I was wondering what is a good way to create share buttons in iOS, and by share buttons I mean these 3 kinds of buttons:
1- Follow me on Twitter
2- Like a page on Facebook
3- Send a mail (Optional)
I have heard about sharekit but I am interested in just creating these 3 buttons that will be found on the back of the page of the app.
You can use something like:
NSString *launchUrl = #"http://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=USER NAME";
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: launchUrl]];
which will open Mobile Safari and let you follow that user. You may be required to log in.
I guess there is a similar URL for Facebook.
To send a mail from within your app, use the MessageUI Framework.
Posting data to social services is much more complicated than just setting up a button. You must register your application, choose user, authenticate, then communicate via the internet.
ShareKit does most of that for you.
You may not just 'create share button' and have it share data to fb or twitter.
Posting to those service is complicated because you'll have to create Apps on those social networks as well as handle the oauth handshake the occurs which allows your app to share on behalf of the user. The Socialize SDK (www.getsocialize.com) is the fastest way to get Facebook/Twitter authentication without coding it yourself. Sample code below:
Socialize* socialize = [[Socialize alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[self.socialize createShareForEntityWithKey:#"http://www.url.com" medium:SocializeShareMediumFacebook text:#"Check this out!"];
You could use ShareKit 2.0
I believe it supports sharing on most common social networks.
I created a Twitter and Facebook SHARE buttons. However, I don't know if i'm allowed to use the official Twitter bird logo and the official Facebook F logo as a custom image button on my app. Are developers allowed to do that or are we supposed to get permission from Facebook and Twitter? Or should I just create a custom button that says Facebook, Twitter on it? I've seen only official facebook and twitter logos on game apps and other apps. How is it done?
Both Facebook and Twitter have strict guidelines for that, which you can find on their corresponding developer sites. You will also find the necessary resources (i.e. images) on these sites. It is typically not ok to use custom images.
That said, the official guides are not always followed and personally I have never heard of anyone being held responsible for doing it wrong. But I would strongly encourage you to follow them in any case.
At least for Facebook, I would always advise to use the official SDK and the Share Button it provided. You can read more here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/ios#triggering
FBSDKShareButton *button = [[FBSDKShareButton alloc] init];
button.shareContent = content;
[self.view addSubview:button];
Which of the 2 ways am I supposed to use to create a simple share button for Facebook in my game app?
1) import Social Framework into project and then put in the following code...
if([SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook]) {
SLComposeViewController *controller = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
[controller setInitialText:#"High score is %i"];
[self presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:Nil];
2) Add Facebook SDK into your project, get a Facebook App ID by signing up to Facebook's developer program, then add App ID into .plist file, link FBSDKShareKit.framework into project and then use the code provided by Facebook (and there's a LOT of it).
The 1st way of doing it works perfectly fine. Is it a MUST for me to do it the 2nd way? If I do it the first way, would I get in trouble with Facebook or would Apple reject my app? Also, if I do it the first way does it mean I can't use the Facebook "f" logo for the Facebook SHARE button?
If you're planning on sharing OpenGraph Stories within your game I would go with the Facebook SDK. According to Facebook's official docs:
"iOS 6+ includes a native share sheet that lets people post status updates, photos, videos and links to Facebook and includes support for setting the audience for the post and tagging the post with a location. You cannot share Open Graph Stories with the share sheet. The Facebook SDK supports the use of this native controller.
While you can use the iOS native view controller API (share sheet) directly, there are several reasons to use the native iOS Share dialog provided by the Facebook SDK. Using the native Share dialog provides a quick way to test that people have signed into Facebook on their iOS 6+ devices"
If you need more information to decide, I suggest you take a look at Sharing on iOS
This SO post addresses how to customize the UIActivityViewController by excluding services like AirDrop or printing.
It also mentions this Apple doc which highlights the stock services supported, but how do we identify other supported end points like Line and other messaging apps?
(1) Do Skype, Kakao, Line, Viber, WeChat, Kik, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger (not Facebook proper) have end points?
(2) What are those end points?
You can't do that currently on iOS 7, because no application can talk directly to other applications yet for security reasons. One of the highlights of the last WWDC was the introduction of extensions for iOS 8, which will make this possible; you can read how in the Creating Action Extensions example.
There are however attempts at fixing this. A notable example is IntentKit, which works by having a repository of known apps.
What is IntentKit?
IntentKit is an open-source iOS library that makes it easier to link to other apps. It's sort of like Android's Intents or Windows Phone's Contracts.
Another example of one of such attempts is OvershareKit
Why OvershareKit?
Sharing is far too cumbersome to implement on iOS. UIActivityViewController is too limiting, and rolling your own library is too time-consuming. Most devs end up settling for underwhelming sharing options for lack of the time or inclination to make something better.
OvershareKit makes it trivial to add rich sharing options to your iOS apps.
How to know if an application is installed?
Even though you can't discover them. If you know the application you're looking for and what kind of URL Scheme it responds to, then you can check if your app is able to open that kind of URL.
That's what IntentKit is for, it's a repository of knowledge about applications, the URL Schemes they respond to and the kind of actions they can perform. With the introduction of extensions.
For example, you can check if Facebook is installed by checking if you can open a fb:// URL.
BOOL isFacebookInstalled = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"fb://"]];
About IntentKit's inner workings
Internally, IntentKit will check for that same thing, as you can see in INKActivity's implementation:
- (BOOL)canPerformCommand:(NSString *)command {
if (!self.actions[command]) { return NO; }
if (self.presenter) {
return [self.presenter canPerformAction:command];
} else {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[self.actions[command] urlScheme]];
return [self.application canOpenURL:url];
Info about requested UIActivity services:
Skype uses the "skype:" URI, more info in the official documentation
Kakao & Line, with DCActivity (there seems to be an official API for Kakao, but the documentation is in korean)
Line, with LINEActivity
WeChat, with WeixinActivity (there's also an official API with which you can make your own UIActivity)
WhatsApp uses the "whatsapp:" URI, more info on the official FAQ, there are also various UIActivity implementations for WhatsApp, take a look at them in cocoapods.com
Facebook Messenger uses the "fb-messenger:" URI, more info in this other answer by tia, also see workarounds.
Kik has a public API, but no SDK nor UIActivity implementation that I know of. Also, see workarounds.
Viber has no SDK nor public API, see workarounds.
Most of these services are based on known protocols, or slight variations of them. For example, you can use XMPP (aka Jabber) to directly send messages to a Facebook IM or Kik account; some people say that Viber seems to use a modification of SIP for signaling with VoIP phones. So you could work around some SDK/API limitations by using the underlying mechanisms.
If all you need is to send a message to those services, I'd argue that you don't really need to communicate with the installed application via an SDK or URL Schemes, I haven't been able to test the Big Emoji app you mentioned, as it just crashes on iOS 8, but if it's using the services API's, you could easily work it out by using Charles or Wireshark.
Presumably they are adding a bunch of their own custom actions, as described in this answer.
There is no central repository for third-party sharing support before iOS 8. You can check for the other apps' presence by using URL Schemes. To do this, you'll have to look at each app's documentation and figure out what schemes they accept, then do something like this:
NSArray* items = /* stuff you want to share */
NSMutableArray* activities = NSMutableArray.array;
if ([UIApplication.sharedApplication canOpenUrl:#"whatsapp://url"])
UIActivity* activity = /* create activity for whatsapp */
[activities addObject:activity];
if ([UIApplication.sharedApplication canOpenUrl:#"facebook://url"])
UIActivity* activity = /* create activity for facebook */
[activities addObject:activity];
// ... repeat for other services ...
UIActivityViewController *activityVC = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:items applicationActivities:activities];
// show the VC however appropriate.
In addition to #NinoScript, you can find here the URL schemes for the iOS apps (inside the .plist files) which is provided by IntentKit as he mentioned.
Here is a summarized list from the project:
1Password ophttps://{{{url}}}
Chrome: googlechromes://{{{url}}}
Gmail: googlegmail:///co?to={{recipient}}
Google Maps: comgooglemaps://?q={{query}}
Google+: gplus://plus.google.com/{{userId}}
Safari: http://{{{url}}}
For a full URL-schemes search the git project.
I would like to know whether it is possible to add a Facebook Like button to a native iPhone app. In the app, the user browses a business directory or deals. When they tap on an item to view the details, it would be nice to have a Facebook Like button that can be used to post the item to the user's Facebook page.
Facebook writes: "Currently, the Like button is only available in mobile web apps".
My app is a native app and not a web app, so therefore I assume it's not possible. However, I do assume that it is possible to mix native UI components on a screen along with web components and therefore it might be possible to implement the Like button, although I am not sure how you pass data from the native portion to the web portion.
If the only solution is a hack, then I won't implement it because at some point the hack will fail when Facebook alters their API.
read around SO a little, you get many leads. Here's one:
Like button in iOS application
And a comment points to github.com/brow/FacebookLikeView
It has same caveats, but it seems there aren't any magic solutions.
There are these blogposts as well:
But not sure you get a native UIButton. Maybe you can open a webview in the background and emulate a click on it...
GL, update if you have some findings,
Now you can use the FBlike button using the following code but it need to download latest sdk and it is the beta version :(
Here is the code:
[FBSettings enableBetaFeature:FBBetaFeaturesLikeButton];
[FBSettings enablePlatformCompatibility:NO];
FBLikeControl *like = [[FBLikeControl alloc] init];
like.objectID = #"http://shareitexampleapp.parseapp.com/photo1/";
[self.view addSubview like];
It looks like Facebook finally decided to allow this, more directly, via the Open Graph API.
See documentation here
Check this out, FB just made it possible through their SDK. Only for testing and ios for now
I searched about Facebook Like/Recommand/Share function for iOS for many many days. Today I finally come here to find what I need. So I doubt How to do this? For Facebook Developers Website's documents are not detail, especially on iOS. So I am asking questions here. Thank you very much.
The image is here.
Facebook has an iOS SDK - check here and here. Maybe this could help you...
You could also provide backend support for FB likes etc. using oAuth Flow. For that you could use Python, PHP or any other popular language to interface with FB Graph API
Maybe you wanna try BMSocialShare.
I try new facebook sharer dialog. You can find that here
But first of all, you must open a facebook app. I set facebook app type to mobil internet instead of ios.
Secondly you can use this code for sharing :
NSURL *shareURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#"https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: shareURL];
You have to change your app_id within this shareURL.
Lastly; i give same redirect uri for both facebook api and direct url.