iPad emulator suggestion - ipad

my employer is killing me.
I'm currently editing our website to fit on iPad's display, however I do not have an iPad. I have tried the desktop iPad emulator called airiPad made by adobe and the online www.ipad-emulator.org/
both are working but whenever my boss send me his screenshots from his iPad it looks very different so I'm asking advice and suggestion on what emulator can I use to get the most accurate results..
P.S All of our computer units are running on windows7.

I would suggest trying Safari under Windows, I suppose that's the best you can get on Windows.
The only thing you need from the simulator is its Webkit engine, and some 3rd party solutions hardly will deliver you the very same engine as the one on the Mac OS X or iOS.
Also, here are some Apple's guidelines on compatibility.


Compiling app using Vmware OSX

I am trying to learn react Native for IOS development... I have researched a lot about Swift vs React native and came to this decision.
The question is I am poor as hell. But got a good PC. And I can run VMware OSX in my PC.
I understand that I can install an run Xcode and all that. But I am getting the question whether I can upload my app to an Iphone or Also Can I upload it to Apple Store using my VMware? There is a word comes up like final compiling can't be done without a Mac and All that. Since I got it using a VM is confusing and difficult and also slow. But still I can't spend on a MAC right now. But I have to learn and upload app into the Apple Store along with testing it on an Iphone.
So the question is, Is it a problem using VMware OSX to do these things?
please help, I researched a lot but could't get these things :)
The answer is YES. You can make apps with VMware and upload them to App Store with no problems. I’ve done it myself previously.
However, since it is a virtual machine without full graphics support, you cannot simulate and run graphics-related apps and tools that use the GPU. For example,
You cannot use Simulator properly for iOS 11+
You cannot debug view hierarchy since it uses GPU for rendering and
debugging UI elements
You cannot debug SpriteKit or SceneKit projects properly etc.
AirPlay and AirDrop won’t work.
Other than those, you can do almost everything in a VMware macOS. For React native, I don’t think there would be a problem compiling apps with it. You are good to go. But as others said, it would be slower than a real Mac, so you have to bear with it.
You can do anything on your vm like a real mac . It will just be slower depending on your hardware. I installed macOS on a system and got my app to the app store with it.

Debug freezing safari on iphone

Problem: So I have that website which is developed with Google Web Toolkit (gwt). However, since the recent patch, the application freezes at a certain point for iPhone5 users with Safari. Other iOS-Devices like iPad seem to work fine so far.
My approach:
However, since I do not have an iPhone, I tried various online tools simulating websites on the iPhone but neither of them is having any trouble. Then I tried the Chrome's built-in device emulator which did not cause any trouble, as well.
Question: Is there any way, I can debug this case or at least reproduce it given the fact that I do not have access to an iPhone?
In case the answer is 'no': how can I debug a freezing Safari given the fact that I get access to an iPhone?
Bonus question: Why do the iPhone emulators not freeze? At least I would expect them to behave in a strange way or give me some message, that something might be wrong.
Solved the problem by using browserstack.com, which emulates an OS environment in-browser, where I could use the iPhone-Dev-Tools. Other browser-based emulators did not work as they did not emulate the OS and thus did not recreate the errors described.

iOS simulator in windows

I have developed a responsive site. Now I want to check it for iPhone. I don't have iPhone. I came to know about iOS simulator. I am a windows user. Is it possible to use iOS simulator for testing in windows? If yes then which one and will it output as if real iPhone? I mean output will be 90% / 100% etc similar to real iPhone?
On Mac, Safari has a way to send the User-Agent string as an iOS device, and it may do a bit more fancy rendering emulations behind the scenes. I would try looking at Safari for Windows for similar features.

Run JQuery Mobile App in iPhone

I have a JQuery Mobile app. I'm curious how it looks/runs within an iPhone. I do not have an iPhone. I also, do not have a MAC. Are there any downloadable tools that I can use on a Windows 7 machine to see how the app looks within iPhone?
Thank you!
If you just need to see how your JQM app looks on iPhone you can try iphonetester.com.
You can also might be interested in much more advanced web based tool BrowserStack.
And finally if you need more than that (for example attach to iOS Safari instance to debug your mobile app code) than you need real or virtualized OSX and xCode iOS Simulator.
You can't do that in the Windows environment.
But you can use your computer to create a hackinntosh. A hackintosh is simply any non-Apple hardware that has been made—or "hacked"—to run Mac OS X. This could apply to any hardware, whether it's a manufacturer-made or personally-built computer.
Than you can use it to test an iPhone jQM app in the XCode iPhone emulator. Only downside of this method is that you can not use it to deploy final all into Apple app store.
Here's a short tutorial on what is a hackintosh and how you can deploy it on your computer: http://lifehacker.com/5841604/the-always-up+to+date-guide-to-building-a-hackintosh
And here's an youtube "how to" video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEW6d7m5Zc0

Can custom USB devices be made to work with an Apple iPad?

I make LED glow toys for a living and am in the process of porting the windows drivers over to MAC and Linux O/S's. I'm making some headway on the MAC front (I'm using libusb) but now I'm wondering if it could be made to work on an Apple iPad as well?
I've seen some reports of people getting other devices working (keyboards, usb flash drives etc.) which gives me some hope but has anyone tried anything like this?
