What should i use for rails file attachment and jruby? - ruby-on-rails

Normally I'd use carrierwave, but they do not officially support jruby, and I've been running in to bugs, possibly related. (https://github.com/jnicklas/carrierwave/issues/620, Image corruption on upload to s3, production only. (carrierwave, engineyard))
Have others had success here?
I'm considering trying out paperclip, but it looks like that may not be perfect either-- https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/issues/100

Try dragonfly it's a really great library to manage you file attachment.

check out this guide, it's cake
It uses paperclip and amazon web s3 gems


CKEditor won't link files (backed by rails, mongoid, paperclip, s3)

I'm having issues with CKEditor. I can upload and insert pictures without issues, but when I try to do the same with files, the link to my file is set to something like javascript:void(0)/*130*/, with the number changing. This is happening on FF/Safari/Chrome.
My app runs on rails 3.1.3, using MongoDB/Mongoid as database/ODM, with paperclip for handling attachments and using S3 for hosting assets. When I explore my bucket I can see that the files are uploaded correctly, so the problem (probably) come from somewhere else. I'm using this gem, and both the rc2 & the master branch doesn't fix that.
Thanks for your time.
Well it's been a while. I solved it by forking the gem (cf ksol/ckeditor), but the diff is too obfuscated to remember what was wrong. Hopefully the original gem is working now.

uploading a file with rail - what is the best approach

I have a requirement of uploading a file to my disk through my webpage. Seems like I have two options
My requirement is specific that I will upload ONLY text files.
Using default rails methods to upload a file.
Ex: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby-on-rails/rails-file-uploading.htm
Using a plugin like 'PaperClip'
Following are my concerns:
I want to keep the file upload as simple as possible
Keep as away as dependencies like Imagemagic etc
I'm using rails 2.8.3
concurrent file uploads can be happen by multiple users
please can someone tell me what are the pros and cons of having
writing a simple file upload (option 1)
using a plugin/gem to upload a files
Writing your own file uploader is an option, but using a pre-built gem provides you with all of the code you need, straight after install.
Gems will usually have all of the functionality packaged into them that handles all of the cross-platform issues and security headaches your likely to run into by writing something from scratch. A well maintained gem will also have a good community behind it, keeping things up to date.
The popular Gems out there are really easy to use, and unless you are resizing images etc, you shouldn't need ImageMagick installed. Have a look at these:
Paperclip is far easier to build a simple upload form with, but I'm not sure if it works on Rails 2. Attachment_fu is an old favorite from the Rails 2 days and will definitely be able to handle your problem, it just requires a little more configuration.

File uploading rails 3

I have a rails 3 app that has a comment system that allows a user to make comments. What I now wish to do is extend this further by enabling the user to attach/upload files to the comment system. Fairly easy question I am about to ask. What is the best tool/plugin or gem to use so that I can achieve this? I've done some thorough research and found that alot of these plugins such as carrierwave, paperclip and a few others are used to upload photos and I am not trying to do this.
User should be able to upload/attach files
Can upload word, powerpoint or execel docuements
Both carrierwave and paperclip can be used to upload any type of files - they have extra features if you want to upload images, but they are not restricted to handling just image files.
In the end it's a matter of preference. I found both paperclip and carrierwave to be very good at what they do.
As for me CarrierWave more modern and nice solution. Have a try.
You can use even dragonfly - https://github.com/markevans/dragonfly/

Automate deployment of files to Amazon S3?

I have a Rails project that I will be deploying to the spectacularly awesome Heroku.
I would really like to be able to automate pushing my resources to Amazon S3 automatically, resources in this case being my images, stylesheets and javascript.
Obviously I can write some sort of capistrano task to do this myself, but does anyone know of something that does this already?
Note: I don't need to be able to upload user-files to S3 as I do that already via paperclip. I am talking about the actual project files required to run the site.
I found a good article which actually explain about the method to minify, compress and upload the static conetents (js/css) to Amazon S3 using Capistrano script.
Check the article at http://www.makeurownrules.com/ruby-on-rails/minify-compress-synch-amazons3-capistrano
I bumped into your question looking for the same answer. I have good experience with Jammit as an asset packager and I just bumped into a gem which can deploy to S3 and seems to perfectly fit your needs.
I tried Jammit S3, but it didn't have the control I was looking for, so I wrote my own CLI script and just got around to publishing it:
There is also capistrano-s3 gem which is similar to jammit-s3 but a bit simpler and framework agnostic.
It simply publish all files in your public folder to amazon s3 using capistrano so you may add custom hooks. Have a look at the doc here :
I does not deal with CloudFront invalidations, but I plan on adding this feature.

Paperclip, large file uploads, and AWS

So, I'm using Paperclip and AWS-S3, which is awesome. And it works great. Just one problem, though: I need to upload really large files. As in over 50 Megabytes. And so, nginx dies. So apparently Paperclip stores things to disk before going to S3?
I found this really cool article, but it also seems to be going to disk first, and then doing everything else in the background.
Ideally, I'd be able to upload the file in the background... I have a small amount of experience doing this with PHP, but nothing with Rails as of yet. Could anyone point me in a general direction, even?
You can bypass the server entirely and upload directly to S3 which will prevent the timeout. The same thing happens on Heroku. If you are using Rails 3, please check out my sample projects:
Sample project using Rails 3, Flash and MooTools-based FancyUploader to upload directly to S3: https://github.com/iwasrobbed/Rails3-S3-Uploader-FancyUploader
Sample project using Rails 3, Flash/Silverlight/GoogleGears/BrowserPlus and jQuery-based Plupload to upload directly to S3: https://github.com/iwasrobbed/Rails3-S3-Uploader-Plupload
By the way, you can do post-processing with Paperclip using something like this blog post (that Nico wrote) describes:
Maybe you have to increase the timeout in the ngix configs?
You might be interested in my post here:
Its about uploading multiple files (with progress bars, simultaneously) directly to S3 without hitting the server.
I was having a similar problem but with using paperclip, passenger and apache.
Like nginx, apache has a Timeout directive in apache which I increased to solve my problem.
Also there's an interesting thing passenger does when uploading large files.
Anything over 8k is written to /tmp/passenger. and if apache doesn't have
permissions to write there you get 500 errors also.
Here's the article.
