Display content based on location - geolocation

How do I go about displaying content based on a users location ? For ex. If somebody accesses the site from the New York , I would like to display New York Hotels . However if somebody accesses the site from Chicago , I would like to display Chicago hotels.

You're looking for a Geoloction database which would give you access to the typical IP ranges for the countries/cities you need to flag.
This is not absolute or completely trustworthy information though. Country level geo-location is mostly effective but anything like city/state/zip code level information should be treated with great caution.
I've worked with major multinational media providers using expensive paid services and discovered that the information in these databases is a very long way from correct and that users individual circumstances often prevent geo-location from being effective.
e.g. Virgin and East Coast trains in the UK use T-Mobile Germany as their onboard internet provider so you appear to be in Germany to many sites and payment processors.
There are quite a few free geolocation databases, MaxMind springs to mind (though this is not a recommendation of their service).
You can find some thoughts on implementing geo-location here

You need some database/api with information about hotells in different locations, then you need to now where the visitor is.
You can use something like Travel/Hotel API's? to find hotells.
And for finding the location of your visitor you can use something like http://www.hostip.info/use.html
or you can use HTML5 geolocation api example http://html5demos.com/geo . The bad thing with the html5 geo api is that the user need to accept before you get their location.
Remember that there is no guaranty that the location is correct...

This is the exact reason I created wpgeocode. WPGeocode is a free plugin for wordpress that enables publishers to customize content based on reader location. Check out the plugin at the support site at http://www.wpgeocode.com
The plugin enables shortcodes that can be placed in your posts or pages. There are many conditional shortcodes such as [wpgc_is_country_code country_code="US"] for this exact purpose. Simple open the shortcode, specify the target country_code and provide the content to be displayed if the reader is visiting from that specific country.
Visit http://www.wpgeocode.com/shortcodes for a complete listing - here are a few:
[wpgc_is_city_and_state city=”Yardley” state_code=”PA”]
[wpgc_is_ip” ip=”xx.xx.xx.xx”]
[wpgc_is_ips” ip=”xx.xx.xx.xx,aa.bb.cc.dd”]
[wpgc_is_not_ip” ip=”xx.xx.xx.xx”]
[wpgc_is_not_ips” ip=”xx.xx.xx.xx,aa.bb.cc.dd”]
[wpgc_is_city” city=””]
[wpgc_is_cities” cities=”city one,city two,city three”]
[wpgc_is_not_city” city=””]
[wpgc_is_not_cities” cities=”city
one,city two,city three”]
[wpgc_is_nearby”] – Uses the value you
specify in the Nearby Range setting from the administrative panel
[wpgc_is_within” miles=”10″]
[wpgc_is_country_name” country_name=””]
[wpgc_is_country_names” country_name=”United States,Egypt,Albania”]
[wpgc_is_country_code” country_code=””]
[wpgc_is_state_code” state_code=””]
[wpgc_is_state_codes” state_codes=”PA,NJ,TX”]
[wpgc_is_not_country_name” country_name=””]
[wpgc_is_not_country_names” country_names=”United
[wpgc_is_not_country_code” country_code=””]
[wpgc_is_not_country_codes” country_codes=”US,GB,AZ”]
[wpgc_is_not_state_code” state_code=””]

dotCMS offers the ability to geolocate content OTB (disclaimer, I work for them). You can see a demonstration that displays news content based on the user's location onthe demo site:
It is pretty easy to setup and use. Any type of content can be geolocated and the content can be accessed through the RESTful API. Under the covers, the Geolocation queries are handled natively via Elasticsearch.


Detect where website is opened from

Sorry, this may come across as a bit vague but how would go about and displaying a different logo of an organisation based on where the site is opened from. For example, the organisation would want their official South African logo to be displayed when the site is opened in South Africa, and another official logo when it is opened in Kenya or Ghana for example.
Would the site simply have to be hosted in more than one server...can't think of any other possible way?
To find country first you find Ipaddress
string Ipaddress= HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
Using Ip address you can find location as follows
using (var wc = new WebClient())
string output = wc.DownloadString(String.Format("http://api.hostip.info/?ip={0}&position=true", ipaddress));
Output is in XML format and it will contain a countryName tag
I would have this as a comment .Since, I don't have enough reputations, I am posting as an answer.
This link would be useful to detect the country and change the logo based on the country in your logic.
Detect/estimate country of a http-request in ASP.NET
Adding the contents of the link, since the link may expire.
You can use one of available web services to match an incoming request to a country.
Otherwise you may decide to grab the MaxMind database file (GeoLite Country), read from this file in your application and perform a match. Thus you will be independent from a third-party service, only pulling regularly updates for the database file.
Also check out similar questions:
Geolocation web service recommendations
Know a good IP address Geolocation Service?
In a very short, in market so many vendors are there, who are tracking geolocation, One of them is google API.
You can generate your own API_KEY.
Hope this post will helps you. :)

Geolocation and getting a city from an input address (Rails)

The app I'm building needs to be able to match up users to events based on the city/town they're in. I'm still relatively new to Rails and completely new to Geolocation and using locations in an app. I'd figured on a design where users have one or many cities, and events would have one city which I'd hoped to extract without specifically asking the user for it, by getting it from the event address entered.
Mostly to provide some outside checking to help get the address entered correctly and consistently, but also to show a map, I installed this jquery address picker (https://github.com/sgruhier/jquery-addresspicker). Unfortunately the data returned by Google doesn't include a city but a "locality" or an "administrative area" that doesn't correlate reliably to city names. The localities being returned are more like what we in my home town would call "suburbs". What I need to procure is a city so I can allow users to search all events in their city rather than just the ones in their suburb.
Can anyone offer advice on how I could go about doing this? Many thanks.
Edit: Should maybe add that I'm wanting to do geocoding client-side so I don't run into problems with Google Maps limits or have to pay for geocoding etc.
There are some gems that provide you with that and may others geo related features, like calculating distances.
Here are the 2 most famous: https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder and https://github.com/imajes/geokit
In the future I highly recommend you to head to https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/ to see what is available as a gem already and see what is the most popular at the moment.
For raw address info, use Google Maps API Reverse Geocoding which accepts lat/lon inputs and returns street address components. Modern browsers support location awareness (geolocation), with user permission, and will give you a lat/lon that "tends to be close" to where the browser is. That will probably get you a correct city/town in most cases.
The maps API is part of Google's broad suite of API tools -- there are gems that handle any Google API (well, most of them), or check out Google Maps for Rails, which will at the very least give you a good head start on how to use the API.
But if you're looking to validate postal code, this method will come up short, since the location awareness will vary in accuracy depending on browser, device (more accurate for mobile), the connection, population density, network coverage, and so on. Also, calling the
If you can get GPS-accurate lat/lon then it will be much more accurate ... except in some cases like in large cities, a single building will have its own postal code, so a few feet one way or the other might matter.

business listing search apis

I would like to include local business address/phone numbers into my site.
Does anyone have thoughts on using google local search api vs. twitter's geo api vs. purchasing a directory listing?
Mainly depends on your site and needs (real time, offline..).
Google local gives very good results, the best from my experience (compared to other apis).You should check the terms of service of each service. If I remember correctly, google doesn't allow using it's local api if you site charges users for money.
Also, I think google TOS limits you to client side usage, but you should read the TOS to see if it's true.
Haven't tried the twitter geo api too much, but I remember it didn't fit my needs.
Purchasing a directory listing is not cheap. Again, depends on your needs; do you need US business listings? World wide? If you want US businesses, the leading companies for purchasing a DB of listings are: localeze, infousa, acxiom.
Besides Google Local Search (which actually has been deprecated), there's now SimpleGeo Places, which is free for low volume use and without restrictive terms of service. I don't work for them.
Could also use the Google Places API (which has not been deprecated) using the instructions here.

what POIs (Point of Interests) DB can I use for a commercial app

I need a POI database for a startup project I am working on - it will be a free basic version and a premium paid for version in the sense that user will pay a monthly subscription.
I would like to use foursquare type checkin to places and plancast type functionality to search for places (one-line search). Ie I need to:
perform a search for POIs around a location
associate users to that POI, with a time stamp
allow users to add own POIs
provide free-text search for POIs (a la google one-line search)
Google API allows great search, but I understand there are limits in number of requests that can be done? This would prevent scaling, and may result in application breaking when too many users. Also what does google T&C say about using this in a paid for service?
Openstreetmap I understand does not have these contstraints, but do they also provide a good one-line search type API? Or how could I solve this?
have a look at http://eventful.com/ or http://qype.com - they both have APIs you can call to get find out whats happening near you. You can convert these events into POIs in your application. The APIs are free to use (your app just need to credit Eventful or Qype).
Take a look at the API at http://compass.webservius.com - may not have everything you need, but has very rich data on 16+ million business locations in the USA.

Is there a search engine including indexing bot which can be used to make up special catalogue by feeding the bot with certain properties?

Our application (C#/.NET) needs a lot of queries to search. Google's 50,000 policy per day is not enough. We need something that would crawl Internet websites by specific rules we set (for ex. country domains) and gather URLs, Texts, keywords, name of websites and create our own internal catalogue so we wouldn't be limited to any massive external search engine like Google or Yahoo.
Is there any free open source solution we could use to install it on our server?
No point in re-inventing the wheel.
DataparkSearch might be the one you need. Or review this list of other Open Source Search Engines.
