I've downloaded Lockbox3 about a week ago and i can't use it, and i couldn't understand the demo because it's complex i couldn't get the codes i want from it, I'd like to use lockbox 3 AES-256 encryption to encrypt strings in Delphi.
The method and property names pretty much say it all. Here is a method which encrypts a string and then decrypts it back again, assuming you've setup the codec properties at design time, which are also self-describing.
procedure TForm1.actEncryptStringExecute( Sender: TObject );
Plaintext, sReconstructedPlaintext: string;
base64Ciphertext: ansistring;
sPlainText := 'I love LockBox 3!';
if not InputQuery( 'Plaintext', 'Enter plaintext that you want to encrypt (UTF-16LE encoding):', sPlainText) then exit;
codec.EncryptString( sPlaintext, base64Ciphertext);
ShowMessageFmt('The base64 encoding of the encoded ciphertext is'#13#10+'%s',[base64Ciphertext]);
codec.DecryptString( sReconstructedPlaintext, base64Ciphertext);
ShowMessageFmt('After decryption, this decrypts back to %s',[sReconstructedPlaintext])
Have another look at the demo program. The handler for Encrypt button, encrypts a file instead of a string. That aside, if you strip away the decorative fluff, like posting information to a memo, and handling exceptions if the user specified a non-existant file, its increddibly simple - it basically boils down to one line...
codecMainDemo.EncryptFile( edtPlaintextFile.Text, edtCiphertextFile.Text );
To encrypt a string, you call EncryptString(). To encrypt a file you call EncryptFile().
The demo shows the setup, to wit:
Put an TCryptographicLibrary component on your form;
Put a TCodec component on your form;
Select your prefered cipher
Select your prefered chaining mode; and
Set the password
and Bob's your uncle!
Let me know if you have any problems.
Your example has at least one error if not more:
Plaintext, sReconstructedPlaintext: string;
base64Ciphertext: ansistring;
Plaintext should be sPLaintext.
Plus Delphi Sydney compiler flags an error 'Not enough actual parameters' on codec.EncryptString( sPlaintext, base64Ciphertext);
I think that uncle bob was having an off day.
This is a great library but unfortunately it is let down by poor documentation. I have ploughed my way through the relevant units in order to make some progress but it is a shame that I have to do this in order to assess whether I want to use it - I am writing a textbook for the school's market.
I'm using Crypto API's CryptAcquireContext function (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/Wincrypt/nf-wincrypt-cryptacquirecontexta) to get access to my Certificate Store contained on my USB Token, and this is working like a charm!
However, the CryptAcquireContext function is deprecated and the Crypto API documentation recommends the use of CNG to achieve the same results. All my problem now is how to use CNG to get a certificate context from my USB Token, and to achieve this I'm using the following code:
Reader: PByte;
ReaderSize: DWORD;
MemorySize: DWORD;
// Get a handle to the smartcard reader specific provider
Status := NCryptOpenStorageProvider(#Provider
,'SafeSign Standard RSA and AES Cryptographic Service Provider'
,0); // returns ERROR_SUCCESS
// Convert the name of the reader to a PByte
UnicodeStringToBinary('Giesecke & Devrient GmbH StarSign CUT 0',Reader,ReaderSize);
// Inform the name of the reader to the CNG
Status := NCryptSetProperty(Provider
,0); // returns ERROR_SUCCESS
MemorySize := SizeOf(HCERTSTORE);
// Try to get the size needed to a variable of type HCERTSTORE.
// This is the first step before get the certificate store
Status := NCryptGetProperty(Provider
,0); //Returns 0x80090029 (NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED)
As you can see the NCryptGetProperty function fails with error code 0x80090029 which means NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED. What I'm doing wrong? I've found an example (C++) doing the same as me, so, I guess everything is OK with my implementation, but...
My goal is to list all certificates on my smart card (actually an USB Token). I can do this using Crypto API, but the CryptAcquireContext function is deprecated, so, I need to use another one. Using CAPI I get the Certificate Store and I can list It using the default certificate dialog, so, I need, using CNG, get the Certificate Store to do the same thing, but the way I'm doing now seems wrong.
Well, some observations:
I'm not checking the returns here (Status variable) to simplify this code sample
The UnicodeStringToBinary function is strictly correct. The returned buffer (PByte) has twice the size of the original string and the bytes are all "nn 00 nn 00 nn 00", so, the Reader variable contains an Unicode String, just like the NCRYPT_READER_PROPERTY property requires. I can post the code on request.
My NCryptOpenStorageProvider signature is more close of the Windows API version, so, its first argument is a pointer to NCRYPT_PROV_HANDLE
I'm not working with delphi... but the reader name must be null-terminated.
I got this working in .NET with Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider and the call:
Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(smartCardReader + '\0')
I need to encrypt an 10-byte string in Delphi using 3DES.
It must get the same result than this PHP code:
function encrypt_3DES($message, $key){
$bytes = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
$iv = implode(array_map("chr", $bytes));
$ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_3DES, $key, $message, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
return $ciphertext;
I have been trying to code it using DCPCrypt and LockBox 3. I have finally discarded DCPCrypt because it hasn't been update lately and I'm not sure if it works correctly with Delphi 10.1 Berlin, so I have focused in LockBox 3, but I haven't been able to get the encryption right.
The encryption key is a 24bytes key (which I have its base64 representation). I can't find how to create such key using the TSymetricKey class of LockBox to pass it to an Codec.Init method. So I put it on an AnsiString and set it on the Password property (although the documentations says that there is a utf8Password but I can't find it).
Then there is a method called EncryptAnsiString, but again it expects strings (utf16 on Delphi 10.1 Berlin) instead of AnsiStrings (although the documentation says the contrary), so I'm not surprised that the result doesn't match what I'm looking for (the same value encrypted on that PHP snippet).
This is my Delphi Code :
function Encrypt(Data: AnsiString; LocalKey: AnsiString): AnsiString;
BinaryLocalKey: TBytes;
strLocalKey, strTripleDes: AnsiString;
BinaryLocalKey := DecodeBase64(LocalKey);
setString(strLocalKey, PAnsiChar(#BinaryLocalKey[0]), Length(BinaryLocalKey));
Codec1.Password := strLocalKey;
Codec1.EncryptAnsiString(Data, strTripleDES);
Result := strTripleDes;
But this Code not only doesn't get the same result as the PHP code, but at every call it returns a different result for the same input.
NOTE: Codec1 is a component linked to a TCryptographicLibrary component, and with the propertis ChainMode set to CBC* and Cipher set to 3DES (Keying option 1)
Does somebody know how to properly get this 3DES encryption ?.
Thank you.
A random IV is generated for each message. The low 8 bytes of the IV are a nonce and the high bytes are zero. These low 8 bytes are prepended to the output.
If you want to send the IV via a side channel, then strip the first 8 bytes out of the nominal ciphertext.
If you want to control the IV, then use version 3.7.0 (https://github.com/SeanBDurkin/tplockbox). You will need to set the advanced options and implement the OnGetIV method.
The asterisk (*) rendered in the property editors for cipher selection and chain mode selection, mean that this selection is a recommended one.
I have a problem with function TIdIMAP4.ListSubscribedMailBoxes(AMailBoxList: TStrings): Boolean; with this implementation :
function TIdIMAP4.ListSubscribedMailBoxes(AMailBoxList: TStrings): Boolean;
{CC2: This is one of the few cases where the server can return only "OK completed"
meaning that the user has no subscribed mailboxes.}
Result := False;
CheckConnectionState([csAuthenticated, csSelected]);
SendCmd(NewCmdCounter, IMAP4Commands[cmdLSub] + ' "" *',
[IMAP4Commands[cmdList], IMAP4Commands[cmdLSub]]); {Do not Localize}
if LastCmdResult.Code = IMAP_OK then begin
// ds - fixed bug # 506026
ParseLSubResult(AMailBoxList, LastCmdResult.Text);
Result := True;
When I debug I see that the LastCmdResult.Text stringlist is empty, but the LastCmdResult.FormattedReply stringlist has all folders on my email server (Inbox, Sent, Trash, ...). When I tried to use LastCmdResult.FormattedReply count or text, it had immediately lost its data and gave LastCmdResult.FormattedReply.Count=0 and LastCmdResult.FormattedReply.Text=''. So I'd like to know if there is a way to enter the data inside LastCmdResult.FormattedReply and get my email server folders or there is another way to solve my problem ?
I have a problem with function TIdIMAP4.ListSubscribedMailBoxes(AMailBoxList: TStrings): Boolean; with this implementation :
Works fine for me when I try it using the latest SVN version of Indy.
When I debug I see that the LastCmdResult.Text stringlist is empty, but the LastCmdResult.FormattedReply stringlist has all folders on my email server (Inbox, Sent, Trash, ...).
When I run it, the opposite happens. LastCmdResult.Text contains the expected text, and LastCmdResult.FFormattedReply is empty (notice I mention the FFormattedReply data member directly, see below).
When I tried to use LastCmdResult.FormattedReply count or text, it had immediately lost its data and gave LastCmdResult.FormattedReply.Count=0 and LastCmdResult.FormattedReply.Text=''.
That is by design. The FormattedReply property is intended to be used by a client to parse a server reply so it can populate TIdReply's property values, and to be used by a server to generate a new reply using TIdReply's property values. So, you cannot read from the FormattedReply property on the client side.
So I'd like to know if there is a way to enter the data inside LastCmdResult.FormattedReply and get my email server folders or there is another way to solve my problem ?
The whole purpose of ListSubscribedMailBoxes() is to return the folder names in the AMailBoxList parameter. If that is not working for you, then either
you are using a older/buggy version of Indy.
your server is sending the data in a format that TIdIMAP4 is not able to parse.
Without knowing which version of Indy you are actually using, or what the server's reply data actually looks like, there is no way to diagnose your issue one way or the other.
I'm wanting to create a CloudFlare client in the Firemonkey framework. For those who don't know, CloudFlare serves as a CDN of sorts for anyone with a website. They have an API available, and as with many web API's, they are using JSON with a token-based system. It requires both the account email address and the account token to access the API. It runs on HTTPS, and as you can imagine, attempting to access the API via HTTP/non-SSL simply produces null results.
The application i wish to create would serve as an all-in-one management tool, intending to eliminate the need for me to use a web browser to manage my CloudFlare settings. I'm having the most basic of issues; SSL POST. See, i can submit an API request via a web browser and get a list of results (e.g. https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html?a=stats&z=DOMAIN&u=EMAIL&tkn=TOKEN - Personal details removed for obvious reasons), but i'm unsure how i would go about getting these same results (or any results from the API for that matter) in Firemonkey.
I've got Overbyte ICS with SSL installed, as well as the basic bundled Indy components, but i'm struggling to get started with this. I need to post a list of parameters to https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html via HTTPS/SSL, but i've very little idea on where to start. I've seen a few various example around SO, mostly using ICS, but i've been unable to find any specific to posting with multiple parameters, how i should format it, etc.
One example i tried was using ICS TSSLHttpCli, writing my parameters as a single string (i.e. a=stats&z=DOMAIN&u=EMAIL&tkn=TOKEN), writing that to the SendStream of TSSLHttpCli, seeking to 0,0, setting the URL (i.e. https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html?), and then calling the Post method. However, this gives me Connection aborted on request. This is the code i've tried (though i've replaced personal details with generic values);
Data : AnsiString;
RcvStrm, SndStrm : TMemoryStream;
SndStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
RcvStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
Data := '?a=stats&z=MYDOMAIN&u=MYEMAIL&tkn=MYTOKEN';
SslHttpCli.SendStream := SndStrm;
SslHttpCli.RcvdStream := RcvStrm;
SslHttpCli.URL := 'https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html';
The ShowMessage procedures are simply there to provide a visual break so i can see what data is in the stream at each time. When Memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(SndStrm); is called, i get a single question mark the contents of the Data in the memo as expected.
When i call Memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(RcvStrm);, i expect it to add the return result from the API, and then the 5 dots underneath it. However, this does not happen, and it's apparent that the message i'm receiving is related to the issue. I'm assuming i've not set up the data correctly, but i'm simply unsure exactly how i should format it prior to attempting to post it. I've even commented out everything below Memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(RcvStrm); to the end to see whether the Clear procedure is called on the memo, but the contents of the memo remain the same as they were when i called LoadFromStream(SndStrm). The final ShowMessage is also not called.
I initially tried using String instead of AnsiString, but this simply output the first character of Data rather than the whole string.
There could be numerous reasons why it's not working (all details for API access are correct, so it's an issue with the code), but i need someone with more experience and knowledge to point me in the right direction.
My network coding knowledge is limited, and i've only dealt with basic SQL and FTP in Delphi so far. I've still got to work with the parsed JSON once i do get past this step, but for now, can anyone assist me in this endeavor so i can get started?
I noticed you seemed to solve this with a GET request, but I noticed two immediate problems with your POST request:
as Runner Suggested, drop the '?' in your data. The '?' is only used when appending parameters to the URL in a GET request.
You never set the content type of the HTTP Request (should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded). You can do this with the following code:
SSLHttpCli.ContentTypePost := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
Just a helpful thought. I checked https://www.cloudflare.com/docs/client-api.html and they mention that POST requests are accepted. It's possible the server rejects requests that have any other content type.
Just some food for thought if you ever need to contact another API via POST requests and want to use the Overbyte Components.
Hope the info is useful!
Try this;
SndStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
RcvStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
Data := 'a=stats&z=MYDOMAIN&u=MYEMAIL&tkn=MYTOKEN';
SndStrm.Write(Data[1], Length(Data));
SndStrm.Seek(0, 0);
SslHttpCli.SendStream := SndStrm;
Delphi XE2, so Indy 10.
My client sends a command which is processed by a TIdCommandHandler of my TIdCmdTCPServer.
I want to be able to perform some logic and return either a success or fail response and check for that back at the client.
Can someone please point me at a few lines of code as an example? Thanks in advance.
Well, here's the simplest demo.
Add an IdCmdTCPServer to your form, and add one command, set its name in the Command property, I originally thought I should handle Response in OnCommand event like this:
procedure TForm1.IdCmdTCPServer1CommandHandlers0Command(ASender: TIdCommand);
//ASender.Response.Add('Hello'); // wrong way
Update Remy pointed out I shouldn't be using Response.
So you want to return success or failure, it's traditional to use a numeric result followed by the string value. Each string in the response strings list has an implied end-of-line transmitted back to the client:
procedure TForm1.IdCmdTCPServer1CommandHandlers0Command(ASender: TIdCommand);
if DoSomething then
The idea with the IdCommandHandler and a CmdTCPServer/Client is that you follow the "RFC" style of protocols, which are ANSI/ASCII text-based. An RFC-style internet protocol's reply is typically encoded over the wire as text with both a numeric and string value. ASender.Response could be used if you needed to take the content of a string list and return that as the response.
As for the client, a question here suggests that TIdCmdTcpClient is not the most natural way to build the client for this server. From their names, you'd have thought they were made for each other, but it's not exactly. For most simple TIdCMDTCPServers that you could build, you would find that a plain-vanilla TIdTCPClient is the simplest building block to start your client with.