Manually triggering the styling on a jQuery mobile select list - jquery-mobile

I'm building a select list with an Ajax call that is triggered when another select list is changed.
The page loads correctly with the jQuery styling, but when I replace my ajax container with the new div I can't get jQuery mobile to format it. This means that it reverts to the native select list format.
I have tried what is suggested in the JQM documentation:
var myselect = $("select#foo");
myselect[0].selectedIndex = 3;
but that does not work. My page initially loads with this:
<div id="ajax-destination">
<select id="destinationAirport" data-native-menu="false">
<option value="-- Please Select --" data-placeholder="true">-- Please Select --</option>
and this is my jQuery code wrapped in the change function of the other select list.
$.post(url, { departureAirport : departureAirport }, function(data) {
var myselect = $("#destinationAirport");
myselect[0].selectedIndex = 1;
The only other way I can think to do this is to return a JSON array via Ajax and use that to add the options to the select list, but I would prefer to just send formatted HTML because it's simpler to follow.

If myselect.selectmenu("refresh"); or myselect.selectmenu("refresh",true); doesn't work you can always refresh the page using
you could try myselect.trigger('create');

#Andy :
myselect.selectmenu("refresh"); will refresh the select box and where as
myselect.selectmenu('refresh', true); will rebuild the select menu.It may helps you out. Check this link once


Autocomplete in JQUERY MOBILE text input

I searched a lot on net but couldnt find any solution. I am making a webapp in which I want 2 textbox to get data input from user. I want autocomplete feature in this textbox. The list of tags for autocomplete is available locally. I tried listview but what I want is that after user select some option from autocomplete hints, the textbox should have the selected value, and through some object, i should get the value of textbox to be used by javascript/php. This is a very basic thing, but I'm not able to do. Please help me out
I tried this . But the problem in this is that both listview gets same value after I select something in 1 listview.
In order not to add the same value to both search input, you need to target them using .closest(), .next(), .prev() and .find(). jQuery-Mobile, enhances list-view with data filter in a different way.
<ul data-role="listview">
The form where the input is located, is on the same level of the ul. To target the input box, you need to use .prev('form').find('input'). Check the demo and the new code below.
$("input[data-type='search']").keyup(function () {
if ($(this).val() === '') {
$('a.ui-input-clear').click(function () {
$("li").click(function () {
var text = $(this).find('.ui-link-inherit').text();
Thanks #user714852 I have extended your answer just add this line in the script tag:
$("#mylist li" ).addClass('ui-screen-hidden');
It will do wonders.
A working example: Listview Autocomplete - Enhanced

Select2 doesn't show selected value

Select2 loads all items from my list successful, the issue I found when try to select a specific value when page loads. Example:
:: put select2 in a specific html element, no value is selected even all items are loaded.
:: When the page is loaded I'm trying to show a specific item selected, but doesn't work as expected, because even selected, the select2 doesn't show it.
$('#my_id').val('3'); //select the right option, but doesn't render it on page loads.
How to make a selected option to pop up when pages loads?
Thanks in advance.
:: How I load all select2 items (sorry, its jade, not pure HTML):
label(for='category') Category
span.required *
select(id='category', style='width:230px', name='category')
option(value='') - Select -
each cat in categories
option(value='#{}') #{cat.description}
P.S.: All items from my list are loaded.
:: How I initialize the select2:
Just put the following line code on my javascript and it does successful:
:: How I'm trying to select a specific value:
First attempt:
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
Second attempt:
P.S.: #field-category has a value its a hidden input field and works OK.
You need to use the initSelection option to set the initial value.
If you are using a pre-defined select element to create the select2, you can use the following method
Demo: Fiddle
add a trigger change after setting val:
A very simple way to tackle this problem is :
//Step1: Here assuming id of your selectbox is my_id, so this will add selected attribute to 1st option
$('#my_id option').eq(0).prop('selected',true);
//Step2: Now reinitialize your select box
//This will work, if you haven't initialized selectbox
//This will work, if you have initialized selectbox earlier, so destroy it first and initialise it
This may help:
$('#mySelect2').val('1'); // Select the option with a value of '1'
$('#mySelect2').trigger('change'); // Notify any JS components that the value changed
You can find more on details here:
Per here initSelection is deprecated in Select2 4.0 and later.
Using Select2 4.0.0 this worked for me:
HT: #Kokizzu
Here is how to make val in select2 just select the corresponding element.
For some reason, select2 doesn't provide the function to look up selections by id.
$("#thing").select2({data:sources, initSelection: function(item, callback) {
// despite select2 having already read the whole sources list when you
// do .val(n) you have to explicitly tell it how to find that item again.
var to_be_selected = null;
$.each(sources, function(index, thing) {
if ( == item.val()) {
to_be_selected = thing;
normal code
// to load the thing with id==3 from the initial sources list.
$("#thing").select2({'val': 3})
For me I was sending selected in the data set still default option was not getting selected. I had to do something like below to make it work -
data: data_names
data_names.forEach(function(name) {
if (name.selected) {
I had a multiple select2 box with multiple selections.
Step 1 was to put my string of school_ids into an array of integers corresponding to the id of each school, and remove a leading zero. I had to do this in a separate script tag.
var school_ids = <%= raw JSON.parse(#search.school_ids).map{|x| x.to_i} - [0]%>
Step two was to create the select box, then set the values, then trigger like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
placeholder: "Hit Enter After Selection",
width: 'resolve'
trigger just select2 to set the value
and this will trigger select2 with dropdown
I meet with the same problem, this works for me:
Using Select2 > 4.0.0
var option=$(this);
i have initilized select2 because i just want few options selected from them.
If you are using select2 v4.0.0 or above, you can check select2 documentation
// Initialize select2 for all select tags
// Initialize select2 for a specific id
// Initialize select2 for a class
// Update the displayed value after changing the selected option.
$('.classname').each(function() {
in my case I were dealing with a class then I used this way to set showing content at select2
<option selected value="your_value">your_text</option>
u need to put this at each select box's first option

Append html to div not working on cordova iOS

I am using cordova 2.2.0 with Xcode 4.5.2. On one of my pages I have a select component and once a particular option is selected I want to display a table within a div. My html looks like this: <div class="hero-unit" id="#facprog"></div>
The javascript/jquery looks like this:
$(function() {
$('#selFaculty').change(function() {
var facultyName = $('#selFaculty').val();
var progDetails = app.fillFacultyProgramme(facultyName);
Note that #selFaculty is the id of the select object. However, when the select option changes, everything in javascript executes except for the append. Nothing shows up in the div. Is there a different way to add html element to a div in jquery under cordova 2.2.0 in iOS?
Thanks in advance,
With jquery you can refresh a div.
This is a good example:
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
}, 20000);
and now you need to put the div in the body section of your page
<div id="loaddiv">
and there is another example here:
refresh div with jquery
The first example is useful when you need to load a script and refresh and the second one is useful when you need to make a change, e.g. append html and then refresh as in your case.

jQuery Mobile - changePage and select menu not working

This is my first time with jQuery Mobile and I'm actually using it from a WP theme I got. I understand that this might be theme related but I just want to make sure.
So, it is a Wordpress jQuery Mobile theme, you plug it and it works a treat. The thing is, I've converted the Wordpress menu from an UL to a SELECT.
I have then added some jQuery to fire the select on change by getting the value of the selected option. That works, I get the loading thinggy and then the page changes with my desired effect.
But I can't get the Select menu to show the current selected item. It always reverts to the first one.
I have used:
$('#main_menu').selectmenu("refresh", true);
But nothing...
You can have a look at the site here: and look at the source.
You will see that my mobile event are all before the jQuery Mobile include, which doesn't make much sense to me, but if I put them afterwards, nothing works.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
You need to set which option to show in the select menu. Try this,
$("#main_menu")[0].selectedIndex = 2; // this will select the 3rd in the menu list
You can add the following script your header.php:
function() {
$.mobile.activePage = $("div.ui-page-active");
$("#main_menu", $.mobile.activePage)
.bind("change", function() {
var page = $(this).val();
var selectedIndex = 0;
$("#main_menu>option", $.mobile.activePage).each(function(index) {
if ($(this).hasClass("current-menu-item")) {
selectedIndex = index;
$("#main_menu", $.mobile.activePage)[0].selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
$("#main_menu", $.mobile.activePage).selectmenu("refresh");

Jquery Mobile Select does not reset

I am writing a web shop with Jquery Mobile where I want to use a select menu to browse the categories available. When the user selects a category I want to navigate to the same page but with a couple of parameters added to the url. This is my markup for the select:
<asp:Repeater id="productCatSelect" runat="server">
<select id="productCatSelectMenu" data-native-menu="false" onchange="categoryClick();" class="button" data-theme="a">
<option data-placeholder="true">All Categories</option>
<option value="<%# Eval("NodeID") %>" ><%# Eval("Description")%></option>
And here is the javascript:
function categoryClick() {
var mySelect = $("#productCatSelectMenu");
if (mySelect.val() != '') {
if (mySelect.val() == 0) {
$.mobile.changePage("shop.aspx", {reloadPage: true, transition:"slide"});
} else {
$.mobile.changePage("shop.aspx?c=" + $("#productCatSelectMenu").val() + "&n=" + $('#productCatSelectMenu :selected').text(), {reloadPage: true, transition:"slide"});
My problem occurs when I have navigated once and try to choose another option from the select, my javascript still retreives the previous value; the select does not seem to reset! However, when I press F5 and reload the page manually the menu works again, until I have used it once of course.
Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this? As you can see in the javascript the "reloadPage: true" attribute does not fix the problem.
If you're using jQuery Mobile's custom select field, try
$("#select_id").selectmenu('refresh', true)
This will successfully reset the select options rendered by jQuery mobile.
You're going to need to reset this yourself, maybe try:
$('select#productCatSelectMenu option').attr('selected', false);
$('select#productCatSelectMenu option').removeAttr('selected');
$('select#productCatSelectMenu').children('option').removeAttr('selected').filter(':nth-child(1)').attr('selected', true);
$('select#productCatSelectMenu').attr('selectedIndex', -1);
I had a similar problem the other day
Reset/Un-select Select Option
I have no clue why Jquery mobile select is working the way it is. None of the above worked for me except for what is mentioned here. I am using the current versions
var myselect = $("select#useOfColor");
myselect[0].selectedIndex = 0;
Have you tried $('#productCatSelectMenu').selectmenu('refresh');?
You can check information about the refresh method in the documentation
