I'm studied the pARK example project (http://developer.apple.com/library/IOS/#samplecode/pARk/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40011083) so I can apply some of its fundamentals in an app i'm working on. I understand nearly everything, except:
The way it has to calculate if a point of interest must appear or not. It gets the attitude, multiply it with the projection matrix (to get the rotation in GL coords?), then multiply that matrix with the coordinates of the point of interest and, at last, look at the last coordinate of that vector to find out if the point of interest must be shown. Which are the mathematic fundamentals of this?
Thanks a lot!!
I assume you are referring to the following method:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
if (placesOfInterestCoordinates == nil) {
mat4f_t projectionCameraTransform;
multiplyMatrixAndMatrix(projectionCameraTransform, projectionTransform, cameraTransform);
int i = 0;
for (PlaceOfInterest *poi in [placesOfInterest objectEnumerator]) {
vec4f_t v;
multiplyMatrixAndVector(v, projectionCameraTransform, placesOfInterestCoordinates[i]);
float x = (v[0] / v[3] + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
float y = (v[1] / v[3] + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
if (v[2] < 0.0f) {
poi.view.center = CGPointMake(x*self.bounds.size.width, self.bounds.size.height-y*self.bounds.size.height);
poi.view.hidden = NO;
} else {
poi.view.hidden = YES;
This is performing an OpenGL like vertex transformation on the places of interest to check if they are in a viewable frustum. The frustum is created in the following line:
createProjectionMatrix(projectionTransform, 60.0f*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, self.bounds.size.width*1.0f / self.bounds.size.height, 0.25f, 1000.0f);
This sets up a frustum with a 60 degree field of view, a near clipping plane of 0.25 and a far clipping plane of 1000. Any point of interest that is further away than 1000 units will then not be visible.
So, to step through the code, first the projection matrix that sets up the frustum, and the camera view matrix, which simply rotates the object so it is the right way up relative to the camera, are multiplied together. Then, for each place of interest, its location is multiplied by the viewProjection matrix. This will project the location of the place of interest into the view frustum, applying rotation and perspective.
The next two lines then convert the transformed location of the place into whats known as normalized device coordinates. The 4 component vector needs to be collapsed to 3 dimensional space, this is achieved by projecting it onto the plane w == 1, by dividing the vector by its w component, v[3]. It is then possible to determine if the point lies within the projection frustum by checking if its coordinates lie in the cube with side length 2 with origin [0, 0, 0]. In this case, the x and y coordinates are being biased from the range [-1 1] to [0 1] to match up with the UIKit coordinate system, by adding 1 and dividing by 2.
Next, the v[2] component, z, is checked to see if it is greater than 0. This is actually incorrect as it has not been biased, it should be checked to see if it is greater than -1. This will detect if the place of interest is in the first half of the projection frustum, if it is then the object is deemed visible and displayed.
If you are unfamiliar with vertex projection and coordinate systems, this is a huge topic with a fairly steep learning curve. There is however a lot of material online covering it, here are a couple of links to get you started:
Good luck//
I am using opencv::solvePnP to return a camera pose. I run PnP, and it returns the rvec and tvec values.(rotation vector and position).
I then run this function to convert the values to the camera pose:
void GetCameraPoseEigen(cv::Vec3d tvecV, cv::Vec3d rvecV, Eigen::Vector3d &Translate, Eigen::Quaterniond &quats)
Mat R;
Mat tvec, rvec;
tvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(tvecV);
rvec = DoubleMatFromVec3b(rvecV);
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); // R is 3x3
R = R.t(); // rotation of inverse
tvec = -R*tvec; // translation of inverse
Eigen::Matrix3d mat;
cv2eigen(R, mat);
Eigen::Quaterniond EigenQuat(mat);
quats = EigenQuat;
double x_t = tvec.at<double>(0, 0);
double y_t = tvec.at<double>(1, 0);
double z_t = tvec.at<double>(2, 0);
Translate.x() = x_t * 10;
Translate.y() = y_t * 10;
Translate.z() = z_t * 10;
This works, yet at some rotation angles, the converted rotation values flip randomly between positive and negative values. Yet, the source rvecV value does not. I assume this means I am going wrong with my conversion. How can i get a stable Quaternion from the PnP returned cv::Vec3d?
EDIT: This seems to be Quaternion flipping, as mentioned here:
Quaternion is flipping sign for very similar rotations?
Based on that, i have tried adding:
if(quat.w() < 0)
quat = quat.Inverse();
But I see the same flipping.
Both quat and -quat represent the same rotation. You can check that by taking a unit quaternion, converting it to a rotation matrix, then doing
quat.coeffs() = -quat.coeffs();
and converting that to a rotation matrix as well.
If for some reason you always want a positive w value, negate all coefficients if w is negative.
The sign should not matter...
... rotation-wise, as long as all four fields of the 4D quaternion are getting flipped. There's more to it explained here:
Quaternion to EulerXYZ, how to differentiate the negative and positive quaternion
Think of it this way:
Angle/axis both flipped mean the same thing
and mind the clockwise to counterclockwise transition much like in a mirror image.
There may be convention to keep the quat.w() or quat[0] component positive and change other components to opposite accordingly. Assume w = cos(angle/2) then setting w > 0 just means: I want angle to be within the (-pi, pi) range. So that the -270 degrees rotation becomes +90 degrees rotation.
Doing the quat.Inverse() is probably not what you want, because this creates a rotation in the opposite direction. That is -quat != quat.Inverse().
Also: check that both systems have the same handedness (chirality)! Test if your rotation matrix determinant is +1 or -1.
(sry for the image link, I don't have enough reputation to embed them).
I am doing some computer vision based hand gesture recognising stuff. Here, I want to detect a circle (a circular motion) made by my hand. My initial stages are working fine and I am able to get a blob whose centroid from each frame I am plotting. This is essentially my data set. A collection of 2D co-ordinate points. Now I want to detect a circular type motion and say generate a call to a function which says "Circle Detected". The circle detector will give a YES / NO boolean output.
Here is a sample of the data set I am generating in 40 frames
The x, y values are just plotted to a bitmap image using MATLAB.
My initial hand movement was slow and later I picked up speed to complete the circle within stipulated time (40 frames). There is no hard and fast rule about the number of frames thing but for now I am using a 40 frame sliding window for circle detection (0-39) then (1-40) then (2-41) etc.
I am also calculating the arc-tangent between successive points using:
angle = atan2(prev_y - y, prev_x - x) * 180 / pi;
Now what approach should I take for detecting a circle (This sample image should result in a YES). The angle as I am noticing is not steadily increasing from 0 to 360. It does increase but with jumps here and there.
If you are only interested in full or nearly full circles:
I think that the standard parameter estimation approach: Hough/RANSAC won't work very well in this case.
Since you have frames order and therefore distances between consecutive blob centers, you can create a nearly uniform sub sample of the data (let say, pick 20 points spaced ~evenly), calculate the center and measure the distance of all points from that center.
If it is nearly a circle all points will have similar distance from the center.
If you want to do something slightly more robust, you can:
Compute center (mean) of all points.
Perform gradient descent to update the center: should be fairly easy an you won't have local minima. The error term I would probably use is max(D) - min(D) where D is the vector of distances between the blob centers and estimated circle center (but you can use robust statistics instead of max & min)
Evaluate the circle
I would use a Least Square estimation. Numerically you can use the Nelder-Mead method. You get the circle that best approximate your points and on the basis of the residual error value you decide whether to consider the circle valid or not.
Being points the array of the points, xc, yc the coordinates of the center and r the radius, this could be an example of error to minimize:
class Circle
private PointF[] _points;
public Circle(PointF[] points)
_points = points;
public double MinimizeFunction(double xc, double yc, double r)
double d, d2, dx, dy, sum;
sum = 0;
foreach(PointF p in _points)
dx = p.X - xc;
dy = p.Y - yc;
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
// sum += d2 - r * r;
d = Math.Sqrt(d2) - r;
sum += d * d;
return sum;
public double ResidualError(double xc, double yc, double r)
return Math.Sqrt(MinimizeFunctional(xc, yc, r)) / (_points.Length - 3);
There is a slight difference between the commented functional and the uncommented, but for practical reason this difference is meaningless. Instead, from a theoretical point of view the difference is important.
Since you need to supply a initial values set (xc, yc, r), you can calculate the circle given three points, choosing three points far from each other.
If you need more details on "circle given three points" or Nelder-Mead you can google or ask me here.
I'm developing an AR app using the gyro. I have use an apple code example pARk. It use the rotation matrix to calculate the position of the coordinate and it do really well, but now I'm trying to implement a "radar" and I need to rotate this in function of the device heading. I'm using the CLLocationManager heading but it's not correct.
The question is, how can I get the heading of the device using the CMAttitude to reflect exactly what I get in the screen??
I'm new with rotation matrix and that kind of things.
This is part of the code used to calculate the AR coordinates. Update the cameraTransform with the attitude:
CMDeviceMotion *d = motionManager.deviceMotion;
if (d != nil) {
CMRotationMatrix r = d.attitude.rotationMatrix;
transformFromCMRotationMatrix(cameraTransform, &r);
[self setNeedsDisplay];
and then in the drawRect code:
mat4f_t projectionCameraTransform;
multiplyMatrixAndMatrix(projectionCameraTransform, projectionTransform, cameraTransform);
int i = 0;
for (PlaceOfInterest *poi in [placesOfInterest objectEnumerator]) {
vec4f_t v;
multiplyMatrixAndVector(v, projectionCameraTransform, placesOfInterestCoordinates[i]);
float x = (v[0] / v[3] + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
float y = (v[1] / v[3] + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
I also rotate the view with the pitch angle.
The motions updates are started using the north:
[motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame:CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXTrueNorthZVertical];
So I think that must be possible to get the "roll"/heading of the device in any position (with any pitch and yaw...) but I don't know how.
There are a few ways to calculate heading from the rotation matrix returned by CMDeviceMotion. This assumes you use the same definition of Apple's compass, where the +y direction (top of the iPhone) pointing due north returns a heading of 0, and rotating the iPhone to the right increases the heading, so East is 90, South is 180, and so forth.
First, when you start updates, be sure to check to make sure headings are available:
if (([CMMotionManager availableAttitudeReferenceFrames] & CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXTrueNorthZVertical) != 0) {
Next, when you start the motion manager, ask for attitude as a rotation from X pointing true North (or Magnetic North if you need that for some reason):
[motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesUsingReferenceFrame: CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXTrueNorthZVertical
toQueue: self.motionQueue
withHandler: dmHandler];
When the motion manager reports a motion update, you want to find out how much the device has rotated in the X-Y plane. Since we are interested in the top of the iPhone, we'll pick a point in that direction and rotate it using the returned rotation matrix to get the point after rotation:
[m11 m12 m13] [0] [m12]
[m21 m22 m23] [1] = [m22]
[m31 m32 m33] [0] [m32]
The funky brackets are matrices; it's the best I can do using ASCII. :)
The heading is the angle between the rotated point and true North. We can use the X and Y coordinates of the rotated point to extract the arc tangent, which gives the angle between the point and the X axis. This is actually 180 degrees off from what we want, so we have to adjust accordingly. The resulting code looks like this:
CMDeviceMotionHandler dmHandler = ^(CMDeviceMotion *aMotion, NSError *error) {
// Check for an error.
if (error) {
// Add error handling here.
} else {
// Get the rotation matrix.
CMAttitude *attitude = self.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude;
CMRotationMatrix rm = attitude.rotationMatrix;
// Get the heading.
double heading = PI + atan2(rm.m22, rm.m12);
heading = heading*180/PI;
printf("Heading: %5.0f\n", heading);
There is one gotcha: If the top of the iPhone is pointed straight up or straight down, the direction is undefined. The result is m21 and m22 are zero, or very close to it. You need to decide what this means for your app and handle the condition accordingly. You might, for example, switch to a heading based on the -Z axis (behind the iPhone) when m12*m12 + m22*m22 is close to zero.
This all assumes you want to rotate about the X-Y plane, as Apple usually does for their compass. It works because you are using the rotation matrix returned by the motion manager to rotate a vector pointed along the Y axis, which is this matrix:
To rotate a different vector--say, one pointed along -Z--use a different matrix, like
Of course, you also have to take the arc tangent in a different plane, so instead of
double heading = PI + atan2(rm.m22, rm.m12);
you would use
double heading = PI + atan2(-rm.m33, -rm.m13);
to get the rotation in the X-Z plane.
The iOS 5 documentation reveals that GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt operates the same as gluLookAt.
The definition is provided here:
static __inline__ GLKMatrix4 GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ,
float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ,
float upX, float upY, float upZ)
GLKVector3 ev = { eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ };
GLKVector3 cv = { centerX, centerY, centerZ };
GLKVector3 uv = { upX, upY, upZ };
GLKVector3 n = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3Add(ev, GLKVector3Negate(cv)));
GLKVector3 u = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3CrossProduct(uv, n));
GLKVector3 v = GLKVector3CrossProduct(n, u);
GLKMatrix4 m = { u.v[0], v.v[0], n.v[0], 0.0f,
u.v[1], v.v[1], n.v[1], 0.0f,
u.v[2], v.v[2], n.v[2], 0.0f,
GLKVector3DotProduct(GLKVector3Negate(u), ev),
GLKVector3DotProduct(GLKVector3Negate(v), ev),
GLKVector3DotProduct(GLKVector3Negate(n), ev),
1.0f };
return m;
I'm trying to extract camera information from this:
1. Read the camera position
GLKVector3 cPos = GLKVector3Make(mx.m30, mx.m31, mx.m32);
2. Read the camera right vector as `u` in the above
GLKVector3 cRight = GLKVector3Make(mx.m00, mx.m10, mx.m20);
3. Read the camera up vector as `u` in the above
GLKVector3 cUp = GLKVector3Make(mx.m01, mx.m11, mx.m21);
4. Read the camera look-at vector as `n` in the above
GLKVector3 cLookAt = GLKVector3Make(mx.m02, mx.m12, mx.m22);
There are two questions:
The look-at vector seems negated as they defined it, since they perform (eye - center) rather than (center - eye). Indeed, when I call GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt with a camera position of (0,0,-10) and a center of (0,0,1) my extracted look at is (0,0,-1), i.e. the negative of what I expect. So should I negate what I extract?
The camera position I extract is the result of the view transformation matrix premultiplying the view rotation matrix, hence the dot products in their definition. I believe this is incorrect - can anyone suggest how else I should calculate the position?
Many thanks for your time.
Per its documentation, gluLookAt calculates centre - eye, uses that for some intermediate steps, then negatives it for placement into the resulting matrix. So if you want centre - eye back, the taking negative is explicitly correct.
You'll also notice that the result returned is equivalent to a multMatrix with the rotational part of the result followed by a glTranslate by -eye. Since the classic OpenGL matrix operations post multiply, that means gluLookAt is defined to post multiply the rotational by the translational. So Apple's implementation is correct, and the same as first moving the camera, then rotating it — which is correct.
So if you define R = (the matrix defining the rotational part of your instruction), T = (the translational analogue), you get R.T. If you want to extract T you could premultiply by the inverse of R and then pull the results out of the final column, since matrix multiplication is associative.
As a bonus, because R is orthonormal, the inverse is just the transpose.
I have an OpenGL program (written in Delphi) that lets user draw a polygon. I want to automatically revolve (lathe) it around an axis (say, Y asix) and get a 3D shape.
How can I do this?
For simplicity, you could force at least one point to lie on the axis of rotation. You can do this easily by adding/subtracting the same value to all the x values, and the same value to all the y values, of the points in the polygon. It will retain the original shape.
The rest isn't really that hard. Pick an angle that is fairly small, say one or two degrees, and work out the coordinates of the polygon vertices as it spins around the axis. Then just join up the points with triangle fans and triangle strips.
To rotate a point around an axis is just basic Pythagoras. At 0 degrees rotation you have the points at their 2-d coordinates with a value of 0 in the third dimension.
Lets assume the points are in X and Y and we are rotating around Y. The original 'X' coordinate represents the hypotenuse. At 1 degree of rotation, we have:
sin(1) = z/hypotenuse
cos(1) = x/hypotenuse
(assuming degree-based trig functions)
To rotate a point (x, y) by angle T around the Y axis to produce a 3d point (x', y', z'):
y' = y
x' = x * cos(T)
z' = x * sin(T)
So for each point on the edge of your polygon you produce a circle of 360 points centered on the axis of rotation.
Now make a 3d shape like so:
create a GL 'triangle fan' by using your center point and the first array of rotated points
for each successive array, create a triangle strip using the points in the array and the points in the previous array
finish by creating another triangle fan centered on the center point and using the points in the last array
One thing to note is that usually, the kinds of trig functions I've used measure angles in radians, and OpenGL uses degrees. To convert degrees to radians, the formula is:
degrees = radians / pi * 180
Essentially the strategy is to sweep the profile given by the user around the given axis and generate a series of triangle strips connecting adjacent slices.
Assume that the user has drawn the polygon in the XZ plane. Further, assume that the user intends to sweep around the Z axis (i.e. the line X = 0) to generate the solid of revolution, and that one edge of the polygon lies on that axis (you can generalize later once you have this simplified case working).
For simple enough geometry, you can treat the perimeter of the polygon as a function x = f(z), that is, assume there is a unique X value for every Z value. When we go to 3D, this function becomes r = f(z), that is, the radius is unique over the length of the object.
Now, suppose we want to approximate the solid with M "slices" each spanning 2 * Pi / M radians. We'll use N "stacks" (samples in the Z dimension) as well. For each such slice, we can build a triangle strip connecting the points on one slice (i) with the points on slice (i+1). Here's some pseudo-ish code describing the process:
double dTheta = 2.0 * pi / M;
double dZ = (zMax - zMin) / N;
// Iterate over "slices"
for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
double theta = i * dTheta;
double theta_next = (i+1) * dTheta;
// Iterate over "stacks":
for (int j = 0; j <= N; ++j) {
double z = zMin + i * dZ;
// Get cross-sectional radius at this Z location from your 2D model (was the
// X coordinate in the 2D polygon):
double r = f(z); // See above definition
// Convert 2D to 3D by sweeping by angle represented by this slice:
double x = r * cos(theta);
double y = r * sin(theta);
// Get coordinates of next slice over so we can join them with a triangle strip:
double xNext = r * cos(theta_next);
double yNext = r * sin(theta_next);
// Add these two points to your triangle strip (heavy pseudocode):
strip.AddPoint(x, y, z);
strip.AddPoint(xNext, yNext, z);
That's the basic idea. As sje697 said, you'll possibly need to add end caps to keep the geometry closed (i.e. a solid object, rather than a shell). But this should give you enough to get you going. This can easily be generalized to toroidal shapes as well (though you won't have a one-to-one r = f(z) function in that case).
If you just want it to rotate, then:
will rotate it around the Y-axis. If you want a lathe, then this is far more complex.