StrLComp vs AnsiStrLComp when called with Unicode strings - delphi

I'm having a bit of confusion regarding the "Ansi" vs "regular" rtl string functions when called with Unicode strings. I understand that under older versions of Delphi (when Ansistring was the default) that the "Ansi" versions handled multibyte characters. Does this mean anything when dealing with Unicode strings? Assuming that I need to handle Korean characters and also that my code does not have to be compatible with older Delphi versions, which rtl functions should be used?

The 'Ansi' prefix of the string compare functions really never signified anything other than that the locale was taken into account when comparing strings instead of doing "just" a simple binary comparison. In the Unicode world this is still the case. The Ansi* family of functions also take (Unicode) strings as their parameters and take the locale into account when doing the comparison.
From the AnsiCompareStr doc (D2009):
Most locales consider lowercase characters to be less than the
corresponding uppercase characters. This is in contrast to ASCII
order, in which lowercase characters are greater than uppercase
characters. Thus, setting S1 to 'a' and S2 to 'A' causees
AnsiCompareStr to return a value less than zero, while CompareStr,
with the same arguments, returns a value greater than zero.
What the effect of "taking the locale into account" may be differs per locale. It may have to do with accented characters or not. In Unicode versions it may actually take into account how the characters are composed. For example an accented e (é) may be encoded exactly like that but may also be encoded as two separate items: the accent and the e.
Both the Ansi* and the "normal" string compare functions are included in the SysUtils unit. They all take strings as their parameters and in Unicode Delphi that does indeed mean UnicodeStrings.
If you need to work with AnsiStrings then you need to use the AnsiStrings unit. It has the same set of string compare functions, but in this unit they all take AnsiStrings as their parameters.
Now, if you don't need compatability with older versions: use the standard functions from SysUtils. Use the normale ones if byte comparison is enough. Use the Ansi ones if you need to take locale considerations into account.

Not sure what exactly you want to do, but...
if you want to compare two strings by your current user locale rules, use the AnsiStrLComp for case sensitive comparision or AnsiStrLIComp for case insensitive comparision. Internally these functions uses the CompareString function with the LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT locale set
if you want to compare two strings by using the Delphi internal comparing mechanism, use the StrLComp function for case sensitive comparision or StrLIComp for case insensitive compare
So if you'll compare the two same strings with AnsiStrLComp or AnsiStrLIComp on machines with different user locale settings, you may get different results, but on the other hand you can get natural sorting for the user's language settings to your application.
The StrLComp and StrLIComp will work on all machines the same way, locale independently.

The simple answer is that when it comes to Delphi string routines you should use the ANSI...() functions for Unicode strings.
However, if you are comparing strings (among other things) then you may also need to consider normalising those strings first, depending on the nature and needs (and the source of the strings) in your application, to deal with Unicode Equivalence.


Why is the following piece of Lua code, completely valid?

From my Lua knowledge (and according to what I have read in Lua manuals), I've always been under impression that an identifier in Lua is only limited to A-Z & a-z & _ & digits (and can not start using a digit nor be a reserved keyword i.e. local local = 123).
And now I have run into some (obfuscated) Lua program which uses all kind of weird characters for an identifier:
-- Most likely, copy+paste won't work. Download the file from
print(_VERSION .. " " .. (jit and "JIT" or "non-JIT"))
local T = {}
T.math = T.math or {}
T.math.​â®â€‹âŞâ®â€‹­ď»żâ€Śâ€­âŽ­ = math.sin
T.math.â¬â€‹â­â¬â­â«â®â€­â€¬ = math.cos
for k, v in pairs(T.math) do print(k, v) end
Lua 5.1 JIT
â¬â€‹â­â¬â­â«â®â€­â€¬ function: builtin#45
​â®â€‹âŞâ®â€‹­ď»żâ€Śâ€­âŽ­ function: builtin#44
It is unclear to me, why is this set of characters allowed for an identifier?
In other words, why is it a completely valid Lua program?
Unlike some languages, Lua is not really defined by a formal specification, one which covers every contingency and entirely explains all of Lua's behavior. Something as simple as "what character set is a Lua file encoded in" isn't really explain in Lua's documentation.
All the docs say about identifiers is:
Names (also called identifiers) in Lua can be any string of letters, digits, and underscores, not beginning with a digit and not being a reserved word.
But nothing ever really says what a "letter" is. There isn't even a definition for what character set Lua uses. As such, it's essentially implementation-dependent. A "letter" is... whatever the implementation wants it to be.
So, let's say you're writing a Lua implementation. And you want users to be able to provide Unicode-encoded strings (that is, strings within the Lua text). Lua 5.3 requires this. But you also don't want them to have to use UTF-16 encoding for their files (also because lua_load gets sequences of bytes, not shorts). So your Lua implementation assumes the byte sequence it gets in lua_load is encoded in UTF-8, so that users can write strings that use Unicode characters.
When it comes to writing the lexer/parser part of this implementation, how do you handle this? The simplest, easiest way to handle UTF-8 is to... not handle UTF-8. Indeed, that's the whole point of that encoding. Since everything that Lua defines with specific symbols are encoded in ASCII, and ASCII text is also UTF-8 text with the same meaning, you can basically treat a UTF-8 string like an ASCII string. For in-Lua strings, you just copy the sequence of bytes between the start and end characters of the string.
So how do you go about lexing identifiers? Well, you could ask the question above. Or you could ask a much simpler question: is the character a space, control character, digit, or symbol? A "letter" is merely something that isn't one of those.
Lua defines what things it considers to be "symbols". ASCII can tell you what is a control character, space, and a digit. In such an implementation, any UTF-8 code unit with a value outside of ASCII is a letter. Even if technically, those code units decode into something Unicode thinks of as a "symbol", your lexer just threats it as a letter.
This simple form of UTF-8 lexing gives you fast performance and low memory overhead. You don't have to decode UTF-8 into Unicode codepoints, and you don't need a giant Unicode table to tell you whether a codepoint is a "symbol" or "space" or whatever. And of course, it's also something that would naturally fall out of many ASCII-based Lua implementations.
So most Lua implementations will do it this way, if only by accident. Doing something more would require deliberate effort.
It also allows a user to use Unicode character sequences as identifiers. That means that someone can easily write code in their native language (outside of keywords).
But it also means that obfuscators have lots of ways to create "identifiers" that are just strings of nonsensical bytes. Indeed, because there are multiple ways in Unicode to "spell" the same apparent Unicode string (unless you examine the bytes directly), obfuscators can rig up identifiers that appear when rendered in a text editor to all be the same text, while actually being different strings.
To clarify there is only one identifier T
T.math is sugar syntax for T["math"] this also extends to the obfuscate strings. It is perfectly valid to have a key contain any characters or even start with a number.
Now being able to use the . rather then [ ] does not work with a string that don't conform to the identifier's limitations. See Nicol Bolas' answer for a great break down of those limitations.

Cannot get expected result for Spring4D cryptography examples

The Spring4D library has cryptography classes, however I cannot get them to work as expected. I'm probably using them incorrectly, however lack of any examples makes it difficult.
For example on the website, I can hash the word "test" to generate the following hash:
Using the Spring4D library, the following code produces a different hash:
results in:
Upper/lower case aside, it is a different hash altogether. I know must be doing something wrong, but again there's no examples of use so I'm stuck on how to do this.
Hashing algorithms operate on binary data, typically represented using byte arrays.
Unfortunately, both of the resources you have used offer the ability to hash text. In order to hash text, you first need to convert from text to binary. To do so requires a choice of encoding. And neither method makes it clear what that choice is.
When I use this Delphi code:
I get the same hash as appears in your question.
I urge you never to attempt to encrypt/hash text and instead regard these operations as operating on binary. Always use an explicit encoding and then encrypt/hash the array of bytes that the encoding produced.
I've picked the UTF-8 encoding here, because it is a full Unicode encoding, and tends to be efficient in terms of space. However, I don't think your online encoder uses UTF-8. In fact I've no idea what encoding it uses, it is unclear on the matter. This is of course the same old issue of text being different from binary.
In my opinion it is a design flaw of the Delphi library that you use that it allows you to hash text without an explicit choice of encoding. If this library must offer a function that hashes text, then it should require the caller to supply an extra TEncoding parameter.
There is no conversion going on internally so it hashes the UnicodeString which is at least 2 bytes per character.
If you want the same result as on the page you have to use UTF8Encode or directly pass as AnsiString.
However I tried some strings that contained different unicode characters and the page returned a different result. So I am not quite sure how they treat the strings there. I guess it's a codepage thing.
Edit: If you use this page it generates the same hash as TSHA256 with UTF8Encode.
Which type of string are you using? Do you use AnsiString or WideString (Unicode string). Delphi 2009 and Newer are using WideString by default.
Why is string type inportant? All hasging algorithm operates on raw bytes data so it is omportant if each character of your string is stored in one Byte of memory (AnsiString) or multiple Bytes of memory (WideString).

Why AnsiSameText is not ANSI?

One would believe, looking at the name, that AnsiSameText defined in SysUtils (Delphi XE) will receive ANSI strings as parameters but the function is defined like this:
function AnsiSameText(const S1, S2: string): Boolean
What am I missing here?
There is an ANSI function in AnsiStrings unit, but still why is this one (in Sysutils) called 'ansi'?
In older versions of Delphi, pre-Unicode, there were two sets of string comparison functions:
SameText, CompareText, etc. These performed comparisons that ignore locale.
AnsiSameText, AnsiCompareText, etc. These performed comparisons that took locale into account.
When Unicode was introduced, these functions, which operate on string, now operate on UTF-16 data. For the sake of backwards compatibility, they retain the same names, and behave in the same way. That is SameText does not account for locale, but AnsiSameText does.
So, whilst the names are misleading, the Ansi prefix simply indicates that the function is locale aware. For what it is worth, in my view the Ansi prefix is poor even in pre-Unicode Delphi.
The reason that locale is important is that different locales have different rules for letter ordering.

What is the difference between Delphi string comparsion functions?

There's a bunch of ways you can compare strings in modern Delphi (say 2010-XE3):
'<=' operator which resolves to UStrCmp / LStrCmp
Can someone give (or point to) a description of what those methods do, in principle?
So far I've figured that AnsiCompareStr calls CompareString on Windows, which is a "textual" comparison (i.e. takes into account unicode combined characters etc). Simple CompareStr does not do that and seems to do a binary comparison instead.
But what is the difference between CompareStr and UStrCmp? Between UStrCmp and LStrCmp? Do they all produce identical results? Do those results change between versions of Delphi?
I'm asking because I need a comparison which will always produce the same results, so that indexes in app built with one version of Delphi remain consistent with code built with another.
AnsiCompareStr is specified as taking locale into account, and should return identical results regardless of Delphi version, but may return different results based on Windows version and/or settings.. CompareStr is a pure binary comparison: "The comparison operation is based on the 16-bit ordinal value of each character and is not affected by the current locale" (for the CompareStr(const S1, S2: string) overload). UStrCmp also uses a pure binary comparison: "Strings are compared according to the ordinal values that make up the characters that make up the string." So there should not be a difference between the latter two. The way they return the result is different, so two implementations are needed (although it would be possible to make one rely on the other).
As for the differences between LStrCmp and UStrCmp, LStrCmp takes AnsiStrings, UStrCmp takes UnicodeStrings. It's entirely possible that two characters (let's say A and B) are ordered in the misnamed "ANSI" code page as A < B, but are ordered in Unicode as A > B. You should almost always just use the comparison appropriate for the data you have.

Delphi XE - should I use String or AnsiString?

I finally upgraded to Delphi XE. I have a library of units where I use strings to store plain ANSI characters (chars between A and U). I am 101% sure that I will never ever use UNICODE characters in those places.
I want to convert all other libraries to Unicode, but for this specific library I think it will be better to stick with ANSI. The advantage is the memory requirement as in some cases I load very large TXT files (containing ONLY Ansi characters). The disadvantage might be that I have to do lots and lots of typecasts when I make those libraries to interact with normal (unicode) libraries.
There are some general guidelines to show when is good to convert to Unicode and when to stick with Ansi?
The problem with general guidelines is that something like this can be very specific to a person's situation. Your example here is one of those.
However, for people Googling and arriving here, some general guidelines are:
Yes, convert to Unicode. Don't try to keep an old app fully using AnsiStrings. The reason is that the whole VCL is Unicode, and you shouldn't try to mix the two, because you will convert every time you assign a Unicode string to an ANSI string, and that is a lossy conversion. Trying to keep the old way because it's less work (or some similar reason) will cause you pain; just embrace the new string type, convert, and go with it.
Instead of randomly mixing the two, explicitly perform any conversions you need to, once - for example, if you're loading data from an old version of your program you know it will be ANSI, so read it into a Unicode string there, and that's it. Ever after, it will be Unicode.
You should not need to change the type of your string variables - string pre-D2009 is ANSI, and in D2009 and alter is Unicode. Instead, follow compiler warnings and watch which string methods you use - some still take an AnsiString parameter and I find it all confusing. The compiler will tell you.
If you use strings to hold bytes (in other words, using them as an array of bytes because a character was a byte) switch to TBytes.
You may encounter specific problems for things like encryption (strings are no longer byte/characters, so 'character' for 'character' you may get different output); reading text files (use the stream classes and TEncoding); and, frankly, miscellaneous stuff. Search here on SO, most things have been asked before.
Commenters, please add more suggestions... I mostly use C++Builder, not Delphi, and there are probably quite a few specific things for Delphi I don't know about.
Now for your specific question: should you convert this library?
The values between A and U are truly only ever in this range, and
These values represent characters (A really is A, not byte value 65 - if so, use TBytes), and
You load large text files and memory is a problem
then not converting to Unicode, and instead switching your strings to AnsiStrings, makes sense.
Be aware that:
There is an overhead every time you convert from ANSI to Unicode
You could use UTF8String, which is a specific type of AnsiString that will not be lossy when converted, and will still store most text (Roman characters) in a single byte
Changing all the instances of string to AnsiString could be a bit of work, and you will need to check all the methods called with them to see if too many implicit conversions are being performed (for performance), etc
You may need to change the outer layer of your library to use Unicode so that conversion code or ANSI/Unicode compiler warnings are not visible to users of your library
If you convert to Unicode, sets of characters (can't remember the syntax, maybe if 'S' in MySet?) won't work. From your description of characters A to U, I could guess you would like to use this syntax.
My recommendation? Personally, the only reason I would do this from the information you've given is the memory use, and possibly performance depending on what you're doing with this huge amount of A..Us. If that truly is significant, it's both the driver and the constraint, and you should convert to ANSI.
You should be able to wrap up the conversion at the interface between this unit and its clients. Use AnsiString internally and string everywhere else and you should be fine.
In general only use AnsiString if it is important that the Chars are single bytes, Otherwise the use of string ensures future compatibility with Unicode.
You need to check all libraries anyway because all Windows API functions in Delhpi XE replaced by their unicode-analogues, etc. If you will never use UNICODE you need to use Delphi 7.
Use AnsiString explicitly everywhere in this unit and then you'll get compiler warning errors (which you should never ignore) for String to AnsiString conversion errors if you happen to access the routines incorrectly.
Alternately, perhaps preferably depending on your situation, simply convert everything to UTF8.
Stick with Ansi strings ONLY if you do not have the time to convert the code properly. The use of Ansi strings is really only for backward compatibility - to my knowledge C# does not have an equiavalent to Ansi strings. Otherwise use the standard Unicode strings. If you have a look on my web-site I have a whole strings routines unit (about 5,000 LOC) that works with both Delphi 2007 (non-Uniocde) and XE (Unicode) with only "string" interfaces and contains almost all of the conversion issues you might face.
