SimplePie RSS Parser - Encoding and Weird Characters even on UTF-8 - parsing

I am using SimplePie to Parse an RSS feed, and I am getting the following output:
Don't forget our "Spot It, Post It" .....
My code is:
header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8');
// We'll process this feed with all of the default options.
$feed = new SimplePie();
// Set which feed to process.
I'm using HTML5 Doctype AND I also have: <meta charset="charset=utf-8">
I've looked it up and everything talks about changing the charset to UTF-8 which I clearly have.. so I'm not too sure what else is causing this.
Any ideas?

I don't know if you've managed to fix this, but thought I'd share my solution with anyone else who is looking. I had the same problem - the characters were being 'corrupted' in the feed. My code initially (with the problem) was:
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/';
$feed = new SimplePie('');
Seeing the post above, I tried adding the following header and it worked!
header('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8');
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/';
$feed = new SimplePie('');
I hope this helps someone else experiencing the same problems.

Does this happen with every feed? Or just one particular feed? It might be the feed itself. You can use $item->get_content() and look at the content of the feed directly if the description itself is proving problematic. Sometimes it is necessary to do processing on information from a feed or web API, there is PHP code and examples for stripping and replacing characters, the News Blocks 2.0 demo on the SimplePie site has some cleaning code I've been using a lot recently.
Good luck.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file plzz help me find out whats the error?

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
Please share a bigger snippet of code. This error usually happens when there is a typing mistake or not closing php tags. Make sure your <?php ?> tags are opening and closing correctly and check if you are using shorthand tags like this <? } ?> If you are using it please avoid that. Also make sure that you are not mixing PHP opening and closing tags with }?> make sure there is a space between php opening and closing tags.

IOS Xamarin can't read XML File

So I've search everywhere. Xamarin Docs, goggle, here, W3.
All I need to do is store some small data in an XML file.
I created the XML, got the code lined up and when i go to build it.
IOS.....Can't find file.
I've googled the answer countless times, and they all say the same thing, Make sure it is set as Content or make sure it is "Embedded Resource" I've tried it both ways, It can't find the file to access it. Is IOS really that stupid? No issues in Android, took it 30 secs. Add it to the Assets and boom there it is.
But How to get IOS to Recognize xml file(find it)?
the code is this
XDocuent doc = new XDocument.Load("StoredLogs.xml") <that line is where it throws the error, through all the break points that it is.
After this it steps through a loop to bind the data in the xml to an object
Logs a.Id = x.Element("Id).Value...... and so
All i want is basic offline storage.
iOS really that stupid?
Yes :P
When you add the XML file as an EmbeddedResource, you need to read it from the assembly instead of the path
For example:
var readme = typeof(NameSpace.App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly
using (var sr = new StreamReader(readme)) {
//Read the stream

How to check if a url contains video?

i am creating a script ruby on rails in which user shares a link and if the link contains a video, the embed code of the video is extracted. in other words, i am trying to implement a "facebook post link" like feature.. can someone please guide me how can this be achieved??
The only way I can think of to do this would be to manually check each post for a link to the video, for example:
YOUTUBE_EMBED = '<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
if comment =~ /.*http:\/\/(\w+\.)?\/watch\?v=(\w+).*/
return YOUTUBE_EMBED.gsub(/VIDEO_ID/, $2)
Then repeat this process for each video site. I am wrestling with a similar concept so if you figure out a better way to do it let me know!
You can analyze http headers for that link
require "net/http"
Net::HTTP.start('', 80) do |http|
Outputs "video/mpeg"
Now that you know it's really a video, do what you want with it
You could also use a utility like file and fork a system process so that it executes a command like file -b downloaded_file.mpg.
So your code would look something like this:
IO.popen("file -b /path/to/video.mpg") { |stdout| #stdout = stdout.gets }
if not #stdout.grep(/MPEG/).empty?
puts "MPEG Detected"
Flash videos usually have the extension .flv, so you just need to look for files that have it.
If you need other file formats, just change the regexp.
You can use an external service like
Here you're a gem that may help you

Opening and decompressing an XML URL in Rails

I'm building a rails app that takes information about products from an XML datafeed hosted on a 3rd party server. This XML is sent gzipped, and I'm having serious difficulty in getting anywhere with it.
I've spent a fair bit of time with Google on this, but the results of my searching seem to be more about Sending Gzipped output rather than receiving a Gzipped input.
The closed I've come to a solution came from StackOverflow, but I'm still getting errors.
What I'm trying to do in the first instance is print the XML data to the browser, then I can start with the processing of it. Here's my current code:
def load_data
url = ""
xml_input = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
zstream =
#xml_output = zstream.inflate(xml_input)
The error I'm getting from it is:
Zlib::DataError in Cron/get datafeedController#load_data
incorrect header check
I guess this means that the data isn't in the format that is expected, but I can't find information about how to do this properly anywhere. Two things I've ruled out is that the URL is valid and the response is Gzipped, but I'm stuck with how to get past this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
file = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
gz =
whole_xml =
Then to load into Hpricot to do the XML parsing:
hp = Hpricot(whole_xml)

MODX: Snippet strips and hangs string when parsing the vars

i have a snippet call like this:
[!mysnippet?&content=`[*content*]` !]
What happen is that, if i send some html like this:
[!mysnippet?&content=`<p color='red'>Yeah</p>` !]
it will return this:
<p colo
the [test only] snippet code (mysnippet) is:
return $content;
Why is this happening?
My actual snippet is converting html to pdf, so i really need this.
Thank you all ;D
EDIT: I'm using Modx Evo 1.0.2
MODx Evolution has a limitation whereby you can't use "=" (equals signs) in Snippet parameter values. Best solution is to place the content in a chunk or TV and then call it. This is not an issue in MODx Revolution.
