Cloudera CDH3 Remote Connection - connection

I have the out of the box Cloudera CDH3 installed on a CentOS 6.2. I am able to connect to the Cloudera Mananger (port 7180) or Hue (port 8088) locally, but not able to connect remotely. Is this the OS locking down the port? Thank you for the help.

I've never used Cloudera Manager, however have used Hue; what IP are you listening on?
If you have it configured for localhost or, then you wont be able to make the connection externally. To fix this, you need to make it listen on whatever your external IP is.
ie /sbin/ifconfig eth0 (Or wlan0, eth1, etc).
Hope that helps.


Can't connect to docker container running minecraft server online

So I've been trying to host my own Minecraft server for a while now and I hit a snag.
I have proxmox ( running an ubuntnu server VM ( which has a docker container running my Minecraft server. I can connect to the server locally just fine using the ubuntu's IP address and minecraft port, but when I try to port forward the server, I can't connect to it. I checked to see if my port was exposed or not and it is so I know it's not that.
This is the container that I'm using
Okay, so after a long time looking at configurations and some help from the proxmox forum, it turns out that my modem doesn't support NAT reflection which means that any attempts to access my server though my public IP on the same network wouldn't work at all. I used my phone's mobile network to test if I could access the server from outside my local network and it worked just fine!

Install Jenkins on windows server and access it using VM's external ip [google-compute-engine]

I have created a VM instance with windows OS (windows-server-2019-dc-v20200211) in Google cloud.Established RDP connection and installed Jenkins on the VM, but how can I access it from other networks using the VM's external ip?
Could someone help me on this!!
Note: I want to install Jenkins in windows server and not on Linux.
I'll suggest you should check the following:
First, make sure your local firewall on windows server is enabled and allows connections on port 8080. Secondly, Network ACL for both incoming traffic on TCP 8080 and outcoming traffic on TCP port 8080 should be allowed.
Also check some of these stackoverflow use cases for more help: [1] [2] [3] Jenkins server is not accessible by host name (ip address)

Can't access jenkins remotely

I installed jenkins on my remote server.
If I do at the server:
wget http://server.url:8080
I get the page without any problem. At my computer, I get that:
--2014-01-09 14:11:33-- http://server.url:8080/
Resolving server.url (server.url)...
Connecting to server.url (server.url)||:8080... faied: Connection timed out.
I already tried changing --httpListenAddress= parameter at config file (I set it to and nothing happens. It's installed on an Ubuntu 12.04 and it has Apache running on port 80.
Any idea?
EDIT: I also tried with no result disabling iptables and ufw.
Can you check the bind IP address of Jenkins, if you want to access your Jenkins from outside it should be or YOUR_SERVER_IP:8080
Check using the command: netstat -tunlp
Stop the firewall: systemctl stop ufw
From your output it looks like you are trying to connect on port 8080, but you said that you have apache listening on port 80.
If the port mismatch is not the issue it is probably another firewall blocking your traffic.
Can you run a telnet from your computer to the Jenkins server and see if you can connect?
telnet 8080
telnet 80
Depending on which port you are actually listening on.

Port 8082 not available

I installed a Jenkins server on port 8080.
Then I installed GitBlit, which usually takes port 8080 too, so that I changed to port 8082.
On the machine I can call localhost:8082, but from remote is not available.
Jenkins response works on
I opened the port on the hardware firewall. Still no response.
The last thing I could image is the Windows firewall, but even after opening the port for TCP for in and out its not working?
Or where do you think the problem is?
If you are using Gitblit GO, the default config for Gitblit GO will bind to localhost and will be unreachable from another machine. Check out server.httpBindInterface and server.httpsBindInterface.
Perhaps you need to do any port forwarding on your hardware firewall?
If you suspect Windows, you can add your program/service to the exception list in you Win Firewall settings. You can make this by going to:
START->Control Panel->Windows Firewall->Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
and modify Inbound and Outbound rules.

Access Webrick Rails Server from local network

Hello i am trying to access my Webrick rails server that i started on my ubuntu to my windows 7 pc locally. I checked on ifconfig in my virtual box and used the inet: when i run my rails server and also used port 80 like this:
rails server -b -p 80
It didn't gave me an error in the terminal but when i try to go to on my windows browser, it says it can't connect. I tried disabling the firewall in windows but still wont work. Thank you.
Choose another network type for your VM ubuntu. I suggest the Bridged Network. Reboot vm, it should obtain ip in same network as your windows host (example 192.168.0.XXX). Then you will be able reach your rails server from network At any port 80 or 3000.
Can you share your ubuntu with the vm, via the apache server too? is that started? In macs you have to enable web sharing (or something similar to that wording). ON ubuntu what happens when you do localhost:80... if i recall it should say it works! or something like that.
