Why checked checkbox isn't recognized on second form submission - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to troubleshoot a bug in my application. I have a form on a page with two fields: a textbox and a checkbox. I'm submitting this form via ajax using :remote => true and displaying the results on the page.
In some cases - even though the checkbox is checked - the console log shows the value as empty.
It looks as though this happens consistently after the first time the form is submitted.
I'm having a hard time tracking down why this could be happening.
Any ideas on where to start investigating would be much appreciated.

I think I sorted this out. On the create.js.erb I was setting the attribute of the checkbox to not checked. I was doing this to reset the form instead of $('#someid > form')[0].reset(); I just changed that out and it seems to be working as expected on each subsequent post.


Form submit doesn't work for the second time, if nothing was changed

Form submit doesn't work for the second time, if nothing was changed. It is not possible to make a search in a little while with the same filters. I've added a random number in the URL to resolve this. But this is bad for google analitics, now they notice them as different links.
Resolved. The problem was due to the anchor in the form action:
<form action="/search#anchor">
This is the corrected form action
<form action="/search">
Thanks to all.

Adding forms in non-form pages in ActiveAdmin

I'm trying to add a simple select box and submit button to a "show" page in ActiveAdmin. Basically, the clients wants a simple way to assign a currently unassigned widget to the item currently being viewed. Not that that really matters.
What I am seeing is that although I can add a form and a select box, if I try to add anything after the select, the select doesn't get displayed. It's not that it is hidden by CSS, but that it just doesn't render.
Here's the relevant code:
column do
panel "Devices without locations" do
devices = Device.without_location
form_tag add_device_admin_location_path do
select_tag(:device_id, options_from_collection_for_select(devices, :id, :name))
The submit tag will be displayed, but the select will not. event if I put "foo" in there, only the "foo" will show up. The only time the select will show up is if there is nothing else in the block.
Okay, so I've been able to work around this by concatenating the output together. It's not ideal, and I definitely feel dirty, but it works.
I tried using formtastic on this, but it appears to only accepts attributes from the model, this doesn't work: I'm updating the device, not the location.
This works, but if anyone has a more better way of doing this, I'd love to know.
i had the same issue, and moving form into app/views/admin/#{model_name}s/_#{partial_name}.html.erb worked for me fine

Rails: Prevent duplicate entry from simultaneous submission

We're having a problem with our app allowing people to sign up multiple times with the same account information (email, specifically).
Our user model validates the uniqueness of the email parameter, and we are also using some javascript to make sure that once the "sign up" button is clicked, it becomes unusable unless the sign up fails (theoretically ensuring only a single click).
It appears that the problem stems from users double-clicking the signup button before the javascript on the page finishes loading.
Is there a way from the Rails side that we can prevent this? Maybe something that creates a request stack, and then iterates through them? I ask because we can't be the only site that has this issue.
Dumb question: Why don't you set the field in the database itself to unique?
If that is not possible, do what Steve Bourne suggested and use something like this:
var clicked = false;
$('#submit_button').click( function() {
if(!clicked) {
clicked = true;
Now, I didn't test that so setting clicked = true may be overkill ;)
Set the text field to Nothing right after the insert.
Not entirely convinced that's what's happening, but another option would be to only enable the submit button in jQuery's ready function, and start off with it hidden or disabled. Are you running a large amount of JS outside of the ready function?
If the problem is that users submit the form before your javascript is finished loading, why not make that impossible? (i.e. the submit button action doesn't submit the form, but your javascript submits on the click event?)
There are a few ways to then prevent dupes in JS; sounds like you've got that covered already.

Problems With Simple captcha

I have a weird issue .I am using simple captcha in forms in my rails applications. If I am using one captcha in a web page I don't have any problem. But I have a scenario of using three(3) forms in one page in which all the three forms will have the captcha . So that when I refresh the page the captcha data of the three forms are equal.
When we come to database , once the page get loaded the captcha value for one particular id will be created, Without using the captcha if we refresh the page the record is getting updated instead of creating another record, And more over if I open the web page in two tabs and if I submit the form in the first page. It throws an exception which says “ Invalid Captcha”
Can anyone please let me know how to handle multiple captcha's in single page. I am using simple_captcha plugin.
Thanks in-advance
I can't see any point using more than one captcha for one page. (I assume that both your forms will submit at the same time.) Because the whole purpose of captcha is to avoid the automatic form submissions.
The second point is, I'm not sure why you want three forms in a single page. You might consider having a one form and filter the identify the parameters accordingly in the controller side.
Can you explain why do you need new record instead of updated (while refreshing page).
By the way, I had same issue with multiply forms on one page handled by simple_captcha. And my problem was in repeated use of simple_captcha's method show_simple_captcha. It caused repeated database insertions in this case. And Ive made minor changes to the plugin to solve this:
# Line 73 in lib/simple_captcha/view_helpers.rb (in show_simple_captcha method)
options[:field_value] = set_simple_captcha_data(simple_captcha_key, options[:code_type])
changed to:
options[:field_value] = options[:multi] ? simple_captcha_key : set_simple_captcha_data(simple_captcha_key, options[:code_type])
Now I use show_simple_captcha(:multi => true) to generate captcha without database hitting:
<!-- For first captcha on page -->
<%= show_simple_captcha(:object => :foo) %>
<!-- For next captchas on same page -->
<%= show_simple_captcha(:object => :bar, :multi => true) %>

Html.TextAreaFor not writing the value...? (ASP.NET MVC 2.0)

basically, im calling Html.TextAreaFor to display a form, which is great/not a problem...
people enter text in it, and it gets submitted, and if it is successful, i want to return an empty Html.TextAreaFor... but after it's submitted, in the action method i am clear to set the Comment that people are making in the TextArea to an empty string "", however, when it's loaded, it always has the text from the previous load.
i am loading everything in ajax by just updating a Div... and to make sure everything is normal, i have (as a text) a normal Html.TextArea where i specify the name and value. the Html.TextArea is right under the Html.TextAreaFor and acts exactly as it should, but the Html.TextAreaFor for some reason is not!
this is strange because i am reloading the entire DIV which the form is contained in, from a PartialView, at evey submission!!
im also making sure the div is loading with a typical system.datetime.now string returned with everything, and the mentioned Html.TextArea working as it should, it's driving me insane... am i missing something guys? are there any perculiar properties about ...For's that i should be aware of?
Try clearing the ModelState object, which is the HTML helpers read the value from.
Also see What am I misunderstanding about how Html.TextBoxFor works?.
