Netlogo To randomly select one of 3 procedures - procedure

How do I randomly select one of 3 procedures?
Please see below:
to move
ifelse random-float 100 < 70
[move-left move-right move-back] ;; To randomly select one of these 3 procedures to execute.
Thank you. I am quite unfamiliar with the syntax.

NetLogo 6:
run one-of (list [-> move-left]
[-> move-right]
[-> move-back])
NetLogo 5:
run one-of (list task move-left
task move-right
task move-back)

Maybe not too much elegant, but that may work:
to move
ifelse random-float 100 < 70
[let n random 3
ifelse n = 0
[ifelse n = 1


Formula to classify multiple, specific values in a range using Google Sheets

I could be doing this completely wrong, or I could be on the right path, I have no idea! I'm trying to grade a decision based on 3 criteria. The grades are AAA-A and BBB-B, etc. but for now I just need AAA-A and can figure out the rest.
Essentially, we want Col. J to populate based on what Col.'s G-I say. In my head it's super easy but I want to automate this step.
So I start with col.I and see the pairing.. AAA-A results are any of these "G/G" "LG/G" "G/LG" or "R/R". If it is one of those 4 pairings then we start at AA grade.
Then I check col.G (it doesnt matter now if I check H or G first), and if G>=.5 we grade it higher at AAA, if its less than .5 then do nothing and keep it at AA.
Then I look at col. H (or G if we started at H) and if it is a "Y" we grade down from AA to A. or AAA to AA. But it is "N" do nothing.
What I have so far is attached. It technically works for 3/4 of these cells but that could be a coincidence. The results column(J) should be row3 - AA, row4 - AA, row5 - AAA, row6 - AA.
And for one additional test, imagine: col.g = .64, col.h = Y, col.i = G/G -- then we want AA as the result.
Definitely the hardest test I've had in excel/sheets. I appreciate the help! Thanks in advance!
Formula I tried:
=Ifs((or(I3="G/G",I3="LG/G",I3="G/LG",I3="R/R"),"AA", and(or(I3="G/G",I3="LG/G",I3="G/LG",I3="R/R"),G3>0.5),"AAA",H3="Y","A")
Data Sample:
As presented, your formula simply returns an error, and seems like a misinterpretation of how Ifs works. However, it suggest you're trying to Nest If statements. And, from your description, I think that makes sense.
Assuming that's a valid interpretation, the following does what you want.
(At least as far as AAA-A is concerned).
=If(or(I3="G/G",I3="LG/G",I3="G/LG",I3="R/R"),if(G3<0.5,"AA","AAA"),if(H3="Y","A","Not an A"))
The BBB-B logic would be the same (just nested in where "Not an A" is).

Performing exact match when comparing variables in SPSS Statistics

I'm wondering if there's a way for me to perform an exact match compare in SPSS. Currently, using the following will return system missing (null) in cases where one variable is sysmis:
compute var1_comparison = * Some logic here.
compute var1_check = var1 = var1_comparison.
The results look like this (hypens representing null values):
ID var1 var1_comparison var1_check
1 3 3 1
2 4 3 0
3 - 2 -
4 1 1 1
5 - - -
What I want is this:
ID var1 var1_comparison var1_check
1 3 3 1
2 4 3 0
3 - 2 0
4 1 1 1
5 - - 1
Is this possible using just plain SPSS syntax? I'm also open to using the Python extension, though I'm not as familiar with it.
Here's a slightly different approach, using temporary scratch variables (prefixed by a hash (#)):
recode var1 var1_comparison (sysmis=-99) (else=copy) into #v1 #v2.
compute Check=(#v1 = #v2).
This is to recreate your example:
data list list/ID var1 var1_comparison.
begin data
1, 3, 3
2 , 4, 3
3, , 2
4, 1, 1
5, ,
end data.
Now you have to deal separately with the situation where both values are missing, and then complete the calculation in all other situations:
do if missing(var1) or missing(var1_comparison).
compute var1_check=(missing(var1) and missing(var1_comparison)).
compute var1_check = (var1 = var1_comparison).
end if.

Return multiple columns / a dataframe in Deedle based on row-wise mapping

I want to look at each row in a frame and construct multiple columns for a new frame based on values in that row.
The final result should be a frame that has the columns of the original frame plus the new columns.
I have a solution but I wonder if there is a better one. I think the best way to explain the desired behavior is with an example. I'm using Deedle's titanic data set:
#r #"F:\aolney\research_projects\braintrust\code\QualtricsToR\packages\Deedle.1.2.3\lib\net40\Deedle.dll";;
#r #"F:\aolney\research_projects\braintrust\code\QualtricsToR\packages\FSharp.Charting.0.90.12\lib\net40\FSharp.Charting.dll";;
#r #"F:\aolney\research_projects\braintrust\code\QualtricsToR\packages\FSharp.Data.2.2.2\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll";;
open System
open FSharp.Data
open Deedle
open FSharp.Charting;;
#load #"F:\aolney\research_projects\braintrust\code\QualtricsToR\packages\FSharp.Charting.0.90.12\FSharp.Charting.fsx";;
#load #"F:\aolney\research_projects\braintrust\code\QualtricsToR\packages\Deedle.1.2.3\Deedle.fsx";;
let titanic = Frame.ReadCsv(#"C:\Users\aolne_000\Downloads\titanic.csv");;
This is what that frame looks like:
val titanic : Frame<int,string> =
PassengerId Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
0 -> 1 False 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22 1 0 A/5 21171 7.25 S
1 -> 2 True 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer) female 38 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C
My approach grabs each row, uses some selection logic, and then returns a new row value as a dictionary. Then I use Deedle's expansion operation to convert the values in this dictionary to new columns.
titanic?test <- titanic |> Frame.mapRowValues( fun x -> if x.GetAs<int>("Pclass") > 1 then dict ["A", 1; "B", 2] else dict ["A", 2 ; "B", 1] );;
titanic |> Frame.expandCols ["test"];;
This gives the following new frame:
PassengerId Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked test.A test.B
0 -> 1 False 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22 1 0 A/5 21171 7.25 S 1 2
1 -> 2 True 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer) female 38 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C 2 1
Note the last two columns are test.A and test.B. Effectively this approach creates a new frame (A and B) and then joins the frame to the existing frame.
This is fine for my use case but it is probably confusing for others to read. Also it forces the prefix, e.g. "test", on the final columns which isn't highly desirable.
Is there a way to append the new values to the end of the row series represented in the code above by x?
I find your approach quite elegant and clever. Because the new series shares the index with the original frame, it is also going to be pretty fast. So, I think your solution may actually be better than the alternative option (but I have not measured this).
Anyway, the other option would be to return new rows from your Frame.mapRowValues call - so for each row, we return the original row together with the additional columns.
|> Frame.mapRowValues(fun x ->
let add =
if x.GetAs<int>("Pclass") > 1 then series ["A", box 1; "B", box 2]
else series ["A", box 2 ; "B", box 1]
Series.merge x add)
|> Frame.ofRows

Possible to use less/greater than operators with IF ANY?

Is it possible to use <,> operators with the if any function? Something like this:
select if (any(>10,Q1) AND any(<2,Q2 to Q10))
You definitely need to create an auxiliary variable to do this.
#Jignesh Sutar's solution is one that works fine. However there are often multiple ways in SPSS to accomplish a certain task.
Here is another solution where the COUNT command comes in handy.
It is important to note that the following solution assumes that the values of the variables are integers. If you have float values (1.5 for instance) you'll get a wrong result.
* count occurrences where Q2 to Q10 is less then 2.
* select if Q1>10 and
* there is at least one occurrence where Q2 to Q10 is less then 2.
SELECT (Q1>10 AND #QLT2>0).
There is also a variant for this sort of solution that deals with float variables correctly. But I think it is less intuitive though.
* count occurrences where Q2 to Q10 is 2 or higher.
* select if Q1>10 and
* not every occurences of (the 9 variables) Q2 to Q10 is two or higher.
SELECT IF (Q1>10 AND #QGE2<9).
Note: Variables beginning with # are temporary variables. They are not stored in the data set.
I don't think you can (would be nice if you could - you can do something similar in Excel with COUNTIF & SUMIF IIRC).
You've have to construct a new variable which tests the multiple ANY less than condition, as per below example:
input program.
loop #j = 1 to 1000.
compute ID=#j.
vector Q(10).
loop #i = 1 to 10.
compute Q(#i) = trunc(rv.uniform(-20,20)).
end loop.
end case.
end loop.
end file.
end input program.
vector Q=Q2 to Q10.
loop #i=1 to 9 if Q(#i)<2.
compute #QLT2=1.
end loop if Q(#i)<2.
select if (Q1>10 and #QLT2=1).

Writing an If condition within a Loop in SPSS

I want to have a if condition within a loop. That is As long as id < 10,
check if Modc_initial is equal to MODC, if true then set d = 12
This is the code I tried bit not working, can anyone please help.
LOOP if (id LT 10)
IF(Modc_initial EQ MODC))
COMPUTE d = 12.
You can either use a one line conditional of the form IF (condition) d = 12. or a multiple line DO IF. Below I provide an example of DO IF adapted to your syntax.
data list free / id MODC Modc_initial.
begin data
1 3 3
2 3 5
12 1 1
end data.
LOOP if (id LT 10).
DO IF (Modc_initial EQ MODC).
COMPUTE d = 12.
END LOOP IF (d = 12).
Note you had a period missing in your original syntax on the initial LOOP. I also added an end loop condition, otherwise the code as written would just go until the maximum set number of loops per your system.
