Twitter media search - twitter

Is it possible to search through Twitter's media for specific tags?
I know you can access the media via this url:!/therealpaddock/media/grid
Appending media/grid to the end of a user's ID, I was wondering if there is a way to search through all the twitter media photos via a tag???
I have been searching through the API and googling, and I can't find anything out there that does this.
I have been looking at Twitpic's API but can't seem to find anywhere that lets you search and display images.

Tag? I'm not sure you understand Twitter. A photo is simply attached to a tweet. A tweet may have a hashtag. If you want to search by hashtags, simply use the normal tweet search, then filter the photos.
Not sure why you linked to Twitpic, as what you're looking for is the normal Twitter search.

You can look at the Twicsy API.
It allows you to search all Twitter pictures using a search term (which is what I think you mean by tag).
They also provide ways to filter results, by number of results and date. (Go to the API docs for more details).
Another solution would be to use the Twitter search API to make the query and parse out the images manually. This blog post explains how.


Get only tweets with Pictures using twitter search api

This question has already been asked there : Get Tweets with Pictures using twitter search api
But it's obsolete now : the new Twitter API doesn't allow the answer provided.
In a nutshell : I'm trying, in Ajax, to retrieve tweets with a particular hashtag that contains a media (image).
It rather depends on the source of the images that you want to find. You are best of searching for the URL of the image directly.
If you're looking for images uploaded directly to Twitter with the hashtag "#nice", do a search for twimg%20%26%20%23nice (that's "twimg & #nice").
You could also include flickr or any other image sharing service.

Show tweets from people I'm following on website embedded Twitter feed

I've had a look at the following link - within Twitter. It says you can display your timeline, favorites, lists but not the tweets from the people you're following.
Essentially when you first log into Twitter, I want to show those tweets - the tweets from people I'm following on my website.
Or is there a way to automatically add people we're following to a list? So I can then display that list?
Can it be done? If so, how?
I don't think you can achieve this with embedded timelines but you can achieve it by using the REST API. The link below gives details on how to do this. Your request will then return a json string of the latest tweets of people you follow. You can format this then display it

Twitter messages on website with votes

I am not sure how it is done, therefore my questions below:
I would like to ask folks on Twitter for a suggestion on a particular topic. Can I tell them to use certain hashtag and have all comments with that hashtag posted on my site?
Do I just pick a hashtag or does it need to be created somehow?
Can I have users on my site rate those suggestions? In that case, would I need to somehow grab twitter message and store locally?
Just trying to understand the process in order to implement it.
Hashtags don't have to be created - just use it in tweet.
In order to get all tweets with particular hashtag, use search API: and search for this hashtag. You should save all relevant tweets (twitter search is not reliable on old tweets).

Twitter API - search tweets and filter by bio keywords

Is there any way at all to search for latest tweets by keyword, then - crucially - only show the tweets when the twitter user it belongs to has a keyword in their bio? I've been searching for ways to do this and have found nothing other than sites (e.g FollowerWonk) which offer this functionality but not an API to tap into. Any advice appreciated!
You can use the regular Twitter api to search for Tweets containing your keyword. All docs are at In the results set that you get back, you can also get the bio of each user. You could make a subselection in that text. We found the easiest way to load the results into a SOLR instance, and search on anything you want.

Is there a website that will allow me to filter tweets from my Twitter feed?

I need to approve/reject tweets from my Twitter feed, and display on our website. Any websites out there that will provide this functionality?
I've looked into, but I can't tell if they support the kind of "feed" we have (it's actually a json search, not an RSS feed).
For example, this is our "feed":
Twitterfeed already provides an interface for that. Click on edit->advanced you should see filter tweets.
Another alternative is filtering from the feed itself, you can do this from Yahoo Pipes
