Preprocessor, Postprocessor, Geometric Processor and NC processor - preprocessor

Hello Guys! Can anyone explain me the difference between these terms: Preprocessor, Postprocessor, Geometric Processor and NC Processor?

I know my answer is incomplete, but a 'pre' processor is basically a process that goes through before your main process, and a 'post' processor goes through after the main process.
So if you're main process is designed to do math, you might have a pre-processor that pre-processes the user input, turning
2 5 * 5 +
Which is actually easier to write a LISP function to process.
The result would be a plain old '15', but a post processor might do something on that result.


How to use LogiCORE DSP48 Macro?

I want to learn how to use LogiCORE DSP48 Macro. I'm reading the Xilinx documentation but I cannot understand well how to start my first design with DSP48 Macro. Can anyone help me to make a simple design to get a better understanding of this IP core please?
Thanks in advance!
In many cases you would use DSP48 by writing Verilog/VHDL expressions containing add, subtract, and multiply.
x = a * b + c
A problem with the above expression is that the multiplication and addition take place in a single cycle. You can run the expression at a higher frequency if the operation could be pipelined. Vivado can sometimes retime these expressions across registers in order to make use of the DSP48 pipeline registers.
However, I understand wanting to use the DSP48 directly. You instantiate DSP48's just like other RTL modules. The ports, parameters, and behaviors are described in the DSP Slice User Guide for the FPGA logic that you are using.
wire [47:0] c;
wire [24:0] a;
wire [17:0] b;
DSP48E1#() dsp(
This instance is copied from one of my inner-product implementations. It is fully pipelined because I was aiming for 500MHz operation. Only achieved 400MHz due to other combinational paths.
For Xilinx 7 Series:
DSP48E1 Slice User Guide
For Xilinx Ultrascale:
DSP48E2 Slice User Guide

PPO Update Schedule in OpenAi Baselines Implementations

I'm trying to read through the PPO1 code in OpenAi's Baselines implementation of RL algorithms ( to gain a better understanding as to how PPO works, how one might go about implementing it, etc.
I'm confused as to the difference between the "optim_batchsize" and the "timesteps_per_actorbatch" arguments that are fed into the "learn()" function. What are these hyper-parameters?
In addition, I see in the "" file, the "make_atari" and "wrap_deepmind" functions are used to wrap the environment. In the "make_atari" function, it uses the "EpisodicLifeEnv", which ends the episode once the a life is lost. On average, I see that the episode length in the beginning of training is about 7 - 8 timesteps, but the batch size is 256, so I don't see how any updates can occur. Thanks in advance for your help.
I've been going through it on my own as well....their code is a nightmare!
optim_batchsize is the batch size used for optimizing the policy, timesteps_per_actorbatch is the number of time steps the agent runs before optimizing.
On the episodic thing, I am not sure. Two ways it could happen, one is waiting until the 256 entries are filled before actually updating, or the other one is filling the batch with dummy data that does nothing, effectively only updating the 7 or 8 steps that the episode lasted.

Is a process the same as a Goroutine in Golang?

For the following code:
func main() {
goRtns := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("goroutines:", goRtns)
The output is 1. But this is within a "process," with no goroutines being explicitly called:
"In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently."
Also from the excellent "How goroutines work" blog post by Krishna Sundarram:
"The creation of a goroutine does not require much memory - only 2kB of stack space. They grow by allocating and freeing heap storage as required."
My question is this, then: the instance of code that is running (my simple main.go function) is counted as a goroutine by the runtime library. Am I to assume that the parent process is treated as a go routine, with the same rules of memory allocation, garbage collection, etc? Would it be wise to assume reading a fact about a goroutine's execution is analogous to the overarching go process that runs it? With respect to the second quote on goroutines above, this sounds like a process growing/shrinking its stack space as a program executes which is a standard paradigm in programming.
Do go processes and routines share the same rules? Or am I just missing something about the reported number of goroutines.
Is a process the same as a Goroutine in Golang?
You are using the wrong term process here. In GO everything is a goroutine. as Volker said. and you can see gouroutine definition from here :
A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime.
for example in your code
func main() {
goRtns := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("goroutines:", goRtns)
this has only one goroutine because it has only main function and inside there are no go calling here. it just print the something from given variable.
another example if you have go called in your function main :
func main() {
result := sq(sq(sq(gen(1, 2, 3, 4))))
numGoroutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("number goroutine = ", numGoroutines)
you can find sq and gen function here. Now the runtime.NumGoroutine() will have 5 gorutine. Since inside function gen and sq we have go called and we combine theme here the total would be 4 + the main the final result is 5.
You have to be careful about the term process in Go. You quoted a definition about operating system entities called processes that will be recognised very widely. Many people will understand that usage.
But the term is overloaded. The work of C.A.R. Hoare also matters to us: in his Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) algebra, the term process refers to something small - much more like a super-lightweight thread. His algebra is in a category of mathematics called process algebra.
So it is fair to assume that a goroutine is Go's implementation of a CSP process.
Go is like a much older language, Occam, in this respect. In Occam a process means a CSP process. Occam was widely used for bare-metal (I.e. no operating system) embedded programming and so there was never any ambiguity over the term process.

Ada. Building "main" file takes forever when tasking

I have this simple tasking (threads) program that I'd like to run but building it takes forever (30 seconds or more). It makes it exhausting to have to wait for the build to be built before running the program every-time, especially when I all want to do is change something insignificant, like adding a Put sentence here or there.
This is the program I have been running for reference. I am using GPS 2016. I am a beginner in Ada.
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Main is
task First_Task;
task body First_Task is
for Index in 1..4 loop
delay 2.0;
Put("This is in First_Task, pass number ");
Put(Index, 3);
end loop;
end First_Task;
task Second_Task;
task body Second_Task is
for Index in 1..7 loop
delay 1.0;
Put("This is in Second_Task, pass number");
Put(Index, 3);
end loop;
end Second_Task;
task Third_Task;
task body Third_Task is
for Index in 1..5 loop
delay 0.1;
Put("This is in Third_Task, pass number ");
Put(Index, 3);
end loop;
end Third_Task;
for Index in 1..5 loop
delay 0.7;
Put_Line("This is in the main program.");
end loop;
end Main;
Posting an answer to help searchability for future users. If you find the full solution, exactly why your AV software does this and a clean solution, don't hesitate to post and accept your own answer.
First, the MCVE enabled a quick test, revealing nothing wrong with either the code or at least one Gnat compiler (Linux x86-64, Debian Jessie, gcc4.9.3) pointing at an installation-specific problem.
The installation in question is Gnat GPL-2016 (32 bit) on Windows-10, with GPS as the IDE, and AVAST anti-virus software.
Previous problem reports and rumour pointed at two possible candidates,
unusual Python installations - GPS depends on Python, and finding an unexpected Python version is rumoured to cause some troubles
Anti-virus software interacting with the IDE in unexpected ways.
Of these, the latter is confirmed to be the problem, and disabling AV during program build restores acceptable build times. (This isn't specific to Ada or Gnat, I've seen it on FPGA development tools too)
So we have a temporary workaround.
The next step might be to identify why AVAST is allergic to the build process, and disable its reaction to false positives, to maintain AV protection during programming sessions.
Possible candidates may be the intermediate .o and .ali files (Object and Ada Linker), or intermediate "binding" files which stitch the Ada code to runtime system and OS.
Most likely, the b~whatever.o object files spark an allergic reaction when they link to unusual OS primitives for process manipulation, to implement Ada tasking. Possibly this resembles virus behaviour closely enough to attract attention.
One answer may be to teach Avast not to scan your Ada project's build folder, or to filter what it scans by file type. But I can be no further help, and I encourage a better answer from anyone who finds one.

erlang:now/0 is faster than os:timestamp/0?

As said in manual,
If you do not need the return value to be unique and monotonically increasing, use os:timestamp/0 instead to avoid some overhead.
os:timestamp/0 should be faster than erlang:now/0
But I tested on my PC with timer:tc/3, for 10000000 calls, time spent in microsecond is:
erlang:now 951000
os:timestamp 1365000
Why erlang:now/0 faster than os:timestamp/0?
My OS: Windows 7 x64, erlang version: R16B01.
I wrote another test code in parallel (100 thread), os:timestamp/0 performed better in parallel. here are data:
----- single thread ------
erlang:now 95000
os:timestamp 147000
----- multi thread ------
erlang:now 333000
os:timestamp 91000
So, I think the "overhead" is for parallel.
I've always thought that the 'some overhead' comment was darkly amusing. The way erlang:now/0 achieves its trick of providing guaranteed unique, monotonically increasing values is to take out a per-VM global lock. In a serial test you won't notice anything, but when you've got a lot of parallel code running, you may.
The function os:timestamp/0 doesn't take out a lock and may return the same value in two processes.
This was recently discussed on the erlang-questions mailing list ("erlang:now() vs os:timestamp()" on 3rd April 2013), where two interesting results emerged:
erlang:now seems to be faster than os:timestamp in interpreted code (as opposed to compiled code, where os:timestamp is faster).
If you benchmark them, you should measure the time taken using os:timestamp instead of erlang:now, since erlang:now forces the clock to advance.
Apart from the excellent answer by troutwine, the reason why erlang:now() is faster in a serial test is probably that it avoids the kernel since you may be calling it faster than time progresses and then you are in a situation where you don't hit the kernel as often.
But note, that your test is deceiving until you add more than a single core. Then os:timestamp() like troutwine writes, will outperform erlang:now().
Also note you are on a weak platform, namely Windows. This usually affects performance in non-trivial ways.
