How do you include hashtags within Twitter share link text? - twitter

I'm writing a site with a custom tweet button that uses the function, however the problem I am having is including hash '#' characters within the tweet text.
For example:
The tweet text comes out as 'I am eating' and omits the hash and everything after.
I had a quick look on the Twitter forums and learnt the hash '#' character cannot be part of the share url. On it was said that:
Hashes are special characters in the URL (they identify document fragments) so they, and anything following, does not get sent the server.
you need to URLEncode it, so use %23
When I tried the 2nd point in my test link:
The tweet text came out as 'I am eating %23branstonpickel right now' literally including %23 instead of converting it to a hash.
Sorry for the waffely question, but does anyone know what it is I'm doing wrong?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

It looks like this is the basic setup:
url=<url to tweet>
text=<text to tweet>
hashtags=<comma separated list of hashtags, with no # on them>
This would pre-built a tweet of: <text> <url> <hashtags>
The above example would be:,pickles
There used to be a bug with the hashtags parameter... it only showed the first n-1 hashtags. Currently this is fixed.

you can use %23 instead of hash (#) in url eg

I may be wrong but i think the hashtag has to be passed as a separate variable that will appear at the end of your tweet ie:
will result in "I am eating branston pickel right now #branstonpickle"
On a separate note, I think pickel should be pickle!

use encodeURIComponent to encode the url

If you're using PHP, you can use the following:
<?php echo '' . http_build_query(array(
'url' => '',
'text' => 'I am eating #branstonpickel right now'
)); ?>
This will do all the URL encoding for you, and it's easy to read.
For more information on the http_build_query, see the PHP manual:

For url with line jump, # , # and special unicode in it, the following works :
var lineJump = encodeURI(String.fromCharCode(10)),
hash = "%23", arobase="%40",
tweetText = ' signe chinois '+hans+' '+item.pinyin+': '+item.definition.replace(";",",")+'.'
+lineJump+'Merci '+arobase+'Inalco_Officiel '+arobase+'CRIparis ❤️🇨🇳 '
+lineJump+hash+'Chinois '+hash+'MOOC'
tweetTxtUrlEncoded = tweetText+ "" +encodeURIComponent('#'+lesson+encodeURIComponent(hans));

urlencode<?= urlencode("I am eating #branstonpickel right now"); ?>"

You can just use this code and modify it
20% means space
23% means hashtag

In JS you can easily encode the special characters using encoreURIComponent.
(Warning: don't use encodeURI as "#" and "#" are not escaped.)
Here's an example with mention and hashtag:
const text = "Hello #world ! Go follow #StackOverflow";
const tweetUrl = `${ encodeURIComponent(text) }`;


How to remove hashtag, user mentions & URLs from tweet. Twitter4j library(sentiment analysis) does not work properly with these noise words

How to remove hashtag, user mentions & URLs from tweet. Twitter4j library(sentiment analysis) does not work properly with these noise words
Tweet: Hello great morning today #summermorning #evilpriest #holysinner https://goo.le/asxmo/dataload.......
Should look like -
Hello great morning today summermorning
Is there any method or utility available in twitter4J itself or we need to write our own? Please guide.
Use regular expressions to filter out the #es before parsing a sentence through the sentiment analysis pipeline!
Use this:
String withoutHashTweet = originalTweet.replaceAll("[#]", "");
So "Hello great morning today #summermorning #evilpriest #holysinner " should return : "Hello great morning today summermorning #evilpriest #holysinner"
Similarly replace the hash in the code with # to remove the respective sign
Something like that :
let tweet = "#arthurlacoste check this link : ! so #nsfw";
tweet = tweet.replace(/(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[\n\S]+/g, '') // remove links
//.replace(/\#\w\w+\s?/g, '') remove hashtags words
.replace('#', '') // remove hashtags only
.replace(/\#\w\w+\s?/g, ''); // remove mentions
// output : "check this link : ! so nsfw"

Change youtube shortened url value in iframe

I am using advanced custom filed wordpress plugin to create a meta tag called youtube URL...
When some one put the video url in shorter format like this
Then the iframe I put to show the video doesn't work cause iframe doesn't work with shorter version of url
rather it needs real url as a source.. My iframe code is as below
How can I achive this.. Let me show you how I want to achieve this..
I am not that expert on php so please give me the full working code..
the_field("listing_video_1") == $got_url_from_user_input
if $got_url_from_user_input == in this format
$actual_URL= replace above url to
How can I achieve this please.
Thanks in advance
Here's a simple way to use preg_replace to accomplish what you are trying to do:
$got_url_from_user_input = '';
print "\nSTARTING URL: ".$got_url_from_user_input;
$actual_URL = preg_replace('~https://youtu\.be/([-A-Z0-9]+)~i', '$1', $got_url_from_user_input);
print "\nFINAL URL: ".$actual_URL;
There's not much magic here, so let me run down it quickly:
https://youtu\.be/ - Look for this pattern exactly. We escape the dot with a backslash so it finds a literal dot and not any character.
([-A-Z0-9]+) - This is just your basic character class matching any dash, letter or number, occurring at least one time. We put it in parenthesis so that we it will be saved in $1 and we can plug it into our final url.
Here is the above code in a working demo you can take a look at:
You can just use php str_replace() function as in following code :
$actual_url = str_replace('', '', $got_url_from_user_input);
echo $actual_url;
str_replace() will replace youtubes short url with embade url.

How do I scan url for a specific string with spaces and special characters?

I'm using stringscanner on my request URL in order to get the name of the user's currently selected category, but I've been having difficulty dealing with spaces and special characters.
request.url.scan(/\?category=\w+/).to_s.gsub('?category=', '')
URL examples followed by result
http://localhost:3000/search?category=dog&search=&utf8=%E2%9C%93 => ["dog"]
http://localhost:3000/search? => ["dog"]
http://localhost:3000/search?category=dog+cat&search=&utf8=%E2%9C%93 => ["dog"]
I'm trying to get ["dog"] [""] and ["dog cat"], but am currently stuck. Any ideas?
Note: Considering removing spaces from categories and replacing them with dashes as multiple spaces could be problematic, but if it's possible to create one function to rule them all, that would be awesome.
This is Rails, is there a reason you're not just using params[:category]?
If you are trying to extract params then you could use parse_query :
uri = "http://localhost:3000/search?category=dog+cat&search=&utf8=%E2%9C%93"
result = Rack::Utils.parse_query(URI(uri).query) #=> {"category"=>"dog cat", "search"=>"", "utf8"=>"\xE2\x9C\x93"}
result["category"] #=> dog cat

Generate a link_to on the fly if a URL is found inside the contents of a db text field?

I have an automated report tool (corp intranet) where the admins have a few text area boxes to enter some text for different parts of the email body.
What I'd like to do is parse the contents of the text area and wrap any hyperlinks found with link tags (so when the report goes out there are links instead of text urls).
Is ther a simple way to do something like this without figuring out a way of parsing the text to add link tags around a found (['http:','https:','ftp:] TO the first SPACE after)?
Thank You!
Ruby 1.87, Rails 2.3.5
Make a helper :
def make_urls(text)
urls = %r{(?:https?|ftp|mailto)://\S+}i
html_text = text.gsub urls, '\0'
on the view just call this function , you will get the expected output.
like :
irb(main):001:0> string = 'here is a link:'
=> "here is a link:"
irb(main):002:0> urls = %r{(?:https?|ftp|mailto)://\S+}i
=> /(?:https?|ftp|mailto):\/\/\S+/i
irb(main):003:0> html = string.gsub urls, '\0'
=> "here is a link:"
There are many ways to accomplish your goal. One way would be to use Regex. If you have never heard of regex, this wikipedia entry should bring you up to speed.
For example:
content_string = "Blah ablal blabla lbal blah blaha adsf dasd dadf dfasdf dadf sdfasdf dadf dfaksjdf kjdfasdf blah blah blah."
content_string.split(/\s+/).find_all { |u| u =~ /^https?:/ }
Which will return: ["", ""]
Now, for the second half of the problem, you will use the array returned above to subsititue the text links for hyperlinks.
links = ["", ""]
links.each do |l|
content_string.gsub!(l, "<a href='#{l}'>#{l}</a>")
content_string will now be updated to contain HTML hyperlinks for all http/https URLs.
As I mentioned earlier, there are numerous ways to tackle this problem - to find the URLs you could also do something like:
require 'uri'
URI.extract(content_string, ['http', 'https'])
I hope this helps you.

How to parse a remote website and create a link on every single word for a dictionary tooltip?

I want to parse a random website, modify the content so that every word is a link (for a dictionary tooltip) and then display the website in an iframe.
I'm not looking for a complete solution, but for a hint or a possible strategy. The linking is my problem, parsing the website and displaying it in an iframe is quite simple. So basically I have a String with all the html content. I'm not even sure if it's better to do it serverside or after the page is loaded with JS.
I'm working with Ruby on Rails, jQuery, jRails.
Note: The content of the href tag depends on the word.
I tried a regexp and it already kind of works:
#site.gsub!(/[A-Za-z]+(?:['-][A-Za-z]+)?|\\d+(?:[,.]\\d+)?/) {|word| '' + word + ''}
But the problem is to only replace words in the text and leave the HTML as it is. So I guess it is a regex problem...
Thanks for any ideas.
I don't think a regexp is going to work for this - or, at least, it will always be brittle. A better way is to parse the page using Hpricot or Nokogiri, then go through it and modify the nodes that are plain text.
It sounds like you have it mostly planned out already.
Split the content into words and then for each word, create a link, such as whatever
EDIT (based on your comment):
Ahh ... I recommend you search around for screen scraping techniques. Most of them should start with removing anything between < and > characters, and replacing <br> and <p> with newlines.
I would use Nokogiri to remove the HTML structure before you use the regex.
no_html = Nokogiri::HTML(html_as_string).text
Simple. Hash the HTML, run your regex, then unhash the HTML.
class ht
static $hashes = array();
# hashes everything that matches $pattern and saves matches for later unhashing
function hash($text, $pattern) {
return preg_replace_callback($pattern, array(self,'push'), $text);
# hashes all html tags and saves them
function hash_html($html) {
return self::hash($html, '`<[^>]+>`');
# hashes and saves $value, returns key
function push($value) {
if(is_array($value)) $value = $value[0];
static $i = 0;
$key = "\x05".++$i."\x06";
self::$hashes[$key] = $value;
return $key;
# unhashes all saved values found in $text
function unhash($text) {
return str_replace(array_keys(self::$hashes), self::$hashes, $text);
function get($key) {
return self::$hashes[$key];
function clear() {
self::$hashes = array();
Example usage:
// your word->href converter here
Oh... right, I wrote this in PHP. Guess you'll have to convert it to ruby or js, but the idea is the same.
