Why Rails process link_to with :action=>methodname as ID=>methodname - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to make a link in Rails (2.1) that:
Only appears for admin users
When clicked, executes a method in the controller,
The method executes a small shell script (e.g. a short sql query which outputs a text file),
Prompts the user to download the output text file,
Everything is done on the same page without redirecting to another page (ideally)
I tried these solutions to run a shell script from Ruby: (1), (2). In my reports_controller.rb:
def runreport
#system('sh hello.sh')
puts `whoami` # << this is just to test shell script calling
And in my view/report/index.html.erb:
<% if is_logged_in? && logged_in_user.has_role?('Administrator') -%>
<p><span class="encapsulated"><%= link_to "Download File", { :action => 'runreport' } %></span></p>
<% end -%>
(The <span class="encapsulated"> just puts the link in a nice button form). However, when I clicked the link, it returns an error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ReportsController#show
Couldn't find Report with ID=runreport
app/controllers/reports_controller.rb:100:in `show'
With Parameters:
It looks like when the link is pointed to itself (reports), the default method to execute is "show". But wasn't it specifically told to do action => 'runreport'? I've scratched my head and looked for answers for a few hours and couldn't figure it out :( Thus, my questions are:
What am I doing wrong?
Why is it looking for the id=>"runreport"?
How to fix the error? and if it's possible to tell it to not do redirection
And what's the ideal way to deliver the file to the user after the script is done?
Thank you in advance for any help/feedback!
EDIT: This is how the routes.rb on reports look like:
map.resources :reports,
:member => { :claim => :put, :close => :put, :open => :put, :baz => :post },
:collection => {:search => :get} do |report|
report.resources :blah, :foo => { :bar => :post }
This is on Rails 2.1, so I assume it's different from 3.x

Generally the issue is with the routes.
If you define restful routes as in
map.resources :reports
or in case of rails 3 and above
resources :reports
Its assumed that /reports/:id is the show action. So when you go to "/reports/runreport" it goes to the show action and tries to find an Report object with the Id "runreport".
Read this http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#resources-on-the-web
You may want to define collection route on reports to make this work. Read this http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#adding-more-restful-actions

I have not figured out entirely why the controller always defaults to the show method, but I've found a workaround. I just make it call my runreport method when the link is clicked (which will reload the same page), before it calls the show method.
I'm guessing, since the page is always calling the show method, which is a "member" method, it will always look for some id.
Thanks for all your help!


Call a method from a form - rails

I have a form to upload a file. I want to call a particular method in my controller when I press my submit button. This is probably a really simple thing but I'm really new to rails.
I have a method in my videos_controller called "upload_translation_handwritten"
Here is my form:
%form{role: 'form'}
%label.h4{for: "handwrittenTranslation"} Upload Handwritten Translation
%input#inputFile{name: 'translation', type: "file"}
%button.btn.btn-default{type: "submit"} Upload
I have a route:
match 'users/:id/videos/:video_id/translate_video_handwritten' => 'videos#upload_translation_handwritten', via: 'post', as: :upload_translation_handwritten
I'm already at 'users/:id/videos/:video_id/translate_video_handwritten' and I want to call this other method that does a couple things then redirects to the same page with a little flash message. Right now, when I click "upload", nothing happens :(
Thanks in advance!
rails convention
check form action(routing) and method(post)
<form action="this" method="and this">...</form>
in routes.rb
match "**/videos/:video_id" => "vidoes#edit", :as => :get # upload form as html
match "**/videos/:video_id/upload" => "videos#upload", :as => :post # upload and redirect with flash
in videos_controller.rb
def upload
flash[:msg] = "Not suppported video format"
render "edit"
in upload_form.html.haml
- if flash[:msg]?
= flash[:msg]
You need to add url for attribute action. In your case, I think it is %form{role: 'form', action: upload_translation_handwritten_user_video_path(user_id, video_id), method: :post}. Please run rake routes to see right named helper
Your route points out to the POST method only,
You have to accept it for GET method also.
Change your route to
match 'users/:id/videos/:video_id/translate_video_handwritten' => 'videos#upload_translation_handwritten', as: :upload_translation_handwritten
Then You can able to view your Form, No need to give action in your form,
After Update Your Controller like this
def upload_translation_handwritten
# Perform Your actions for both GET and POST
# check with
if request.post?
# Add codes for actions after submission of form
# render your form
I ended up fixing it by changing:
%form{role: 'form'}
=form_tag(:action => 'upload_translation_handwritten', :method => 'post')
Thank you everyone for your help!!

undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #<#<Class:0x0

I have the following code in my routes.rb file .
resources :users do
member do
get :following,:followers
collection do
put :activate_email
And I have a user email activation link like this :
<%= link_to "Activate",activate_email_users_url(email_token: #user.email_token),method: :put %>
When I click on the activate link , this is the url that is generated
Update: Ok, So I think I kno what the problem is . When I look at the html source of the activation email in my gmail which contains the link_to , there is no data-method='put'. So that seems to be the problem . It is always sending a default GET request instead of PUT.
This is my user_mailer/registration_confirmation.html.erb file
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
Please click on the following link to activate your email
<%= link_to "Activate",activate_email_users_url(email_token: #user.email_token), method: :put %>
This gives the following error :
undefined method `protect_against_forgery?' for #
So , the code <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> is causing this error. Is there any way around this ?
Sorry, I do not know your purpose, but apparently you have a purpose to activate user.
Try this, if this solution not work, please tell me your action (activate_email) on controller!
see on rake routes output :
activate_email_users PUT /users/activate_email(.:format) users#activate_email
user GET /users/:id(.:format) users#show
when your generate
Your problem was activate_email considered to be :id
users/activate_email => users/:id
And solution for your problem :
Try removing the method from the link. Its better specifying the method in your routes file. How about replacing match by put in routes as :
resources :users do
member do
get :following,:followers
put "/users/activate_email/:email_token" => "users#activate_email", :as => "activate"
and on view
<%= link_to "Activate", activate_path(:email_token => #user.email_token) %>
I have not tested this, but I guess this will suffice.
for Question : undefined method `protect_against_forgery?'
Add this to a helper that only your mailer template uses:
def protect_against_forgery?
NOTE : If You have new question, please create new "Ask Question" and aprrove answer is usefull for this question
If you're trying to activate a single user account you probably don't want to be specifying your route on the collection (which you would use for actions that operate on multiple users).
Here's some (untested) code that should point you in the right direction:
controller :users do
put '/activate/:email_token', :to => :activate, :as => 'activate_email'
Which should route a PUT to /activate/xxxx to the UsersController#activate action with a params[:email_token] set as xxxx. It should also give you a #activate_email_url route which you can pass the activation token (you can check what routes your app provides by running rake routes on the command line).
Google redirected me to this question even-though mine was related to rendering a template into a string and not just in the browser. My solution for the template problem was something along these lines:
action_controller = ActionController::Base.new()
action_controller.class_eval do
def protect_against_forgery?
file_string = action_controller.render_to_string('/some_template/template_file',locals: { local_variable: 1 }

Ruby on Rails: How to print out a string and where does it display at?

I know this is a trivial question. But I have search all over google but cannot find a simple answer to this question.
Basically I have a line that says <%= link_to 'Run it', :method => 'doIt' %> in the view, then in the corresponding controller, I have the doIt method as follows:
def doIt
puts "Just do it"
I just want to check that if i click on Run it, it will output the string "Just do it". I ran this on localhost and there is no errors, but I can't find the output "Just do it" anywhere. It is not displayed in the rails console or rails server log. I just want to know where does puts output the string to , where to find it ?
Round 2: So this is what I tried ....
Added this line in the index.html.erb (which is the root)
<%= link_to 'Run it', :method => 'do_it' %>
and in the url, it is just basically http://localhost:3000/ (since i route controller#index as root)
The display is just an underlined 'Run it' that links to 'do_it' method in the controller.
In the controller, i include this method
def do_it
logger.debug "Just do it"
when i click on 'Run it', the url change to http://localhost:3000/gollum_starters?method=do_it and in the development.log, the following is written into it:
Started GET "/gollum_starters?method=do_it" for at 2011-08-25 15:27:49 -0700
Processing by GollumStartersController#index as HTML
Parameters: {"method"=>"do_it"}
[1m[35mGollumStarter Load (0.3ms)[0m SELECT "gollum_starters".* FROM "gollum_starters"
Rendered gollum_starters/index.html.erb within layouts/application (3.6ms)
Completed 200 OK in 16ms (Views: 7.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)
Additionally, i tried all the logger.error/info/fatal/etc ... and Rails.logger.error/info/fatal/etc, all did not print out the line "Just do it" in the development log
#Paul: I did not touch the environment folder or file, i assume by default when a new rails app is created, it is in development ?
#Maz: Yes you are right, I am just trying to test if the do_it method is getting called. To do that, I just want to print something out in the controller. Can't think of any way simpler that just print a string out, but this problem is making me miserable. I am just using textmate, no IDE.
Round 3:
#Paul thx alot, but i encountered error
My routes files is now:
resources :gollum_starters
root :to => "gollum_starters#index"
match 'gollum_starters/do_it' => 'gollum_starters#do_it', :as => 'do_it'
My index.html.erb is now:
<%= link_to "Do it", do_it_path %>
My gollum_starters_controller.rb
def do_it
logger.debug 'Just do it'
I am getting this error:
Couldn't find GollumStarter with ID=do_it
the error is in here, 2nd line:
def show
#gollum_starter = GollumStarter.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #gollum_starter }
I wonder why does it route to show ? When i click do_it, it actually goes to localhost:3000/gollum_starters/do_it which is correct, but apparently the error points to the show method ?
Round 4:
#Paul, i shifted resources :gollum_starters down:
root :to => "gollum_starters#index"
match 'gollum_starters/do_it' => 'gollum_starters#do_it', :as => 'do_it'
resources :gollum_starters
but got this error (omg i wanna kill myself),
Template is missing
Missing template gollum_starters/do_it with {:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs,
:builder, :rhtml, :rxml], :formats=>[:html], :locale=>[:en, :en]} in
view paths "~/project_name/app/views"
---------- Answer to Round 4 ------------
Basically as the error explains, there is no template(i.e a webpage) to show hence error thrown. The solution is to add a redirect_to , in this case I redirect to root_url.
def do_it
logger.debug 'Just do it'
Everything works now, "Just do it" finally outputs to development.log and the rails server console.
Thank you Maz and Paul and Andrew for helping me out. Learn a lot.
That link_to does not do what you think it does the value for :method is referring to the HTTP verbs.
Taken from the docs for ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
:method - Symbol of HTTP verb. Supported verbs are :post, :get, :delete and :put. By default it will be :post.
You would need to define a route in your routes.rb file that uses your method
# The order of routes is important as the first matched will be used
# therefore the match needs to be above 'resources :controller'
match 'controller/do_it' => 'controller#do_it', :as => 'do_it'
resources :gollum_starters # <--- This needs to be below the match or this will catch first
The controller/do_it is the route to be matched
The controller#do_it is the controller followed by the action to be used (separated by #)
The value for :as creates the path do_it_path that can be used in your link_to
Your link_to may look something like
<%= link_to "Do it", do_it_path %>
And to complete the lifecycle of a request you will need to add a view to be rendered
app/views/gollum_startes/do_it.html.erb # <-- Add file
Doing all of this creates a bit of a mess just to print something out to the logs, but it should help you understand the whole lifecycle a bit better now. Plus this answers serves as a document to help you rewind this mess.
You are not understanding what "method" means in the context of a link.
The "method" here refers to the request method, which means the kind of request you are asking the browser to make. From the perspective of a RESTful application like Rails there are four relevant request types: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. These request types affect how the controller responds to a request.
There are two other "standard" rails actions, NEW and EDIT. These are GET requests to present an interface to the user. NEW gives you a form to POST (CREATE) a new object, and EDIT gives you a form to PUT (UPDATE) and existing one.
See the rails guide for more on how HTTP Verbs relate to CRUD operations.
The important, basic thing to understand is that links, by default, are GET requests, and forms, by default, are POST requests.
So, when your link looks like this:
<%= link_to 'Run it', :method => 'do_it' %>
...it is bogus. There is no such HTTP method as "do_it", so you're not triggering anything. Because there is no such method, Rails actually passes this on as a parameter of the URL. Hence if you click that you should see your url bar now says ?method=do_it at the end.
There are several problems with what you're trying to do. First of all, the link_to helper expects at least two arguments: 1, the text for the link, and 2 the HREF for the link. So, you really need to use:
link_to 'Run it', url
Second, you need to know what URL to pass to get your controller action.
Please be familiar with the following rails convention: When referring to a controller action you can abbreviate it using the form: controller_name#controller_action. e.g. pages#show or articles#index.
Assuming your controller is called ExamplesController, you can manually trigger the seven standard controller actions as follows:
link_to 'examples#index', '/examples'
link_to 'examples#show', '/examples/123' # 123 is the id of a specific example
link_to 'examples#new', '/examples/new'
link_to 'examples#create', '/examples', :method => :post
link_to 'examples#edit', '/examples/123/edit'
link_to 'examples#update', '/examples/123', :method => :put
link_to 'examples#destroy', '/examples/123', :method => :delete
Note that in the above, INDEX, SHOW, NEW, and EDIT are all GET requests. You could specify :method => :get but that is unnecessary
To abstract this away and take care of assigning the ID when required Rails provides path helpers.
So, to repeat the above using the path helpers you could use:
link_to 'examples#index', examples_path
link_to 'examples#show', example_path( #example )
link_to 'examples#new', new_example_path
link_to 'examples#create', examples_path, :method => :post
link_to 'examples#edit', edit_example_path( #example )
link_to 'examples#update', example_path( #example ), :method => :put
link_to 'examples#destroy', example_path( #example ), :method => :delete
Now, you get these path helpers from the router, and they are defined in your routes.rb file. Within that file if you define:
resources :examples
...then you will get all the path_helpers above.
If you are using a normal RESTful controller and you want to add a custom action, then you need to make one decision: does the action operate on the entire set of objects handled by that controller (like index) or just a single specific one (like show). The reason this is important is this tells the router whether the new action you're defining needs to receive a record ID as part of the request.
If you want to act on the entire collection of objects, you define:
resources :examples do
collection do
get 'do_it'
If you want to act on just a single member of the collection you define:
resources :examples do
member do
get 'do_it'
Where I wrote 'get' in the examples above you can use any of the four verbs -- GET is normally what you do if you want to show a page, and POST is normally what I'd use if you're submitting a form. You can also write this shorthand like so:
resources :examples do
get 'do_it', :on => :collection
post 'something', :on => :member
For more on defining custom controller actions, see the rails guide.
Now that you've defined a route, you should run rake routes in terminal to see the name of the new path helper. Let's assume you added do_it as a collection method, your path helper would be: do_it_examples_path.
Now then, back to your link, if you put:
<%= link_to 'Do it.', do_it_examples_path %>
... then you would trigger the do_it action. When the action is triggered your puts should normally render to the server log (assuming you're running rails s in a terminal window you should see it right after started GET on examples#do_it...).
Now, in the browser you would get a missing template error as a GET request is going to expect to render a view, but that's a subject for another question. Basically, now you should understand what the controller actions are, how you get to them. If you want to learn more about what to do with your controller action, see the guide :)
I hope you understand what's going on now. Feel free to ask questions.
You want to use the Rails logging mechanism:
This means that even if you don't launch the server using rails s the output will still go to the right place.

Rails: set a value using a link

I need help trying to create a link that submits an edit form.
Let's say I have a list of objects
Object - Color - Own?
Ball - Red - false - [button]
Hat - Blue - true - [button]
Shoe - Green - false - [button]
When I click on the [button] I want to set "Own?" to True.
resources :toys
def edit
#toy = Toy.find(params[:id])
def update
#toy = Toy.find(params[:id])
if #Toy.update_attributes(params[:toy])
flash[:notice] = "Toy Updated"
redirect_to #toy
render 'edit'
<% if #toys %>
<% #toys.each do |toy| %>
<%= toy.name %> - <%= link_to 'Set Own', edit_toy_path(:id=>toy.id, :owned=>'true')%>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
This is all about how you setup your controller actions. I'm not totally sure I understand how you want to use yours, but I have a similar case that I'll show you which I think you should be able to adapt to your situation.
In my case, I have a menu button that sets a value in the session to either keep a menu panel open or closed across any views a user looks at.
First, you need a controller action that is going to do the work you're interested in. I created a "SharedController" which handles application-wide things that don't belong to any particular view or other controller.
class SharedController < ApplicationController
# Used by AJAX links to set various settings in shared views
def edit
session[:admin_menu] = params[:admin_menu].to_sym if params[:admin_menu]
session[:advanced_search] = params[:advanced_search].to_sym if params[:advanced_search]
render :nothing => true
This controller action can set one of two values in the session, either: "admin_menu" (boolean) or "advanced_search" (boolean). Then certain views ask whether the session value for admin_menu or advanced_search is true, and if so they show the view.
You could use the same logic. Something like:
def edit
object= Object.find(params[:object_id])
object.own = params[:own]
To trigger this controller action with a link you need to have a route that accepts GET requests. edit is a logical choice.
resource :shared, :only => [:edit], :controller => 'shared'
Note: I think SharedController makes more sense than SharedsController, and edit_shared_path makes more sense than edit_shareds_path, so I had to specify :controller => 'shared' in my routes.rb.
Then you just need a link to a url with params. To add params onto a path you just add them to the path helper, like so:
edit_shared_path(:key => 'value')
You can retrieve these params in your controller via:
Make this a link like so:
link_to 'Set Own to True for This Object', edit_shared_path(:object_id=>object.id, :own=>'true')
NOTE: It's best to do this via AJAX, so be sure to set :remote=>true. If you don't use AJAX then you need to specify a redirect in your controller for what page should be loaded after this link is triggered.
In the case of my admin menu preference link, I need a link with two possible states. I generate these using a helper:
# Shows Admin Menu Button
def admin_toggle_button
if session[:admin_menu] == :on
link_to( 'Admin Tools', edit_shared_path(:admin_menu => :off), :remote=>true, :class => 'selected', :id => 'admin_toggle_button', :title => 'Hide Admin Menu' )
link_to( 'Admin Tools', edit_shared_path(:admin_menu => :on), :remote=>true, :id => 'admin_toggle_button', :title => 'Show Admin Menu' )
In a view I just call this using admin_toggle_button. You can do something similar if you like, but it's optional.
I hope that gets you on the right track, let me know if you have any questions.
EDIT: Based on your comment:
Links issue GET requests, which mean you're going to the EDIT action. See: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#crud-verbs-and-actions
A further issue, you have resources :toys instead of resource :shared (which I used for this purpose). This means your link helper is already expecting a specific toy to edit, rather than handling a singular resource. See: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#singular-resources
Your link would work if you changed it to be:
link_to 'Set Own', edit_toy_path(#toy, :owned=>'true'), :remote => true
... and set your edit action in your controller to the following:
def edit
#toy = Toy.find(params[:id])
#toy.owned = params[:owned]
if #toy.save!
head :ok
head :internal_server_error
See: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html#using-head-to-build-header-only-responses
Now, be aware, you really should only do this with AJAX links, and you should normally not do it with your "real" controller. The reason is, now this is the only action that can be processed by EDIT, so your normal toys#edit view would no longer work.
You can get around this by create a new action and a new route, for instance:
resources :toys do
member do
get 'set_ownership'
Then simply take the same method above and call it set_ownership instead of edit. IE:
class ToysController < ApplicationController
def set_ownership
Hope that all makes sense.
The edit_toy_path method that your link_to method is calling is going to the edit action inside your controller. It's not going to the update method that I'm guessing you want.
Your link_to will need to change to something like:
<%= link_to 'Set Own', toy_path(:id=>toy.id, :owned=>'true'), :method => :put %>
But I question this particular approach. I don't think the variable will update correctly in the update action because it is not namespaced to the proper params[:toy] object that update_attributes is expecting. And in my quick and dirty tests I couldn't get it to namespace properly.
When I have a situation like the one that you are describing I usually setup another action, like toggle_ownership and I call that from my link_to with a :remote => true option. Then the controller toggles the attributes as desired.
Thus, my routes looks something like:
resources :toys do
member do
put :toggle_ownership
And my view looks like
<%= link_to 'Set Own', toggle_ownership_toy_path(toy.id), :method => :put %>
The controller sets the variable and renders back a toggle_ownership.js.erb file that updates the appropriate section of the page.
Hope that helps!

ruby on rails adding new route

i have an RoR application Log, which similar to the book store app, my logs_controller has all default action: index, show, update, create, delete..
now i need to add new action :toCSV, i defined it in logs_controller, and add new route in the config/routes as:
map.resources :logs, :collection => { :toCSV => :get }.
from irb, i checked the routes and see the new routes added already:
>> rs = ActionController::Routing::Routes
>> puts rs.routes
GET /logs/toCSV(.:format)? {:controller=>"logs", :action=>"toCSV"}
then ran ‘rake routes’ command in shell, it returned:
toCSV_logs GET /logs/toCSV(.:format) {:controller=>"logs", :action=>"toCSV"}
everything seems working. finally in my views code, i added the following:
link_to 'Export to CSV', toCSV_logs_path
when access it in the brower 'http://localhost:3000/logs/toCSV', it complained:
Couldn't find Log with ID=toCSV
i checked in script/server, and saw this one:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Log with ID=toCSV):
app/controllers/logs_controller.rb:290:in `show'
seems when i click that link, it direct it to the action 'show' instead of 'toCSV', thus it took 'toCSV' as an id...anyone know why would this happen? and to fix it? Thanks...
map.resources :logs, :collection => { :toCSV => :get }
I think this is perfect. you must restart your server evry time you change the config/routes.rb
It's no answer though but it's important.
This can be a workaround:
Create a named resource:
map.toCSV 'logs\toCSV', :controller => :logs, :action => :toCSV
I am really sorry i forgot to mention the main point!
In your view it should be:
link_to 'Export to CSV', toCSV_path
Also, these named routes come in handy especially when you have authentication involved. For instance, during signup, rather than directing the user to \user\new you can direct him to \signup. Its more friendly.
Thats it!!
Its simpler and it works. Cheers! :)
Remove the map.resources line from routes.rb, and then run rake routes. If you see a route /logs/:id, that is the route that should probably be removed.
