Spec for File creation and writing into File - ruby-on-rails

I am new here. I am working on a project with some tests. I have some problems with writing spec for a class. I am done with some simple specs but I have no clue how to write for this one. Any help will be highly appreciated.
My class
Class Writer
def initialize(filepath)
#filepath = RAILS_ROOT + filepath
#xml_document = Nokogiri::XML::Document.new
def open
File.open(#filepath,"w") do |f|
#gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(f)
#gz.write(%[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n])
#gz.write(%[<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">\n])
yield self
def write_entry_to_xml(entry)
node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new( "url" , #xml_document )
node["loc"] = entry.loc
node["changefreq"] = entry.changfreq
node["priority"] = entry.priority
node["lastmod"] = entry.lastmod
What I have written so far is as follows
describe "writer" do
before :each do
#time = Time.now
#filepath = RAILS_ROOT + "/public/sitemap/test/sitemap_test.xml.gz"
File.open(#filepath,"w") do |f|
#gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(f)
#xml_document = Nokogiri::XML::Document.new
#entry = Sitemap::Entry.new("location", "monthly", "0.8", #time)
describe "open" do
it "should create a file and write xml entries to it" do
describe "write_entry_to_xml" do
it "should format and entry to xml node and write it" do
node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new( "url" , #xml_document )
node["loc"].should == #entry.loc
node["changefreq"].should == #entry.changfreq
node["priority"].should == #entry.priority
node["lastmod"].shoul == #entry.lastmod
Can anyone help me in writing the complete specs for this class.
Thanks in advance

I don't have time to do all this for you, but here are examples of how I am testing my code:
actual code
it's spec
Notice this: Ropet::Config.expects(:new).returns(config), this can be used for your Nokogiri::XML::Node#new.
My specs use RSpec and Mocha, I like the simplicity of this setup and what can be done with those simple tools.
Edit: rough spec for
def write_entry_to_xml(entry)
node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new( "url" , #xml_document )
node["loc"] = entry.loc
node["changefreq"] = entry.changfreq
node["priority"] = entry.priority
node["lastmod"] = entry.lastmod
It could be something like this, though i don't know the purpose of your code.
it 'writes entry to xml' do
content = double('output')
node = double('node'); node.should_receive(:to_xml).and_return(content);
gz = double('gz'); gz.should_receive(:write).with(content)
w = Writer.new("some_path"); w.open
w.instance_variable_set(:#gz, gz) # i'm guessing #gz is assigned after open only?
entry = # i don't know what entry is
node.should_receive(:[]).with("loc", entry.loc)
node.should_receive(:[]).with("changefreq", entry.changefreq)
node.should_receive(:[]).with("priority", entry.priority)
node.should_receive(:[]).with("lastmod", entry.lastmod)


How to know the flow of the controller method using Rspec

I have two dependent drop down.One gives me orgname and other drop down populates on selecting a orgname, That is teamname.
This is my github_leader_board_spec.rb
describe "github_leader_board" do
before do
#obj = DashboardsController.new
context "with session" do
subject { get :github_leader_board, :params => { :orgname => "test", :teamname=> "team"}}
it "returns http success" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
it "executes other functions" do
expect(#org_data).not_to be_nil
expect(#obj.get_team_api("DevCenter")).not_to be_nil
This is my controller method
def github_leader_board
myhash = {}
#points_hash = {}
member_data = []
#org_data = get_org_api
#orgs = get_names(org_data)
team_data = get_team_api(params[:orgname])
#teams = get_names(team_data)
teamid = get_team_id(team_data)
#teams.each_with_index {|k,i|myhash[k] = teamid[i]}
myhash.each do |key,value|
if key == params[:teamname]
member_data = get_members("#{value}")
#memberids = get_names(member_data)
member_names = get_member_names(#memberids)
review_comments = get_reviewcoments(#memberids)
reactions = points(#memberids)
points = [review_comments, reactions].transpose.map {|x| x.reduce(:+)}
member_names.each_with_index {|k,i|#points_hash[k] = points[i]}
If i run my spec file it says, undefined #org_data. The function inside the github_leader_board controller is not calling the get_org_api and storing the value to the #org_data variable.
Can anybody suggest what is wrong with the code and how can i improve it. As i'm new to ror.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I believe you could use a test of the type controller, instead of instantiating your controller and then use the RSpec method assigns (docs) to test your instance variables, something like this:
RSpec.describe DashboardsController, :type => :controller do
context "with session" do
# ...
it "executes other functions" do
expect(assigns(:org_data)).not_to be_nil
Also, if you want to check the flow, and debug your code, you can use the gems pry, pry-rails and pry-nav as #Marek Lipka stated.

How do I test with Rspec an initialize method that invokes find_or_initialize_by?

How do I write a test to check for the find_or_initialize_by block in this initialize method?
def initialize(document, user)
#document = document
#api = #document.api_version
#template = #document.template
#user = user
#brand = #user.brand
#vars = master_var_hash.extend Hashie::Extensions::DeepFind
template_variables.each do |t|
#document.template_variables.find_or_initialize_by(name: t.name) do |d|
d.name = t.name
d.tag = t.tag
d.box_name = t.box_name
d.designator = t.designator
d.order_index = t.order_index
d.master_id = t.id
d.editable = t.editable
d.editable_title = t.editable_title
d.html_box = t.box.stack.html_box if #api == :v3
d.text = t.name == 'title' ? default_title : user_value(t)
I want to be able to test that the right values have been assigned to the #document's TemplateVariables from the class' TemplateVariables. In my coverage report I can't even hit inside the find_or_initialize_by block.
My test for size doesn't really check what I want to test here:
describe 'template_variables' do
it 'initializes all the new vars per document' do
expect(document.template_variables.size).to eq subject.master_var_hash.size
How can I write a test to check all those values and cover those lines?
You could use
expect(document).to receive_message_chain(:template_variables, :find_or_initialize_by).exactly(8).times
but it's a mess and you would have to also check if each call got proper parameters.
I would suggest extracting this to a method:
then you could test it as simply as
expect(document).to receive(:initialize_variables).with(expected_hash)
and then you can cover Document#initialize_variables with specs and test it's behavior in depth.

How to test a specific line in a rails model using rspec

I have a model with an initializer in it, which basically creates a user from a user hash.
After it gets the user information, it checks whether the "privileges" key in the hash is an array. If it's not, it turns it into an array.
Now the obvious way of doing this would be crafting an entire user_hash so that it would skip those "create user" lines and then check if it turns the input into an array if necessary. However, I was wondering if there is a more DRY way of doing this?
Here is the user model I'm talking about:
def initialize(opts={})
#first_name = opts[:user_hash][:first]
#last_name = opts[:user_hash][:last]
#user_name = opts[:user_hash][:user_name]
#email = opts[:user_hash][:email]
#user_id = opts[:user_hash][:id]
#privileges = {}
if opts[:privs].present?
if !opts[:privs].kind_of?(Array)
opts[:privs] = [opts[:privs]]
You can pass a double which returns the needed value when the proper key is requested, and itself (or something else) otherwise:
it 'turns privs into an array' do
opts = double(:opts)
allow(opts)to receive(:[]).and_return(opts)
allow(opts)to receive(:[]).with(:privs).and_return('not array')
expect(MyClass.new(opts).privileges).to eq(['not array'])
Btw, your code could be simplified using the splat operator:
privs = [*opts[:privs]]
sample behavior:
privs = nil
# => []
privs = ['my', 'array']
# => ["my", "array"]
privs = 'my array'
# => ["my array"]
You can even use the idempotent Kernel#Array
def initialize(opts = {})
#first_name = opts[:user_hash][:first]
#last_name = opts[:user_hash][:last]
#user_name = opts[:user_hash][:user_name]
#email = opts[:user_hash][:email]
#user_id = opts[:user_hash][:id]
#privileges = {}
I hope that helps
Rather than testing the implementation (value is turned into an array), I would test the desired behavior (takes single privilege or multiple privileges):
describe User do
describe '#initialize' do
it "takes single privilege" do
user = User.new(user_hash: {}, privs: 'foo')
expect(user.privileges).to eq(['foo'])
it "takes multiple privileges" do
user = User.new(user_hash: {}, privs: ['foo', 'bar'])
expect(user.privileges).to eq(['foo', 'bar'])

Rspec Ruby on Rails Test File System in model

I have a model that has a method that looks through the filesystem starting at a particular location for files that match a particular regex. This is executed in an after_save callback. I'm not sure how to test this using Rspec and FactoryGirl. I'm not sure how to use something like FakeFS with this because the method is in the model, not the test or the controller. I specify the location to start in my FactoryGirl factory, so I could change that to a fake directory created by the test in a set up clause? I could mock the directory? I think there are probably several different ways I could do this, but which makes the most sense?
def ensure_files_up_to_date
files = find_assembly_files
add_files = check_add_assembly_files(files)
errors = add_assembly_files(add_files)
if errors.size > 0 then
return errors
update_files = check_update_assembly_files(files)
errors = update_assembly_files(update_files)
if errors.size > 0 then
return errors
return []
def find_assembly_files
start_dir = self.location
files = Hash.new
if ! File.directory? start_dir then
errors.add(:location, "Directory #{start_dir} does not exist on the system.")
abort("Directory #{start_dir} does not exist on the system for #{self.inspect}")
Find.find(start_dir) do |path|
filename = File.basename(path).split("/").last
FILE_TYPES.each { |filepart, filehash|
type = filehash["type"]
vendor = filehash["vendor"]
if filename.match(filepart) then
files[type] = Hash.new
files[type]["path"] = path
files[type]["vendor"] = vendor
return files
def check_add_assembly_files(files=self.find_assembly_files)
add = Hash.new
files.each do |file_type, file_hash|
# returns an array
file_path = file_hash["path"]
file_vendor = file_hash["vendor"]
filename = File.basename(file_path)
af = AssemblyFile.where(:name => filename)
if af.size == 0 then
add[file_path] = Hash.new
add[file_path]["type"] = file_type
add[file_path]["vendor"] = file_vendor
if add.size == 0 then
logger.error("check_add_assembly_files did not find any files to add")
return []
return add
def check_update_assembly_files(files=self.find_assembly_files)
update = Hash.new
files.each do |file_type, file_hash|
file_path = file_hash["path"]
file_vendor = file_hash["vendor"]
# returns an array
filename = File.basename(file_path)
af = AssemblyFile.find_by_name(filename)
if !af.nil? then
if af.location != file_path or af.file_type != file_type then
update[af.id] = Hash.new
update[af.id]['path'] = file_path
update[af.id]['type'] = file_type
update[af.id]['vendor'] = file_vendor
return update
def add_assembly_files(files=self.check_add_assembly_files)
if files.size == 0 then
logger.error("add_assembly_files didn't get any results from check_add_assembly_files")
return []
asm_file_errors = Array.new
files.each do |file_path, file_hash|
file_type = file_hash["type"]
file_vendor = file_hash["vendor"]
logger.debug "file type is #{file_type} and path is #{file_path}"
logger.debug FileType.find_by_type_name(file_type)
file_type_id = FileType.find_by_type_name(file_type).id
header = file_header(file_path, file_vendor)
if file_vendor == "TBA" then
check = check_tba_header(header, file_type, file_path)
software = header[TBA_SOFTWARE_PROGRAM]
software_version = header[TBA_SOFTWARE_VERSION]
elsif file_vendor == "TBB" then
check = check_tbb_header(header, file_type, file_path)
if file_type == "TBB-ANNOTATION" then
software = header[TBB_SOURCE]
software = "Unified"
software_version = "UNKNOWN"
if check == 0 then
logger.error("skipping file #{file_path} because it contains incorrect values for this filetype")
asm_file_errors.push("#{file_path} cannot be added to assembly because it contains incorrect values for this filetype")
if file_vendor == "TBA" then
xml = header.to_xml(:root => "assembly-file")
elsif file_vendor == "TBB" then
xml = header.to_xml
xml = ''
filename = File.basename(file_path)
if filename.match(/~$/) then
logger.error("Skipping a file with a tilda when adding assembly files. filename #{filename}")
assembly_file = AssemblyFile.new(
:assembly_id => self.id,
:file_type_id => file_type_id,
:name => filename,
:location => file_path,
:file_date => creation_time(file_path),
:software => software,
:software_version => software_version,
:current => 1,
:metadata => xml
assembly_file.save! # exclamation point forces it to raise an error if the save fails
end # end files.each
return asm_file_errors
Quick answer: you can stub out model methods like any others. Either stub a specific instance of a model, and then stub find or whatever to return that, or stub out any_instance to if you don't want to worry about which model is involved. Something like:
it "does something" do
foo = Foo.create! some_attributes
The real answer is that your code is too complicated to test effectively. Your models should not even know that a filesystem exists. That behavior should be encapsulated in other classes, which you can test independently. Your model's after_save can then just call a single method on that class, and testing whether or not that single method gets called will be a lot easier.
Your methods are also very difficult to test, because they are trying to do too much. All that conditional logic and external dependencies means you'll have to do a whole lot of mocking to get to the various bits you might want to test.
This is a big topic and a good answer is well beyond the scope of this answer. Start with the Wikipedia article on SOLID and read from there for some of the reasoning behind separating concerns into individual classes and using tiny, composed methods. To give you a ballpark idea, a method with more than one branch or more than 10 lines of code is too big; a class that is more than about 100 lines of code is too big.

Gem Resque Error - Undefined "method perform" after Overriding it form the super class

First of all Thanks for you all for helping programmers like me with your valuable inputs in solving day to day issues.
This is my first question in stack overflow as I am experiencing this problems from almost one week.
WE are building a crawler which crawls the specific websites and extract the contents from it, we are using mechanize to acheive this , as it was taking loads of time we decided to run the crawling process as a background task using resque with redis gem , but while sending the process to background I am experiencing the error as the title saying,
my code in lib/parsers/home.rb
require 'resque'
require File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../index"
class Home < Index
Resque.enqueue(Index , :page )
def self.perform(page)
super (page)
search_form = page.form_with :name=>"frmAgent"
resuts_page = search_form.submit
total_entries = resuts_page.parser.xpath('//*[#id="PagingTable"]/tr[2]/td[2]').text
if total_entries =~ /(\d+)\s*$/
total_entries = $1
total_entries = "unknown"
start_res_idx = 1
while true
puts "Found #{total_entries} entries"
detail_links = resuts_page.parser.xpath('//*[#id="MainTable"]/tr/td/a')
detail_links.each do |d_link|
if d_link.attribute("class")
data_page = #agent.get d_link.attribute("href")
fields = get_fields_from_page data_page
save_result_page page.uri.to_s, fields
rescue Exception => e
puts "error: #{e}"
and the superclass in lib/index.rb is
require 'resque'
require 'mechanize'
require 'mechanize/form'
class Index
#queue = :Index_queue
def initialize(site)
#site = site
#agent = Mechanize.new
#agent.user_agent = Mechanize::AGENT_ALIASES['Windows Mozilla']
#agent.follow_meta_refresh = true
#rows_parsed = 0
#rows_total = 0
rescue Exception => e
log "Unable to login: #{e.message}"
def run
log "Parsing..."
url = "unknown"
if #site.url
url = #site.url
log "Opening #{url} as a data page"
#page = #agent.get(url)
#perform method should be override in subclasses
#data = self.perform(#page)
#some sites do not have "datapage" URL
#for example after login you're already on your very own datapage
#this is to be addressed in 'perform' method of subclass
#data = self.perform(nil)
rescue Exception=>e
puts "Failed to parse URL '#{url}', exception=>"+e.message
set_site_status("error "+e.message)
#overriding method
def self.perform(page)
def save_result_page(url, result_params)
result = Result.find_by_sql(["select * from results where site_id = ? AND ref_code = ?", #site.id, utf8(result_params[:ref_code])]).first
if result.nil?
result_params[:site_id] = #site.id
result_params[:time_crawled] = DateTime.now().strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
result_params[:link] = url
result = Result.create result_params
result.result_fields.each do |f|
result.link = url
result.time_crawled = DateTime.now().strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
result.html = result_params[:html]
fields = []
result_params[:result_fields_attributes].each do |f|
fields.push ResultField.new(f)
result.result_fields = fields
#rows_parsed +=1
msg = "Saved #{#rows_parsed}"
msg +=" of #{#rows_total}" if #rows_total.to_i > 0
log msg
return result
What's Wrong with this code?
