How i can show the customize dialog for a TActionMainMenuBar component? - delphi

I had a TActionMainMenuBar in a form and I want to customize the preferences in runtime, is possible show the same dialog displayed in desgin time, but in runtime?

You can use the TCustomizeDlg component
Drop the TCustomizeDlg component to your form
Set the ActionManeger property value to your ActionManager component
Call the Show method of the TCustomizeDlg component
or Also you can add a TCustomizeActionBars standard action to your Menu.


Get the calling component of TPopupMenu

I have a TStringGrid, that has a TPopupMenu connected.
By clicking one event of the popup menu, I would like to get the calling component. Is that possible?
It is a bigger project, every form has a "BasicForm" I can inherited from. So I would like to provide a "default popup menu" for grids that have stuff like Copy, Select, and so on in it. In the inherited form I only match the grid (if exists) with that popup and I'm done.
Seems you are looking for the PopupComponent property of TPopupMenu:
Indicates the component that last displayed the popup menu in response
to a right mouse click.
Read PopupComponent to determine which control is currently using the
popup menu. In applications where multiple controls share the same
pop-up menu, use PopupComponent to determine which of them displayed
the menu.
Set PopupComponent to associate a control with the menu before calling
the Popup method programmatically to bring up the pop-up menu.

Add a button or label to a combobox

How can I add a button with OnClick event, or a label, to the bottom of the drop-down list for a VCL TComboBox? Even if it is empty.
Native ComboBox controls do not support what you are asking for.
However, you can use the Win32 API GetComboBoxInfo() function to get the HWND of the drop-down list and then use the Win32 API to manipulate it directly, like adding child windows to it, subclassing it to intercept window messages, etc.

Style a firemonkey combobox component

Trying to get a new style on a ComboBox in FireMonkey (XE2).
But for some odd reason I cannot get the text of a ListBoxItem to show.
What I've tried is the following.
Create a new FireMonkey HD Application.
On the form I've added a ComboBox.
Right click on the ComboBox and select 'Edit custom style'
There I've added the following components
while the original one consist out of the following components
Now it seems to me that I need the TContent object (but I can't seem to find it in the toolpallete)
How can i bind my Text object to the strings that are placed in my ComboBox?
Any pointers are very welcome.
FireMonkey doesn't use a TText object to display the text. Instead it creates a copy of the list box item within the TContent (if I remember correctly).
As you've worked out you need to add a TContent to your form. The easy way to do this is to
go back to the form,
right click and select View as Text
Find the TStyleBook object and add a TContent at the appropriate point (the format for this should be obvious from the rest of the file).
No need to add any properties - defaults will be used the first time.
Right click, View as Form.
Go back into the style editor and edit away.

How to disable menu, sub-menu in ActionMainMenuBar?

Using: Delphi XE3, VCL Forms application
I have a menu containing a sub-menu in a ActionMainMenuBar. How can I via code:
disable the menu
disable the sub-menu
Create a 'TAction' per menu/submenu that you want to enable disable. Do not assign them to any category.
Create an 'OnExecute' event handler for these actions, so that these can be enabled. You don't have to put any code in the handler, a comment ('//') is enough for the IDE to not to delete the handlers.
Select the 'TActionClient' that represents the menu/submenu from the form designer, just click on the item.
Assign one of the actions to its 'Action' property in the object inspector.
Enable/disable the action associated with the 'TActionClient' that represents the menu/submenu at run time for the menu/submenu to be enabled/disabled accordingly.
By using the 'enabled' property of the menu? or the menu-item that is the starting point of the submenu...
You can actually disable it at runtime (in Delphi 7 anyway) if you know the index of the top-level menu item for the category as follows:
ActionMainMenuBar.ActionControls[2].Enabled := False;
ActionControls[2] would be the category showing as a top-level menu item (after dragging the category onto ActionMainMenuBar from ActionManager.

How can I create a context menu for a Delphi component?

I want to create a context menu for Delphi components like TDBGrid, TTreeView or similar. How can I do that?
Place a TPopupMenu onto your form and design your menu with it. Then select the component the popupmenu is meant for (DbGrid, TreeView, ...) and set it's PopupMenu property to the PopupMenu you just designed.
You can have different PopupMenus for different components.
After placing a TPopupmenu control and linking it to the desired control, if you want to change the available items in the popup menu according to the selected cell or node in a treeview use the OnContextPopup event of the control, that gives you a chance to alter the default behaivor of the Popupmenu
