exactly the code to do this.
I can't for the life of me find the answers to these questions on the web.
I had the same thing. I needed to set the classloader to PARENT_LAST but the setting was greyed out. I 'solved' it by manually putting a deployment.xml file (contents below) in META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp of your ear project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appdeployment:Deployment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:appdeployment="" xmi:id="Deployment_1212499072929">
<deployedObject xmi:type="appdeployment:ApplicationDeployment" xmi:id="ApplicationDeployment_1212499072929" startingWeight="10">
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1212499072929" startingWeight="10000" uri="yourwarproject.war" classloaderMode="PARENT_LAST"/>
<classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1212499072929" mode="PARENT_LAST"/>
Hope this helps.
I had the same problem!
I needed to change:
enable reload of classes: reloadEnabled="true"
update interval: ??? (still searching, any help appreciated)
here my deployment xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appdeployment:Deployment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:appdeployment="" xmi:id="Deployment_1310499119656">
<deployedObject xmi:type="appdeployment:ApplicationDeployment" xmi:id="ApplicationDeployment_1310499119656" startingWeight="10" warClassLoaderPolicy="SINGLE" reloadEnabled="true">
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1310499119656" startingWeight="10000" uri="tcm_portal_web_six.war" classloaderMode="PARENT_LAST"/>
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1310499119657" startingWeight="10000" uri="tcm_portal_lib.war" classloaderMode="PARENT_LAST"/>
<classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1310499119656" mode="PARENT_LAST"/>
