I've spent a few hours trying to figure out how to install a plugin in Rails 3 (probably the time it wouldve taken me to build the plugin myself). So rather than wasting more time,I'm hoping someone can simply explain how I can incorporate plugins in the vendor/plugins folder (which I've unzipped there) into an application. The installation instructions for Rails 2 are below:
Then you need to copy the configuration files, database migration and UI files into your application like so:
./script/generate install_has_threaded_comments
Rails 3.2 has deprecation warnings for using vendor/plugins and advocates adding gems to your Gemfile for everything.
gem 'acts_as_commentable_with_threading'
Rails 3 converts Rails 2's script/generate (or script/anything) to:
rails generate acts_as_commentable_with_threading_migration
I am trying to learn ruby on rails. I created a new project with Rails for this purpose but it took more than 5 minutes. The problem is after creating the project, it creates a huge 100Mb+ dir which is called node_modules with every possible node_package. This does not make sense as the default behavior. Am I actually missing something?
The node_modules are for your front-end stuff. Now Ruby on Rails supports webpacker with all goodies of NodeJS. It is already in .gitignore and it is normal behavior.
When you want to save your project, you can delete this folder and whenever you need you can use yarn install to get it back.
You can create rails app without installing webpacker
--skip-webpack-install option of Rails new. It still includes the webpackergem in the Gemfile and sets up the resulting project with webpacker configuration (only rails webpacker:install is not run).
I Want to upgrade my Rails application properly from 3.2.12 to 4.2 ...
someone send me this link: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html
at the moment I'm trying to upgrade from 3.2.12 to 4.0 ... i'm hanging on step 5.4:
Rails 4.0 no longer supports loading plugins from vendor/plugins.
You must replace any plugins by extracting them to gems and adding them to your Gemfile.
If you choose not to make them gems, you can move them into, say, lib/my_plugin/*
and add an appropriate initializer in config/initializers/my_plugin.rb.
Okay thats no Problem to copy from vendor/plugins to lib ... but how do I have to set up the initializers? ...
Initializers are plain ruby files that get executed on startup. They live in config/initializers
Currently going through a rails tutorial and I need to make some modifications to /config/initializers/secret_token.rb, however, I can't find this file anywhere within the initializers directory. I am running the latest version of rails. This is the line I used in the terminal to create a rails project:
rails new sample_app
Anyone know why it isn't showing up?
Thanks for pointing this out. The issue is probably due to using Rails 4.1 instead of Rails 4.0 as specified in the Rails Tutorial. It's because of issues like this that Section 1.2.2 states (bold in original)
Unless otherwise noted, you should use the exact versions of all software used in the tutorial, including Rails itself, if you want the same results.
To get things to work, first uninstall the current version of Rails:
$ gem uninstall rails railties
Then follow the instructions exactly as written in the tutorial to install Rails 4.0:
$ gem install rails --version 4.0.4
Generating a test app (skipping Bundler for convenience) and piping the output through grep then verifies that secret_token.rb gets generated:
$ rails -v
Rails 4.0.4
$ rails new test_app --skip-bundle | grep secret_token
create config/initializers/secret_token.rb
At this point, you should be able to follow the rest of the tutorial as written.
By the way, I'm about to start work on a 3rd edition of the tutorial, and will plan to take care of this issue as part of a more general update.
The tutorial you're looking at was likely written for an older version of Rails than you're using.
secret_token.rb existed in Rails 3 and Rails 4.0 apps; it does not exist in Rails 4.1 apps.
It has been replaced in Rails 4.1 by the secrets.yml file:
I am using 4.1.1. Dont copy nothing to the secrets.yml, just dont forget to update the gitignore file (http://www.railstutorial.org/book/beginning#code-gitignore)
With this you can keep going on the tutorial
I'm attempting to create a new Rails 3 plugin gem which wraps around devise/devise_ldap_authenticatable for reusable drop in internal LDAP support.
I create the new plugin gem with:
rails plugin new <gem_name>
I then add the devise/devise_ldap_authenticatable gems to the .gemspec file and run bundle
In the devise instructions it says to generate the required files using its generators:
rails generate devise:install
rails generate devise MODEL
However, in the directory where the plugin is generated I don't seem to be able to run rails generate. Most gem plugin tutorials instruct you to just create the files manually. Am I better off starting a new rails project, following the instructions in the temp project, then copying the files over to the plugin manually? Is there something that I'm missing? Can I run the generator script from the dummy instance? What is the standard practice in this use case?
In the end, I opted to forgo wrapping devise_ldap_authenticatable due to its relative simplicity.
The answer that I would go with in the future is to just to move files from a throwaway project.
I've been given an existing rails project that I am trying to play around with. however, when I try to run bundle install or rake db:migrate, I run into problems so essentially, i can't really do anything with the code I've been given.
The biggest problem as I see it right now is the fact that it can't locate my gemfile when I bundle install?
How can I find my gemfile.. is there supposed to be one in the root folder of the application?
Is there another step I need to take to initialize an existing project that someone has just copied and pasted to me? Thanks!
Yes, you should have a Gemfile in the root directory of your app.
If you are developing in a Rails 2 app, you might want to check out the Bundler.io page about Rails 2.3:
If you are using Rails 3+ you can take a learn from Bundler's page on Rails 3 use:
If you just need to get started with a Gemfile, go to a different directory and generate a dummy app:
$ rails new temporary-app
Copy over the Gemfile to your directory. It will only have the default gems listed, but you may be able to "discover" your needed gems as you go. If you happen to have a Gemfile.lock file then you can see the gems that you need at the top of the dependency tree.