jquery datepicker on windows phone not selecting the date - jquery-ui

When selecting the date in the standard JQuery datepicker on a Windows 7 phone i found that the date doesn't select for me and the field doesn't fill in the date. This feature works on all other tested devices including (of course the standard desktop) iTouch, iPad and Android. It almost acts like the dom object is not triggering when the datepicker is selected sometimes causing a text field behind the control to take focus. I did manage to get the timepicker (http://fgelinas.com/code/timepicker/) work but not the datepicker.
Has anyone experienced this and found a fix? Thanks in advance for your help!

DateBox has a ton of options and it's built for jQM:

try to use this line of code :
document.getElementById('container div of datepicker').innerHTML = document.getElementById('container div of datepicker').innerHTML
it seems like crazy and unbeliveable but it works with me


Vaadin How to SelectAll() in ComboBox field?

Vaadin 7.6.2
What's the best approach to performing a selectAll() in ComboBox field?
If you mean selecting all text in the input field of a ComboBox, there is no a build-in support for that.
The most elegant solution would be to create your own Vaadin extension, which would provide server-side API for selecting text in a ComboBox.
The easiest but a bit hackish solution is to defined a unique id for your ComboBox:
and use the JavaScript API of Vaadin to execute a JavaScript snippet that selects text on client side:
JavaScript.eval("setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('my-combobox').firstChild.select(); }, 0);");
I tested this quickly, and it seemed to work in Chrome, Safari and Firefox at least.

Autocomplete and jeditable-datepicker not working together in Jeditable

I am using jeditable and i needed to integrate with jeditable-datepicker and Autocomplete
everything works fine apart from this incompatibility between them.
I have noticed that the problem is caused by the script
<script src="jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.min.js"></script>
which makes working my jQuery datepicker, if i remove it the autocomplete starts working again but obviously my Jquery date picker stops working.
How can i figure it out my issue? there is a way to make them working together?
i found the solution, i explain it here, it might be useful for someone in the future.
i have downloaded again the custom jQuery , i have deselected all the options just keeping the Datepicker Widget and then pasted the new script in my page and the incompatibility was gone!

jquery ui autocomplete - suggestions show only once on BB5

I am using jqueryui autocomplete and it works great on desktop and most of the mobile devices - ipad, iphone ,etc. However on blackberry 5, when I type in pis for the first time it shows the suggestions list immediately. when I break see the list and type in additional letter, I dont see the suggestions anymore. I change the text, do whatever and no suggestions until I reload the page and it repeats the same issue again. Should I do anything different with BB5? Thanks
What version of jQuery UI are you using? Blackberry 5 only has limited support for JavaScript 1.6 and this may be why your implementation is functioning oddly. It may be that there is nothing you can do to fix it for BB5 users.

Week picker in JQuery Mobile

I found in demos section about the Data picker. But do we have a picker that will act as a week picker letting us just select a week.
I want the calendar view to be be looking this way but with the theming of JQuery Mobile: http://www.kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/v2/demo/datePickerSelectWeek.html
Not sure if this will work with jQM but I did see this link: https://github.com/themouette/jquery-week-calendar
These also might be related:
jQuery: week of year script acting up
Jonathan has provided a solution for this:
In his words:
I've added a demo of this working on the main demo page, it is
the last one under 'Advanced Demos' :

JQuery UI Date Picker won't appear in Chrome

Works in FF/IE, not Chrome or Safari.
<div id="date"></div>
Any idea why?
It's probably something in your code. But usually people use the datepicker with an input. But that piece of code you are using does work fine in chrome
