Deploying an app in private beta without any coding - grails

I'm working on a Grails 2.0 app, deploying it on Heroku, with a launchpage on kickofflabs and a DNS on CloudFlare. I'm looking for a simple way to password-protect my app in private beta and give access to it only to a few selected people, all that without adding any code to my app.
Back when I used Cloudbees, it had a nice private mode to do just that. But I couldn't find any equivalent in Heroku, either natively or using an add-on. I also had a look at CloudFlare apps but no success there either.
Does anyone know any simple way to do that? It seems generic enough to me.

There's the Invitation Only plugin
Never used it myself though...
And not sure if it needs updating for 2.0 :-/
And I guess this needs some coding... So this answer basically doesn't answer your question... Sorry about that...

Can you not front it with Apache and use mod_jk to connect to your Tomcat with the Grails application. This way you can have .htaccess do the access control?


Cookie authentication in websharper + suave + OWIN

As part of an evaluation process for a commercial project I'm searching for any full fledged example of authentication/authorization using the websharper stack. I'd like to use OWIN, since it seems to be a well designed protocol, but I'm open to alternatives.
Some requirements:
use Mono
use the Suave server.
For now, we have been trying to adapt this tutorial for the websharper toolchain:
This is what we currently have:
I would also like to mention that the default method ctx.UserSession.LoginUser has this issue:
But the cookies file is not being generated for some reason, probably because we're missing something obvious. Anyone able to help?
I think I figured out the reason why the cookies file is not being generated: the Suave server doesn't actually run OwinStartup, so I need to figure out another way to configure the IAppBuilder of my application. But I still don't know how to do it, so if anyone can help I'll appreciate.
I think I fixed the configuration of OWIN in my application, but I still don't have cookies being generated.

Recaptcha for .NET MVC having more trouble with SSL

I'm attempting to get Recaptcha for .NET working with ASP.NET MVC 4.0 on an https site that is using SSL. I've been reading up on it and the problem seems prolific, but I'm having a hard time finding a solution.
I've seen this related topic here Stackoverflow Question and it did not solve the problem. I am following the documentation here : RecaptchaNET Documentation
I have made an ad-hoc solution work by running the page in non HTTPS and just copying and pasting the raw HTML code, and changing the various URLS. But I'd like to make this work with the actual HTML helper. Can anyone help? Has this changed since that original topic?
There are a few posts about this out there for the change google made to the api. Basically, RecaptchaNET wasn't supporting google's latest api endpoints for this.
If you check your version, this is fixed in version 1.3.
Try downloading the latest version from CodePlex and using that dll.
or the nuget here.

My Twitter api is not working suddenly

I have a web application which uses twitter api. It was working fine.But suddenly it stopped work. I started googling & came to know about that twitter upgraded their api. So I need to use the library which supports v1.1
Have anybody worked with v1.1 library please help me
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at this project on GitHub. Don't be confused by the title - it has been updated since Twitter's API update to 1.1.
The jQuery plugin on the page has been re-purposed to be a Rendering engine, i.e. it helps with rendering your feeds.
The important part, however is in the "Server-Side Examples and Setup" directory. Go there, read and follow the directions in the SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS document. When you are done, if you are using PHP, use the file in the "Plug_And_Play" directory as a start point. If you are using C#, you can use this library. It is still under development, but it is updated regularly and mimics the Twitter API's specifications as closely as possible.
P.S. I am the author of both of those projects, so if you need any help, let me know. Good luck! :) mvc cookies not persisting on local server (aspnetserve)

Trying to run an MVC app on the 'portable' web server. Software is aspnetserve. (
Cookies do not persist. They do fine when I run from visual studio debug. Code is fine, seemingly.
Only are dead (fail to persist from page to page) when I use this server.
My solution requires deploying a portable local solution like this for the app. (this isn't just being done for purposes of testing)
Rather stumped right now. Any bright ideas?
Thank you.
Could you look at the requests in fiddler. See if you are receiving cookies? In addition, do you have any special attributes set like requiressl, cookie path etc?

MVC - Routing not working within intranet

I don't know anyone can help but I'd appreciate any. I am developing an app in mvc (c#), now I had various routes working on my local development machine when the app was stand alone however now I've tried adding the project to the test intranet at work and none of the routes are working.
So where Localhost/Admin/Create worked fine locally where admin is the controller and Create is the action, when I try to get to I'm getting a file not found error. I'm not sure what I need to change to get it to pick up the routing again rather than look for the literal path. The default.aspx page works fine and gets called but apart from that nothing. Is routing only viable when in a standalone project?
Cheers for any help.
It looks like you're either running on IIS 6 or IIS 7 classic mode. If you can, I'd recommend updgrading to IIS 7 integrated mode. If not, I have a walkthrough for getting up and running on IIS 6.
You don't say what version of IIS you have deployed to, but you may be running into the issues described here:
I believe that most people chose to resolve this using a wildcard mapping for the aspnet_isapi.dll.
