LevelHelper and Corona SDK - lua

Why do I get a black screen when I generate Lua code from the newest version (1.4.7) of LevelHelper My Old Level files work with my code and it generated only one lua file. The new one generates a set of 10-12 files, and leaves me with a black screen on the Corona simulator.
Am I doing anything drastically wrong?
Has the use of Level Helper changed with the new version?
All the tutorials and blogs I checked are showing the use of the old LevelHelper. any repositories / github links you would like to point me to?

For everybody else who has this problem, your config.lua file must look something like this
application =
content =
fps = 60,
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = "letterbox",
imageSuffix =
["-hd"] = 2
LevelHelperSettings =
imagesSubfolder = "Images",
levelsSubfolder = "Levels",
directorGroup = nil

Have you seen this?
And also the latest tutorial for Corona SDK that talk LevelHelper 1.4
While the old LevelHelper was generating only one lua file - the new one generated multiple files because it added many complex features that could not be encapsulated in only one lua file.
Also, i want to stress that if you want fast response you should mail me or write to the LevelHelper forum.
I can help you out with your code and what you're doing wrong if you show me how you load the level.
Since you probably load it as the old way you should read the Getting Started chapter in the API Documentation.
You are probably missing the config.lua settings.


How to copy from Storage to FileSystemStorage in Codenameone and display in BrowserComponent

I've been reading a lot of StackOverflow posts that discuss copying data from FileSystemStorage to Storage in CodenameOne, such as described in this answer from Shai, as seen below:
InputStream stream =
OutputStream out =
Util.copy(stream, out);
I've been trying to do the reverse: save from Storage to FileSystemStorage in order to show a PDF in the BrowserComponent (while using iOS), but have not been able to do so. I need to show the PDF within the app (so I don't want to use Display.getInstance().execute()).
Basically, I'm trying to dynamically populate a Container with whatever files the user selects-- I am using the FileChooser library for CN1 from Steve Hannah. (Disclaimer: I have made slight modifications to this library as it used in the app I'm working on-- HOWEVER, when I choose images with this library and pull them from Storage to an Image via InputStream, they display perfectly in an ImageViewer so I know that all files are being saved correctly in Storage.)
Here is my code (with help from Steve Hannah's comment on GitHub):
//fileLocation and fileName are slightly different but both end with file extension
File file = new File(fileToUpload.getFileName());
FileSystemStorage fss = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
InputStream is = Storage.getInstance().createInputStream(fileToUpload.getLocation());
OutputStream os = fss.openOutputStream(file.getAbsolutePath());
Util.copy(is, os);
ToastBar.Status status = ToastBar.getInstance().createStatus();
String message = file.exists() + " " + file.isFile() + file.getAbsolutePath();
if (Display.getInstance().getPlatformName().equals("ios")) {
//Log.p("in ios !!!!");
BrowserComponent browserComponent = new BrowserComponent();
The ToastBar displays true and true for file.exists() and file.isFile().
I stipulate iOS because as far as I've seen while researching previewing PDFs within an app, I've seen that Android needs to have a different implementation, like adding a NativeInterface with an Android library. I also saw in different answers on the Google Group that this functionality (using browserComponent to view PDFs) is only available for iOS and not on the simulator. In the simulator, I see a blank space. My iPhone just freezes and/or crashes after displaying the ToastBar (and I work on a Windows machine, so not much ability to see native logs....)
What can I do to access the file and show it in the BrowserComponent?
Thank you!
Simple solution -- the file had a space in it (eg. "Test page.pdf") and didn't show! When I used files that didn't have spaces this worked and after removing spaces in the file names, thankfully everything worked. I'll have to add code to handle this scenario.
Thanks for your help!

add stamp annotation using PSPDFKit iOS objective-c

I am using PSPDFKit framework, and I am unable to add stamp annotation, using this I have implemented following:
[pdfController.annotationStateManager toggleState:PSPDFAnnotationStringStamp];
NSMutableArray<PSPDFStampAnnotation *> *defaultStamps = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSString *stampSubject in #[#"Great!", #"Stamp", #"Like"]) {
PSPDFStampAnnotation *stamp = [[PSPDFStampAnnotation alloc] initWithSubject:stampSubject];
stamp.boundingBox = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, 200.f, 70.f);
[defaultStamps addObject:stamp];
PSPDFStampAnnotation *imageStamp = [[PSPDFStampAnnotation alloc] init];
imageStamp.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"abc.jpg"];
imageStamp.boundingBox = CGRectMake(0.f, 0.f, imageStamp.image.size.width/4.f, imageStamp.image.size.height/4.f);
[defaultStamps addObject:imageStamp];
[PSPDFStampViewController setDefaultStampAnnotations:defaultStamps];
but I have no output.
Peter here, Founder and CEO of PSPDFKit, the PDF SDK for iOS, Android, Web, macOS and (soon) Windows. The best way to reach our support is reaching out directly to our support page. Support is part of your license subscription.
You're setting default stamps for the PSPDFStampViewController. Can you post a screenshot how things look? You're changing the default here (APPROVED, REJECTED and so on and replacing this with your own images, which is valid and works.)
Note that you only need to call this once and it needs to be called before you switch/toggle the stamp mode, so your current code will not work.
Please also make sure you use the latest version so we can rule out any old bugs or incompatibilities. As of writing this, it's Xcode 8.3 and PSPDFKit 6.6 (click for release blog post).
Stamps only show up if you have the annotation component licensed - if you ping us on support my team can check what components you have to make sure that's not the problem here.
If you're just trying to programmatically add annotations via our framework, check out this guide article instead.

Xamarin Forms CircleImage with source from file

I'm using a plugin CircleImage from https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/Xamarin.Plugins/tree/master/ImageCircle
I'm using it in a listview. I noticed it's working fine with image from a url but I can't find a way to show an image from embedded resources or files. Could you explain me how do that?
Thank you in advance!
Is the image in your Resources folder on iOS and Android platforms and in the root on Windows Phone?
You probably want to use the following to set the source of a local image:
Source = ImageSource.FromFile("someimage.png")
Or you might even try:
Source = (FileImageSource)ImageSource.FromFile("someimage.png")
Also be careful with upper and lower case file names. I suggest making everything lower case. The iOS simulator will not care about casing (since Macs do not care), but a real iOS device will care.
For other developers I write and describe my solution for that. I have a MVVM model. In this model there is property
ImageSource image
when I fill the data in the model (r in the example) I verify if taking an embedded image or an image from file system
if (images.Count == 0) {
// from file
r.Image = ImageSource.FromFile ("GenericImageFromResource.png");
} else {
// get the file image from file system
//(required an implementation for each platform)
r.Image = ImageFinder.GetImage (images.First().FileName);

Using offline map sources with Monotouch's Route-me binding

I'm trying to get route-me to show an offline map which is bundled or to be downloaded after app installation. I'm using route-me bindings sample project to get the work done just for now. I also use the mbtiles file from the original route-me repo's SampleMap project. I copy the file to project's root directory and set it's build action to BundleResource (that's what I thought would be appropriate). After that I changed to code to this :
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
RMDBMapSource dbSource = new RMDBMapSource ("Philadelphia.mbtiles");
MapView = new RMMapView(View.Frame, dbSource.Handle);
MapView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;
if (UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale > 1.0)
MapView.AdjustTilesForRetinaDisplay = true;
Add (MapView);
But no luck. App runs in the simulator but showing only a grey background nothing more. So I need someone to help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I need to get it done this week since next week is the deadline for project. So any help would be appreciated.
I haven't actually used offline tiles myself, but based on this thread it looks like you might need to put the RMDBMapSource into an instance of RMMapContents instead of directly into the MapView. So I'm thinking it would be something like this with Xamarin:
RMDBMapSource dbSource = new RMDBMapSource ("Philadelphia.mbtiles");
MapView = new RMMapView(View.Frame, new IntPtr());
RMMapContents contents = new RMMapContents (MapView.Handle, dbSource.Handle);
That assumes you have a wrapper binding for RMMapContents too which from the looks of it the bindings project does not have by default. You'd need to throw in a wrapper that at least defines the constructor.
This page looks like it provides similar code (in Obj-C) towards the bottom.

App used to work with AIR 3.2, doesn't work with AIR 3.5

I'm getting this error when I press a button in a flash/air app that used to work in the AIR 3.2 SDK - now upgraded to the AIR 3.5 SDK. Any help much appreciated.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at seed_template_fla::MainTimeline/frame7()[seed_template_fla.MainTimeline::frame7:31]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
at seed_template_fla::MainTimeline/gotoPage() [seed_template_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:20]
at seed_template_fla::MainTimeline/gotoRepro() [seed_template_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:12]
I'm creating an app for iPhone using Flash CS6 on Mac and exporting using the Air 3.5 SDK. I also have the AIR 3.5 runtime installed.
The app is very simple at the moment. It basically moves from frame to frame when you press a button using the gotoAndPlay(frameNr) function. There are some hexes on the frames that update an array of numbers when clicked. They are also toggled visible/not visible.
This used to work perfectly using the AIR 3.2 SDK, but I recently downloaded the AIR 3.5 SDK from adobe and added it through flash (Help>Manage Air SDK) and set it as the build target in File>Publish Settings>Target.
When I switch back to AIR 3.2 SDK, the app works perfectly again.
Also, when I upload the app to my iPhone 4S running IOS 5.1 using AIR 3.5 SDK, I just see a black screen with 5 loading dots flashing. This also works fine with AIR 3.2 SDK.
This is the code for frame 7
The last line is line 31.
techtitle.text = "Select Trait";
techdesc.text = "Spend points to change core stats and other special abilities";
points.visible = false;
pointsbalance.text = myPoints.toString();
btn_tech.visible = false;
curTechSelected = null;
trace("set hexes invisible");
for (var j:int = 0; j <= 67; j++) {
if (hexStatusb[j] == 1) {
this["btn_hex_"+j+"b"].visible = false;
function onBtnHex37bClick(event:MouseEvent):void
techtitle.text = "tech1";
techdesc.text = "tech1 description"
techpoints.text = "-2";
points.visible = true;
btn_tech.visible = true;
curTechSelected = btn_hex_37b;
curTechSelectedNr = 37;
curTechPoints = 2;
btn_hex_37b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnHex37bClick);
OK - so, after trying out lots of things, I figured out why this is happening.
Solution: get rid of all TFL text objects when running AIR 3.5 SDK
It seems that the TFL Text library wasn't being loaded properly at runtime. Something crucial that I neglected to mention was that I was getting this warning message (similar here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/825637)
Content will not stream... The runtime shared libraries being preloaded are textLayout_1.0.0.05... TFLText
and this warning message in the output
Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from http://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/swz/crossdomain.xml. The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files.
Simply removing all TFLText objects and changing them to classic text makes the app work fine again.
#csomakk Great news. I have found the answer. You can publish in 3.5 and 3.6 and have your TLF Text too. I posted a write-up on my blog that shows exactly how to do it.
To get started: the error message states that something is null.. it means, that the program doesn't know, where to look for it. It can happen, when you didn't create the object (btn_hex_37b = new MovieClip()); or you haven't even created a variable for it.
on the given line (btn_hex_37b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnHex37bClick);) only btn_hex_37b can be null, because onBtnHex37bClick exists, and if it wouldn't, the program wouldn't compile.
The reason it came up when switching to AIR 3.5 is probably that it calls some creation functions in different order. Go to the line where you define the btn_hex_37b variable. Search for that functions calling.. Make sure, that btn_hex_37b is created before going to frame7.
Also, if its not a vital, to have onBtn_hex_37bClick, you can do the following:
btn_hex_37b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBtnHex37bClick);
the if will check if btn_hex_37b is not null.
On the else method, you can give a timeouted method(but that is ugly), or give the eventlistener right after the creation of the object.
Hope this helped.
For Flash CS6, copy this swc:
/Applications/Adobe Flash CS6/Common/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/libs/flash.swc
Into my Flash Builder project using these steps:
and then use this link
