Migrating Umbraco 4.7 - umbraco

I want to migrate an exsisting Umbraco install from our developer's website into my private virtual server.
I suppose that the server configuration will be different i.e SQL server maybe different version .. ISS .. an so on ..
I wanted to understand what would you recommend as a method to migrate the install ..
I know my way around manually installing web applications (DB, IIS included).. would that be the case if so where can i find a manual on what settings are required to manually install exsisting Umbarco Website on a new server.
And most importantlly what do i need to request from my developer (i.e. files, IIS XML Config backup, SQL DB backup etc..)

There is nothing special about migrating an Umbraco setup to a new server. You'll need a copy of the entire web directory, and a backup copy of the database.
Restore the database to your SQL server, copy the web directory into a directory on your web server, change the connection strings in the web.config to use your SQL server and assuming you have met the prerequisites for running umbraco, you should be good to go.
Alternatively, If you are not sure that your server has everything it needs, you could use the 'Web Platform Installer' to install an empty install, and then copy your developers files over the files installed by the WPI. Going the this route will make the WPI install the prerequisites if you don't have them.
Then you just modify the web.config where necessary to point it to your database server.
EDIT: If your developer has created any custom controls, you'll want to make sure you get copies of the source code for those as well, but you don't need the source to run the site.

You have a couple of options:
If you don't have Remote Desktop access to the developer's server, ask him to give you a Web Deploy package (if he doesn't have Web Deploy already installed, point him here), and install Web Deploy on your own machine. Then you can just right-click on "Web Sites" in IIS and choose "Import Package".
You could purchase Courier, a pro Umbraco add-on which allows you to do full migrations of Umbraco sites between disconnected servers. You set up a blank Umbraco installation from Codeplex, or use Web Platform Installer to get it (get v4.7, not v5, as they're incompatible with one another - v5 uses MVC), install Courier on both the developer site and your live site, and migrate document types, documents, templates, stylesheets, media, and all other necessary resources over to your new environment.


how to deploy asp.net website in intranet- Copy paste folders

I am new to web developing and some how managed to create one web page with SQL database. Now I would like to deploy my website in localhost server by that users who are having access to that server can use the website. I did some search and deployed website in development computer by creating an application in IIS server inetmgr however I don't know how to deploy in production system. Please guide me with possible and effective method by that I can proceed further.Deployment to test
Right-click your project, select Publish.
Create a profile name
On Connection tab, set the Deploy method to File System
Put the file location you want to publish to
On Settings tab, put in the database connection strings if necessary
Right-click project, Publish
Go to the place where your site was published.
Copy all files in that folder and paste it in the IIS web server's virtual directory where your app will be located.

Install Apache with a mvc application?

Is it possible to add an Apache web server to an MVC project so that at the end you get an installation that installs the web server and moves the web page to the right folder?Or exactly the other way around, is there an Apache installation that you give your website to so it goes straight to the right folder?Does something like this exist in an easy way? Or maybe not with Apache but with a other application?
if I understand your question you want to automate the installation of "PHP/Apache" websites using "ASP.net MVC app"
I've done this before, I used Plesk CLI to create user accounts, databases, copy files ... etc.
You may want to use Cpanel UAPI for doing this tasks on remote Linux server.

Deploying MVC file system publish on IIS7

I have created an MVC application in Visual Studio 2013 and I now wish to deploy this on the IIS of the server so that all employees from within the company will be able to access it via their windows login credentials.
When I run this in localhost via Visual Studio debug it works as expected but I have been trying unsuccessfully to deploy this to a network server and I am unsure of the process and would be grateful for some clarification.
I chose a file system publish from the publish options but I am unsure as to how to get this accessible as an application. I have tried adding the files via the new website wizard and tried the url of 'holidays/' which I had entered but without success. I then tried to add the same virtual directory location as an application from within this website but again this was unsuccessful.
I use Web Deploy with VS. Your target server needs to also have Web Deploy:
Installing and Configuring Web Deploy on IIS 7
Once your target server is ready, you can deploy from VS. Here's a guide on doing that (you can jump right to "Publish to IIS" section if you like):
ASP.NET Web Deployment using Visual Studio
With Web Deploy, you can choose to publish directly or use a deployment package. Once you are happy the publishing works locally, you have a level of confidence your publishing will work in your Live environment.
I would suggest that before you publish direct to a live environment, that you test publish it to your local machine or a test environment that has the same IIS version, and .NET Framework installed.

Implementing ClickOnce MVC5 page for VSTO add-in

I have a VSTO (Visual Studio 2012) Excel (2013) add-in that I'd like to deploy via an web page (also VS 2012, asp.net MVC5). The ClickOnce deployment package is generated using a TFS build and works fine from a file share, both initially and for updates.
I'm stuck on the web deploy aspect. I've tried both cshtml pages and htm pages and the setup.exe download works fine, but running the setup fails because authentication is somehow triggered and the vsto content is not delivered (logon page is returned). The controller containing the action for the cshtml page (ClickOnceSetup) is decorated with [AllowAnonymous], and I've tried IgnoreRoute options without success.
Does anyone have a working recipe for this approach? None of the posts or examples I've found have put all these pieces together.
Update 1 (more info): The deploy from the web page works fine locally with IIS Express - the setup executes from the web page and the .vsto file processes without error. When running the same web application from a dev server, if I click on the link to the setup.exe and download it, I get an error that the .vsto file is not found in the downloads folder. If instead of downloading, I choose to run setup.exe (in IE), then I have the authentication problem, details from the "Installing Office customization" error dialog:
From: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ExcelAddIn/ExcelAddInV4.vsto
"Exception reading manifest from http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Account.LogOn: the manifest may not be valid or the file could not be opened"
Exception Type: System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException
Thanks in advance,
The Deploying an Office Solution by Using ClickOnce article in MSDN describes all the required steps for creating ClickOnce installers for your Office add-ins. Also you may find the Troubleshooting Office Solution Deployment article helpful.
I was able to work through the issues with this approach:
In Visual Studio and the TFS build the publish points to a UNC file share
After the build I update the publish path in the generated files (vsto, and manifest) with the web site URL using mage.exe. The vsto files are also signed. For the setup.exe, I set the path using the -url command line option (on the setup.exe itself)
I upload these files to the ftp folder that mirror the web site url.
My basic issue was that the deployed files needed to be configured for the eventual web url, but that needed to be a step after the build / deploy in Visual Studio. Once I separated those steps, and set the ClickOnce publish/install location as noted above, in my MVC application linking to the setup.exe in that url worked fine.

Publishing my asp.net mvc to IIS production server. should i have Visual Studio to do this

I have moved my asp.net mvc web application to our staging server and I have deploy it to IIS using visual Studio, as our staging server already contain Visual Studio .i did this bu right-click on my project and click on Publish. currently I need to move the asp.net mvc web application to production server and deploy it on IIS, but I have a couple of questions:-
Should I install visual studio inside my production server. Or it is better to avoid doing so ?
Is there a way to deploy my asp.net mvc directly to IIS , without uisng visual Studio ?
Should I install visual studio inside my production server. Or it is better to avoid doing so ?
While you technically could, you shouldn't. There's no reason why you'd like to install visual studio on your production server since you'd only use VS to debug existing projects, however, your website should not be running in Debug Mode and it is a waste of resources to run a production website in Debug Mode. You should have your website pre-compiled and deployed in Release Mode. That said, an installation of VS will serve no purpose on a production server
Is there a way to deploy my asp.net mvc directly to IIS , without uisng visual Studio ?
Definitely, you can publish your pre-compiled website to a location in your hard-drive or even to a remote location and then manually copy the website files to your production server. That is the hard way. But, if you have Build management tool such as TeamCity integrated with source control system...then this task becomes even simpler since you can even publish projects automatically
1.bad idea. production server should have only your app code + advanced log system(nlog, etc) . nothing else.
xcopy deployment Compile your asp.net application and copy all the files to your server. You can do this by using FTP or shared directories. (Or anything else to transfer files.)
WebDeploy You have the possibility to deploy your asp.net webpage directly form your Visual Studio. If you go to "Build" and you choose "Publish Web". To be able to to do this you have to configure your server before. But this works automatically after you have set up everything. It's very handy since your deployment becomes easy to rebuild. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/09/13/automating-deployment-with-microsoft-web-deploy.aspx
Web Setup - Installer Visual Studio provide also the option to build an installer. This works like installing usual software on your windows computer with the installer wizard. (See the link) http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/06/15/tip-trick-creating-packaged-asp-net-setup-programs-with-vs-2005.aspx
Manage multiple server There is also a way of managing the deployment of multiple servers. It seems to be a bit more complicated but could be interesting for professionals. (Check out on Google Microsoft Web Farm Framework 2.0
from here : Types of deployment in asp.net
Should I install visual studio inside my production server. Or it is
better to avoid doing so ?
Do not install VS on production servers. It is a bad practise.
Is there a way to deploy my asp.net mvc directly to IIS , without
uisng visual Studio ?
You can use your local Visual Studio to publish bits to remote IIS -
Automated Web Deploy using Visual Studio
Alternatively you can have new deployment strategies like let Team Foundation Server (TFS) deploy to IIS
One more option to is to FTP into Remote Web Server and push the latest bits from client side itself. I mean to ay, publish your site locally onto your file system. Then FTP into remote site using any FTP client like FileZilla. Then push the bits. For this to work, you need to configure remote server for FTP.
