where to set VALUE SIZE to more than 20MB in couchbase source code? - membase

This question was asked earlier here
But didn't mention in which file and what constant, we need to change this limit.
I found few checks in test code but not in source code
rv = h1->allocate(h, NULL, &it, "key", 3, 20 * 1024 * 1024, 0, 0);
memcachetest/main.c: if (size > 1024 * 1024 *20) {
Can you please help me here.

It's hardcoded in the configuration.json file in the ep-engine project under the variable name max_item_size. You could modify it here and build the project or you can also specify a different value on the command line when starting memcached. For example if you just wanted to run the our memcached without all of the cluster management stuff you can run:
./memcached -E (path to ep-engine lib 'ep.so') -e max_item_size=your_size


How to find the file paths of all namespace loaded in an application using tcl/TK under Unix?

For existing flow, there would be a whole bunch of namespaces loaded when running some script job.
However, if I want to check & trace the usage of some command in some namespace, I need to find the script path of the certain namespace.
Is there some way to get that? Particularly, I'm talking about Primetime scripts.
Technically, namespaces don't have script paths. But we can do something close enough:
proc report_current_file {call code result op} {
if {$code == 0} {
# If the [proc] call was successful...
set cmd [lindex $call 1]
set qualified_cmd [uplevel 1 [list namespace which $cmd]]
set file [file normalize [info script]]
puts "Defined $qualified_cmd in $file"
trace add execution proc leave report_current_file
It's not perfect if you've got procedures creating procedures dynamically — the current file might be wrong — but that's fortunately not what most code does.
Another option that might work for you is to use tcl::unsupported::getbytecode, which produces a lot of information in machine-readable format (a dictionary). One of the pieces of information is the sourcefile key. Here's an example running interactively on my machine:
% parray tcl_platform
tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian
tcl_platform(engine) = Tcl
tcl_platform(machine) = x86_64
tcl_platform(os) = Darwin
tcl_platform(osVersion) = 20.2.0
tcl_platform(pathSeparator) = :
tcl_platform(platform) = unix
tcl_platform(pointerSize) = 8
tcl_platform(threaded) = 1
tcl_platform(user) = dkf
tcl_platform(wordSize) = 8
% dict get [tcl::unsupported::getbytecode proc parray] sourcefile
Note that the procedure has to be already defined for this to work. And if Tcl's become confused about what file the code was in (because of dynamic programming trickery) then that key is absent.

Thin server QUERY_STRING is longer than the (1024 * 10) allowed length

How can I increase the maximum allowed value for QUERY_STRING using either thin, puma, or unicorn web servers in Rails? I'm attempting to make a POST request to my Rails API that exceeds the limit, and just need to increase the server's maximum threshold
Specific error on POST: Invalid request: HTTP element QUERY_STRING is longer than the (1024 * 10) allowed length.
I only came across this question in one other place (HTTP query string length with thin web server) and I couldn't quite make sense of the answer (specifically, where does one find the C file to edit in that answer?)
You'll find thin.c in something like ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/gems/thin-1.6.4/ext/thin_parser
you'll want to change
in this same folder you just need to use the Makefile to reload the thin_parser.so, and to replace the previous thin_parser.so by the new one in ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/gems/thin-1.6.4/lib (seems like the Makefile is not doing it itself)
make clean && make && cp thin_parser.so ../../lib/
I just made it work that way, hope it helps
The file in question is in /ext/thin_parser/thin.c within the gem source code. To make the change you want I believe the easiest path would be to fork this gem on Github, publish your changes in your fork, and then bundle your version using the git: option in your Gemfile. Like:
gem 'thin', git: '<URL to your fork>', branch: '<branch of fork to use>'

Identifying file causing hang from strace

I have a GTK program running on Ubuntu 10.04 that hangs in interruptible state, and I'd like to understand the output of strace. In particular, I have this line:
read(5, 0x2ba9ac4, 4096) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
I suspect 5 is the file descriptor, 0x2ba9ac4 the address in this file to be read, and 4096 the amount of data to read. Can you confirm? More importantly, how can one determine which file the program is trying to read? This file descriptor does not exist in /proc/pid/fd (which is probably why the program hangs).
You can find which file uses this file descriptor by calling strace -o log -eopen,read yourprogram. Then search in the log file the call to read of interest. From this line (and not from the first line of the file), search upwards the first occurrence of this file descriptor (returned by a call to open).
For example here, the file descriptor returned by open is 3:
open("/etc/ld.so.cache", O_RDONLY) = 3
The second argument to read() is simply the destination pointer, it's asking for a read from file descriptor 5, and max 4096 bytes. See the manual page for read().
Adding to #liberforce answer, if the process is already running you can get the file name using lsof
form strace
[pid 7529] read(102, 0x7fedc64c2fd0, 16) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
Now, with lsof
lsof -p 7529 | grep 102
java 7529 luis 102u 0000 0,9 0 9178 anon_inode

Uploading a file larger than 2GB using PHP

I'm trying to upload a file larger than 2GB to a local PHP 5.3.4 server. I've set the following server variables:
memory_limit = -1
post_max_size = 9G
upload_max_filesize = 5G
However, in the error_log I found:
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 2120909412 bytes exceeds the limit of 1073741824 bytes in Unknown on line 0
Can anyone tell me why this keeps failing please?
I had a similar problem, but my config was:
post_max_size = 1.8G
upload_max_filesize = 1.8G
and yet I could not upload a 1.2GB file. The error was very same:
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 1347484420 bytes exceeds the limit of 1073741824 bytes in Unknown on line 0
I spent a day wondering where the heck was this "limit of 1073741824" coming from!
Actually, the error was in the php.ini parser: It only understands INTEGER numbers, so essentially it was parsing 1.8G as 1G !!
Changing the value to e.g. 1800M fixed it.
Pls ensure to restart the apache server with the below command service apache2 restart
I don't know about in 5.3.x, but in 5.2.x there are some int/long issues in the PHP code. even if you're on a 64-bit system and have a version of PHP compiled with 64-bit, there are several problems.
First, the code that converts post_max_size and others from ascii to integer stores the value in an int, so it converting "9G" and putting the result into this int will bork the value because 9G is a larger number than a 32-bit variable can hold.
But there are also several other areas of PHP code that are used with the Apache module, CGI, etc. that need to be changed from int to long.
So...for this to work, you need to edit the PHP code and compile it by hand (make sure you compile it as 64-bit). here's a link to a list of diffs:
Referenced from this php bug post: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44522
The file above is a diff on 5.2.10 code, but I just made the changes by hand to 5.2.17 code and i just uploaded a 3.4gb single file through apache/php (which hadn't worked before the change).
ope that helps.
I figure out how to use http and php to upload a 10G file.
post_max_size = 0
upload_max_filesize = 0
It works in php 5.3.10.
if you do not load that file all into memory , memory_limit is unrelated.
Maybe this can come from apache limitations on POST size:
It seems this limitation on 2Gb can be greater on 64bits installations, maybe. And i'm not sure setting 0 in this directove does not reach the compilation limit. see for examples that thread:
Then do not forget to alter as well the max_input_time in PHP.
But you are reaching high limits :-) maybe you could try a rich client (flash? js?) on the browser side, doing the transfer in chunks or some sort of FTP things, with progress indicators for the user.
As phliKtid mentioned, this is a limitation with the PHP framework. Save for editing the source code as mentioned in the bug report phliKtid linked, there is a workaround that involves setting the upload_max_filesize to 0 in the php.ini file.
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
; http://php.net/upload-max-filesize
upload_max_filesize = 0
By doing this, PHP will not crash when trying to convert "5G" into a 32-bit integer and you will be able to upload files as big as you allow with the "post_max_size" variable.
We've had the same problem: uploads stopped at 2GB.
Under SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) 11 SP 2, php53 was the problem.
Then we added a new repository that has php54:
and upgraded to that, we now can upload 5GB :-)

Comparing generated executables for equivilance

I need to compare 2 executables and/or shared objects, compiled using the same compiler/flags and verify that they have not changed. We work in a regulated environment, so it would be really useful for testing purposes to isolate exactly what parts of the executable has changed.
Using MD5Sums/Hashes doesn't work due to the headers containing information about the file.
Does anyone know of a program or way to verify that 2 files are executionally the same even if they were built at a different time?
An interesting question. I have a similar problem on linux. Intrusion detection systems like OSSEC or tripwire may generate false positives if the hashsum of an executable changes all of a sudden. This may be nothing worse than the Linux "prelink" program patching the executable file for faster startups.
In order to compare two binaries (in the ELF format), one can use the "readelf" executable and then "diff" to compare outputs. I'm sure there are refined solutions, but without further ado, a poor man's comparator in Perl:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$exe = $ARGV[0];
if (!$exe) {
die "Please give name of executable\n"
if (! -f $exe) {
die "Executable $exe not found or not a file\n";
if (! (`file '$exe'` =~ /\bELF\b.*?\bexecutable\b/)) {
die "file command says '$exe' is not an ELF executable\n";
# Identify sections in ELF
#lines = pipeIt("readelf --wide --section-headers '$exe'");
#sections = ();
for my $line (#lines) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]\s+(\S+)/) {
my $secnum = $1;
my $secnam = $2;
print "Found section $1 named $2\n";
push #sections, $secnam;
# Dump file header
#lines = pipeIt("readelf --file-header --wide '$exe'");
print #lines;
# Dump all interesting section headers
#lines = pipeIt("readelf --all --wide '$exe'");
print #lines;
# Dump individual sections as hexdump
for my $section (#sections) {
#lines = pipeIt("readelf --hex-dump='$section' --wide '$exe'");
print #lines;
sub pipeIt {
my($cmd) = #_;
my $fh;
open ($fh,"$cmd |") or die "Could not open pipe from command '$cmd': $!\n";
my #lines = <$fh>;
close $fh or die "Could not close pipe to command '$cmd': $!\n";
return #lines;
Now you can run for example, on machine 1:
./checkexe.pl /usr/bin/curl > curl_machine1
And on machine 2:
./checkexe.pl /usr/bin/curl > curl_machine2
After having copypasted, SFTP-ed or NSF-ed (you don't use FTP, do you?) the files into the same filetree, compare the files:
diff --side-by-side --width=200 curl_machine1 curl_machine2 | less
In my case, differences exist in section ".gnu.conflict", ".gnu.liblist", ".got.plt" and ".dynbss", which might be ok for a "prelink" intervention, but in the code section, ".text", which would be a Bad Sign.
To follow up, here is what I came up with finally:
Instead of comparing the final executables & shared objects, we compared the .o files output before linking. We assumed that the linking process was sufficiently reproducible that this would be fine.
It works in some of our cases, where we have two builds were we've made some small change that shouldn't effect the final code (Code pretty-printer) but doesn't help us if we do not have the build intermediary output.
You can compare the contents of RO and RW initialized sections by generating a binary file from the ELF file.
objcopy <elf_file> -O binary <binary_file>
Use the generated binary files to compare if they are identical, using diff, for example.
In my opinion, this is enough to grantee you are generating the same executable.
A few years back I had to do the same thing. We had to prove that we could rebuild the executable from source when given only a revision number, revision control repository, build tools, and build configuration. Note: If any of these change you may see a difference.
I remember there is some timestamps in the executable. The trick is to realize that the file is not just a bunch of bytes, that can not be interpreted. The file has sections, most will not change, but there will be a section for time of build (or some such thing).
I don't remember all the details, but the commands you will need are { objcopy, objdump, nm }, I think objdump would be the first to try.
Hope this helps.
