extract information from particular string - ruby-on-rails

I am new to ruby on rails. I have passed parameters ISDCode,AreaCode and Telephone number using POST from a form.
I have a string with information of the format countryName(ISDCode) passed in the variable ISDCode. For example "United States of America(+1)".
Now I want to save only the value of the ISDCode in the database.
What would be the ideal way to extract the ISD Code from the string?
Should I extract the ISD Code in Javascript before user POSTs the form or should I extract it in the model using a callback ?
Also is regex the only way to extract the information?

Since the string is from auto completion, the ISDcodes should be existing in your database. So the best solution may be including an extra parameter (with a hidden input), like isdcode_id, then you simply use isdcode_id in your model. This way you can avoid the trouble to parse the string.
If this is not feasible, regex could be the best way to extract the information. You can override the setter in the model to do it.

use regular expression to match ISDcode
"United States of America(+1)" =~ /(\+[\d]+)/
puts $1

If you are interested in getting just the ISD Code alone, this should work:
"United States of America(+1)".gsub!(/[^\+\d]/, "")
NB: You can have this in your view helper and just call the helper on the string before persistence

Already answered, but I'd like to offer an alternative to getting the ISD Code:
isd = "United States(+1)"
puts isd[/[+]*[\d]{1,4}/] # +1
This regexp matches:

I prefer to use js to extract information in the client side and make a validation in the model. By this way, you can get what you want and make sure it's correct.


What language is this Salesforce code that I need to wrap?

I'm working on a Salesforce coding issue. Let me preface this by saying I'm not a developer or Salesforce expert.
What language is this?
Data Type FormulaThis formula references multiple objects
IF (Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c <> "" && CONTAINS(Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c, "qualtrics"),
Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c &
(IF (CONTAINS(Fulfillment_Submission_Form_URL__c,"?SID="), "&", "?")) &
(IF (CONTAINS(TEXT(Type__c), "Site Visit"),
"&CoachType="&SUBSTITUTE(Statement_of_Work__r.Work_Type__r.Name," ","%20")&
"&CoachName="&SUBSTITUTE(Statement_of_Work__r.Contractor_Name__c," ","%20")&
"&InstitutionName="&substitute(substitute(SUBSTITUTE(Institution_Name__c," ","%20"),")",""),"(","")&
IF (CONTAINS(TEXT(Type__c), "Feedback"),
"&InstitutionName="&substitute(substitute(SUBSTITUTE(Institution_Name__c," ","%20"),")",""),"(",""),
Essentially it's pulling a link from another product we've integrated it with. We then take the basic link and reformat it to add parameters.
The problem is when it pulls in some parameters (ex: CoachName) the Coach entered their name in strange formats like: John (Coach) Doe.
So when the script outputs a URL that includes parameters it breaks at the &CoachName=John%20(Coach)% portion of the URL. Any easy way to work around this by modifying the script? Unfortunately we DO need that (Coach) identifier because the system we push to grabs that as well.
It's formula syntax, I'd compare it to Excel-like formulas. There's self-paced training if you don't want to read documentation. And as it's not exactly code-related you may have more luck on dedicated site, https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/. More admins lurk there.
So you do want that "(Coach)" to go through but it breaks the link? Looks like ( is a special character. It's not technically wrong to have unescaped parentheses, if it breaks that other site you might want to contact them and get their act together. RFC doesn't force us to encode them but looks like you'll have to to solve it at least in the short term: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/78110/is-it-bad-to-use-parentheses-in-a-url
Instead of poor man's encoding (SUBSTITUTE(Statement_of_Work__r.Contractor_Name__c," ","%20") try using proper URLENCODE(Statement_of_Work__r.Contractor_Name__c).
Or there's bit more "pro" function called URLFOR but the documentation doesn't make it very clear how powerful the 3rd parameter is with the braces [key1 = value1, key2 = value2] syntax. Basically just pass the parameters and let SF worry about encoding special characters etc.
Read my answer https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/a/46445/799 and there are some examples on the net like https://support.docusign.com/s/articles/DFS-URL-buttons-for-Lightning-basic-setup-limitations?language=en_US&rsc_301

Need some help regarding .net mvc URL routing/rewriting

URL is something like
I want the rule that saves only 13245 to parameter and 534533454 to another but ignore raw strings before them.
how to achieve it in route.config file?
i want this because strings are not parameters , I need only parameters out of string
what to enter in place of raw string? I don't need those strings. and yeah each raw string is of same length= 10
You can get complete variables as strings and get your desired part by using the sub-string method. Its the quickest solution, i thought it solve your problem.

is it good practice to encode user input to database?

I am wondering if it is consider good practice to encode user input to database.
Or is it ok to not encode to user input instead.
Currently my way of doing it is to encode it when entering database and use Html.DisplayFor to display it.
No. You want to keep the input in its original form until you need it and know what the output type is. It might be HTML for now, but later if you want to change it to json, text file, xml, etc the encoding might make it look different then you want.
So, first you want to make sure you are securely validating your input. It is a good idea to know what are the requirements for each of your inputs and validate that they are withing the correct length, range, character set, etc. It will be to your interest to limit the type of characters that are allowed as valid characters of an input type. (If using Regular Expressions to validate input ensure you do not use a regular expressions that is susceptible to a Regular Expression Denial of Service.
When moving the data around in your code ensure that you are properly handling the data in a manner that it will not turn into an Injection Attack.
Since you are talking about a database, the best practice is to use paramaterized statements. Check out the prevention methods in the above link.
Then when it comes outputting using MVC, if you are not using RAW or MvcHtmlString functions/calls, then the output is automatically encoded. With the automatic encoding, you want to make sure you are using the AntiXss encoder and not the default (whitelist approach vs. blacklist). Link
If you are using Raw or MvcHtmlString, you want to make sure you COMPLETE TRUST the values (you hard coded them in) or you manually encode them using the AntiXss Encoder class.
No it is not necessary to encode all the user inputs, rather if you want to avoid the script injection either you my try to validate the fields for special characters like '<', '>', '/', etc. else your Html helper method itself will do the needful.

Passing array of parameters through get in rails

How do I pass array of parameters through Get method in rails? Currently my URL loocs like this:
How can I pass the array with Get method but avoid ?ids[]=1025&ids[]=1027 part.
Request is being sent with javascript window.open method. Is there any workaround to send not ajax Post request.
You should stick to using a GET request if you are not changing the state of anything, and all you want to to access a read only value.
To send an array of ids to rails in a GET request simply name your variable with square brackets at the end.
//angular snippet
params: {'channel_id':2, 'product_ids[]': productIds}
//where productIds is an array of integers
Do not concatenate your ids as a comma separated list, just pass them individually redundantly. So in the url it would look something like this:
url encoded it will actually be more like this:
Rails will separate this back out for you.
Parameters: {"channel_id"=>"2", "product_ids"=>["6900", "6901"]}
No, GET can only put variables on the url itself. If you want the URL to be shorter, you have to POST. That's a limitation feature of HTTP, not Rails.
I recently wanted to do this and found a workaround that is a little less complex, and so has some complexity limitations but may also be easier to implement. Can't speak to security, etc.
If you pass your array values as a string with a delimiter, e.g.
Then you can take the result and parse it back to what you want:
job_ids = params[:job_ids].split(',')
Then do whatever:
job_ids.each do |job_id|
job = Job.find(job_id.to_i)
#Homan answer is valid for using an external client (e.g curl or angular). Inside Rails test cases though, you should not use []. Here's an example:
get get_test_cases_url(**path_params), params: {case_ids: ["NON-9450", "NON-12345", "NON-9361"]}
This is using new format where get_test_cases is name of route and you pass to the method all params needed to construct the URL path. Query params are a separate hash.
FYI if I use [] like case_ids[], then instead of ["NON-9450", "NON-12345", "NON-9361"] I'm getting it parsed to [["NON-9450"], ["NON-12345"], ["NON-9361"]]

Find all URL's in a string in rails 3

I'm building an app in Rails 3 and I need a method to extract all urls from a string and store them in a hash or something. I know I need to use regular expressions but I don't know where exactly to begin with them.
Also, I know about auto_link, but it doesn't quite do what I'm trying to achieve. I just simply need a hash of all the url's from a string.
From http://www.regular-expressions.info/ruby.html
"To collect all regex matches in a string into an array, pass the regexp object to the string's scan() method, e.g.: myarray = mystring.scan(/regex/)."
So you probably need strings that start with "http". So check the docs for that :)
I don't program in Ruby and I'm not very good with regex but maybe this will help you out:
