CCSpriteBatchNode or NSMutableArray - ios

I'm currently trying to create an endlessly scrolling background with a character who jumps up and down and collects items that come along the way.
My problem lies with the items that need to be created and then moved.
I've looked at CCSpriteBatchNode and NSMutableArray but I'm not sure which to use.
I reviewed Steffen Itterheim's example from his book regarding creating bullets while initializing and then using them when needed.
I thought that this would be inefficient and taxing on the iPhone. Also, aren't all the bullets continuously updated even if they are not visible, using up even more of the iPhone's limited memory and CPU?
On the other hand, if I had a NSMutableArray and added the items as I needed them and updated a selective few that currently exist, would this be more efficient.
Thus, my main problem is choosing between NSMutableArray or CCSpriteBatchNode and finding out which is the most efficient in creating numerous, continuously updating objects.
Thank you!

If you are using Cocos, CCSpriteBatchNode is much better if you plan to have many of your objects on the screen at the same time. CCSpriteBatchNode only "draws" the object once, then propogates it repeatedly in your view. This saves a lot of precious CPU resources. This is why CCSpriteBatchNode is used with bullets because usually there are many on the screen.
Also, if your objects appear frequently, even if there are just one or two on the screen at once, CCSpriteBatchNode will use the cached drawing rather than redrawing, still saving CPU resources.
I recommend sticking with the Cocos objects when you can, as they are designed to improve performance for reasons like this, over the native Apple objects like NSMutableArray.
However, if you insist on using NSMutableArray, still consider CCArray instead if you are using Cocos. But CCSpriteBatchNode is probably going to be your best bet.

Nodes entirely outside the screen are quickly dismissed, and if you set a node's visible property to NO it will be dismissed right away, which means there's basically no performance penalty for invisible nodes.
Caching many objects is actually faster than creating and releasing them at runtime, even if that means you'll always have 400 or so of them in memory. That requires maybe 200 KB of memory at most and avoids frequent alloc/dealloc cycles which you will want to avoid as much as possible, particularly on 1st/2nd gen devices.


Memory Usage of SKSpriteNodes

I'm making a tile-based adventure game in iOS. Currently my level data is stored in a 100x100 array. I'm considering two approaches for displaying my level data. The easiest approach would be to make an SKSpriteNode for each tile. However, I'm wondering if an iOS device has enough memory for 10,000 nodes. If not I can always create and delete nodes from the level data as needed.
I know this is meant to work with Tiled, but the code in there might help you optimize what you are looking to do. I have done my best to optimize for big maps like the one you are making. The big thing to look at is more so how you are creating textures I know that has been a big killer in the past.
Both are designed to load in a JSON string too so there is a chance you could still generate random maps without having to use the Tiled Editor as long as you match the expected format.
Also you may want to consider looking at how culling works in the Objective-C version as we found more recently removing nodes from the parent has really optimized performance on iOS 9.
Hopefully you find some of that helpful and if you have any questions feel free to email me.
Another option would be to look at Object Pooling. The core concept is to create only sprites you need to display and when you are done store them in a collection of sorts. When you need a new sprite you ask the collection for one and if it doesn't have one you create a new one.
For example you need a grass tile and you ask for one and it doesn't have one that has been already created that is waiting to be used so it creates one. You may do this to fill a 9 x 7 grid to fill up your screen. As you move away grass that gets moved off screen gets tossed into the collection to be used again when the new row comes in and needs grass. This works really well if all you are doing is displaying tiles. Not so great if tiles have dynamic properties that need to be updated and are unique in nature.
Here is a great link even if it is for Unity =)

SpriteKit using 95-100% CPU when running game with large tilemap (JSTileMap)

My project runs at 55-60FPS on an iPhone 6 but anything older is completely unplayable because something is eating CPU.
I think the issue is related to the number of tiles and layers on my map (64x256 with 4 layers) and Instruments shows "SKCRenderer:preprocessSpriteImp(..." taking 5198ms (23.2%) running time.
Does JSTileMap load every single tile's image (visible or not) at once? This post from RW indicates that is the case and that it could be worked around for large performance boosts:
In another performance note - Sprite Kit checks all it's nodes and
decides which ones it needs to display each frame. If you have a big
tile map, this can be a big performance hit. JSTileMap loads all the
nodes (SKSpriteNode for each tile) when it loads the tile map. So, I
was also seeing performance issues in the Sprite Kit version with my
maps (which are 500 x 40 tiles). I added a check to my version of
JSTileMap that's included in the kit that marks the hidden property of
each tile, then intelligently unhides and hides only the tiles that
enter/exit the screen space. That increased performance on these
larger maps significantly.
Unfortunately that post does not go into detail regarding the steps taken to remedy this.
My first thought was to (I'm a beginner, please be gentle) create an array of nodes by looping through each point and checking for a tile on the specific layer. From there I'd work on adding/removing them based on distance from the player.
This didn't work, because the process of adding nodes to an array simply caused the app to hang forever on larger maps.
Could someone lend a hand? I'd love to work with larger/more complicated tilemaps but this performance issue is destroying my brain.
Thanks for reading!
UPDATE: Big thanks to SKAToolKit:
Their culling feature solved my problem and I'm now running even larger maps at less than 35% CPU.
JSTileMap has some issues handling larger maps but you do have a couple of options to consider:
Break your large map into several smaller pieces and load each new piece as required.
Only load those objects which are in the player's vicinity.
Only load those tiles which are in the player's vicinity.
I personally found it impossible to accomplish #3 with JSTileMap as I could not locate an array holding the map tiles. I solved this issue by using the SKAToolKit which provides easy access to map tile arrays. It is an excellent resource for parsing maps created in Tiled.

Best way to draw/render grid iOS - Game of Life

I am taking a stab at John Conway's game of life [wiki] & [demo]. I have developed a small program in C to calculate the next state - using a 1D array (but with 2D array logic).
I am hoping to make a small iOS app out of this (to Objective-C!), and am wondering the best and fastest way to render a grid like seen in the video. Note, it would have to render every fraction of a second and would use an array of 1's and 0's to determine a "block's" respective colour.
Edit: I'm probably looking at around 10 frames/sec, but a very large grid. It'd be rendering out hundreds of thousands of squares. Of course, if this isn't physically possible with iPhone/iPad technology then I'll reduce the grid size. It is variable without issue, just looks more 'epic' on a grand scale.
Any suggestions will help out, never touched anything of this manner before.
The best way depends on your criteria. Fastest would probably be to use OpenGL. You might even be able to write a shader to do the entire simulation. However, OpenGL is hard. Really hard.
I suspect that using Core Graphics and implementing code in a view's drawRect method that renders the array of cells onto the screen would be fast enough. It depends on how many cells you have and how many frames/second you want to draw.

How to optimize my memory usage with sprites...between SpriteFrameCache and SpriteBatchNode

I have seen the usage of plist and png atlasses for the game i am developing. However I've notice a slight performance swiftness(speed up) keeping the 60 fps, and for a side note my app has not crash at the moment.
The thing is I noticed I have used SpriteFrameCache with plist to do CCactions and animations for my characters(sprites). However some of the characters ive been using SpriteBatchnode, but it was on accident, since I am relatively new to deep development of a game, I didnt notice this difference before, they both work, but I feel like both are the same, its just that one has an easier way of implementation than the other, i was thinking that perhaps it was developed in an earlier version....
so my question is. is there a difference between the two? will my game benefit for using SpriteFrameCache over SpriteBatchNode?
Thanks for the help.
FYI: this doesnt slow down my developing, its just a question because I know at the end when my game is finished maybe i would want to optimize performance for my game.
Batch nodes draw all child sprites in one draw call.
Sprite frames hold a reference to a texture and define a region in the texture to draw from. The cache allows you to access sprite frames by name.
Both are different concepts, they are not replacements for each other. You can use sprite frames to create sprites or sprite frame animations. In addition to that sprite batching enables you to speed up rendering of two or more sprites using the same texture.
Note that if you use a batch node with only a single child sprite this will not be any different from rendering the sprite without the batch node, since both create a single draw call so there is no positive effect in using the batch node.

Why is -drawRect faster than using CALayers/UIViews for UITableViews?

I can already hear the wrenching guts of a thousand iOS developers.
No, I am not noob.
Why is -drawRect faster for UITableView performance than having multiple views?
I understand that compositing operations take place on the GPU. But compositing is a one-time operation; once the layers are committed to memory, it is no different from a cached buffer that, from the point of view of the GPU, gets translated in and out of view. Compare this to using Core Graphics in drawRect, which employ an unknown amount of operations on the CPU to produce pixels that end up getting cached in CALayers anyway. What's the difference if it all ends up cached and flattened anyway?
Also, if you're handling cell reuse properly, you shouldn't need to regenerate views on each call to -cellForRowAtIndexPath. In fact, there may be a performance benefit to having the state data (font, font size, text color, attributes, etc) cached by UIView/CALayer objects than having them constantly recreated during -drawRect.
Why the craze for drawRect? Can someone give me pointers?
When you talking about optimization, you need to provide specific situations and conditions and limitations. Because optimization is all about micro-management. Otherwise, it's meaningless.
What's the basis of your faster? How did you measured it? What's the numbers?
For example, no-op or very simple -drawRect: can be faster, but it doesn't mean it always does.
I don't know internal design of CA neither. So here are my guesses.
In case of static content
It's weird that your drawing code is being called constantly. Because CALayer caches drawing result, and won't draw it again until you send setNeedsDisplay message. If you don't update cell's content, it's just same with single bitmap layer. Should be faster than multiple composited layers because it doesn't need composition cost. If you're using only small number of cells which are enough to be exist all in the pool at same time, it doesn't need to be updated. As RAM becomes larger in recent model, it's more likely to happen in recent models.
In case of dynamic content
If it is being updated constantly, it means you're actually updating them yourself. So maybe your layer-composited version would also being updated constantly. It means it is being composited again for every frame. It could be slower by how it is complex and large. If it's complex and large and have a lot of overlapping areas, it could be slower. I guess CA will draw everything strictly if it can't determine what area is fine to ignore. Unlike you can choose what to draw or not.
In case of actual drawing is done in CPU
Even you configure your view as pure composition of many layers, each sublayers should be drawn eventually. And drawing of their content is not guaranteed to be done in GPU. For example, I believe CATextLayer is drawing itself in CPU. (because drawing text with polygons on current mobile GPU doesn't make sense in performance perspective) And some filtering effects too. In that case, overall cost would be similar and plus it requires compositing cost.
In case of well balanced load of CPU and GPU
If your GPU is very busy for heavy load because there're too many layers or direct OpenGL drawings, your CPU may be idle. If your CG drawing can be done within the idle CPU time, it could be faster than giving more load to GPU.
None of them is your case?
If your case is none of situations I listed above, I really want to see and check the CG code draws faster than CA composition. I wish you attach some source code.
well, your program could easily end up moving and converting a lot of pixel data if going back and forth from GPU to CPU based renderers.
as well, many layers can consume a lot of memory.
I'm only seeing half the conversation here, so I might have misunderstood. Based on my recent experiences optimizing CALayer rendering, and investigating the ways Apple does(n't) optimize stuff you'd expect to be optimized...
What's the difference if it all ends up cached and flattened anyway?
Apple ends up creating a separate GPU element per layer. If you have lots of layers, you have lots of GPU elements. If you have one drawRect, you only have one element. Apple often does NOT flatten those, even where they could (and possibly "should").
In many cases, "lots of elements" is no issue. But if they get to be large ... or there's enough of them ... or they're bad sizes for OpenGL ... AND (see below) they get stored in CPU instead of on GPU, then things start to get nasty. NB: in my experience:
"enough": 40+ in memory
"large": 100x100 points (200x200 retina pixels)
Apple's code for GPU elements / buffers is well optimized in MOST places, but in a few places it's very POORLY optimized. The performance drop is like going off a cliff.
Also, if you're handling cell reuse properly, you shouldn't need to
regenerate views on each call to -cellForRowAtIndexPath
You say "properly", except ... IIRC Apple's docs tell people not to do it that way, they go for a simpler approach (IMHO: weak docs), and instead re-populate all the subviews on every call. At which point ... how much are you saving?
...doesn't all this change with iOS 6, where the cost of creating a UIView is greatly reduced? (I haven't profiled it yet, just been hearing about it from other devs)
