ant build.xml target to check for debug code - ant

When debugging it's quite common for me to use things such as Zend_Debug and die() in the PHP to locate an issue. Occasionally I forget to take these out before committing my code. So I was wondering...
How do I write an ant build.xml target which checks all the files in my application for specific strings and fails if they have been found?
Basically, I'm after a reverse grep command which fails when it finds a string.
Any ideas?
Also, given my build.xml file looks like this (I've removed most of my targets to make it short), how do I make it work?
I don't know how ant works, so I'm after a 'drop-in' solution or good instructions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="API" default="build" basedir=".">
<property name="source" value="application"/>
<target name="build" depends="prepare,lint,phpcpd,phpdox,phpunit,phpcb"/>
<target name="clean" description="Cleanup build artifacts">
<delete dir="${basedir}/build/api"/>
<target name="lint">
<apply executable="php" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-l" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}/${source}">
<include name="**/*.php" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}/tests">
<include name="**/*.php" />

Within the lint target (after the apply element) add
<fileset id="die-files" dir="${basedir}/${source}">
<include name="**/*.php" />
<contains text="die()"/>
<fail message="The following files contain "die()": ${ant.refid:die-files}">
<resourcecount when="greater" count="0" refid="die-files"/>

If you can use ant-contrib than:
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="/path/to/application/"/>
<contains string="#{file}" substring="bad elements"/>
<fail>warning! substring is present in directory</fail>


how to test symlinks with ant 1.9

I need to perform a command if the jar file is a file instead of a symlink. I have found a solution that works only with ant 1.10.
Does anyone know how to do it with ant 1.9 ?
Here is my build.xml.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="AsterixDecoder" default="bm" basedir=".">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="src" location="src"/>
<property name="build" location="build"/>
<property name="dist" location="dist"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<condition property="exists.CCM_ADDR">
<isset property="env.CCM_ADDR"/>
<target name="compile" description="compile the source " >
<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}" includeantruntime="false"/>
<mkdir dir="${build}/resources"/>
<copy todir="${build}/resources">
<fileset dir="resources"/>
<target name="checkout" if="exists.CCM_ADDR">
<ccmcheckout file="${dist}/AsterixDecoder.jar"/>
<target name="dist" depends="compile, checkout"
description="generate the distribution" >
<jar jarfile="${dist}/AsterixDecoder.jar" filesetmanifest="mergewithoutmain">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="fr.eurocontrol.escape.ground.asterixdecoder.AsterixDataTree"/>
<attribute name="Class-Path" value="."/>
<fileset dir="${build}"/>
<target name="check.symlink">
<fileset dir="${dist}" id="fileset" includes="AsterixDecoder.jar">
<pathconvert refid="fileset" property="is.symlink" setonempty="false"/>
<target name="reconcile" depends="check.symlink" if="exists.CCM_ADDR" unless="is.symlink">
<exec executable="ccm">
<arg value="reconcile"/>
<arg value="-udb"/>
<arg value="${dist}/AsterixDecoder.jar"/>
<target name="bm" description="build management" depends="dist, reconcile">
Do not hesitate to make any suggestion of improvements. I am still a beginner in writing ant files.
The most straightforward way to do this would be to use the record function of Ant's symlink task. This creates a property file that lists all of the symlinks found within a given resource collection. Here's an example target:
<target name="default">
<symlink link="testdir" resource="build" />
<symlink action="record" linkfilename="links.record">
<fileset dir="." includes="*" />
<property file="links.record" />
<condition property="">
<isset property="testdir" />
<echo message="${}" />

Passing data file as generic file

I have ANT build file having these two tasks-
<target name="ldm-validation">
<property name="graphFile" value="${tools.dir}/build-config/SPARQL/*.ttl"/>
<record name="${tools.dir}/build-config/SPARQL/BuildLog.txt" action="start"/>
<foreach target="jena-sparql-validation" param="queryFile">
<fileset dir="${tools.dir}/build-config/SPARQL/Queries">
<include name="*.rq"/>
<record name="${tools.dir}/build-config/SPARQL/BuildLog.txt" action="stop"/>
<target name="jena-sparql-validation">
<java classname="arq.sparql" fork="true" outputproperty="javaresult" errorproperty="javaerror1">
<arg value="--data=${graphFile}"/>
<arg value="--query=${queryFile}"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xmx1024M"/>
<fileset dir="${jena.dir}/lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fail message="Error at: ${javaerror1} in ${queryFile}">
<equals arg1="${javaerror1}" arg2=""/>
<echo message="Result for ${queryFile} is: ${javaresult}"/>
But when I am running this it is always failing saying that -
C:\CI-POC\tools\build-config\validate.all.xml:41: Error at: Failed to load data
It is unable to get the Data file using the Property name 'graphFile'. I am not sure what is going wrong. Can any one help.
Try calling the build as follows:
ant ldm-validation jena-sparql-validation
so that the values of the properties graphFile and queryFile are set.
Another option is to create a dependency between the two targets.
<target name="jena-sparql-validation" depends="ldm-validation">

Generating MD5 for files in an ant-contrib for loop in ANT

I am selecting set of files using file set and then using them to generate the checksum of all the files in the selected fileset
here is my script
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="MyTask1" basedir="." default="jar">
<property name="cms.dir" value="D:\Test" />
<property name="comma" value="," />
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
<target name="A">
<fileset id="src.files" dir="${cms.dir}" casesensitive="yes">
<include name="**/*.uim"/>
<include name="**/*.properties"/>
<include name="**/*.txt"/>
<pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}" property="sounds" refid="src.files">
<!-- To get the names of the files only then use mapper-->
<!-- <mapper type="flatten" />-->
<delete file="sounds.txt"/>
<for list="${sounds}" delimiter="${line.separator}" param="mod">
<checksum file="#{mod}" property="MD5_Value"/>
<echo file="sounds.txt" append="true">#{mod}${comma}${MD5_Value}${line.separator}</echo>
<!--<checksum file="Test.txt" property="foobarMD5"/>-->
<!--<echo file="sounds.txt">${foobarMD5}</echo>-->
However its failing and its generating duplicate MD5 value here is my output
Any help ...
The checksum task can process filesets...
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="foo*"/>
Lot simpler than using the for task, which is not part of standard ANT.

ant multiple source directories with copied resources

Consider minimal build.xml fragment which builds jar from sources and includes all non-java resources:
<property name="src.dir" value="src" />
<target name="build">
<javac destdir="bin">
<src path="${src.dir}" />
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<exclude name="**/*.java" />
<jar destfile="dist/foo.jar" basedir="bin"/>
Now imagine that I need to support a list of source directories:
<property name="src.dirs" value="src;src-gen" />
How can i modify above script to make it happen ?
javac will happily take list of directories but for copy I need to transform string into list of filesets with exclusions or find some other way.
Normally, you simply list them all together:
<javac destdir="bin">
<src path="${src.dir}"/>
<src path="${src2.dir}"/>
<src path="${src3.dir}"/>
You can try the <sourcepath/> attribute. I've never used it, but I believe you can use it to define a path of various source files, and use that:
<path id="source.path">
<pathelement path="${src.dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${src2.dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${src4.dir}"/>
<javac destdir="bin">
The first will work, but not 100% sure about the second.
I'm not sure of a way to do it with built-in Ant tasks but you could use an ant-contrib <for> task
<path id="src.path">
<pathelement location="src" />
<pathelement location="src-gen" />
<target name="build">
<javac destdir="bin">
<src refid="src.path" />
<for param="dir">
<path refid="src.path" />
<copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
<fileset dir="#{dir}">
<exclude name="**/*.java" />
<jar destfile="dist/foo.jar" basedir="bin"/>
The simple solution is to just specify multiple filesets, in the same manner as the javac task supports multiple "src" attributes:
<target name="build" depends="init" description="Create the package">
<javac destdir="${classes.dir}" includeantruntime="false">
<src path="src/main1/java"/>
<src path="src/main2/java"/>
<copy todir="${classes.dir}" includeemptydirs="false">
<fileset dir="src/main1" excludes="**/*.java"/>
<fileset dir="src/main2" excludes="**/*.java"/>
This of course assumes that the number of source code locations is fixed, which is not unreasonable to expect.
If you want to drive this using a list property you must resort to embedding a script within your build to process this list (I can't endorse ant-contrib):
<project name="demo" default="build">
<property name="src.dirs" value="src/main1,src/main2"/>
<property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
<property name="classes.dir" location="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<target name="bootstrap">
<mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>
<get dest="${user.home}/.ant/lib/groovy-all.jar" src=""/>
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
<target name="build" depends="init" description="Create the package">
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy"/>
def srcDirs = properties["src.dirs"].split(",")
ant.javac(destdir:properties["classes.dir"], includeantruntime:false) {
srcDirs.each {
ant.copy(todir:properties["classes.dir"], includeemptydirs:false) {
srcDirs.each {
fileset(dir:it, excludes:"**/*.java")
<target name="clean" description="Cleanup build dirs">
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
Compare the "build" targets. You'll notice that the groovy solution calls ANT in the same manner. This is why I really like groovy's integration with ANT.
Example also includes a "bootstrap" target to download the groovy jar dependency from Maven Central. You could alternatively use ivy to manage your build's dependencies.
A simple solution without ant-contrib tasks or embedded scripts:
<property name="src.dirs" value="src,src-gen" />
<path id="src.path">
<multirootfileset type="dir" basedirs="${src.dirs}"/>
<target name="build">
<javac destdir="bin">
<src refid="src.path"/>
<copy todir="bin">
<multirootfileset type="file" basedirs="${src.dirs}">
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
<jar destfile="dist/foo.jar" basedir="bin"/>
multirootfileset to the rescue! ;-) Needs Ant 1.9.4 or higher.

ANT script to compile all (css) LESS files in a dir and subdirs with RHINO

I want do compile all *.less scripts in a specific folder and it subdirs with less-rhino-1.1.3.js.
There is an example on github for doing this for a specific file, which works perfect. But I want to do the same for a complete folder. I tried a lot, here is my last try.
It doesn't work, propertyregex seems not to be standard ANT, I don't want to use such things. I am not even sure if this code would work.
<project name="test" default="main" basedir="../../">
<property name="css.dir" location="public/css"/>
<property name="tool.less" location="bin/less/less-rhino-1.1.3.js"/>
<property name="tool.rhino" location="bin/tools/rhino/js.jar"/>
<macrodef name="lessjs">
<attribute name="input" />
<attribute name="output" />
<java jar="${tool.rhino}" fork="true" output="#{output}">
<arg path="${tool.less}"/>
<arg path="#{input}"/>
<echo>Lessjs: generated #{output}</echo>
<target name="main">
<echo>compiling less css</echo>
<fileset dir="${css.dir}" id="myfile">
<filename name="**/*.less" />
<property name="lessfilename" refid="myfile"/>
<propertyregex property="cssfilename"
casesensitive="true" />
<lessjs input="lessfile" output="cssfilename"/>
You could use the <fileset> to include all the less files need to be compiled. Later, you could use<mapper> to mark the corresponding detination css file.
<project name="test" default="main" basedir="../../">
<property name="css.dir" location="public/css"/>
<property name="tool.less" location="bin/less/less-rhino-1.1.3.js"/>
<property name="tool.rhino" location="bin/tools/rhino/js.jar"/>
<target name="less" description="Convert LESS to CSS then concatenate and Minify any stylesheets">
<echo message="Converting LESS to CSS..."/>
<!-- Clear the former compiled css files -->
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="${css.dir}" includes="*.css, **/*.css" defaultexcludes="false"/>
<apply dir="${css.dir}" executable="java" parallel="false" failonerror="true">
<!-- Give the input bundle of less files-->
<fileset dir="${css.dir}">
<include name="*.less"/>
<arg value="-jar" />
<arg path="${tool.rhino}" />
<arg path="${tool.less}" />
<!-- Output the compiled css file with corresponding name -->
<mapper type="glob" from="*.less" to="${css.dir}/*.css"/>
I was able to piece together a working solution with the help of a couple of SO answers:
ANT script to compile all (css) LESS files in a dir and subdirs with RHINO
How to correctly execute lessc-rhino-1.6.3.js from command line
I had to download LESS 1.7.5 from GitHub and modify the Ant target to look like this. The -f argument and LESS JavaScript was key:
<property name="css.dir" value="WebContent/css"/>
<property name="less.dir" value="less"/>
<property name="tool.rhino.jar" value="test-lib/rhino-1.7R4.jar"/>
<property name="tool.rhino.lessc" value="test-lib/lessc-rhino-1.7.5.js"/>
<property name="tool.rhino.less" value="test-lib/less-rhino-1.7.5.js"/>
<target name="compile-less" description="compile css using LESS">
<apply dir="${css.dir}" executable="java" parallel="false" failonerror="true">
<fileset dir="${less.dir}">
<include name="styles.less"/>
<arg value="-jar"/>
<arg path="${tool.rhino.jar}"/>
<arg value="-f"/>
<arg path="${tool.rhino.less}"/>
<arg path="${tool.rhino.lessc}"/>
<mapper type="glob" from="*.less" to="${css.dir}/*.css"/>
If anyone else is coming to this question recently, as I did, they may find that the less-rhino-1.1.3.js file given in the other answers does not work with the latest version of Rhino (which for me, as of now, is 1.7R4 from MDN). But the 1.4.0 version does, which can be obtained from Github here. So the relevant snippet from my build.xml, using these later versions, is shown. Note that I'm only compiling a single .less file to a single .css file, so no iteration or mappers are used (but obviously you can get those from the other answers). Other tweaks I made were to provide the output file as the final arg to less instead of capturing output from the Ant forked process, and to remove the dependency on ant-contrib stuff (not needed for the simple one-file case).
<property name="tool.rhino" value="build/lesscss/rhino1_7R4/js.jar" />
<property name="tool.less" value="build/lesscss/less-rhino-1.4.0.js" />
<property name="single-input-lesscss-file" value="/path/to/my/style.less" />
<property name="single-output-css-file" value="/output/my/style.css" />
<target name="compileLessCss" description="Compile the single less file to css">
<java jar="${tool.rhino}" fork="true">
<arg path="${tool.less}" />
<arg path="${single-input-lesscss-file}" />
<arg path="${single-output-css-file}" />
If maven is an option for you, you could try wro4j-maven-plugin or wro4j-runner (which is a command line utility).
Using one of these, all you have do is to create an resource model descriptor (wro.xml):
<groups xmlns="">
<group name="g1">
The rest will be handled by the wro4j library. No need to carry about how rhino works or other details.
Disclaimer: I'm working on wro4j project
I had the same issue. I developed a solution using ant-contrib. It expects all of your .less files to be in one flat directory and to be moved to another flat directory. It will change the file extension to .css in the process.
<property name="tool.rhino" value="/rhino/js.jar" />
<property name="tool.less" value="src/js/less-rhino-1.1.3.js" />
<property name="tool.ant-contrib" value="/ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b3-1.0b3.jar" />
<property name="less-files-dir" value="src/css/" />
<property name="css-files-dir" value="build/css/" />
<target name="compilecss" depends="setup-ant-contrib-taskdef, get-less-files-in-dir" description="DO THIS THING">
<for list="${less-files-to-convert}" param="file-name" trim="true" delimiter=",">
<propertyregex property="file-name-without-extension"
override="yes" />
<java jar="${tool.rhino}" fork="true" output="${css-files-dir}${file-name-without-extension}.css">
<arg path="${tool.less}" />
<arg path="${less-files-dir}#{file-name}" />
<echo>Lessjs: generated ${css-files-dir}${file-name-without-extension}.css</echo>
<target name="check-for-ant-contrib">
<condition property="ant-contrib-available">
<available file="${tool.ant-contrib}"/>
<fail unless="ant-contrib-available" message="Ant-Contrib is not available."/>
<target name="setup-ant-contrib-taskdef" depends="check-for-ant-contrib">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<path location="${tool.ant-contrib}" />
<target name="get-less-files-in-dir">
<var name="files-list" value="" />
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="${less-files-dir}" includes="**/*.less" />
<propertyregex property="file-name-and-relative-path"
override="yes" />
<echo>file name: ${file-name-and-relative-path}</echo>
<equals arg1="${files-list}" arg2="" />
<var name="files-list" value="${file-name-and-relative-path}" />
<var name="files-list" value="${files-list},${file-name-and-relative-path}" />
<property name="less-files-to-convert" value="${files-list}" />
<echo>files to convert: ${less-files-to-convert}</echo>
I was unable to get this to run using a JDK 1.6 since the javascript stuff has been incorporated to the JDK. The JDK does have a jrunscript executable in the distribution but when I try to run the less-rhino.js file it fails to recognize any readFile() function. Has anyone looked into that. Otherwise I may be giving the lesscss-engine a shot and enhancing it to understand filesets.
