Building Sencha App for iOS error - ios

since I dont get an answer on sencha touch forum I will ask you fellows how to build my sencha app for iOS.
Actually, since I upgraded to the SDK Tools RC, I am able to package and run it for iOSSimulator.
But when I try to package to iOS it gives me the following error:
on terminal:
sencha package myconfig.json
The application was successfully packaged
codesign_allocate: for architecture armv7 object: /Users/kinhow/Documents/myapp/build///My malformed object (unknown load command 8)
/Users/kinhow/Documents/myapp/build///My object file format invalid or unsuitable
Failed to execute system command while signing application with error 256
Failed to package application
Hope you guys can save me

The packager uses Mac OS X built-in utility codesign. Load command 8 is VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS and if codesign does not understand it that means on your computer it's outdated, you can either update your OS or install latest Xcode.


Library not found for -lDJIWidget

I am attempting to run the sample developer dji application for the iOS platform via Xcode version 13.2.1. Upon building the application for the ObjectiveC and Swift sample code, I get an error indicating "Library not found for -lDJIWidget".
mac os: 12.2.1
I am a new macOS user, and this is my first time learning to build an iOS application for DJI. How can I resolve this error?
Trouble shooting steps taken
ensure cocoapods is installed for both sample codes (objectiveC and swift code)
use the <Project>.xcworkspace file for setting the bundle identifier and app key
Connect your ios device to your computer and run the build off of it.

Deploying to iOS device from Unreal fails

I'm attempting to build and deploy an Unreal project to an iPhone, but it's failing to deploy on two errors. Xcode v11.3.1, Unreal v4.22.
LogShaderCompilers: Error: /tmp/3689_966125236.metal(0): Xcode's metal shader compiler was not found, verify Xcode has been installed on this Mac and that it has been selected in Xcode > Preferences > Locations > Command-line Tools.
LogOutputDevice: Warning: Script Stack (0 frames):
LogMac: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/ShaderCompiler/ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 4523]
Failed to compile global shader TSlateElementPSFonttruetrueA . Enable 'r.ShaderDevelopmentMode' in ConsoleVariables.ini for retries.
[DD] ... Error: Failed to connect to bundle 'com.dock10.FACE'
So far I've:
Verified the metal compiler location using xcrun -sdk macosx -find metal
Verified Xcode has been installed and that it has been selected in Xcode > Preferences > Locations > Command-line Tools.
Successfully packaged and deployed a simple swift project to the iPhone through xcode
Tried pretty much every suggestion I can find on Google
Delete Binaries, Build, Intermediate, Saved folders in project folder, then Generate Xcode project
Entered r.ShaderDevelopmentMode into UE4 commandline
I don't have an apple dev license, do I need one to build and deploy my unreal project to one local iPhone?
So installing XCode 10.1, as mentioned in the iOS Development Requirements for 4.22 seems to have fixed the shader error, great!

Unable to compile Phonegap app locally

I'm unable to compile my app for iOS locally, Android works OK.
I have installed both cordova and phonegap using npm install -g [...]. I am running OSX (10.7.5).
Version outputs from both:
$ cordova -v
$ phonegap -v
I have XCode installed (v 4.6.2). I also have the command-line tools installed.
Both the cordova and phonegap tools fail to build, seemingly for the same reason. Running phonegap build ios outputs:
$ phonegap build ios
phonegap detecting iOS SDK environment...
phonegap using the local environment
phonegap compiling iOS...
error ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/mike/apps/***/platforms/ios/__CLI__/config.xml'
Here is the output from the same cordova command:
$ cordova build ios
cp: copyFileSync: could not write to dest file (code=ENOENT):/Users/mike/apps/***/platforms/ios/__CLI__/config.xml
cp: no such file or directory: /Users/mike/apps/***/platforms/ios/platform_www/*
Parsing /Users/mike/apps/***/platforms/ios/__CLI__/config.xml failed
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/mike/apps/***/platforms/ios/__CLI__/config.xml'
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:500:18)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:352:15)
at Object.module.exports.parseElementtreeSync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/util/xml-helpers.js:118:27)
at Object.ConfigParser (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/configparser/ConfigParser.js:33:24)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/prepare.js:115:32
at (native)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/prepare.js:70:40
at _fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:787:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/q/q.js:816:30)
It seems to me that there should be some replacement running on __CLI__ in the path that isn't happening, but it's difficult to tell. Below is a screenshot of the file structure this generates:
I am able to build using the remote build service, but it's quite laborious, as the app isn't properly loading so I need to do quite a bit of debugging to sort this out.
Node is installed at version 0.12.5. NPM is installed at version 2.11.2.
I have reinstalled the platform numerous times, and always get this error.
This question is a little old, but I'll throw a few things out there:
I've got a command line build of my ios platform running -- it does not have an __CLI__... subdirectory. Just a data point.
I'm wondering if there isn't something weird with the way Xcode is set up in relation to its build path. See this answer to make sure the output directory is set correctly: still getting <Cordova/CDVViewController.h> file not found error in xcode. I've got a desktop and mobile app set up in Xcode, and I have to remember to switch this setting back and forth.
PhoneGap / Cordova have been phasing out older versions of ios with their newer releases. It would not surprise me if cordova 5.1.1 did not support Xcode 4.6.2. You might want to try with an older release of the cordova library.

calabash-ios setup clang: error: no such file or directory 'UIKit'

I am currently porting an existing mobile web application to IOS using PhoneGap. I wanted to test the IOS application using Frank/Calabash. I am currently facing the same issue using either of the test frameworks. For both Frank and Calabash when I try to build the app I get the following error
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'UIKit'
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'AVFoundation'
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'CoreMedia'
In fact these frameworks do exist in the iPhoneOS6.1 SDK.
To narrow down the problem I created a demo HelloWorld PhoneGap application and tried Frank and Calabash but got the same error.
Demo app is available at
XCODE version used = 4.6.3
Cordova version = 3.0.3
IOS version = 10.8.4
Has anyone else faced the same issue??? If Yes then any suggestions?
We had the same error using calabash and frank. To fix this it was a bit hit and miss but we found that running the cordova build again to create the whole ios app fresh eg. no frank or calabash stuff in there, then putting only calabash into it worked and was able to compile and run tests.
How ever you may later run into issues with CDVViewController.h not being found or you could find that it works but if your trying to automate your tests through an ant script etc. then it will complain about not running the cucumber command in the correct place where cordova compiled your .app file so beware of this. You may need to do some clever file copying and edit your APP_BUNDLE_PATH when you get to this point.
Hope that helps... error malformed object

I am trying to run this weather tutorial app on an actual iPhone (I've got it working on the emulator so far).
[ERROR] Failed when running /usr/bin/codesign: codesign_allocate:
malformed object (unknown load command 43)
object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
Thanks in advance.
This can happen if you have an older version of Xcode or if the Xcode command line tools have got into a bad state.
I recommend trying the following
1) Make sure the latest Xcode is installed from the app store.
2) Make sure the command line tools are installed and Xcode is aware they are installed. To install the command line tools, open the Xcode preferences and go to Downloads, there should be an install button next to Command Line Tools (see the image below).
If this doesn't help then your version of OS X and the full log output from the failed run on a device would be helpful.
