How can I convert my device token (NSData) into an NSString? - ios

I am implementing push notifications. I'd like to save my APNS Token as a String.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)newDeviceToken
NSString *tokenString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[newDeviceToken bytes]]; //[[NSString alloc]initWithData:newDeviceToken encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"%#", tokenString);
NSLog(#"%#", newDeviceToken);
The first line of code prints null. the second prints the token. How can I get my newDeviceToken as an NSString?

If anyone is looking for a way to do this in Swift:
Swift 3 introduces the Data type, with value semantics. To convert the deviceToken to a String, you can do as follows:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
let token = { String(format: "%02.2hhx", $0) }.joined()
Old answer using NSData:
func application(application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData) {
let tokenChars = UnsafePointer<CChar>(deviceToken.bytes)
var tokenString = ""
for i in 0..<deviceToken.length {
tokenString += String(format: "%02.2hhx", arguments: [tokenChars[i]])
print("tokenString: \(tokenString)")

Someone Helped me with this.I am just passing along
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken {
const unsigned *tokenBytes = [deviceToken bytes];
NSString *hexToken = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x",
ntohl(tokenBytes[0]), ntohl(tokenBytes[1]), ntohl(tokenBytes[2]),
ntohl(tokenBytes[3]), ntohl(tokenBytes[4]), ntohl(tokenBytes[5]),
ntohl(tokenBytes[6]), ntohl(tokenBytes[7])];
[[MyModel sharedModel] setApnsToken:hexToken];

You could use this
- (NSString *)stringWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
const char *data = [deviceToken bytes];
NSMutableString *token = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [deviceToken length]; i++) {
[token appendFormat:#"%02.2hhX", data[i]];
return [token copy];

For those who want in Swift 3 and most easier method
func extractTokenFromData(deviceToken:Data) -> String {
let token = deviceToken.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%02X", $1)})
return token.uppercased();

Note - This will not work when compiling with the iOS 13 or later SDK
use this :
NSString * deviceTokenString = [[[[deviceToken description]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #"<" withString: #""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #">" withString: #""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #" " withString: #""];
NSLog(#"The generated device token string is : %#",deviceTokenString);

Explanation of %02.2hhx in the high vote answer:
%: Introduces the x conversion specifier.
02: The minimum width of the converted value is 2. If the converted value has fewer bytes than the field width, it shall be padded with 0 on the left.
.2: Gives the minimum number of digits to appear for the x conversion specifier.
hh: Specifies that the x conversion specifier applies to a signed char or unsigned char argument (the argument will have been promoted according to the integer promotions, but its value shall be converted to signed char or unsigned char before printing).
x: The unsigned argument shall be converted to unsigned hexadecimal format in the style "dddd"; the letters "abcdef" are used. The precision specifies the minimum number of digits to appear; if the value being converted can be represented in fewer digits, it shall be expanded with leading zeros. The default precision is 1. The result of converting zero with an explicit precision of zero shall be no characters.
For more details, see the IEEE printf specification.
Based on the above explanation, I think it is better to change %02.2hhx to %02x or %.2x.
For Swift 5, the following methods are all feasible:{String(format: "%02x", $0)}).joined(){String(format: "%.2x", $0)}).joined()
deviceToken.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%02x", $1)})
deviceToken.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%.2x", $1)})
The test is as follows:
let deviceToken = (0..<32).reduce(Data(), {$0 + [$1]})
print(deviceToken.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%.2x", $1)}))
// Print content:
// 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f

In iOS 13 the description will be in different format. Kindly use below code to fetch the device token.
- (NSString *)fetchDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
NSUInteger len = deviceToken.length;
if (len == 0) {
return nil;
const unsigned char *buffer = deviceToken.bytes;
NSMutableString *hexString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(len * 2)];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
[hexString appendFormat:#"%02x", buffer[i]];
return [hexString copy];

It's my solution and It works well in my app:
NSString* newToken = [[[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",deviceToken]
stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"<>"]] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#""];
convert NSData to NSString with stringWithFormat
trim the "<>"
remove the spaces

I think converting deviceToken to hex byte string has no sense. Why? You will send it to your backend, where it will be transformed back to bytes to be pushed to APNS. So, use NSData's method base64EncodedStringWithOptions, push it to server, and then use reverse base64decoded data :) That is so much easier :)
NSString *tokenString = [tokenData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64EncodingEndLineWithLineFeed];

In iOS 13 description will break so use this
let deviceTokenString = { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()
For clarity, let’s break this down and explain each part:
The map method operates on each element of a sequence. Because Data is a sequence of bytes in Swift, the passed closure is evaluated for each byte in deviceToken.
The String(format:) initializer evaluates each byte in the data (represented by the anonymous parameter $0) using the %02x format specifier, to produce a zero-padded, 2-digit hexadecimal representation of the byte / 8-bit integer.
After collecting each byte representation created by the map method, joined() concatenates each element into a single string.
P.S don't use description gives different string in iOS 12 and iOS 13 and not safe as per future scope. Developers shouldn’t have relied on a specific format for an object’s description.
// iOS 12
(deviceToken as NSData).description // "<965b251c 6cb1926d e3cb366f dfb16ddd e6b9086a 8a3cac9e 5f857679 376eab7C>"
// iOS 13
(deviceToken as NSData).description // "{length = 32, bytes = 0x965b251c 6cb1926d e3cb366f dfb16ddd ... 5f857679 376eab7c }"
For more information read This.

token as text...
let tat ={ data in String(format: "%02.2hhx", data) }.joined()
or if you prefer
let tat2 = { String(format: "%02.2hhx", $0) }.joined()
(result is the same)

This is a little bit shorter solution:
NSData *token = // ...
const uint64_t *tokenBytes = token.bytes;
NSString *hex = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%016llx%016llx%016llx%016llx",
ntohll(tokenBytes[0]), ntohll(tokenBytes[1]),
ntohll(tokenBytes[2]), ntohll(tokenBytes[3])];

Functional Swift version
One liner:
let hexString = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafePointer(data.bytes),
count: data.length).map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joinWithSeparator("")
Here's in a reusable and self documenting extension form:
extension NSData {
func base16EncodedString(uppercase uppercase: Bool = false) -> String {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafePointer(self.bytes),
count: self.length)
let hexFormat = uppercase ? "X" : "x"
let formatString = "%02\(hexFormat)"
let bytesAsHexStrings = {
String(format: formatString, $0)
return bytesAsHexStrings.joinWithSeparator("")
Alternatively, use reduce("", combine: +) instead of joinWithSeparator("") to be seen as a functional master by your peers.
Edit: I changed String($0, radix: 16) to String(format: "%02x", $0), because one digit numbers needed to having a padding zero
(I don't know yet how to mark a question as a duplicate of this other one, so I just posted my answer again)

Throwing my answer on the pile. Avoid using string parsing; It's not guaranteed by the docs that NSData.description will always work that way.
Swift 3 Implementation:
extension Data {
func hexString() -> String {
var bytesPointer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 0)
self.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes) in
bytesPointer = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: UnsafePointer(bytes), count:self.count)
let hexBytes = { return String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }
return hexBytes.joined()

This will work for you,
NSUInteger dataLength = deviceToken.length;
const unsigned char *dataBuffer = (const unsigned char *)deviceToken.bytes;
NSMutableString *deviceTokenString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(dataLength * 2)];
for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) {
[deviceTokenString appendFormat:#"%02x", dataBuffer[i]];
NSLog(#"The generated device token string is : %#",deviceTokenString);

I've tried to test two different methods with format "%02.2hhx" and "%02x"
var i :Int = 0
var j: Int = 0
let e: Int = Int(1e4)
let time = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
while i < e {
_ = { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()
i += 1
let time2 = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
let delta = time2-time
let time3 = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
while j < e {
_ = deviceToken.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%02x", $1)})
j += 1
let time4 = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
let delta2 = time4-time3
and the result is that the fastest is "%02x" at average 2.0 vs 2.6 for the reduced version:
deviceToken.reduce("", {$0 + String(format: "%02x", $1)})

Here's how you do it in Xamarin.iOS
public override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken)
var tokenStringBase64 = deviceToken.GetBase64EncodedString(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.None);
//now you can store it for later use in local storage

Using updateAccumulatingResult is more efficient than the various other approaches found here, so here's the Swiftiest way to stringify your Data bytes:
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
let token = deviceToken.reduce(into: "") { $0 += String(format: "%.2x", $1) }

For Swift :
var characterSet: NSCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet( charactersInString: "<>" )
var deviceTokenString: String = ( deviceToken.description as NSString )
.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet( characterSet )
.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString( " ", withString: "" ) as String
println( deviceTokenString )

NSString *tokenString = [[newDeviceToken description] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"[<> ]" withString:#"" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [[newDeviceToken description] length])];

let tokenString = deviceToken.description.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("[ <>]", withString: "", options: .RegularExpressionSearch, range: nil)

What about one line solution?
Objective C
NSString *token = [[data.description componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[[NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet]invertedSet]]componentsJoinedByString:#""];
let token = data.description.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted).joined()

-(NSString *)deviceTokenWithData:(NSData *)data
NSString *deviceToken = [[data description] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"<>"]];
deviceToken = [deviceToken stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#""];
return deviceToken;

// make sure that we have token for the devie on the App
func application(application: UIApplication
, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData) {
var tokenStr = deviceToken.description
tokenStr = tokenStr.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("<", withString: "", options: [], range: nil)
tokenStr = tokenStr.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(">", withString: "", options: [], range: nil)
tokenStr = tokenStr.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "", options: [], range: nil)
print("my token is: \(tokenStr)")

Use excellent category!
// .h file
#interface NSData (DeviceToken)
- (NSString *)stringDeviceToken;
// .m file
#import "NSData+DeviceToken.h"
#implementation NSData (DeviceToken)
- (NSString *)stringDeviceToken {
const unsigned *deviceTokenBytes = [deviceToken bytes];
NSString *deviceToken = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x",
ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[0]), ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[1]), ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[2]),
ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[3]), ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[4]), ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[5]),
ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[6]), ntohl(deviceTokenBytes[7])];
return deviceToken;
// AppDelegate.m
#import "NSData+DeviceToken.h"
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
NSString *token = deviceToken.stringDeviceToken;
Works fine!

Swift 3:
If any one is looking for a way to get device token in Swift 3. Use the below modified snippet.
let characterSet: CharacterSet = CharacterSet( charactersIn: "<>" )
let deviceTokenString: String = (deviceToken.description as NSString)
.trimmingCharacters(in: characterSet as CharacterSet)
.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")

var token: String = ""
for i in 0..<deviceToken.count {
token += String(format: "%02.2hhx", deviceToken[i] as CVarArg)

The solution #kulss posted here, while lacking in elegance but having the virtue of simplicity no longer works in iOS 13, since description will work differently for NSData. You can still use debugDescription though.
NSString * deviceTokenString = [[[[deviceToken debugDescription]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #"<" withString: #""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #">" withString: #""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: #" " withString: #""];

Try this one unless the data is null-terminated.
NSString* newStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:newDeviceToken

NSString *tokenstring = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:token encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];


Generating SHA256 in iOS

I tried to generate SHA256 in iOS using Arcane library with following data:
String: Amount=50&BillerID=59&ChannelID=2&Context=34|check|test&ReturnURL=
Key: 71DD0F73AFFBB47825FF9864DDE95F3B
Result was 409dc622b3bef5c9fc46e45c3210111fcb4536d3a55833316fe0dc8154b3ea34
which I thought to be correct. However, the Windows counterpart is generating SHA256 using following code:
Windows Phone Source Code:
public static string HmacSha256(string secretKey, string value)
var msg = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(value, BinaryStringEncoding.Utf8);
byte[] convertedHash = new byte[secretKey.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < secretKey.Length / 2; i++)
convertedHash[i] = (byte)Int32.Parse(secretKey.Substring(i * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
// Create HMAC.
var objMacProv = MacAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(MacAlgorithmNames.HmacSha256);
CryptographicHash hash = objMacProv.CreateHash(convertedHash.AsBuffer());
return CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(hash.GetValueAndReset());
and the result is: 94a20ca39c8487c7763823ec9c918d9e38ae83cb741439f6d129bcdef9edba73 which is different from what I got. Can somebody help me with this and let me know what the above code is doing and how can I replicate it in iOS.
iOS Source code
let key = self.md5(string: "71DD0F73AFFBB47825FF9864DDE95F3B")
let hash = HMAC.SHA256(str, key: key)
The key here is you need to convert your secret, which is a hex string, into NSData. In other words, NSData byte stream would "look" like the secret.
This should do what you want:
// Hex string to NSData conversion from here
NSString *secret = #"71DD0F73AFFBB47825FF9864DDE95F3B";
NSData *dataIn = [#"Amount=50&BillerID=59&ChannelID=2&Context=34|check|test&ReturnURL=" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSMutableData *macOut = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
secret = [secret stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#""];
NSMutableData *secretData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
unsigned char whole_byte;
char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
int i;
for (i=0; i < [secret length]/2; i++) {
byte_chars[0] = [secret characterAtIndex:i*2];
byte_chars[1] = [secret characterAtIndex:i*2+1];
whole_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
[secretData appendBytes:&whole_byte length:1];
CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA256, secretData.bytes, secretData.length, dataIn.bytes, dataIn.length, macOut.mutableBytes);
NSMutableString *stringOut = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:macOut.length];
const unsigned char *macOutBytes = macOut.bytes;
for (NSInteger i=0; i<macOut.length; ++i) {
[stringOut appendFormat:#"%02x", macOutBytes[i]];
NSLog(#"dataIn: %#", dataIn);
NSLog(#"macOut: %#", macOut);
NSLog(#"stringOut: %#", stringOut);
2016-09-27 20:18:54.181 JKS[27562:5321334] dataIn: <416d6f75 6e743d35 30264269 6c6c6572 49443d35 39264368 616e6e65 6c49443d 3226436f 6e746578 743d3334 7c636865 636b7c74 65737426 52657475 726e5552 4c3d6874 7470733a 2f2f7561 742e6d79 6661746f 6f72612e 636f6d2f 52656365 69707450 4f432e61 73707826 54786e52 65664e75 6d3d3030 30303030 30303030 32303030 33265573 65724e61 6d653d44 4353>
2016-09-27 20:18:54.181 JKS[27562:5321334] macOut: <94a20ca3 9c8487c7 763823ec 9c918d9e 38ae83cb 741439f6 d129bcde f9edba73>
2016-09-27 20:18:54.181 JKS[27562:5321334] stringOut: 94a20ca39c8487c7763823ec9c918d9e38ae83cb741439f6d129bcdef9edba73
Updated with Swift (code should be cleaned up)
func generateHMAC(key: String, data: String) -> String {
let keyData = key.dataFromHexadecimalString()! as NSData
let dataIn = .utf8)! as NSData
var result: [CUnsignedChar]
result = Array(repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH))
CCHmac(CCHmacAlgorithm(kCCHmacAlgSHA256), keyData.bytes, keyData.length, dataIn.bytes, dataIn.length, &result)
let hash = NSMutableString()
for val in result {
hash.appendFormat("%02hhx", val)
return hash as String
You can use this extension to convert the hex string to Data
// Modified slightly
extension String {
func dataFromHexadecimalString() -> Data? {
var data = Data(capacity: characters.count / 2)
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "[0-9a-f]{1,2}", options: .caseInsensitive)
regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, characters.count)) { match, flags, stop in
let byteString = (self as NSString).substring(with: match!.range)
var num = UInt8(byteString, radix: 16)
data.append(&num!, count: 1)
return data
And to use do something like:
let secret = "71DD0F73AFFBB47825FF9864DDE95F3B"
let value = "Amount=50&BillerID=59&ChannelID=2&Context=34|check|test&ReturnURL="
print("\(generateHMAC(key: secret, data: value))")
Your output should be 94a20ca39c8487c7763823ec9c918d9e38ae83cb741439f6d129bcdef9edba73
You will need #import <CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h> in your bridging header.
The Windows code takes the string, interprets it as a hexadecimal number, and converts two characters a time into one byte.
Your Mac code most like takes the string as it is. Since the key starts with "71", your windows code takes that as a single byte with value 0x71 = 129, your Mac code takes it as two bytes with values '7' = 55 and '1' = 49.
All you need to do is convert the bytes on the Mac exactly as you do it on Windows. You might have to do the unthinkable and look at the source code of the Mac library to see how it does the actual hash calculation.
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h>
+ (NSString *)hmacSHA256EncryptString{
NSString * parameterSecret = #"input secret key";
NSString *plainString = #"input encrypt content string";
const char *secretKey = [parameterSecret cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
const char *plainData = [plainString cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
unsigned char cHMAC[CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
CCHmac(kCCHmacAlgSHA256, secretKey, strlen(secretKey), plainData, strlen(plainData), cHMAC);
NSData *HMACData = [NSData dataWithBytes:cHMAC length:sizeof(cHMAC)];
const unsigned char *bufferChar = (const unsigned char *)[HMACData bytes];
NSMutableString *hmacString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:HMACData.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < HMACData.length; ++i){
[hmacString appendFormat:#"%02x", bufferChar[i]];
return hmacString;

encoding NSURL in ISO-8859-1

I have a ViewController containing TextFields and I would need to send those values to a dedicated HTTP service.
My main concern comes from the encoding type, as this app is in French and may contain some accents ('é', 'è', etc,...) but also I need to format correctly my fields as it may contain spaces as well....
I tried to use different ways but I still have a wrong encoding on the server side.
here is a sample of my code:
let url_to_request = ""
var params = "owner=\(\(adresse.text!)&nom=\(nom.text!)&telephone=\(telephone.text!)&commentaires=\(commentaires.text!)"
//trying to encode in ISO-8859-1
let dt = NSString(CString: params, encoding: NSISOLatin1StringEncoding)
//preparing string to be used in a NSURL
let final_url = dt!.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet())
print("URL loadRepertoire: \(url_to_request+"?"+final_url!)")
for instance, field "nom" contains "bébé" which is encoded "b%C4%82%C5%A0b%C4%82%C5%A0" whereas my server is expecting "b%E9b%E9"
I tried to use the following:
let url_to_request = ""
let params = "owner=\(\(adresse.text!)&nom=\(nom.text!)&telephone=\(telephone.text!)&commentaires=\(commentaires.text!)"
let tmp_url = url_to_request + "?" + params
let final_url = tmp_url.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet())!
print("URL addRepertoire: \(final_url)")
but the result remains:
b%C3%83%C2%A9b%C3%83%C2%A9, diplayed bébé instead of bébé
stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters always uses UTF-8 representation, so I'm afraid you may need to do it yourself.
extension String {
func stringByAddingPercentEncodingForISOLatin1() -> String? {
let allowedCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString:
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "_-.~"
+ "=&" //You'd better remove this and encode each param.
if let data = self.dataUsingEncoding(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding) {
var result = ""
for i in 0..<data.length {
let ch = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(data.bytes)[i]
if ch >= 0x80 || !allowedCharacterSet.characterIsMember(unichar(ch)) {
result += String(format: "%%%02X", ch)
} else {
return result
} else {
return nil
"bébé".stringByAddingPercentEncodingForISOLatin1()! //->"b%E9b%E9"
Here is a solution in Swift 4:
extension String {
// Url percent encoding according to RFC3986 specifications
func urlPercentEncoded(withAllowedCharacters allowedCharacters:
CharacterSet, encoding: String.Encoding) -> String {
var returnStr = ""
// Compute each char seperatly
for char in self {
let charStr = String(char)
let charScalar = charStr.unicodeScalars[charStr.unicodeScalars.startIndex]
if allowedCharacters.contains(charScalar) == false,
let bytesOfChar = encoding) {
// Get the hexStr of every notAllowed-char-byte and put a % infront of it, append the result to the returnString
for byte in bytesOfChar {
returnStr += "%" + String(format: "%02hhX", byte as CVarArg)
} else {
returnStr += charStr
return returnStr
"aouäöü!".urlPercentEncoded(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed,
encoding: .isoLatin1)
// Results in -> "aou%E4%F6%FC!"
For Objective-C :
- (NSString *)stringByAddingPercentEncodingForISOLatin1 {
NSCharacterSet *allowedCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.~=&"];
NSData *data = [self dataUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding];
if (data) {
NSMutableString *result = [#"" mutableCopy];
const char *bytes = [data bytes];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [data length]; i++)
unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)bytes[i];
if (ch >= 0x80 || ![allowedCharacterSet characterIsMember:ch]) {
[result appendFormat:#"%%%02X", ch];
} else {
[result appendFormat:#"%c", ch];
return [result copy];
return nil;}

Alexa: productId, code challenge: what should they be?

I am following closely this document to authorize a hardware from my iOS app:
In iOS section, at step 5):
- (IBAction)onLogInButtonClicked:(id)sender {
NSArray *requestScopes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"alexa:all", nil];
NSMutableDictionary *options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSString* scopeData = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"{\"alexa:all\":{\"productID\":\"%#\","
productId, deviceSerialNumber];
options[kAIOptionScopeData] = scopeData;
options[kAIOptionReturnAuthCode] = #YES;
options[kAIOptionCodeChallenge] = #"CODE_CHALLENGE_GOES_HERE";
options[kAIOptionCodeChallengeMethod] = #"S256";
[AIMobileLib authorizeUserForScopes:requestScopes delegate:delegate options:options];
what should productId in scopeData be? As I have read some other posts, it is said that productId is taken from ID column of an app created in AVS Developer Portal, which is not linked with the document as it mentions to App Console in Getting Started guide for iOS. So I am confused at how/where to take the productId.
deviceSerialNumber can be any unique string?
I implemented a code-challenge method in ObjC based on item 1) and 2) described in "Transferring an Authorization Code from a Mobile App to an Alexa-enabled Product" section. Is it correct? (since I have no reference example)
- (NSString *)codeChallenge {
verifier = [NSString randomStringWithLength:128]; // generate 128-char string containing [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], "-", "_", ".", "~"
NSData *sha256 = [[verifier dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] SHA256]; // SHA256 that string
NSString *base64Enc = [sha256 base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]; // base64 encode SHA256 result
NSLog(#"base64Enc: %#", base64Enc);
NSMutableString *ret = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSInteger i=0; i<base64Enc.length; i++) { // remove "="; replace "+" with "-"; replace "/" with "_" as referenced from:
unichar c = [base64Enc characterAtIndex:i];
if (c == '=') {
else if (c == '+') {
[ret appendString:#"-"];
else if (c == '/') {
[ret appendString:#"_"];
else {
[ret appendFormat:#"%C", c];
return ret;
So, it turned out that the App ID is the productID. You should able able find yours on Developer Console under Application Type Info tab. Your code challenge seems fine to me, but I'm not sure why you'd want to strip off =+-_. And yeah, deviceSerailNumber could be anything unique, I'm assuming that it should also be unique per installation.
The following in the Swift example for the same,
#IBAction func loginWithAmazon() {
let scopes = ["alexa:all"];
let codeChallenge = sha256("CODE_CHALLENGE_GOES_HERE".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!).base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding64CharacterLineLength)
var options: [String: AnyObject] = [:]
let scopeData = String(format: "{\"alexa:all\":{\"productID\":\"%#\",\"productInstanceAttributes\":{\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"%#\"}}}", "yourAppIDHere", "anyUniqueID")
options[kAIOptionScopeData] = scopeData;
options[kAIOptionReturnAuthCode] = true;
options[kAIOptionCodeChallenge] = codeChallenge;
options[kAIOptionCodeChallengeMethod] = "S256";
AIMobileLib.authorizeUserForScopes(scopes, delegate: self, options: options);
func requestDidSucceed(apiResult: APIResult!) {
accessToken = apiResult.result
func requestDidFail(errorResponse: APIError!) {
func sha256(data : NSData) -> NSData {
var hash = [UInt8](count: Int(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH), repeatedValue: 0)
CC_SHA256(data.bytes, CC_LONG(data.length), &hash)
let res = NSData(bytes: hash, length: Int(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH))
return res

How to make first letter uppercase in a UILabel?

I'm developing an iPhone app. In a label, I want to show an user's first letter of the name uppercase. How do I do that?
If there is only one word String, then use the method
let capitalizedString = myStr.capitalized // capitalizes every word
Otherwise, for multi word strings, you have to extract first character and make only that character upper case.
(2014-07-24: Currently accepted answer is not correct) The question is very specific: Make the first letter uppercase, leave the rest lowercase. Using capitalizedString produces a different result: “Capitalized String” instead of “Capitalized string”. There is another variant depending on the locale, which is capitalizedStringWithLocale, but it's not correct for spanish, right now it's using the same rules as in english, so this is how I'm doing it for spanish:
NSString *abc = #"this is test";
abc = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",[[abc substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],[abc substringFromIndex:1] ];
NSLog(#"abc = %#",abc);
In case someone is still interested in 2016, here is a Swift 3 extension:
extension String {
func capitalizedFirst() -> String {
let first = self[self.startIndex ..< self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: 1)]
let rest = self[self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: 1) ..< self.endIndex]
return first.uppercased() + rest.lowercased()
func capitalizedFirst(with: Locale?) -> String {
let first = self[self.startIndex ..< self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: 1)]
let rest = self[self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: 1) ..< self.endIndex]
return first.uppercased(with: with) + rest.lowercased(with: with)
Then you use it exactly as you would for the usual uppercased() or capitalized():
myString.capitalizedFirst() or myString.capitalizedFirst(with: Locale.current)
- (NSString *)capitalizeFirstLetterOnlyOfString:(NSString *)string{
NSMutableString *result = [string lowercaseString].mutableCopy;
[result replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:[[result substringToIndex:1] capitalizedString]];
return result;
This is for your NSString+Util category...
- (NSString *) capitalizedFirstLetter {
NSString *retVal;
if (self.length < 2) {
retVal = self.capitalizedString;
} else {
retVal = string(#"%#%#",[[self substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],[self substringFromIndex:1]);
return retVal;
You can do that with NSString stringWithFormat, of course. I use this weirdness:
#define string(...) \
[NSString stringWithFormat:__VA_ARGS__]
As an extension to the accepted answer
capitalizedString is used for making uppercase letters .
NSString *capitalizedString = [myStr capitalizedString]; // capitalizes every word
But if you have many words in a string and wants to get only first character as upper case use the below solution
NSString *firstCapitalChar = [[string substringToIndex:1] capitalizedString];
NSString *capString = [string stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0,1) withString: capString];
// extract first character and make only that character upper case.
here's a swift extension for it
extension NSString {
func capitalizeFirstLetter() -> NSString {
return self.length > 1 ?
self.substringToIndex(1).capitalizedString + self.substringFromIndex(1) :
This is how it worked for me:
NSString *serverString = jsonObject[#"info"];
NSMutableString *textToDisplay = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"%#", serverString];
[textToDisplay replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:[textToDisplay substringToIndex:1].capitalizedString];
cell.infoLabel.text = textToDisplay;
Hope it helps.
let userName = "hard CODE"
yourLabel.text = userName.localizedUppercaseString
I recommend using this localised version of uppercase, since names are locale sensitive.

Objective-C and Swift URL encoding

I have a NSString like this:
but I want to transform it to:
How can I do this?
To escape the characters you want is a little more work.
Example code
iOS7 and above:
NSString *unescaped = #"http://www";
NSString *escapedString = [unescaped stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:[NSCharacterSet URLHostAllowedCharacterSet]];
NSLog(#"escapedString: %#", escapedString);
NSLog output:
escapedString: http%3A%2F%2Fwww
The following are useful URL encoding character sets:
URLFragmentAllowedCharacterSet "#%<>[\]^`{|}
URLHostAllowedCharacterSet "#%/<>?#\^`{|}
URLPasswordAllowedCharacterSet "#%/:<>?#[\]^`{|}
URLPathAllowedCharacterSet "#%;<>?[\]^`{|}
URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet "#%<>[\]^`{|}
URLUserAllowedCharacterSet "#%/:<>?#[\]^`
Creating a characterset combining all of the above:
NSCharacterSet *URLCombinedCharacterSet = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#" \"#%/:<>?#[\\]^`{|}"] invertedSet];
Creating a Base64
In the case of Base64 characterset:
NSCharacterSet *URLBase64CharacterSet = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"/+=\n"] invertedSet];
For Swift 3.0:
var escapedString = originalString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters:.urlHostAllowed)
For Swift 2.x:
var escapedString = originalString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
Note: stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters will also encode UTF-8 characters needing encoding.
Pre iOS7 use Core Foundation
Using Core Foundation With ARC:
NSString *escapedString = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
(__bridge CFStringRef) unescaped,
CFSTR("!*'();:#&=+$,/?%#[]\" "),
Using Core Foundation Without ARC:
NSString *escapedString = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
CFSTR("!*'();:#&=+$,/?%#[]\" "),
Note: -stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding will not produce the correct encoding, in this case it will not encode anything returning the same string.
stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding encodes 14 characrters:
`#%^{}[]|\"<> plus the space character as percent escaped.
" `~!##$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:;\"'<,>.?/AZaz"
Note: consider if this set of characters meet your needs, if not change them as needed.
RFC 3986 characters requiring encoding (% added since it is the encoding prefix character):
Some "unreserved characters" are additionally encoded:
"\n\r \"%-.<>\^_`{|}~"
It's called URL encoding. More here.
-(NSString *)urlEncodeUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding {
return (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL,
(CFStringRef)#"!*'\"();:#&=+$,/?%#[]% ",
This is not my solution. Someone else wrote in stackoverflow but I have forgotten how.
Somehow this solution works "well". It handles diacritic, chinese characters, and pretty much anything else.
- (NSString *) URLEncodedString {
NSMutableString * output = [NSMutableString string];
const char * source = [self UTF8String];
int sourceLen = strlen(source);
for (int i = 0; i < sourceLen; ++i) {
const unsigned char thisChar = (const unsigned char)source[i];
if (false && thisChar == ' '){
[output appendString:#"+"];
} else if (thisChar == '.' || thisChar == '-' || thisChar == '_' || thisChar == '~' ||
(thisChar >= 'a' && thisChar <= 'z') ||
(thisChar >= 'A' && thisChar <= 'Z') ||
(thisChar >= '0' && thisChar <= '9')) {
[output appendFormat:#"%c", thisChar];
} else {
[output appendFormat:#"%%%02X", thisChar];
return output;
If someone would tell me who wrote this code, I'll really appreciate it. Basically he has some explanation why this encoded string will decode exactly as it wish.
I modified his solution a little. I like space to be represented with %20 rather than +. That's all.
NSString * encodedString = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NUL,(CFStringRef)#"parameter",NULL,(CFStringRef)#"!*'();#&+$,/?%#[]~=_-.:",kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
NSURL * url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:[#"address here" stringByAppendingFormat:#"?cid=%#",encodedString, nil]];
This can work in Objective C ARC.Use CFBridgingRelease to cast a Core Foundation-style object as an Objective-C object and transfer ownership of the object to ARC .See Function CFBridgingRelease here.
+ (NSString *)encodeUrlString:(NSString *)string {
return CFBridgingRelease(CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes
(__bridge CFStringRef)string,
Swift iOS:
Just For Information : I have used this:
extension String {
func urlEncode() -> CFString {
return CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
}// end extension String
Here's what I use. Note you have to use the #autoreleasepool feature or the program might crash or lockup the IDE. I had to restart my IDE three times until I realized the fix. It appears that this code is ARC compliant.
This question has been asked many times, and many answers given, but sadly all of the ones selected (and a few others suggested) are wrong.
Here's the test string that I used: This is my 123+ test & test2. Got it?!
These are my Objective C++ class methods:
static NSString * urlDecode(NSString *stringToDecode) {
NSString *result = [stringToDecode stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"+" withString:#" "];
result = [result stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return result;
static NSString * urlEncode(NSString *stringToEncode) {
#autoreleasepool {
NSString *result = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
(CFStringRef)#"!*'\"();:#&=+$,/?%#[]% ",
result = [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"%20" withString:#"+"];
return result;
NSString *str = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(
You will need to release or autorelease str yourself.
Google implements this in their Google Toolbox for Mac. So that's a good place to peak how they're doing it. Another option is to include the Toolbox and use their implementation.
Checkout the implementation here. (Which comes down to exactly what people have been posting here).
This is how I am doing this in swift.
extension String {
func encodeURIComponent() -> String {
return self.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet())!
func decodeURIComponent() -> String {
return self.componentsSeparatedByString("+").joinWithSeparator(" ").stringByRemovingPercentEncoding!
This is what I did on Swift 5:
func formatPassword() -> String {
var output = "";
for ch in self {
let char = String(ch)
switch ch {
case " ":
case ".", "-", "_", "~", "a"..."z", "A"..."Z", "0"..."9":
let unicode = char.unicodeScalars.first?.value ?? 0
let unicodeValue = NSNumber(value: unicode).intValue
let hexValue = String(format: "%02X", arguments: [unicodeValue])
output = output.appendingFormat("%%%#", hexValue)
return output as String
Then I called this function where I defined my password.
//use NSString instance method like this:
+ (NSString *)encodeURIComponent:(NSString *)string
NSString *s = [string stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return s;
+ (NSString *)decodeURIComponent:(NSString *)string
NSString *s = [string stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return s;
remember,you should only do encode or decode for your parameter value, not all the url you request.
int strLength = 0;
NSString *urlStr = #"http://www";
NSLog(#" urlStr : %#", urlStr );
NSMutableString *mutableUrlStr = [urlStr mutableCopy];
NSLog(#" mutableUrlStr : %#", mutableUrlStr );
strLength = [mutableUrlStr length];
[mutableUrlStr replaceOccurrencesOfString:#":" withString:#"%3A" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, strLength)];
NSLog(#" mutableUrlStr : %#", mutableUrlStr );
strLength = [mutableUrlStr length];
[mutableUrlStr replaceOccurrencesOfString:#"/" withString:#"%2F" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, strLength)];
NSLog(#" mutableUrlStr : %#", mutableUrlStr );
