Is there any method in appDelegate which is called when application crashes? - ios

I need to save some data in my application, when the application terminates and even if it crashes. I know that applicationWillTerminate is called when application terminates but I am not sure which method is called when application crashes.
Can someone help me here?

Well you could add your own exception handler, to catch the error.
First you need to define the exception method:
void uncaughtExceptionHandler(NSException *exception) {
// You code here, you app will already be unload so you can only see what went wrong.
Then tell the app to use your exception handler:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
// The rest if you code ....
There is no way to make the app save data on crashing, since saving could be the reason for the crash!

No, you cannot get to know when the application crashes.


Throwing an exception from anywhere in project

I want to show alert whenever an exception occured anywhere in my code.
Without enclosing the code that may throw exception.
Everytime when exception occures it shows error in main class. Is that possible to handle from there?
This is normal way of throwing an exception im using:
#try {
// code that may throw exception
#catch (NSException * e) {
// show alert
#finally {
However, I have found an effective work-around - creating my own exception handler (which is also useful for other reasons). First, create a function that will handle the error and output it to the console (as well as whatever else you want to do with it)
void uncaughtExceptionHandler(NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"CRASH: %#", exception);
NSLog(#"Stack Trace: %#", [exception callStackSymbols]);
// Internal error reporting
Next, add the exception handler to your app delegate:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// Normal launch stuff
If this doesn't work, then there are only two possible reasons:
Something is overwriting your NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler call (there can be only one handler for your entire app). For example, some 3rd party libraries set their own uncaughtExceptionHandler. So, try setting it at the END of your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function (or selectively disabling 3rd party libraries). Or better yet, set a symbolic break point on NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler to quickly see who is calling it. What you may want to do is to modify your current one rather than adding another one.
You're not actually encountering an exception (for example, EXC_BAD_ACCESS is not an exception)
Navigate to Breakpoint panel in Xcode, click "plus" button at the left-bottom to add a new breakpoint, then do this:
build and run your project, Xcode will brings you to the line where exception throws.
If I'm understanding the question correctly, it seems that you're looking for a good way to handle errors in your code that may have been driven by a user action (e.g. invalid data, missing fields in a form, etc.).
The best way to do this would be to use NSError instead of NSException. NSError is generally used to pass information between different code interfaces that are expecting a possible error, where as NSException is more so for errors that are unexpected, or caused by the developer and thus, should be handled during development.
To present an alert from anywhere in your code, you could add a method to your App Delegate and use target-action to pass along your error. That might look like this:
#protocol DLErrorPresentation <NSObject>
- (void)showAlertWithError:(NSError*)error sender:(id)sender
- (void)showAlertWithError:(NSError*)error sender:(id)sender {
// Your alert presentation code
// In some view controller or view:
NSError* error;
if(![self somethingThatMayError:error]) {
id<DLErrorPresentation> responder = [self targetForAction:#selector(showAlertWithError:sender:);
[responder showAlertWithError:error sender:self]
To provide additional context, here's what Apple says about exceptions in their documentation:
You should reserve the use of exceptions for programming or unexpected runtime errors such as out-of-bounds collection access, attempts to mutate immutable objects, sending an invalid message, and losing the connection to the window server. You usually take care of these sorts of errors with exceptions when an application is being created rather than at runtime.
Instead of exceptions, error objects (NSError) and the Cocoa error-delivery mechanism are the recommended way to communicate expected errors in Cocoa applications.
Although exceptions are commonly used in many programming environments to control programming flow or to signify errors, do not use exceptions in this way in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch applications. Instead, you should use the return value of a method or function to indicate that an error has occurred, and provide information about the problem in an error object.
I have added exception handling code inside my main.m.
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
#try {
#autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFrom
Class([AppDelegate class]));
} #catch (NSException *exception) {
Its working now.

Is it possible to determine if an Objective-C exception will be caught?

I'm running into a situation in iOS (and OS X) where exceptions from NSKeyedUnarchiver cause binary-only third-party frameworks to crash my app (when deployed in the field) when they try to unarchive a corrupt archive, thus forcing users to delete and reinstall the app. This doesn't happen often, but I'd like that number to be zero.
I can't solve the problem by wrapping the NSKeyedUnarchiver calls, both because I don't have the source code and because those calls are not the direct result of anything that my code does; they run on arbitrary background threads at arbitrary times.
I'm currently swizzling the NSKeyedUnarchiver class so that reading a corrupt archive returns nil (as though the file were not there) rather than throwing an exception, but I can't be certain whether any of those third-party frameworks might do things correctly (with an #try/#catch block) and might break in interesting ways if I do so.
It would be helpful if I could somehow examine the Objective-C exception handling tree (or equivalent) to determine whether an exception handler would catch an exception if thrown, and if so, which handler. That way, my patched method could return nil if the exception would make it all the way up to Crashlytics (which would rethrow it, causing a crash), but could rethrow the exception if some other handler would catch it.
Is such a thing possible, and if so, how?
Why not wrap your exception-throwing callsite in a try/catch/finally?
#try {
//call to your third party unarchiver
#catch {
//remove your corrupted archive
#finally {
Rolling your own global exception handler may also be of use here, ala: How do you implement global iPhone Exception Handling?
If you're not sure that wrapping third-party library code with #try/#catch is good enough you can hook NSKeyedUnarchiver methods to replace them with exact same wrapper thus making sure that exception is never gets thrown outside. Here is pseudo-code:
#try {
//call original NSKeyedUnarchiver implementation
#catch {
return nil;
Objc runtime has public APIs that can do such a thing

iOS saving data if app crash

I have got requirement in one of my projects where user is asking to save data locally in case of sudden app crashes. Its form based app so user fill lots of data in form and if app crashes suddenly then user lost all data entered.
App is using Core Data to save data locally.
There is a point where we save entered data in core data but not during every second user fills data.
Also if app crashes core data also vanishes.
In fact, if your app crash, the callback :
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
will not be called. This one is only called if for some reasons the system need to shutdown your app (usually because resources are rare or because your background job is still doing work after the maximum time allowed) or if you are on < iOs 4. You don't have any way to know when your app will crash (but when you relaunch the app, you can know if it had crashed).
So for your particular case you have two solutions :
Use either a NSTimer with a quick firing rate, or call a fonction each time you edit a field and update the core-data context then save it on disk.
NSError *error = nil;
[managedObjectContext save:&error]
Did you set a persistentStoreCoordinator on your context ? If no, core-data will never persist your data on disk.
Crashes don't appear out of nowhere, find the place(s) where crashes might happen and fix it or if you can't, use a try-catch to keep your app running (but please, try not to do that...).
Hope this help
You can implement a HandleException to catch all exceptions that crash your application.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
//for uncaughted exceptions
struct sigaction signalAction;
memset(&signalAction, 0, sizeof(signalAction));
signalAction.sa_handler = &HandleSignal;
sigaction(SIGABRT, &signalAction, NULL);
sigaction(SIGILL, &signalAction, NULL);
sigaction(SIGBUS, &signalAction, NULL);
//and more if you need to handle more signals
//another setup ...
return YES
#pragma mark crash management
void HandleException(NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"[FALTAL] App crashing with exception: %#", exception);
//try to save your DB here.
void HandleSignal(int signal) {
//try to save your DB here.
#pragma -
However, I don't know about how many time you will have before application exits. But I suppose that you will have enough time to do the DB-backup task.
In particular case you can should use, try catch block, (but not) everywhere.
try {
//write your code
}catch(NSException *e){
//See what's the error
//Save your context
This it the best solution in my thinking. However you can create a NSTimer which executes a method at some reasonable seconds where you can hold and save your context.
You can also save your context in AppDelegate's method like (if you're targeting iOS 4.0 and above and if your app was exit by iOS it self for some reason),
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application{};
below method will always call when your app goes in background,
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application{};
(void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
delegate method of AppDelgate to save your data in core data.

Objective c Thread 1 signal SIGSTOP app crashes

I'm trying to track down an error that appears to be definitely a timing issue. I have an application that uses a Universal Framework. When the process is complete in the framework an NSNotification is sent back to the application. We have recently added a third party framework to our framework. Now, while the methods for the third party framework are being executed, as execution returns to our framework I receive the following error in the Console Output:
Assertion failed: (exclusive), function assert_locked, file ../dep/include/boost/boost_1_55_0/boost/thread/pthread/shared_mutex.hpp, line 51.
But I'm not sure that is the ultimate issue, because our framework continues to execute and the NSNotification is sent back to the application. Right after the Notification is sent and execution returns to the calling method (or the method call) in our framework I see a warning on the executing thread. Then, execution continues back to the original calling method and the warning goes away.
Here's the weird part. If I step through the code very slowly, it might just work. If I'm not slow enough I get the SIGSTOP and the code never returns to the UI. If I'm too fast, I get a SIGABRT.
I've been trying to find the exact issue using Instuments. This answer to a similar question backed up my suspicion that this is a timing issue. I think the boost assert_locked Assertion might have something to do with this.
My code is pretty boring but I know you want to see it, so here it is:
- (void)generateImageTemplates:(UIImage *)src
int result = 0;
cv::Mat image = *(cv::Mat*)[self cvMatFromUIImage:src];
user = IEngine_InitUser();
int userID=0;
result = IEngine_AddFingerprintRAW(user, UNKNOWN,, image.size().width, image.size().height);
result = IEngine_RegisterUser(user, &userID);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"InnovatricsComplete" object:self];
If you're wondering what result is, it's an error code. So far these have all come back equal to 0. Meaning no errors. I'll work on handling these errors once I can get a successful return to the UI without crashing.
Control returns to the method call:
- (void)generateImageTemplates:(UIImage *)processedImage
[self.captureCommand generateImageTemplates:processedImage];
Control returns to the method call in the application View Controller:
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex{
if (buttonIndex == 0){
[self clearPressed:self.clearButton];
} else {
[self.cameraVC generateImageTemplates:self.processedImage];
Finally, the NSNotification callback code:
- (void)onInnovatricsComplete:(NSNotification *)note
[self.cameraVC willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[self.cameraVC.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.cameraVC removeFromParentViewController];
I warned you it was pretty boring!
I'm completely stumped! Though I continue to surf the internet for clues, is there anybody out there who can help me resolve this issue?
Thank you.
Here are some screenshots (in reverse order):
look at NSUinteger’s answer in How to know where crash for postNotificationName:object:userInfo
the listener might be deallocated before it recieves the notification.

Difference between try catch and NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler

I have tried two methods for catching the exceptions. First one is with a try catch and the second one is with the following code in Appdelegate.
void onUncaughtException(NSException* exception)
//save exception details
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
The advantage of the second method is we don need to implement try catch blocks in each and every method.
The first one catches the exception, prints it but does not crash the application.. But the second one catches the exception and crashes the application. Is there any way to use the second method to catch exceptions without crashing the application.
NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler Sets the top-level error-handling function where you can perform last-minute logging before the program terminates. in the onUncaughtException you can do something before crash, but app do crash finally.
#try...#catch...#finally.. is to try to catch possible NSException, if catch, run in the #catch block code, no matter if catch, code will run in #finally block code. Using #try...#catch... will not cause crash finally, this may be the main difference.
