how to access data in such table? - lua

I'm writing a program with lua. I have data that organized in the following way:
t= {
i1 = {
p1 = { value = "i1p1" },
p2 = { value = "i1p2" },
-- etc
pm = { value = "i1pm" }
i2 = {
p1 = { value = "i2p1" },
p2 = { value = "i2p2" },
-- etc
pm = { value = "i2pm" }
im = {
p1 = { value = "imp1" },
p2 = { value = "imp2" },
-- etc
pm = { value = "impm" }
} --(inner tables)
In another way each group of data is indexed by two variables i&p,I am sure that the data is kept correctly but I want a way to print the data from their tables because I won't know the values of i and p to iterate over them or even the numbers n & m any body know how to do this with lua?

If you know the depth of your nested (inner) tables, you can iterate explicitly to that depth:
for k1,v1 in pairs(t) do
for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do
for k3, v3 in pairs(v2) do
print(k3, ":", v3)
Alternatively, you can recursively iterate into your nested structure:
function print_tbl(tbl)
if type(tbl) == "table" then
for _,v in pairs(tbl) do
This is just an example. If your tables contain functions, contains userdata, or your nesting has cycles, you'll need a different approach. Take a look at table serialization on the Lua user wiki. Serialization requires sensible handling of tables with nesting, functions, cycles, etc. You may be able to use lessons learned on your data.


Can't find a way to save a table of data

I have been working on a survival game base on "Booga Booga" but i cant seem to find out how to load player data on the game. The data im trying to load is saved in the for loop that follows:
module.SaveData = function (player, DT)
local data_saved = {}
local setData = player.inventory.Inv:GetChildren()
for i, v in pairs(setData) do
table.insert(data_saved, {[v] = {
value = v.Value,
name = v.Name
Data_Store:SetAsync(player.UserId, data_saved)
I've done multiple things to attempt to solve this problem
I've tried load with http service
I've already attempted loading the raw table
and I've tried to use a global data store instead
here is my code that loads the data as of now:
CF.PlayerInventorySetup(plr) -- not relavent
p = plr -- not relavent
local PD =require(game.ServerScriptService.DataHandler)
local plrdata =PD.FetchData(plr)
for i, v in pairs(plrdata) do -- this is what im having trouble with
if not plr.inventory.Inv:FindFirstChild(v) then
local newint ="NumberValue")
newint.Name = -- the ouput says: string expected, got nil
newint.Value = v.value --
newint.Parent = plr.inventory.Inv
I actually don't know wtf to do.
Before we talk about a solution, let's talk about what's happening when you save the data. Let's say for example, your inventory is a list of NumberValues like this :
Fish (value of 3)
Iron (value of 10)
Grass (value of 8)
Your FetchData function expects that the saved player data is formatted like this :
{ value = 3, name = "Fish" },
{ value = 10, name = "Iron" },
{ value = 8, name = "Grass" },
However, the result of the loop in the SaveData function would be this :
{ Fish(NumberValue) = { value=3, name="Fish" }},
{ Iron(NumberValue) = { value=10, name="Iron" }},
{ Grass(NumberValue) = { value=8, name="Grass" }},
On every step of the loop, you are pushing a new dictionary into the data_saved table.
The FetchData function expects that dictionary to have keys for "name" and "value". But, you've pushed that data one layer deeper, so those keys don't exist where the FetchData code expects them to and it throws errors.
So to fix your issue in the SetData function, remove the outer layer of that table, and just use the raw data.
table.insert(data_saved, {
value = v.Value,
name = v.Name

Counting elements in nested table by name starting with

I have the table listed below
raids = {
T1I0 = {
{'Mightstone of Sargaras', 'Mightstone of Sargaras\n\nMightstone of Sargaras is obtained by farming. GL'}
T1I1 = {
{'Blessings Jewel of Elune', 'test'}
T1I2 = {
{'Lifegiving Gem of Amanthel', 'test'}
T2I0 = {
{'Practicing monster pot', 'test'}
T2I1 = {
{'Nuwa stone', 'test'}
I've managed to count the amount of elements T1I0 -> T2I1 = 5 by using the function below, combined with tablelength(raids[1])
function tablelength(T)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
return count
But I'm having some problem with counting only elements starting with T1, sound return 3.
Anyone got an ide how I can modify the last part?
Try this code:
for k in pairs(T) do if k:sub(1,2)=="T1" then count = count + 1 end end
However, consider re-structuring the table in two layers, the first one having keys T1 and T2. After this, the count you want is simply #raids.T1.

Update Elements in table without changing table order Lua

I'd like to maintain the order of a table when updating table values in Lua.
tbl = {
messageId = 0,
timestamp = currentTime,
responseStatus = {
status = "FAILED",
errorCode = "599",
errorMessage = "problem"
meaning tbl.messageId = 12345 leaves the elements ordered
Like #moteus said, your premise is incorrect: non-numeric entries in Lua tables are not sorted. The order, in which they are defined won't, in general, be the same order as that in which they will be read (e.g., pairs will iterate over those entries in an arbitrary order). Assigning a new value will not affect this in any way.
I suppose you can use table.sort, there is a simple example:
local tbl = {
messageId = 0,
timestamp = currentTime,
responseStatus = {
status = "FAILED",
errorCode = "599",
errorMessage = "problem"
function fnCompare (e1, e2)
-- you should promise e1 and e2 is tbl struct
-- you can check e1 and e2 first by yourself
return e1.messageId < e2.messageId;
-- test
local tbAll = {}
tbl.messageId = 3;
table.insert(tbAll, tbl);
-- add a another
table.insert(tbAll, {messageId = 1});
table.sort(tbAll, fnCompare);
for k, v in ipairs(tbAll) do
print(v.messageId); -- result: 1 3

Sort table with gaps

I got a table which is not meant to be sorted in a way I need it to be sorted at a specific point.
Thus, I cannot sort the table while creation but have to sort it when needed.
Problem is, there are plenty gabs in the indeces and the Values I want to sort here are nested.
Simplified model:
table = {
[1] = { a = 1 , b = 31231, c = { c1 = "foo" , true } },
[8] = { a = 2 , b = 5231 , c = { c1 = "bar" , true } },
[92] = { a = 8 , b = 2 , c = { c1 ="asdgköbana" , false } },
Now I want to sort this table by length of c[1].
How can I do that in the fastest way? Length of table in first dimension will stay under 100 entries.
Indices don't need to be kept. So by a table with 3 entries, it's okay when last index is [3] after the portage. Basicly in this case, I only use the index to identifies neighbors, they have no prior use.
Using table as a variable kills the table library, which you need to get the sort function.
Try the code below. Note that it makes a new table to hold the sorted list but reuses the internal tables.
local t = {
[1] = { a = 1 , b = 31231, c = { c1 = "foo" , true } },
[8] = { a = 2 , b = 5231 , c = { c1 = "bar" , true } },
[92] = { a = 8 , b = 2 , c = { c1 ="asdgköbana" , false } },
local s = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
table.sort(s,function (a,b)
return #a.c.c1 < #b.c.c1
for k,v in ipairs(s) do

Lua return index of a nested table

This is my first attempt to use Lua tables and I'm getting on with it quite well. I'm struggling with one thing though, heres (a small sample of) my table as it currently stands:
objects = {
["1/1/1"] = { tl = 1, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/2"] = { tl = 11, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/3"] = { tl = 22, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/4"] = { tl = 33, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
The typical operation of this is that I use the "1/1/1" values as a lookup to the inner tables and then use those values in various functions. This all works well. Now, I need to go the other way, say I have tl = 22 coming in, I want to return the top value ("1/1/3" in this case).
I think I need to do something with the inpairs I keep seeing on the web but I'm struggling to implement. Any help would be massively appreciated.
You can't use ipairs because your table is an associated array not a sequence, so you have to use pairs. Also, there is no search function builtin to Lua, so you have to loop over all items yourself, looking for the right field value:
function findTL(tbl)
for key, data in pairs(tbl) do
if == tlSearch then
return key
local key = findTL(objects, 22)
If you want something a tad more object-oriented you could do this:
objects.findTL = findTL -- ok because first arg is the table to search
local key = objects:findTL(22)
isn't it better to take the value directly?
I don't know if it will work also with slashes, but if not, you may replace it by 'x' for example. Then it will be:
