It is possible to resume execution from the point where an exception was raised? - delphi

There is an example which illustrates my question:
procedure Test;
raise EWarning.Create(12345, 'Warning: something is happens!');
on E: EWarning do
if IWantToContinue(E.ErrorCode) then
E.SkipThisWarning // shows '1' then '2'
E.StopExecution; // shows '1'
function IWantToContinue(const ErrorCode: Integer): Boolean;
I tried to use something like this:
jmp ExceptAddr
but it's wont' work...
Any ideas?

No, it is not possible:
There are two kinds of exceptions: logic exceptions that are raised by the programmer using the raise command, and external exceptions that are initiated by the CPU for various conditions: division by zero, stack overflow, access violation. For the first kind, the logic exceptions, there's nothing you can do because they're part of the application "flow". You can't mess with the flow of 3rd party code, you can't even mess with the flow of your own code.
External exceptions
Those are normally raised as a consequence of running a single CPU instruction, when that instruction fails. In Delphi those are made available as EExternal descendants. The list includes access violations, division by zero, stack overflow, privileged instruction and not-so-many others. Theoretically, for some of those exceptions, the causing condition of the exception could be removed and the single CPU instruction retried, allowing the original code to continue as if no error happened. For example SOME access violations might be "fixed" by actually mapping a page of RAM at the address where the error occurred.
There are provisions in the SEH (Structured Exception Handling) mechanism provided by Windows for dealing with such retry-able errors, and Delphi is using SEH under the hood. Unfortunately Delphi doesn't expose the required elements to make this easily accessible, so using them would be very difficult if not impossible. None the less, for particular types of EExternal errors, smart Delphinians might attempt writing custom SEH code and get things working. If that's the case, please ask a new question mentioning the particular type of error you're getting plus the steps you'd like to take to remove the error condition: you'll either get some working code or a customized explanation of why your idea would not work.
Logic exceptions initiated through the use of raise
Most exceptions fall into this category, because most code will check it's inputs before doing potentially dangerous low level stuff. For example, when trying to access an invalid index in a TList, the index would be checked and an invalid index exception raised before attempting to access the requested index. Without the check, accessing the invalid index would either return invalid data or raise an Access Violation. Both of those conditions would be very hard to track errors, so the invalid index exception is a very good thing. For the sake of this question, even if code were allowed to access an invalid index, causing an Access Violation, it would be impossible to "fix" the code and continue, because there's no way to guess what the correct index should be.
In other words, fixing "logic" exceptions doesn't work, shouldn't work, and it's insanely dangerous. If the code that raises the error is yours then you can simply restructure it to NOT raise exceptions for warnings. If that's not your code, then continuing the exception falls into the "insanely dangerous" category (not to mention it's technically not possible). When looking at already written code, ask yourself: would the code behave properly if the raise Exeption were replaced with ShowMessage? The answer should mostly be "NO, the code would fail anyway". For the very rare, very wrong case of 3rd party code that raises an exception for no good reason, you may ask for specific help on patching the code at run-time to NEVER raise the exception.
Here's what could be in some 3rd party code:
function ThirdPartyCode(A, B: Integer): Integer;
if B = 0 then raise Exception.Create('Division by zero is not possible, you called ThirdPartyCode with B=0!');
Result := A div B;
It should be obvious that continuing that code after the exception is not going to allow stuff to "self heal".
Third party code might also look like this:
procedure DoSomeStuff;
if SomeCondition then
// do useful stuff
raise Exception.Create('Ooops.');
Where would that code "continue"? Quite obviously not the "do usefull stuff" part, unless the code is specifically designed that way.
Those were, of course, simple examples only scratching the surface. From a technical perspective, "continuing" after an exception as you're suggesting is a lot more difficult then jumping to the address of the error. Method calls use stack space to set up local variables. That space was released in the process of "rolling back" after the error, on the way to your exception handler. finally blocks were executed, possibly de-allocating resources where needed. Jumping back to the originating address would be very wrong, because the calling code no longer has what it expects on stack, it's local variables are no longer what they're ment to be.
If it's your code that's raising the exception
Your code can easily be fixed. Use something like this:
procedure Warning(const ErrorText:string);
if not UserWantsToContinue(ErrorText) then
raise Exception.Create(ErrorText);
// in your raising code, replace:
raise Exception.Create('Some Text');
// with:
Warning('Some Text');

AFAIK no. You have to restructure your code to something like
procedure Test;
raise EWarning.Create(12345, 'Warning: something is happens!');
on E: EWarning do
if IWantToContinue(E.ErrorCode) then
// shows '1' then '2'
raise; // shows '1'

In C++, it is possible using an SEH __try/__except block whose __except expression evaluates to EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION.
In Delphi, it is not possible to use SEH directly, AFAIK.

BASICally, your code wont work because ExceptAddr is a function, not a variable. So, your code snippet changes as follows:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
raise Exception.Create('Error Message');
except on E: Exception do
OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('ExceptAddr = %p', [ExceptAddr])));
CALL ExceptAddr
end; could nest multiple try-except and determine if continue inside each exception:
some code
ret := message('want to continue?');
if ret <> mrYes then
some other code to perform when no exception or user choose to continue


Raising exceptions is not showing messages

I am struggling with something I have always perceived as something straightforward, but apparently I am missing something in this case.
I am using Delphi Seattle.
In part of my program I have a certain main calculation (a loop) that repeatedly calls a sub-calculation. In certain cases the sub-calculation result will go towards infinity and cause a floating point overflow exception. I cannot predict this, nor can I define / trap an acceptable maximum value (depends on case) so I need to trap the overflow exception, notify the user and abort the calculation.
I have simplified this calculation to the following example program. The code itself is nonsense of course but the point is to force an overflow exception in a similar program structure as my real application.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
function MainCalculation: boolean;
function SubCalculation(AFloatingPoint: Double): Double;
{ Public declarations }
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
if MainCalculation then
ShowMessage('Calculation succeeded.')
ShowMessage('Calculation failed.');
function TForm1.MainCalculation: boolean;
ii: Integer;
dd: Double;
dd := 1E200;
for ii := 1 to 100 do
dd := dd * SubCalculation(dd);
raise Exception.Create('Error in main calculation.');
function TForm1.SubCalculation(AFloatingPoint: Double): Double;
result := Power(AFloatingPoint, AFloatingPoint);
raise Exception.Create('Error in sub-calculation.');
Running from the debugger, I get three Debugger Exception Notifications:
Exception class $C0000091 (floating point overflow)
Exception in sub-calculation
Exception in main calculation
However, only the last one is shown to the user as an exception.
In my real application it's even worse. When I run the application and the overflow exception occurs, nothing is shown to the user and the (main) calculation just aborts with partial results.
Can anybody explain to me why I don't get the two exceptions raised (as I would expect)? Is there a specific setting somewhere that causes the overflow exception to be treated different? Any suggestion to help me forward will be highly appreciated. Of course, I'll be more than happy to provide additional details, should this be required.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think there' a misunderstanding on the concept of what an exception is. It's merely that raising a standard Exception (i. e. not an EMyCustomException) with a specific message is not shown to the end-user once it's "nested".
You do have a misunderstanding of some aspects of exceptions. I suspect you correctly understand how they affect code-flow (an area most people struggle with). But any expectation that they will show messages indicates a huge misunderstanding.
Note that it would be fundamentally incorrect for exceptions to in any way automatically display the exception message because if the app runs on an unattended server, the last thing you want is dialogs popping up on screen waiting for a non-existent user to close them.
Even on a front-end, it would be a horrible user experience to display a long chain of exception messages for each and every negative consequence side-effect you choose to report in a boiler-plate (DRY violating) try...except block.
The only time any exception message will be displayed is when code explicitly calls something to do so
E.g.: ShowMessage(SomeException.Message);
or Application.ShowException(SomeException.Message);
You also asked:
but if "raise Exception.Create..." is not meant to display anything, then why does the outer level?
I can see why you might think that; but this is exactly the misunderstanding referred to earlier...
The outer level raise Exception.Create('Some Message'); does NOT display any message. The Delphi framework has its own try...except block which catches the outer level exception, and by default will show the message and class of the exception. You could override the default handler to display a different message or use a different dialog, or not display anything, and simply log the message.
As an exercise, you may want to step through vcl/rtl code using a debugger to see this in action. The source code that ships with Delphi may seem intimidating, but studying that code is an excellent way to learn.
Suggested further reading
RAD Studio Exceptions (link goes directly to Nested Exceptions; but read the whole page)
TApplication.OnException (a similar feature exists for FMX)
Obviously and understandably you have a concern about tracking information at each exception handler. This is good; but the way you're trying to go about it is flawed. I suggest you read up on the following poss-dups:
How should I re-raise a Delphi exception after logging it?
What is the correct way to nest exceptions? - Using Delphi
I also recommend you consider using an exception handling framework. I'm not sure of the current state of the following, but they're all worth investigating:
Mad Except
Exceptional Magic
Jcl Debug
Note that tools like those above are able to generate a call-stack which provides a full chain of calls leading to the trigger exception. Combine this with general trace logging and you have a powerful set of tools to fully investigate most typical errors.
In general you don't want to be writing a large number of try...except blocks. They really should be the (ahem) "exception to the rule".
Side note: Acknowledging your code is merely a sample...
I must point out that as it stands, your question code is seriously flawed. You fail to guarantee the Result of MainCalculation will be initialised no matter if/where an exception might occur and whether or not it's swallowed. You need to be very careful of this to avoid returning the wrong value to callers such as ButtonClick.
The last thing you want is callers incorrectly assuming a failed calculation succeeded or vice-versa. (This is a benefit of the structured exception model and not writing lots of exception handlers.)
Use sysUtils.abort("silent exception")

how do i create Tstrings with onchange event?

i know how to make Tstringlist onchange event , but what about Tstrings ? i dont want to use VCL like tmemo or something . can i do that ? is it possible to have this event on tstrings and do something when its changed ?
i tried to do something like this but got access violation
//on form show event
stringlist:= TStringList.Create;
stringlist.OnChange := HandleStringListChange;
procedure TChatFo.HandleStringListChange(Sender: tObject);
if stringlist.Text <> '' then
exception messages
Project Project1.exe raised exception class $C0000005 with message
'access violation at 0x6d40c92c: read of address 0x00000150'.
Project Project1.exe raised exception class EStringListError with
message 'List index out of bounds (5)'.
Project Project1.exe raised exception class EStringListError with
message 'List index out of bounds (5)'.
this tstringlist should work as command identifier i creat it with my thread
as example
TReadingThread = class(TThread)
FConnection : TIdTCPConnection;
FLogResult : TStrings;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(AConn: TIdTCPConnection; ALogResult: TStrings); reintroduce;
ListeningThread := TReadingThread.Create( TCPClient, stringlist);
constructor TReadingThread.Create(AConn: TIdTCPConnection; ALogResult: TStrings);
FConnection := AConn;
FLogResult := ALogResult;
inherited Create(False);
procedure TReadingThread.Execute;
strData : String;
while not Terminated do
strData := FConnection.IOHandler.ReadLn;
if strData <> '' then
FLogResult.Add( strData );
on E: Exception do
if FConnection.IOHandler <> nil
then FConnection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Clear;
end; // While
if i use Tmemo no errors or exception happened.
We're all shooting in the dark here because you haven't provided all the relevant code. That said, the information you have provided has a lot of problems, and I can offer advice to help you solve it.
Debugging 101
Run your code through the IDE. When you get your exception, the debugger stops at the line that caused the exception.
This is usually the most important step in figuring out what went wrong. You have access to this information. Run your program and carefully look at the line that raised the error. You might be able to already figure what caused the error. If not, a other basic techniques can be applied to get more information:
Get values of objects and variables on the error line and other close lines. You can hover your mouse cursor to get tool-tips, or press Ctrl + F7.
You can examine the call stack of lines leading to the one that caused the error by double-clicking the previous line in the call-stack.
Put a breakpoint on the line before the error and re-run the app. The debugger will stop on that line and give you a chance to check values as explained earlier, but before the error happens.
Asking for help 101
Getting help from people is much more effective when you give them all the relevant information. For a start, the line of code where the access violation occurs would be extremely useful.... Tell us!
Give us real code.
Saying "I tried to do something like this" is not particularly useful. Please copy and paste exactly what you tried. If your code is different, your mistake might no longer be there.
Access Violations
You get an access violation in the following situations:
You forgot to create the object you want to use or didn't assign it to the appropriate variable.
You created the object but Destroyed or Freed it already before trying to use it again.
You changed the variable that was referencing the object.
You performed a 'hard-cast' (or unchecked typecast) from one type to an incompatible type.
The above are the basics. There some variations, and a few special edge cases, but these account for the vast majority of mistakes.
So using the above, that's what you need to check. If you had copy-pasted more of your code, we might be able to see what you did wrong.
NOTE: One shot-in-the-dark possibility is that you are destroying your string list in the wrong place. And perhaps the memo works because as a component dropped on the form, you're not trying to destroy it.
Stack overflow
Let's examine what happens in your OnChange event when for example a string is added:
The event fires.
Text is not empty.
So you call ProcessCommands
You then call Clear
The the end of Clear, Changed is called again.
Which fires your event again.
This time Text is empty, so you won't call ProcessCommands
But you do try to Clear the string list again...
This could go on forever; well at least until the call-stack runs out of space and you get a stack-overflow error.
Saved by the bell
The only reason you don't get a stack overflow is because Clear doesn't do anything if the string list is empty:
procedure TStringList.Clear;
if FCount <> 0 then //You're lucky these 2 lines stop your stack-overflow
FCount := 0; //You're lucky these 2 lines stop your stack-overflow
I suggest you rethink how to solve you problem because code that leads to unintentional recursion is going to make your life difficult.
Working with threads
You really need to get a handle on the basics of programming before trying to work with threads. Multi-threaded programming throws in a huge amount of complexity.
I can already see a huge possibility of one potential mistake. (Though it depends what you're doing inside ProcessCommands.)
You modify your string list in the context of a thread.
This means your OnChange event handler also fires in the context of the thread. (The fact it's implemented on the form is irrelevant.)
If your ProcessCommands method does anything that requires it to operate on the main thread, you're going to encounter problems.
As a final consideration, I've noted quite a few beginner programmers completely miss the point that code starting a thread can finish before the thread does. E.g. (Going back to the topic on Access Violations.): If you're destroying your string list soon after creating your thread, your thread could suddenly throw an access violation when the object it had earlier is suddenly gone.
The likely explanation for your error is that you are modifying the list in its OnChange event handler. That is simply not allowed. An OnChange handler must not mutate the state of the object.
What is happening is that you have some other code, that we cannot see, that modifies the list, perhaps in a loop. As it modifies the list your event handler clears the list and then the calling code has had the rug pulled from underneath it.
Of course, I'm having to guess here since you did not show complete code. Perhaps the specifics vary somewhat but it seems likely that this is the root of your problem.
You'll need to find another way to solve your problem. With the information available we cannot suggest how to do that.
Looking at your updated code, there's no need for a string list at all. Remove it completely. Instead, where you do:
FLogResult.Add( strData );
do this:
ProcessCommands( strData );
TStrings is an abstract class, ancestor of TStringList. You can create an instance of TStringList and use it as a TStrings.

Delphi -make a function available to other forms beside mainform

I use a function to log application errors to a file.I have it on my main form.How do I tell my other forms, in case of an error,to use this function? Just by chance I added this to my query on some other form:
on E:Exception do begin
ShowMessage('Error : ' + E.Message);
My LogError(E); is not recognized (gives error). Tried adding the function :procedure LogError(E:Exception); to public uses but wont work.
Structured Exception Handling
I'd like to point out that your approach to exception handling is very tedious and wasteful coding. Not to mention quite dangerous. You don't want to be littering your code with individual handlers to log your exceptions when there's a much more practical approach.
Fortunately Delphi provides the means to make this much easier. First a little background about structured exception handling... Most developers make the mistake of trying to deal with errors by writing code like the following:
//Do Something
//Show Error
//Log Error
The problem with the above code is that it swallows the error. Even though the user sees an error message, the error itself is hidden from the rest of the program. This can result in other parts of the program doing things they should not do because of the error.
Imagine a program that calls the following routines: LoadAccount; ApplyDiscount; ProcessPayment;. But the the first routine raises an error. Which a programmer (mistakenly thinking they're being diligent) decided to "handle" as above. The problem is that the next two routines will still be called as if nothing is wrong! This could mean that a discount is applied to and payment processed for the wrong account!
The point is that structured exception handling saves us from these headaches (provided we don't break the way it works). If the LoadAccount routine didn't try "handle" the exception, then while the application is in an "exception state" the code would simply keep jumping out of routines until it finds a finally / except handler.
This suits an event driven program very nicely.
Suppose a user clicks a button that will cause your program to start a multi-step task: with loops, calls to child methods, creating objects etc. If anything goes wrong, you want to abandon the entire task and wait for the next input. You don't want to stubbornly keep trying to complete the task; because you'll either just get more errors, or worse: later changes will do the wrong thing because earlier required steps did not complete successfully.
Easy Logging of Errors
As mentioned earlier, if you simply leave an exception alone, the error will "bubble up" to an outer exception handler. And in a standard GUI application, that will be the default Application exception handler.
In fact at this stage, doing nothing special: if an exception is raised in the middle of the button click task described earlier, the default exception handler will show an error message to the user. The only thing missing is the logging. Fortunately, Delphi makes it easy for you to intercept the default Application exception handler. So you can provide your own implementation, and log the error as you desire.
All you need to do is:
Write a method using the TExceptionEvent signature.
E.g. procedure MyHandleException(ASender: TObject; E: Exception);.
Then assign your custom handler using: Application.OnException := MyHandleException;
General Logging
Of course, this only covers logging of exceptions. If you want to do any other ad-hoc logging, you want to be able to reuse the code. This basically requires you to move your logging code into a separate unit that all your other units can call as needed.
So putting these things together you might do something as follows:
TLogger = class
procedure WriteToLog(S: string); //Performs actual logging of given string
procedure HandleException(ASender: TObject; E: Exception); //Calls WriteToLog
Then you might set it up in your program unit as follows:
Logger := TLogger.Create(...);
Application.OnException := Logger.HandleException;
Logger.WriteToLog('Custom exception handler has been assigned.');
//Rest of application startup code
Final Thoughts
I mentioned that if an unexpected exception occurs, you want to abandon the current task. But what happens if you've already done some things that should now be undone as a result of the error. Then you would simply implement it as follows:
//Do something
raise; //NOTE: more often than not, one should re-raise an
//exception so that callers are aware of the error.
Note that this is the primary use for exception handlers. Yes they can also be used to swallow exceptions. But they should only swallow an exception if it has been truly resolved.
While Delphi is object-oriented language, it can deal with non-OO entities as well.
Think, your main form is property of which form ?
The answer is that main form is not the property of ANY other form, it is a global object. Same exactly thing should be done about your function.
unit Main;
interface uses .......;
type TMainForm = class (TForm)....
Procedure LogError(const message: string);
implementation uses .....;
Procedure LogError(const message: string);
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(...);
Now even better option would be to totally decouple LogError from ANY form at all.
Unit MyLogger;
interface uses ....; // but does not uses Main or any other form
procedure SetupLog(....);
// to initialize it and change any settings you may wish
// maybe you would choose to save messages to file
// or use Windows debug interface - OutputDebugString
// or to a network SysLog server
// or just WriteLn it to a text window
// or to some TMemo in a graphic window
// or to file AND to a memo - that also might make sense.
// just keep it extensible
Procedure LogWarning(const message: string);
Procedure LogError(const message: string);
implementation uses ...;
function GenericLoggingSink(.....);
Procedure LogError(const message: string);
GenericLoggingSink( Log_Message_Type_Error, message, ... );
Procedure LogWarning(const message: string);
GenericLoggingSink( Log_Message_Type_Warning, message, ... );
And your Main form should just use this unit and this function on the same terms as all other forms in your application.
As part three I suggest you think what you want from your logging procedures.
Actually doing this only makes sense for very simplistic logging needs. Very simplistic.
Otherwise just take any existing Delphi logging frameworks and utilize a lot of functionality implemented there. For example can you just log an object of any class you would write?
The only reason to make your own logging library is "my program is so simplistic, that it does need only the most primitive logging. It would be faster to improvise my own system, than to copy-paste library initialization and setup from examples to a ready-made libraries".
Log4Delphi and Log4D are well-known FLOSS libraries, though they look somewhat abandoned. Maybe there just is nothing left to be extended. Those are most old ones, but there also are some newer FLOSS libraries, an easy example being
If anything, you can read their texts and learn from them.
There are also commercial libraries like those listed at Is there a way to do normal logging with EureakLog? and Delphi itself is shipped with a limited version of CodeSite logging framework.
Delphi IDE enhancements like CnWizards and GExperts also do come with a simplified debug-oriented logging interface.
Google would bring you even more options if you'd dare :-)

Creating or forcing an error in Delphi

For some of my procedures and functions, I have implemented various checks on parameters in order to force execution to stop if parameters are out of range in one way or another.
I find it better to check for this in my own code rather than have an abnormal crash due to a perhaps bad memory-write.
Consider the simple code:
PROCEDURE Test(OneDigitNumbers:BYTE);
IF OneDigitNumbers>9 THEN ProduceErrorMessage;
Test( 1);
Test( 2);
Test( 9);
I have no problem in actually producing an error message, my only "problem" is that the debugger in Delphi always point to the procedure creating the exception.
Is there a method of creating this exception or error message so that the debugger point to the line where the parameter is out of range?
In my example, it should point to :
and maybe say something like "Parameter out of range. Valid range is 0-9. Parameter passed was: 12"
Even an answer to say that this is NOT possible will be useful (if you know for sure that this is not possible), because then I will just forget about this and make an alternative method for debugging.
To answer the question as asked, you can make the test function inline:
procedure Test(OneDigitNumbers: byte); inline;
The compiler will then write the code for Test into each calling function. Whilst you can do this, my advice is that you do not. It's just a trick but I don't think it really helps you.
If you want to raise the exception at the return address, you can do this:
raise Exception.CreateFmt(
'Exception blah blah at %p.',
) at ReturnAddress;
If you want to go further up the stack, then you'll have to use something like CaptureStackBackTrace. Combine the back trace with raise at and you can raise the exception at any point in the call stack, if really you think that's a good idea. I do not think it's a good idea, as I explain below.
If you use a good debugging tool, like madExcept, then the call stacks in the madExcept bug reports will tell you all you need to know when an error occurs.
With the extra clarification in the comments, it seems that what you really want to happen is for the exception to contain information from higher up the call stack. To my mind it is a violation of encapsulation to ask the callee to report information about its caller. So if you want to include information from the caller, let the caller catch the exception, add the information, and re-raise.
You're looking for a subrange type.
TOneDigitNumber = 0..9;
procedure Test(OneDigitNumbers: TOneDigitNumber);
// Do something
Test( 1);
Test( 2);
Test( 9);
Test(12); // compiler error '[DCC Error] MyStuffTest.pas(33): E1012 Constant expression violates subrange bounds
A bit of an elaboration on my comment to your question
EMyOwnRangeError = class(ERangeError)
// You can also add your own member variables for easier inspection
constructor CreateFrom(const aRangeError: ERangeError);
constructor EMyOwnRangeError.CreateFrom(const aRangeError: ERangeError);
// Do whatever you need to inspect the call stack in aRangeError
// and modify the message and/or set any extra member variable that you
// you define on EMyOwnRangeError.
// No help from me on this, quite simply because I don't have Delphi
// installed on the machine I am currently working at.
procedure MySpecialTest(const aWhatever: Byte);
if (aWhatever < 0) or (aWhatever > SOMEUPPERRANGE) then
raise ERangeError.Create;
// Normal code for MySpecialTest
on E: ERangeError do raise EMyOwnRangeError.CreateFrom(E);
raise; // Make sure other exceptions are propagated.
I have now tested basically the approach in the idea I got from David Heffernan.
I simply added this simple code in one of my units of reuseables:
IF Par>9 THEN Raise Exception.CreateFmt('Error Blah blah blah at ',[Par]) AT #Par;
When this procedure is called with a parameter higher than 9 then it forces an exception.
Delphi ask "Break or Continue" and I click Break.
The result is almost what I would like, but it is so close that I can live with that.
The debugger pops up with a nice red line on the line AFTER the one calling the procedure.
I tried withouth the TRY-Finally-End also, and then it is plain wrong, actually showing the red line another level back from the callstack..
Anyway. I feel that this result is an awful lot better than what I had before. Now my debugging will be a joy rather than a pain.
Thank you :)

In delphi 7, is `try ... except raise; end;` meaningful at all?

In some Delphi 7 code I am maintaining, I've noticed a lot of instances of the following:
with ADOQuery1 do begin
// .. fill out sql.text, etc
It seems to me that these try blocks could be removed, since they do nothing. However, I am wary of possible subtle side-effects..
Can anyone think of any instances in which these blocks could actually do anything that wouldn't happen without them there?
In this context, the raise operation has no effect and should be removed becuase its simply re-raising the exception that the exception block just caught. raise is typically used to transfer control to the end of the block when no appropriate error handling is available. In the following we handle the custom exception, but any other exception should be handled elsewhere.
on e: ECustomException do
// the raise is only useful to rethrow the exception to an encompasing
// handler. In this case after I have called my logger code. as Rob
// mentioned this can be omitted if you arent handling anything because
// the compiler will simply jump you to the next block if there is no
// else.
LogUnexpectedException('some operation failed',e);
Be careful that there is similar looking form without the "raise" that DOES have the side effect of eating/hiding any exceptions. practicies by very unscrupulous developers who have hopefully moved on to positions with the competition.
with ADOQuery1 do begin
// .. fill out sql.text, etc
// no handler so this just eats any "errors"
Removing the except code in above code snippet will make no difference. You can (and I believe you should since it is reducing the readability) remove it.
Okay, really two questions here.
First, it is meaningful: if execSQL throws an exception, it's caught by the try block and forwarded to the except. Then it's forwarded on by the raise to the next higher block.
Second, is it useful? Probably not. It almost certainly is the result of one of three things:
Someone with pointy hair wrote a coding standard that said "all operations that can throw an exception must be in a try block."
Someone meant to come back and turn the exceptions made by the execSQL statment into some other, more meaningful, exception.
Someone new wasn't aware that what they'd written was isomorphic to letting the uter environment worry about the exception, and so thought they must forward it.
I may have answered a bit fast, see at the end...
Like it is, it is useless for the application.
Now on the "why" side. It may be to standardize the exceptions handling if there /was/will be/is in other places/ some kind of logging code inserted before the raise:
// Log Exception..
on E: Exception do
LogTrace(Format('%s: Exception Message[%s]',[methodname, E.Message]));
or for Cleanup code:
//some FreeAndNil..
Update: There would be 1 case where I would see some use just like it is...
... to be able to put a Breakpoint on the raise line, to get a chance to see what's going on in the context on that block of code.
This code does nothing, other than to allow the original programmer to place a breakpoint on the 'Raise' and to see the exception closer in the source to its possible cause. In that sense it a perfectly reasonable debugging technique.
Actually, I should posted this as comment to François's answers, but I don't know is it possible to insert formatted code there :( So I'm posting this as answer.
The second one is completely unidiomatic, one would use finally instead.
No, "finally" will cleanup object always. "Except" - only on exception. Consider the case of function, which creates, fills and return an object:
function CreateObj: TSomeObj;
Result := TSomeObj.Create;
... // do something with Result: load data, fill props, etc.
FreeAndNil(Result); // oops: bad things happened. Free object to avoid leak.
If you put "finally" there - function will return nil always. If you omit "try" block at all - there will be resources leak in case of exception in "...".
P.S. Of course, you can use "finally" and check ExceptObj, but... isn't that ugly?
The title contains quite a broad question, while its explanation gives a more specific example. So, my answering to the question as how it proceeds from the example, can doubtly add anything useful to what has already been said here.
But, maybe Blorgbeard indeed wants to know whether it is at all meaningful to try ... except raise; end. In Delphi 7, if I recollect correctly, Exit would trigger the finally part of a try-finally block (as if it were some sort of exception). Someone might consider such behaviour inappropriate for their task, and using the construction in question is quite a workaround.
Only it would still be strange to use a single raise; there, but then we should have talked about usefulness rather than meaningfulness, as Charlie has neatly observed.
This code does nothing except re-raising an exception that will allready be raised without this try except block. You can safely remove it.
